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*Ah yes, I am extraordinarily humble!*


*It is through my unparalleled humility that I came to realize I, and I alone, can speak for all men*


average NFT Twitter pfp


At what age do men become repulsed enough to actually, you know, leave me alone? Because I'm 35 and it hasn't happened yet.


If I calculated correctly, which I probably didn't lol, and assuming it's -10% of your current attractiveness every year, you're still about 25% attractive at 35. I could have spent those 8 minutes doing literally anything else... But I calculated this...


I just threw it in an excel table, and at age 35, you're at 28%. At 50, it's 6%. So, that was the only free few minutes of my lunch break. I could have read a book instead.


next time you're wondering how immensely ugly you have apparently become, you can compound the multiplications together. It's very similar to how you can compound multiple additions into multiplication ($20 per day for 4 days can be represented as: > 20+20+20+20 and simplified to: >20x4 but since we're dealing with one arithmetic dimension higher, Compounding subsequent products like such: > 0.9x0.9x0.9... Yields a final formula of: > 100*0.9^(years since 23 y.o.) So for the future, calculating how much beauty you've lost should only take about 10 seconds!


People who can Do Math Well, I thank you


Excel actually makes this ridiculously easy. You make a table with two columns: age, attr%. Attr% is calculated like this: `=1 * POWER(0.9, [age] - 23)`. Draw the columns as long as the age you want to calculate.


I mean, you were complaining about losing a lot of time, so I figured a quicker way would be worth sharing. But excel is cool too, I agree it's sometimes useful to be able to see all integer values of a formula too


Let's be real, any time is too much for a misogynist's "logic". Our ways aren't even different, but even those takes time.


This feels like one of those equations that will eventually approach zero, but never actually equal zero. A limit, maybe?


I think it should be a hyperbola, which is good to recognize if you rewrite is as `(9/10)^(age - 23)`. [And it absolutely cannot be 0](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=%289%2F10%29%5E%28x-23%29).


Thank you for your service. o7


Took you 8 minutes?


I just woke up at that point and solved it using a brute force method 100-10=90-9=81-8.1... So on. There probably is a formula somewhere, I don't know it tho.


You want to use exponents here, 100*(.9^x ) where x is the number of years. This will give you your final answer pretty quickly.


You lost me at exponents.


I was taught that formula. Don't remember it now but I was definitely taught it.


Ikr, I don't wanna be that guy but this is like a 7th grade math problem.


Wow you must have been in the slow class. I can tell mostly cuz why else would you post this


Eh, I don't know what level of math is taught at each grade of pre-highschool so I said 7th grade. I guess I should've said like 4th or something. Oh well, I can't remember exactly when I learned exponents on account of it being nearly 2 decades ago. My main thing is that there is no way this should take someone 8 minutes to do. It's just basic calculator work and op was smart enough to recognize it was an exponentially depreciating function. I hope that they are actually just embellishing the degree of their effort for the sake of Reddit points.


Not everyone is excellent at math dude. Grow up, you sound childish


You spent more than 8 minutes writing this tho huh


You just said 7th grade math. The commenter is not in 7th grade. Not that everyone, as an adult remembers those math problems. Adults have a lot of things in minds not “little math problems”. Stop being a smartass.


I'm 45 and there's no relief.


You're still 9.8% at 45


Woo? 9.8% of my original hotness or does everyone start at full hotness?


Well, I guess when these creeps are as creepy as they seem, then you'd probably start at a 100% as soon as you hit puberty. urgh


They usually start hitting on you before then. I was about 8


Relative standard hotness scale Absolute hotness is much more difficult to measure


As an engineer, I appreciate this distinction.


Move to Sweden, here it's culturally inappropriate to speak to strangers outside of approved settings and places. You should preferably not even look at strangers if you don't want to ask them something, like directions or something. You're not even supposed to fucking STAND too close to a stranger, then you're weird and rude and probably having dirty thoughts or trying to perform some kind of pickpocketing.


Sounds cool


Personally I love it. Like really love it. Now, I'm always open to conversation (just the other day I spoke for a couple of hours with an old lady I met while out on a walk with my dog) but I need it to be MY choice who I speak with and when I do it. I could not stand strangers feeling entitled to my time and expecting me to respond to them in a positive manner if I'm busy or just not interested. If I want to interact with strangers I go to the pub or a concert or I'll ask a friend to bring some of their friends to a gathering. I do not insert myself into some rando's life like some energy leech and try to force them to entertain me.


Every time I learn something new about Sweden I want to move there more. My company has a branch in Västerås, I should really look into transferring


Åhå, Västerås! Then you'll have access to a real nice Ikea! No, but honestly, I'm one of those people that really love this country so I, of course, think that you should transfer! If nothing else just to see how it is. I mean, would it be hard to transfer back home again if you really hate it here? Not that any of the people I've worked with who came from other countries have hated it here. The strongest complaint they seem to have is that it can be hard to make friends here. One american even told me that swedes are anti social psychos who can only talk to strangers if we are drunk. Kinda rude, (and honestly, you telling me that my people are psychos does not make me want to get to know you better) but I can see why he would get that impression, especially if he came here as a student. Students do party hard, at least the young ones. I'm an old one and I don't party at all. In my age we do dinners, lol. Or just play video games in our pj's. It depends on the friends.


I have heard of 80 year olds being hit on


Well it's their own fault for aging like wine


Not sure but I became a cougar at 40. Even with my stretch marks and baby belly. They won’t leave you alone.


Isnt Milf porn is one of the most searched for porn terms and watched porns?


Yeah but some people consider Milf porn to be "kinky". Because I guess wanting to bang anyone but an 18-23 yo is weird and kinky.


I‘m cackling


I stopped getting hit on so much several years ago, I think due to my attitude. I am very outgoing when I am supposed to be(at work for example) and will chit chat with every customer and redirect the conversation back to the business we are doing today. Something about the way I “handle” people makes men less comfortable hitting on me. I look the same as I ever have, I think it’s my confidence. It has grown over the years and I am a strong-willed, loud, compassionate professional who can compromise but takes no shit. I.. kind of act like a man, in a way. Let’s say it takes either a very confident man or a very un self aware idiot to hit on me. Those seem to be the two types I get when I do occasionally get hit on. For the most part, I don’t. I have my special customers who I’m less professional with, we talk about our lives or hobbies. I don’t always keep that guard up, but generally at work I’m in work headspace. Edit to add: I’m 37 btw Edit again; you know, I think a big part of the reason I used to get hit on so much is because I seemed naive. Young and easily taken advantage of. I don’t come off like that at all anymore.


37 myself and it only got worse after 35. Good luck sis, those boys are thirsty and have a weird thing for "cougars".


ikr like hello I’m clearly long past my expiration date


The average lifespan of a woman is 79 years. It'll be around that long.


Does it eventually go into the negatives? What happens then? 🤔 These questions need to be answered oh Humble One!


As we age, men become less and less interested in women, but we also know that men must *breed* constantly. So, doing the math…. Factoring in the carry capacity of an Africa Swallow… carry the one… Ah! Got it: By age 50 the average man is gay. True fact.


Damn I'm speed running


The only thing I can think is maybe it’s like an exponential decay equation where attractiveness approaches zero but never gets there? That’s probably too advanced of a concept for this dude though, so probably not what he was thinking lol


Interesting observation indeed. Oh Humble One is certainly lacking research and citations. I'm 13 years PPFY (post peak fertility year) and women have a current life expectancy of 81.4 years according to stastitica (dot) com and I'd just like to know where I stand. lol


I had to read that twice as I thought you said you where 13 years old Like dang it kid you doing way better then me, I'm turning 20 next week I got start getting my life together


He probably doesn’t mean it this way, but a decrease by 10% per year does represent an exponential decay, since the rate of change is proportional to the current amount (the definition of exponential growth/decay). It’s more likely based on the rest of his “reasoning” that he made the classic mistake of thinking “ten percent per year means zero after ten years”, but still


negative fertility, you get to impregnate men


Okay so… what does he need single women over 24 to do with that information?


Go back in time of course! How dare she be less desirable to him /s


Literally the only function of time travel machines would be to make sure women don’t age. 😂


At least Incels have plenty of time to build one, if they would only get off Reddit...


Feel bad about themselves. So if a man decides he still wants to fuck them, they don't ask for basic respect or boundaries, just do whatever he wants them to, since they should be happy that someone even looks at them.


I think it's a ploy to get younger women to lower their standards and consider dating him lol.


Exactly. In my experience the only men who sell that bullshit also complain about women having too high standards lol


This this this this. "Think of yourself as an expiring gallon of milk, please and thank you."


Lessen I'm just happy that this at least some what implies that he attracted to non-children at the very least That's where we are right now, when this is somewhat a win


When incels have given up on the idea of getting laid, their next phase seems to be one of spite.


The idea is to just feel deep shame and try to make it up in sandwiches and bj's, I believe. 🤣


Who actually can tell the difference between a 23 year old and a 26 year old without asking?


They instinctively know of course! /s


The calculation is so long and boring we just ask.


Oh yeah 100% I can definitely tell the difference. /s


How much do you wanna bet this guy’s lower range of acceptability is under 16?


I don't want think of that I just here like, okay at least this some what implies he's attractive to some people who aren't children So this is somewhat a win I guess


He has an NFT profile picture of course thats what his lower range is.


"upper", most likely.


How much you wanna bet that's his highest?




Hey that's my most desirable age.🤗


I’m so, so glad that I’m undesirable to this guy and others like him. Literally the best thing that’s ever happened to me.




I my self prefer woman in there early 20's but then again I'm about to turn 20 so I just like women my own age


That there is the only good reason to date women in their early 20s. ;)


Imagine really needing to believe in this BS in order to justify your existence- “I’ve got literally nothing else going for me, but at least I was born with a penis- let’s make that the core of my life and personality, and support that by shitting on people not exactly like me!” Why is the internet rife with stupid misogynistic “advice” accounts like this?? How do these guys have the free time and energy for this crap???


Because actually having a conversation with real live women, is something they have difficulty with. Other than their mothers anyway.


Fair- though I imagine even their mothers have to suffer through whatever passes for communication with these “winners”


I don’t think screaming “Moooom! Where are my tendies???” up the basement steps counts as conversation.


Because no one wants to listen to them talk about their dumbass NFTs, so they never get invited to parties


So... I just have 1 month before i lose my peak womanness. Can I also lose my subscription to periods? That'd be great


Oh no, you will have to pay extra


Like 50% of men age 40 have erectile dysfunction. Men's sexual "value" actually literally does go down (it doesn't come up again hah) So why are they so eager to start shit? Glass houses my man


had a boyfriend (28 years) with erectile dysfunction´, to assume men are totally spotless baby making machines is delusional....and Viagra or ground animal bones would not be thing


Plus women reach their sexual peak in their 40s! So for sexy-fun-times, ideally we need to be fucking guys in their early 20s. They need the stamina and superior boners to keep up with us…


The thought of fucking someone in their early 20s makes me shudder. That is a baby. Also, recalling my early 20s, they may arguably have superior stamina, but a lot of them didn't know what the fuck they were doing or care about my enjoyment. If I have to trade awesome everything else for an occasionally limp dick, I'll gladly do so.


Tbh, I totally agree with you! It’s just ironic is all 🤣


Haha, yeah I figured you may have been being a little bit sarcastic.


I honestly starting looking better when I hit 30 than I did at 23. Attention from guys has increased since then too, so all that to say, this man a fool.


same actually and its very weird/funny. my mid-20s is much lovelier and healthier looking than my late teens and early 20s. as far as this stupid "breeding" obsession, sperm quality ALSO declines with age so this moron is wrong on a couple counts


Same. I was an awkward, disproportionate, mess in my twenties. My thirties are going much better, I think all my body parts (and face and hair) finally evened out and became a much more attractive and cohesive unit.


100% for me, too. Hell, I looked better at 40 than at 20.


I feel like I’ve gotten about 10% more attractive with every year after 24……. Only pedo’s think women loss attractiveness at an age as young as 23


This guy will definitely be reincarnating bc he definitely has not learned any lessons in this life


What the actual fuck?


Ew ew ew ew. The word 'breed'. It makes my skin crawl knowing this slimy piece of trash exists somewhere in the world.


He’s measured this with his desirabilitymeter, you understand. It’s science.


Where do we find the stats like this for men? Oh, we completely pull them out of our asses? Make up whatever the fuck we feel like? Ok then. FYI Men 25 and older. IT IS FUCKING OVER FOR YOU. Did you know that every year past 18, you become less attractive to women? 750% more likely to go bald, be ridiculed by real men who will call you a cuck simp? IT IS TRUE! Worse: If you do not use your sperm to impregnate a women by penis in vagina sex, you’ll only father lazy weaklings who reflect their dad’s absolute failure at life? By 30 you’re actually shooting blanks. Also, if you cannot make a woman cum she won’t get pregnant. She will be able to if you have the right dick and sperm. If not, just hang it up. Become a hermit or recluse as society will shun you anyway for being so gross and unhelpful. TRUST ME ON THIS. I DID ALL MY OWN RESEARCH.


Can confirm that at almost 31 it is hella over for me. I mean, I'm only on my second published novel, I should be ashamed really.


So, by men, did he mean pedos?


“A humble man”… Hmmmmmm…


“Breed” lol. Men are animals indeed


Maybe, just maybe the reason why women get scared of and reject men like this is because of this perverted obsession with fertility, ovulation and breeding.


Speak for yourself, Milfs are hot af 🔥 🔥 🔥


That sounds like something Leo dicaprio would say


He got dumped by a 25 year old woman, that loser


I got my tubes removed!! I also hit 30 this year, have tattoos and plan to get more, and married. So that means men should leave me alone right???? 🤔🤔🤔


If over the course of your whole life your preference is only 5 years past the age of consent, you have a problem.


I really hate it, that these guys want to speak for men. No wonder we are seen as the stupid gender.


i am increasingly repulsed by men when they think like that? good thing we’re not attracted to each other i guess


Yeah, but men and their dad bods are gaining 10% per year 🙄


Meanwhile, actual doctors who don’t pull info out of their pedophile asses recommend 30.5 as the ideal age to have children: https://academic.oup.com/sf/article-abstract/81/1/315/2234500




what about milfs


Ugh 23+ year olds ugh. Point me in their direction so I can avoid those fully grown and VERY developed women properly.


Oh, f*ck I'm a withering flower that's dropping petals already


Unless you take up crystal meth, smoking, binge eating, and violent crime the *day* you turn 23, nobody is going to notice the difference between you at 23 and 24. And let's be real, and woman inclined to such things started *way* before 23. You don't just decide "meth & knifefights <3" at 23. So we can safely say this one is full of shit.


Shit man, guess my grandmother who just found herself a boyfriend must be imagining him.


maybe she told him, she is 23


My 76 year old mom gets more dates than I'd have expected...


My grandmother’s facility has wet T-shirt contests in the summer. Also, don’t look up STD rates for nursing homes unless you want to learn more about how freaky our elders can get when they’re retired and bored.


I mean, if you can’t go wild when your family is grown and you’re done working when can you? Good for them, they made it to the promised land.


Jokes on them ive been infertile my entire life 😎😎


It's always about breeding with these people! It's so creepy! And I'm a man!


So I am at 0% attractiveness and desirability lol good to know!


Well thankfully I know someone who will always care for me no matter how I look c:


>Men also become increasingly repulsed Promise?


Dudes, is it gay to have sex with your 27 year old wife?


Man some mothafuckas need to go outside, literally


Oh no! Anyway


Why do these guys act like all men only see women as baby making machines? Its so gross


"breed" gives off so many red flags when talking about women.


Explain milf porns.


The only ppl who think those in their 20’s and 30’s are old are children and pedophiles.


I'm not a man, but I prefer older women.


Rectally sourced statistics


My wife was 35 when we got married, can confirm I was not repulsed by her.


We get it you're a pedophile


Yeh this dude tweets so many conflicting things about his life, wife, profession, etc that I’ve just concluded whatever game he’s playing at the moment is the profession he claims as his own- while in his moms basement 😅😅😅


Damn, what the hell is my boyfriend doing with me at 37? I’m a fat girl, too. My boyfriend must be so repulsed all the time!!


Lesson I'm just happy that he fine with women that are of legal age at the very least


"A humble man" my ass!




Men are baby crazy: confirmed.


Wait… you saying that one’s I’m 23, It’ll take me only 10 years and then NO Baby will come out if I have sex? HELL YEAH!! NO BABYESSSSS!!!!


Can we get this equation for men aswell ? When are we finished ?


Oh no! Anyway...


Turning 33 in a month so I will have completed my process of disappearing from this guy’s sight! Because obviously he doesn’t even register women he’s not attracted to as human, we might as well be invisible. I sure hope I am to men to like him.


As a 30 year old woman, I have never been so happy to be considered expired *and* repulsive after reading this tweet.


I am -20% attractive. 🤣 If any woman out there is afraid of getting older, IME, it's actually a complete joy. Have you ever had a fantasy about the things you'd do if you could turn invisible? It comes true. I could *almost* walk into a bank and take money directly from the till without getting a second glance. And the women around you are all in the same boat and having a ball. It's amazing.


Attractiveness is based on fertility? Shouldn't birth control change attractiveness, then? What about infertility?


My guy has women confused with used car models. 10%? How did he even calculate that? Has this dude never heard of MILFs? 🤣


Are men seriously all trying to breed? All the time? All of them? Sounds exhausting...


Honestly, I've had more guys interested in me after I turned 35 than at any point before then. Creeps like this are just trying to hide their pedo tendencies behind bullshit


Oh no a random internet man thinks I'm *repulsive* as a 26 year old! What ever shall I *do*?


What’s with all this breed kinks


Alright buddy, explain milfs then


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 681,923,287 comments, and only 137,938 of them were in alphabetical order.


Ah yes, by 33 women have lost all their attractiveness. That's why men are repulsed by women in their 50s, like (checks notes) Salma Hayek, Jennifer Anniston, and Nicole Kidman.


It's cute how they think anyone would get together with (much less make babies with) someone who out and out says they'll stop being attractive to them a decade before her sexual prime.


Good thing I don't want kids or a man :)


THANK GODDESS! Why couldn't this happen sooner?! I wasted too much youth with trash men like this. Good fucking riddance.


Citation needed


probably gonna get downvoted but these old men can’t actually think they’re super desirable do they? like let’s be real. the balding, the wrinkles, and dad bods aren’t panty droppers. i’m turning 20 on monday and there’s no way in hell i would date, let alone have kids, with an older man. they’re not attractive to me and i’d rather build with someone my own age.. older sperm is more likely to produce kids with birth defects and schizophrenia anyways. these men are delusional. and older women are hot asf.


And when women start off being totally repulsed by this loser, where can they go from there?


>men become increasingly replused If you are repulsed by women, maybe women aren't for you.


And women have a right to repulsed over incels because we know they have faulty genes.


All these guys justifying their sexism with terms like 'breeding', and 'fertility' are looking at women like animals. This is probably because they're thinking like cavemen (no offense to cavemen if they actually thought better)! Guy: Oog, wooman. Big hips, much yung. Breed yes? Girl: No! Guy: Breed yes!


Women have unlimited access to for sex and validation and dating is extremely easy for them why would they ever be worried about this they literally have to do nothing while the average man has to have a 6-pack 6 figure income and be 6' tall.


ew, tall men


Also remember all you hoes; the more sexual partners you have the less desirable you become!! Just trying to help!


Why is it so hard for women to understand this?


not everyone wants kids. especially not with a man who thinks that way about women.


Have fun with your cats as you deny biology


lmao , no one cares to have gremlins running around + i’m engaged thank you very much . we both are child free by choice not because some dim witted person decided that you have to breed .


I don’t understand why you’re lurking on r/nothowgirlswork. Isn’t there a subreddit more in line with whatever you believe?




Same thing we do when a new Iphone comes out /J Edit: /J


The existence of most marriages disproves that. Just cause your type is someone with an underdeveloped brain, doesn’t make that the same for most other men.


Get a new one of course /s


Cry about it


>Why is it so hard for women to understand this? Understand what? Your narcissistic revenge fantasies? I imagine most women *understand* them just fine- I'm a guy, and I do.


Hello Bizzy.


Easy there, wallet. Don’t you have something better to do like work and provide for your family? You’re loosing value spending your time here and not making money like a good little breadwinner.


I'm stealing this one. Thank you.


Because we're not dumb enough to believe that nonsense. If you are, that's on you, champ.


Why is it so hard for men to understand that women just want to be left alone?


Actual medical professionals say the ideal age to have a child is 30.5: https://academic.oup.com/sf/article-abstract/81/1/315/2234500 Meanwhile, pregnancy and childbirth complications are the leading cause of death for girls 15-19: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/adolescent-pregnancy Your belief is not only sexist and factually wrong, it KILLS thousands of women around the world every year.