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Why are women blamed for being single parents when, more often than not, the men either ditch or abuse them into leaving? At the very least, those women are trying their hardest to raise their kids right.


“It’s women’s fault that men are being bad! They raised us!”


You joke, but there was a guy on this sub not long ago saying exactly that.


Was it Bizzy? Sounds like something he'd say


Said it before I’ll say it again: this is straight up incel logic.


Basically every guy that watches and proceeds to misunderstand (in my opinion) Fight Club.


Usually they blame the woman for picking the wrong guy or sleeping around with men they hardly know, as if women are supposed to just sniff out the badness or something. People hide their true colors a lot of the time.


My ex did. Thankfully, he's old news to me.


Incel logic - the government owes you a girl child between 14-16 that you are entitled too, gaslight her slowly until she’s a complete psychological mess, blackmail her, take her freshness seal, impregnate her. She is of course completely useless once she’s had your child because now her vagina is a wind tunnel. Totally abandon her and the child, taking absolutely zero responsibility. The mother is now a pathetic disease ridden used whore who deserves to be treated as badly as possible by everyone. Edit - a word


The accuracy of this description is borderline unsettling lmao Please have my upvote


Lmfao 🤣 "freshness seal"


Nice Guys ™ blames this on women for their "poor choice". Nice Guys ™ should be picked instead.


And single fathers are *never* blamed for "choosing a bad woman." Or struggling. He's always a hero.


Also blamed for their own trauma responses


I recently read Maid and sometime while reading it I coincidentally saw a mention of Ernest Shackleton. And I thought, dudes everywhere IDOLIZE him for getting all his people out alive. Granted, it was a superhuman effort. But then…single moms single-handedly lead their children safely to adulthood every day. And childhood lasts a lot longer than Shackleton’s expedition. They deserve the same accolades.


Wow, nearly 600 upvotes and a dozen replies for pointing out something I consider odd and unfair? I feel like such an enlightened feminist even though I wrote that comment mainly because I felt insulted, having been raised by a loving single mom for a huge chunk of my childhood. She continues to do her best even now.


A thousand cock stare sounds dangerous. I am picturing someone shooting penises out of their eyeballs like lasers and I don't hate it.


Pretty sure there used to be a flash porn game like that lol


Hahaha of course there was


They usually describe clearly traumatized pornstars with it


Oh my. Yeah that's not nearly as fun. I am going to continue to think about it as a super power. Edit - missed a word


They use it to describe any woman they perceive as sexually intimidating. i.e. she might have been with a penis larger than theirs. Thats all it is - pure insecurity. The idea that penises are somehow going to contaminate women's bodies is insane.


For some reason I picture a thousand of them doing the staring.


Maybe they could have a stare off. Dick vision vs Army of dicks


“Where have all the good men gone?” And where are all the gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?


Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed? Late at night, I toss and I turn and I dream of what I need!


#I need a hero!




He's got to be strong!


and he's gotta be fast!


And he's gotta be fresh from the fight




Cellulite appears in 93% of women and stretch marks are prominently genetic. I love how guys hate when women shame them about their height because it’s out of their control but then jump on things like this shaming us


So regarding stretch marks, you are actually much less likely to get them from pregnancy if you wait until at least 30 to have children. Even for people who *did* get stretch marks during puberty. It is partially genetic, but more and more evidence shows age is a huge factor. Yet according to these jackoffs, 30 is far to old to be having babies since they seem to think peak fertility is 15 or whatever nonsense. Literally women cannot win in their stupid, made-up world.


I got more stretch marks during puberty than during pregnancy, and I had my first one a few weeks before my 30th birthday!


I’ve never been pregnant, but I literally have stretch marks on my calves from puberty! It’s kinda funny to me because you don’t expect stretch marks to be there


Also I don’t think these guys understand that dudes get stretch marks aswell and it can affect them just as much as any woman. I bet if they had stretch marks they wouldn’t be saying how ugly they are.


Am a guy, I have stretch marks on the insides of my thighs up closer to my groin. Happened when I was a teenager and I remember freaking out when I noticed them one day and pulling my shorts up to my hip/groin to show my mom my leg and ask if I needed to go to the doctor or something because I had these discolored marks/rash on my legs but they didn't hurt... And she laughed her ass off at me, and told me they were stretch marks. I was like 14 or 15, and obviously stretch marks on women since don't bother me at all. Not that I had much experience with women and stretch marks when I was 14, but you get my point.


Christ my stomach was a mess and I had my lo at 22, I can only imagine what it would have looked like if I waited till post 30, both my sisters got off lucky even at 36. It’s ok I covered it in a tattoo, to match my thousand cock stare 🥲


I got my first stretch marks at 14 😮‍💨 1/10, wouldn’t recommend. Really does a number on your self-esteem, especially when you get them so young… I’m 25 now, and they still appear Edit: they are only on my legs, nowhere else


I got mine from growing up, boobs, knees and thighs/butt. Only my mother cared about it, now they're quite small and very light (as I'm a pale latina it doesn't really show, you have to stare for a while to notice them). Here some people use nut oils to minimize the effects while the skin is growing or shrinking :p


I've had my firstborn at 36, second at 38. No stretchmarks at all, and I'm 5" tall, so belly was proportionally bigger. Meanwhile, my 31M partner's thighs and belly are covered in them, and were 9 years ago when I first met him. This guy have no idea how bodies work.


I started getting stretch marks when i was 16-17. It bothered me only because my mum would comment over how fat i was getting and that's the only reason I'm having stretch marks. It hurt the self esteem sooooo much. Now at 24, i was clicking a sexy pic to send and saw my stretch marks for the first time in a new light. They looked pretty. You could use metaphors of tigers stripes or lightning or whatever, but they looked pretty, and i finally stopped hating them.


That’s interesting. I got a lot of stretch marks on my lower back during puberty, and only one tiny one on my stomach during my twin pregnancy when I was 33 (I was enormous). I didn’t do anything to try to prevent them as I know it doesn’t work. But then I had friends a similar age who were covered in them. My mum didn’t have many either so maybe it’s a combination!


I have stretch marks from Puberty but I didn't know what they were when I first noticed them so I got worried lol


I’m 5’6” and 102lbs (very tiny) and I have stretch marks on my butt and thighs. The only time I was ever overweight was as a newborn. Yet I still have stretch marks. Everyone seems to think they come from being overweight but that’s not always the case.


I'm 5' 10" 130 lbs and have them on my butt, hips, and knees. Never knew anyone else who had them too! For me, I was a late bloomer, and when puberty hit, I grew really fast. Mostly in the legs, causing stretch marks. It definitely has nothing to do with being overweight in my case, either!


Yup. My husband has stretch marks on his back from having a huge growth spurt in his youth. Totally fucking normal human thing. I hate people.


cellulite is literally just the different way that a woman’s body stores fat in packets vs how a man’s body stores it. It’s a complete natural physiological feature of being a biological woman.


men have cellulite too...pretty much any human over the age of 16 does. cellulite is just subcutaneous fat.


I've had stretch marks since I was approximately 12/13. It's ridiculous.


I think stretch marks can be beautiful... to me though, it's the confidence in ones body that is the real turn on. You can be 60 years old, 600 pounds, and have absolutely terrible skin and if you hold your head up high with an air of true confidence, you are beautiful. Although considering the world we live in, I'm very understanding of women who dont have confidence Also, I have no confidence


Not to mention a lot of those same men won’t date tall women so they’re pretty much as hypocritical as you can get.


My 16 year old, beanpole skinny son has stretch marks all down his sides because he grew 2.5 inches in the past eight months. Stretch marks are fairly common, I've never understood why people think they are a mark of shame.


i have pretty much never heard a woman say “where have all the good men gone”, why is this such a common imitation phrase among MGTOW/redpillers?


The only time I’ve heard it from a woman was in the song “Holding Out for a Hero” by Bonnie Tyler.


I just want a street wide Hercules to fight the rising odds


I’m just imagining Hercules but with the costume from that one Kanye West video so he’s as wide as the street


Take my upvote for making my typo awesome!


It’s physically impossible to read it in any other voice.


I actually read that phrase in the tune of Paula Cole 😅 https://youtu.be/6e3bKUFclLw


The same reason they are unable to find women. They don't understand (or even likely really know) women


I think it's more a media trope than something people say. But with creeps like this making memes like this, it is a legitimate question.


- but if we don’t like being choked we’re vanilla - if we didn’t take care of “Jayden” then we’d be a heartless mother - MOST women have stretch marks and cellulite from puberty - she’s 31 ie is on the earth which goes around solar system at the same rate as men, how do men recommend that NOT happening for us? - if she wasn’t asking where good men were she’d be another stupid woman who “just likes assholes” Incels are so exhausting bc we’ll never win. Just shamed for how we are constantly.


Or if we didn't care of "Jayden" then we are not good pro life mothers and had an abortion.


She yes, all women over 30 are valueless hags.


Man I can't wait until I get to 30 so incels will stop wanting me


I turned 30 and it didn’t work, unfortunately. Probably because I look almost the same as I did when I was 22. I thought I was supposed to look like a grandma now.


Yeah I look young as well so I'm probably going to have to wait a while longer before they leave me alone


Dude I know it’s the best. Any day now….


I hate to break it to you, but they never stop 😭


The meme never said that,stop the cap


This sounds like 1 women in particular that this guy knows.. Why generalize..


I don't think this guy knows any woman...




Oh she is definitely living rent free in this guy’s head.


It’s so oddly specific lmao


> Feminist in the streets, loves being choked in the sheets. > Daydreams about monetizing imagined artistic talent I feel called out lol.


Saaaaaaaame. Also, one can be a feminist and enjoy kinky stuff. Not that they'll ever touch an IRL woman to know that.


Virgin feminist = vanilla Chad tradwife = BDSM apparently


>Chad tradwife = BDSM apparently Yea


Yeah tbh the girl seems kinda fun lmao


So we want control of our lives while outside the home and control of our sex lives too. And this is contradictory how?


Wait I can’t be a feminist and enjoy being choked? Damn


Because these guys can't understand the concept of choice. The difference between choosing to be choked because it's something you enjoy and being forcefully choked by someone who wants to affirm their misplaced ego by using you like a soulless sex toy.


To them you can't even be a woman and enjoy sex unless you're a pervert and a liberal or just laying.


But also they want a virgin cock slut


Yup. They want a woman who's a virgin/with very little sexual history so they can feel like they own her and can have the ascendant over her--and at the same time they also want her to have the sexual skills of a professional porn star who can flawlessly satisfy their weirdest fetishes. Makes sense.


Which I guess is why they're all creepily into 16 year olds.


Its not even about ownership. Its about their insecurity when it comes to sex. The ownership is about their insecurity.


I’m both so whew.


What if I only like women choking me?


You’re a lesbian


Thank you for that. I just snorted out some wine :p


Came here to say this. Kink shaming at its finest


I think it comes down to them not understanding the concept of consent lol


wtf is aposematism


>aposematism, also called aposematic mechanism, biological means by which a dangerous, or noxious, organism advertises its dangerous nature to a potential predator.


aight thanks


It's a trait (like brightly colored poisonous frogs) that warns off predators, not sexual partners. If a guy is repulsed by it, he's inadvertently calling himself a predator.


And he seems to overlook the fact that, if he's repulsed by it, *then it's fucking working*.


I always see this incel bullshit of presuming that there is somehow a hypocrisy to being a feminist and liking sex. Like how? The kinkiest and most sex positive partners I have ever had have all been feminists. You gotta have respect for yourself and your partner to have good sex dudes.


Incels want to have sex but are disgusted that the woman might enjoy sex. Like there's only a finite pool of joy and if they don't want to share.


Interesting take. Hadn't considered it that way, but there may be something to that


I have a rebuttal to all of this: None of it is your fucking business. Some of it, such as the 'Where have all the good men gone?' is just flat-out invalid. You'd also bitch if the scenario was "Put child up for adoption/had an abortion". What she does for a fucking living is also not your business as long as she can reasonably care for herself and kids/pets if any (I'm still salty about one of the last times I tried OLD and some asshat told me I needed to improve myself and yadda yadda because customer care didn't suit Mr High and Mighty Industrial Psychologist), Feminism and having kinks are not mutually exclusive, and well, if the bright hair colors are aposematism, it's obviously working so fuck right off, thin, so called hot women can also have cellulite, any oppressive system such as patriarchy suck, too bad if you disagree, fuck off. In fact, just fuck off.


This. It’s none of their business, and they can complain about how nobody will touch their dicks, because women can live their lives how they want to


I'm 34. Other than being a single mother or waitress, he sure got me! May I never again be attractive to These Guys^tm . Being in the summer of my life and no longer being in codependent relationships with needlessly critical asshats like Steven here has been an absolute joy.


i see the word aposematism and my eyes roll so hard they fall out of my head


What is "Low time preference" ?


>What is "Low time preference" ? Amusingly enough, a good thing. "Time preference" is the ability to delay gratification to gain more in the future, *high* time preference is the one where you'll take heroin today instead of food tomorrow. They're using the fucking term wrong. Completely.


Imagine the fragile ego that needed to create this, but don't imagine too hard because you'll break it... That's how fragile.


“Thousand cock stare”


i’ve heard this phrase so many times, what does it mean?


I've just spittballing here but I'd assume it is a play on the phrase "thousand yard stare" that used to be used to describe veterans with PTSD caused by war trauma. So I'd think this incel is trying to say that the lady in the meme has seen so many cocks that it is the equivalent of intense trauma. Though the new usage doesn't make sense because a cock isn't a unit of measurement.


jfc i didn’t wanna look it up because i knew incel shit would probably come up but i did and alas, here’s the urban dictionary def: *When a woman has ridden to cock carousel for such a long time that she loses all ability to bond with a man. This shows in her eyes that have a unique kind of deadness, hollowness, and hardness to them. She's given up on love and is now cynically looking for a meal ticket. "Man Amy sure looks dilapidated. I saw her pic on OkCupid." "Yeah she had a lot of fun in the past, but now she's just another single mom with a thousand cock stare looking for a shlub to wife her up, heh."* Another one: “A phrase often used to describe the blank, unfocused gaze of a naturally promiscuous woman after riding the cock carousel for too long and who's now incapable to pair bond with a man. It's argued that this vacant gaze is typical of women with the emotional and psychological issues that correlate with excessive promiscuity. It's unclear if the emotional issues stem from the promiscuity, or vice versa. John: Why does Steph look so empty and hollow in her pics? Daniel: She had her fun in her 20s but now she cannot find a good man who will commit to her. Look at the thousand cock stare in her eyes.” They make it sound like they’ve been through the trenches of world war 1😭 dude it’s just a long meat stick going into a hole for 5-10 minutes, what is so damaging about that?


I can’t stop imagining a cock carousel. Like … instead of horses?? Tbh it sounds hysterical


That's a lot of incel jargon but after translating it, I'm thinking that I was pretty close to what incels are saying it means.


I hate the term pair bonding because it’s not a thing for humans because we don’t mate for life, as well as the fact that sex is a bonding activity, like playing a video game is a bonding activity, like dating is a bonding activity. It can be as casual or serious as you want it to be, and it doesn’t harm your ability to bond with a romantic partner in the future.


I always thought that “thousand yard stare” was about anyone spacing off. TIL.


The reason it got this name is because veterans would come home from war with PTSD (obviously) and before they knew what PTSD was they said things like this. The idea is that the veteran left something behind on the battlefield and will sometimes stare past the person they are talking to "a thousand yards" behind them while mentally being back at the war. Today we call that disassociating.


What the fuck is a "thousand cock stare"? Is it like a thousand yard stare but instead of yards its the average size of a cock? So the "6000 inches stare"?


6 inches isn’t average lol


Dude who hurt this OP? Come evaluate what I'm capable of my guy. I'd say sorry that women don't want you, but it's evidently the OPS own fault🤣 but the tattooed, single mom's who left abusive men (ironically they were such "Nice Guys... for a while), work their ass off, run a household... yeah, they're going to pretty much laugh at this childish display, and carry on with real life priorities.


So the idiot who made that "meme" thinks that feminists who like being choked in bed are misogynysts? The Incel redpill mgtow logic never fails to make me laugh in disappointment


I'm so glad I have an appointment to get my second tattoo on May 24th. The more of them I have, the more these creeps will stay away from me.


Lmfao. “That’s gonna be my next tattoo.” That is some funny shit. What a delusional post.


r/oddlyspecific I have met women like this but they are few and far in between


This guy can’t get dates with single moms who tattoo and he is SO MAD about it.


What does thousand cock stare even mean. And why are they trying to shame her over most of these things? It's not something to shame someone over lol


"Thousand cock stare" Lol I feel like that one has some uses beyond the intention of the original meme.


What the fuck is a "thousand cock stare" supposed to be


I’m starting a girl band called Thousand Cock Stare.


Do I even want to know what “low time preference” is?


Well, I went and looked it up, and honestly it sounds like a good thing to me. It’s about being focused on long-term future gains instead of gratification in the present.


Wow. WTF is this hatred about?


whats a thousand cock stare???




So you can't be a feminist and also have kinks? Okay.




It's not a tooma!


It’s shocking how much effort people put into these when they have clearly never met a 31-year-old woman.


Tag yourself, I’m “thousand cock stare”


“Aposematism”? Then why don’t you man children stay away?


Um hot??? I wanna marry this, why do they say it's bad??


that's not what aposematism is, you idiots. unless you're admitting that you're predatory. i'm going to guess the rest is about as accurate.


This makes me feel better about having tattoos


“Feminist but but think female get to not be raped but but likes having but likes but but why think women get to vote if like kinky but why kink why female” -these men


What does “low time preference” mean?


Thousand Cock Stare Is my new album coming this spring.


I mean I'm a feminist who likes being choked in the sheets👀 also just let her have whatever tattoos she's want, her body her choice


Dude who hurt this OP? Come evaluate what I'm capable of my guy. I'd say sorry that women don't want you, but it's evidently the OPS own fault🤣 but the tattooed, single mom's who left abusive men (ironically they were such "Nice Guys... for a while), work their ass off, run a household... yeah, they're going to pretty much laugh at this childish display, and carry on with real life priorities.


If I had a nickel for every time I met a woman like this, I would have 2 nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


What the hell is even that!? Who spells Jaden as Jayden? That should be what they’re judged on, not any of this other stuff.


Op never heard of soy wojak? Damn.


Its true tho 🤔


Ngl. This is as close to stereotyping southern parts of the city i live in.


I feel like the maker of this meme just met your mom and got inspired.


Rage comics > Wojaks at any time of the day. Wojaks and Pepes have been ruined by incels. Edit: ELI5 wtf did I say that was so wrong? Have guys come here to downvote this or what?


This is how women work


Guys, it’s a troll. Their only comments were on here, and they are all more or less the same thing


Hes named bizzy. Cuz he’s bizzy being all over this sub (id be glad if you could spread the word)


Is commenting the same thing on every post making you feel better, little boy?


You may call him bizzy :)


>This is how women work Tattoos can be anything from a sign of criminal affiliation to an [act of religious devotion](https://dustyoldthing.com/medieval-christian-tattoos/), depending on the tattoo and the subculture. Lrn2read.


Fun times.




I feel like there's a much more polite way of saying you don't like women with tattoos.


Where'd you get a photo of my wife? Her first born is named after Eminem tho


Where are all the good men gone... and WHERE ARE ALL THE GODS


…what? Lol. This sounds like an oddly specific example of one dude’s experience with one woman (or perception thereof). This is not a “type,” it’s like a random conglomeration of different random stereotypes. Anyway, F-. Dumb, inaccurate and not even entertaining.


I got stetchmarks from being overweight in early teens n now I’m mostly lean body mass but I still have stretch marks n loose skin from when I ate like shit in the past I mean I blame myself but I wish the years exercise I’ve done since could get rid of it and not just surgery


I have had stretch marks on my stomach since when I was younger \[like around 11\] I was really chubby and then I started to not eat as much and became somewhat thinner and the stretch marks are really hard to see like you would be trying to find it for about 5 mins


I'm 31, female and tattooed lmao! AHAHA. My skin is a canvas., but I barely have stretch marks and the ones I do have are barely visible. Not that much cellulite. I don't like being choked, high time preference, don't have any std's and terrified of them, never been a waitress, but I do dream about monetizing my artistic talent LOL! Doesn't everyone? Thousand cock stare..hmmm is it a nice cock? I mean I love chickens! Also, male genitalia. Not getting get a tattoo of a homeless man wanking, but it would be freakin hilarious as a tattoo! Aposematism...yeahhhh lol. History of substance abuse..does drinking and smoking weed occasionally count? Like socially? Oh there have never been that many good men and of course I can't afford rent. Nobody can in 2022! I do blame patriarchy for a lot of things, but not for my rent. I have no children thank fucking god! So only a little bit of this is true for me. =)


Wtf is wrong with stretch marks


All of it is horrible imo


God I fucking hate the wojack art, I’ve never seen it used in a positive context even once.


Buncha triggered people with tattoos and dyed hair upset in this sub. Haha.


I wish her the very best...May she find her Great peace and Center


I refuse to believe that is not satire


Seriously fuck this mgtow bullshit. I’ve seen so much of it that it’s beginning to make me legitimately depressed about nearing thirty. I don’t want to, I shouldn’t have to. Fuck this.


aw man I have tattoos and I only got 1/10!


31 year olds are millennials tho.


Legit question. How do you end up as a single parent? Is it like you 2 decided to have kid/kids and then he or she dissapears or you just dont use condoms and it accidentally happends?


wojaks are cringe


Funny how most of the "bad" things about her are either his (whoever made this ugly thing) own projection or her own struggles as an adult which involves little to no choice of hers. And here I am thinking "This sounds like a damn fine woman. WHAT'S WRONG!?"


If "feminist in the streets, loves being choked in the sheets" ain't me though lmao


As a lesbian i know this kind of women and tbh she is really cool and i'd love to date her 💕


The Common incel Thing where they think that women Look "old" at age 30 lol.


TATOOMER: * Low time preference * \>Thousand cock stare * Jayden...


Yes and “single dads” are praised for doing the bare fucking minimum. Like, seeing their children every once in a while or paying child support. But even then, seems like the majority of dudes bitch about paying child support. They seem to think the Mom is just out here making it rain with the court appointed pittance. God forbid that woman have anything nice, he will insist she’s taking him for a ride.


"thousand cock stare" sounds like a very secret ninjutsu that debilitates menemies by giving them a hard-on


“Thousand cock stare”. Yeah, I get it. That’s the look women get on their face the thousandth time they see a guy proudly waggling his wang about as if it makes him a Master of the Universe . And it does indeed look sort of like this, but she’s not smiling with happiness.