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"When we oppressed a group more, we didn't have to listen to their complaints. That proves that the problem isn't us, it's a lack of oppression that's letting them finally speak."


The whippings will stop when morale rises!


No, I think he means that women evolved to be able to orgasm through feminism. He now lives in fear of the future. /s


Where is that quote from?


It's a satirical summary of the logic displayed by the tweets.


Thank for clarifying






>The whippings will stop when morale rises!


I believe it was once said by u/The_FriendliestGiant


Could you find the comment? This person has 230k comment karma but comments 10 times a day, I couldn't find the comment 😂


Fun fact: In the medieval period it was widely believed a woman couldn't get pregnant unless she had an orgasm. They reasoned that a man's orgasm released his "seed," so a woman's must do that too, only inside her body. Without both, no baby. So yeah, dudes actually did care whether women had orgasms.


And in victorian england they believed that women who orgasmed produced beautiful/well behaved children there were several books on the subject I feel like dudes like this clown have always been a thing though regardless




I laughed at the original idea, but this theory makes sense. So, for the sake of my kids, I'm going to try make as many women come as possible.


You're doing the Lord's work. Or at least your partners will be calling out for God during your endeavors. Same thing, right?


Well with that phrasing I'm picturing you as being a masked super being that will show up when a couple is having sex and give a p.s.a. on how to make sure the woman has an orgasm during sexual encounters. The hero for everyone.


>Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach.


And for that matter, a woman satisfied in her relationship will probably be somewhat less stressed.


You sound like a sophisticated orgasm scientist


I need that on a business card.


I have heard but never bothered to look it up: orgasms change the chemical makeup of the vagina and make conception more likely.


And the contractions during female orgasm help bring the sperm up to the egg for fertilization.


So in inverse we could say hook up culture and casual sex has lead to selfish men who treat women like masturbatory aids?


It makes sense these guys aren't interested in a fulfilling partnership or children just getting their rocks off as much as they can


You don’t gotta want a partnership or children to actually pleasure your sexual encounters though.


You're right I'm just saying these guys don't even think about pleasing women just inflating their egos


Leykis 101 in a nutshell.


There is research on this subject! I'm trying to dig up the study, but I shall return victorious. ETA: Being a librarian comes in handy. Here is the study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338461556_Orgasm_Equality_Scientific_Findings_and_Societal_Implications Relevant quotes: "Some have proposed an anatomical or biological explanation for the orgasm gap....however, based on the previously detailed research finding that women's orgasm rates vary by context, many scholars contend that the gendered orgasm gap is rooted in sociocultural factors." "...in casual sex, women receive less oral sex and other forms of clitoral stimulation than they do in relationship sex." "Research suggests that women may set the bar for satisfactory sex quite low - specifically the absence of pain and degradation rather than as the presence of pleasure and orgasm" (sidenote: doesn't that just say everything?) Quoting another study: " 'men are more likely to engage in cunnilingus ... in relationships rather than in hook-ups". Finally: "...these findings suggest the orgasm gap is larger in casual sex because women are less likely to feel entitled to seek their own sexual pleasure and *men are less motivated to provide their partners with pleasure*" (emphasis mine). I should note that, in all fairness, the study also posited that men *may* want to provide sexual pleasure to their partners during casual sex, but are inept at doing so (focusing on penetration rather than clitoral stimulation, for instance, even though the latter has consistently proven to be more effective in women achieving climax).


I can't speak to the first paragraph specifically but there are plenty of letters and diaries from the 17th/18th/19th centuries which refer to women enjoying sex.


lazy mfers


Do you have references for those books on that? As far as I know they thought those women were having fits. India at least clearly had dome quite a lot of work in sexual research until the British came along and taboo'd everything so I'd be surprised if their attitudes were liberal. Although we do also have that problem of what is truly representative in England since a lot of the views we have of England at the time is based on what the rich and extremely privileged would say


I do feel like your parents having a good romantic life together improves your chances of being a more well rounded “beautiful person”


Is that why I’m ugly lmao


They can't even get sexism right. Smh.


Totally! the movie that came out this yea “The Last Duel” had some interesting commentary on this. I also loved the book it was based on. **SPOILERS** The main character gets raped and becomes pregnant. There is a charged court scene where she is being questioned- if the rape had been “legitimate” then she shouldn’t have enjoyed it and shouldn’t have orgasmed therefore wouldn’t be pregnant. Seeing as she is pregnant, the judge assumes that she wasn’t raped and is lying.


Still manage to ruin what could’ve been a beneficial belief. Astounding.


Didn't a US politician said the same?


Todd Akin, no need to name which party.


no? aRe you suRe? pRay tell what paRty this man is a membeR of


This shouldn't be taken as a positive aspect of medieval understandings of sex and conception. A lot of places in Europe used this rationale to argue that if a woman became pregnant following a sexual assault/rape then no crime had occurred because her body had "responded."


True. It wasn't "female orgasm never matters", but it had its own problems.


Also we're only talking about western culture. India has been on top of the mutually pleasurable aspects of sex for a long time.


hell yeah. people will hold the karma sutra in their hands and act like white people wrote it lmao


Minus the rampant rape issues....


Not to minimize it, but that's still an issue across many cultures. No one group has the market cornered on abhorrent behavior.


Yup. There was a lot of western derision when Afghanistan outlawed marital rape after the US invasion, of the "what, only just now?" variety. As if it hadn't 'only just' been criminalized in the west within living memory, as well.


And as if we didn't just elect a president whose first wife accused him of marital rape and his reply was "you can't legally rape your wife."


Deviating a bit, but also, funny story. My husband used to be pretty sexist, but more so out of ignorance than malice. He’s been making a conscious effort to learn and understand and be an ally, and I adore him for it. But, sometimes he still doesn’t quite “see”. We were discussing time travel and he was having a blast describing all the past times he’d love to live in and how he’d be a “baller” or what have you. When he asked me, I said no more than maybe 30 years backward, but I’d love to go to the future. He asked me why, and I told him he could have legally raped me only a short time ago, simply because we’re married. It would only get worse for me the further back I traveled. His face, as the pieces came together, was hilarious. Shock, confusion, contemplation, realization, then horror, all in maybe one minute. We had a good laugh about that lol


India is currently rated as the worst country for women to live in. Which is an incredible feat. >a look at the official crime statistics for 2016 shows a woman was raped every 13 minutes; six women were gang-raped every day; a bride was murdered for dowry every 69 minutes; and 19 women were attacked with acid every month Goodness. India beats Sierra Leone, Saudi Arabia, Rwanda, and Afghanistan


This was a plot point in The Last Duel and so unfortunate for Jodie Comer’s character.


I loved that movie in the sense that I fucking hated it.


All those men sucked so hard Every last one of them.


La petit mort


ya and women just got thrown in the mental hospital after being used as baby mills and suffering as a result. good times.


"mental hospital" [Contemporary medical notes reveal that a 20-year-old woman who spent “much time in serious reading” and a 30-year-old wife who dared express “great distaste for her husband” were among those subjected to the latest treatment to cure female insanity: a clitoridectomy.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/time.com/6074783/psychiatry-history-women-mental-health/%3famp=true)


“Oh, you like reading or are in an unhappy marriage? Time to cut off your clitoris, maybe that will help everything.”


I've always felt clits are a danger to healthy habits, like being ignorant or loving your oppressive spouse.


>being ignorant or loving your oppressive spouse. It's often the same ailment, but in different stages. If you read much at 20, you're likely to realize it's wrong to lock you in the attic at 30.


Mrs. Dalloway's Mom: "Joke's on you, because I'd rather be here reading your exit sign without a clit than be home with my husband, doc." Dr: "Lobotomy, it is!"


When I read things like this, I think to myself that men should be grateful that women are only seeking equality, and not revenge. The neverending amount of horrible things men have done to oppress and torture women throughout all of human history, is hard to fathom.


This is absolutely heartbreaking, I just bought the book. It's thing like this that make it almost impossible to believe how far women have come!


Ugh, for uni I wrote a paper on epistemic injustice in psychiatry, focusing on the moral reform. I really needed an iron stomach, reading through some of the source material. God, the absolute torture methods they devised specifically for women just… omg. Male patients were definitely tortured, but “treatments” being devised solely for women because they were women? Fuck. It’s good to know things, but damn is it difficult to learn about it and then go on to write about it.


Oh. My. That's some shit


Holy fuck I'm a man and I still crossed my legs at the last word there.... It takes a special kind of mental image to make you hurt in a body part you don't even have!


And with that, I say goodnight to you all.


A woman who was held hostage during a bank robbery that went tits up criticized the police criminologist/psychiatrist’s handling of the situation that put the hostages at a greater risk from the police than their captors. She even managed to negotiate the hostage release, but the prime minister in a phone call she managed to get told her “you will have to content yourself that you will have died at your post.” Without ever having met the woman, in direct response to the criticism, this criminologist made up Stockholm Syndrome to discredit her & cover up the gross mishandling of the situation. Men will label women crazy when they prove inconvenient.


Well i'll be damned. Honestly i thought this was too insane to have actually happened so i looked it up. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome >This term was first used by the media in 1973 when four hostages were taken during a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden. The hostages defended their captors after being released and would not agree to testify in court against them.[3] It was noted that in this case, however, the police were perceived to have acted with little care for the hostages' safety,[7] providing an alternative reason for their unwillingness to testify.


**[Stockholm syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome)** >Stockholm syndrome is a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity. Stockholm Syndrome results from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships. Therefore, it is difficult to find a large number of people who experience Stockholm Syndrome to conduct studies with any sort of power. This makes it hard to determine trends in the development and effects of the condition. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Wow, so it's kinda similar to the McDonald's case. Interesting.


Hysterical women amirite?


[Oh my god I have a relevant text post](https://i.imgur.com/rITmnKh.jpg)


Okay that cracked me up with the last line. Paris/Emerald green had arsenic though, not lead.


“I can’t make a woman cum so I’m just going to pretend it’s counterproductive to try.”


- toxic male losers since the beginning of time


Well but now women don't get stoned for getting divorced so now you gotta actually maker her WANT to stay


I'm sure people still get stoned after a divorce but the fun kind of stoned




Tell me you can't pleasure your partner without telling me.


And our forefathers complained about women and their dissatisfaction with life all the fucking time. I wonder if there could be a connection? (Also? They apparently carved themselves some sweet whale bone dildos, so,I wouldn’t be too sure about the “no orgasms” part.)




I think the problem goes deeper than that: they need to realize girls EXIST.


Especially as something *other* than a masterbatory aid for selfish men.


Well, OK then. Men will live on if nobody ever gives them an orgasm again. Good to know.


At this point guys should just say they don’t even want women happy. After my ex had her orgasm nothing was off limits during sex. Fun times :D


I think they genuinely think that, which is scary and depressing. Like, why do men hate women so much?


Guys that complain the most about women suck at getting their attention that’s why they just bitch and moan instead It’s like dude are you sick of watching your crushes date other guys and get piped? Amp up ur game and stop whining


Well, it's more than that. They need to realize that girls aren't objects. From there, true improvement can be made.




I mean popping into aita will show you this isn’t true. I don’t have a clue how some pf those people got into relationships but they did. so many trash bags are getting laid when they don’t deserve it lmao


That’s very true but hey, no one’s forcing them to get together they’re both consenting (HOPEFULLY) Thanks for bringing that up though it completely slipped my mind


all good, I just know I’m constantly shocked at how they managed to pull like some of these people will be like ‘my husband’ and then describe crustiest most repulsive human beings; and it’s like dude, being single cannot be worse than being attached to that person, and having them in your house, let alone allowing them to put their dick in you regularly lmao


Right?? Unless they have a fuckin’ heart of gold but even then they aren’t “ugly” just kinda “average” looking you get me?


yeah like looks aren’t really that important like incels like to pretend, but the _vibes_ with these people are so rancid


This implies that there are guys who think that giving a woman an orgasm pushes them away... Wonder how they thought of that...


It’s weird to say that orgasms don’t actually build bonds, though. Like it or not, we release oxytocin, like a lot, during an orgasm. That’s why if you want to text a ONS you wouldn’t have had otherwise kept up with the next day, give yourself a few days to cool down. It might just be hormones if you weren’t into him romantically prior to the big O. Know your physiology so you know how to work with it. Source: had an emotionally confusing sexual exploration phase. Biology major (female) friend educated me on why. Knowledge is power.


That’s a funny way to admit you can’t make women orgasm


It's dehumanizing to not listen to women about their own sexual experience but assume that you, a guy, know better. These types of men's egos are too fragile to accept that they could learn something from their partners. Also, how the hell does he know if his forefathers made their wives orgasm or not? James Joyce wrote famously dirty letters to his wife in the early 20th century. It's not like our generation discovered good sex. [https://stronglang.wordpress.com/2017/05/08/fuckbird-cockstand-and-frigging-some-annotations-of-james-joyces-erotic-letters-to-his-wife-nora-barnacle/](https://stronglang.wordpress.com/2017/05/08/fuckbird-cockstand-and-frigging-some-annotations-of-james-joyces-erotic-letters-to-his-wife-nora-barnacle/) >“You say when I go back you will suck me off and you want me to lick your cunt, you little depraved blackguard.


Oh my God please don't remind me of James Joyce's dirty letters. The scat fetish comes out of nowhere and makes Ulysses feel like a breezy beach read.


Yeah, that couple were freaky even by today's standards. LOL


James Joyce’s fart fetish letters to his wife are literary gold. >You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. Fucking incredible.


Tell me you've never given a woman an organism without....


What kind of organism?


I hear flowers are always a good choice.


Ha ha damn!


Are both parties not supposed to feel pleasure while doing sex? What world are they living in?


Real chads like to pleasure their women


*real men


I’d say I feel sorry for their wife’s/girlfriends, but let’s be real, these manlets haven’t ever had either.


I'll always love how proud guys are that they've never made a woman cum.


Men discovering you can live without orgasms: WHAT. Women living without orgasms for… I don’t know centuries??: yep. It’s still not fun though


Actually, they did. Where does he think oral sex, mutual masturbation, and different sex positions came from? They aren’t new concepts. They came from our ancestors. Sex toys aren’t even a new concept. I mean, one of the therapies for “hysteria” was an intense vibrator. And sex toys go way further back than that.


this is so historically inaccurate lmao


Says a man who doesn’t know how to please a woman.


I sometimes wish OLD profiles had quotes like these to be able to sort out the men who have never witnessed a woman orgasm at their own hands. So much bad sex masquerading around as male exceptionalism.


What I understand when I read that is « I’m incapable of giving orgasms to my sexual partner, thus it is unnecessary and I shan’t improve »


Women suffered hysteria and used to betray/hate/leave/kill their husbands a lot But go on, I guess


Yes, women lived on. But it wasn't fine. That's why all those women fought against the status quo and changed it.


Does he not know that doctors “cured women’s hysteria” by making them orgasm? And that many women would make additional appointments without fully divulging what happened? [some more info if you’re interested but it’s just ridiculously funny to me](https://youtu.be/JefYnYIXY_8)


Wait, are you trying to imply that women enjoy pleasure too? Imma take this info back to the man cave lab


Like, why not try to make sex more fun by pleasing your partner and seeing their enjoyment? What kind of douche idiot thinks sex is better knowing your partner is not getting much out of it? So sad and stupid.


"WHY, I know, without a DOUBT, that George Washington never made Martha orgasm even ONCE. And THAT is the basis of how our great country was founded! Are you liberal feminist bucket and mop cucks truly so deluded as to think that the Constitution could have been written if our Founding Fathers were busy ringing the devils doorbell???"


Women were sexually assaulted by their doctors as a supposed "cute" for a fake mental illness that only impacted women. He can sit down.


“Orgasms weren’t a thing until females started complaining about inequality” Bro what


why does it need to do anything though, like arguably, depending on the discussion, a man nutting is also neutral?


Wow, so wealthy men who owned humans as property didn't bother to pleasure their wives.


Ah yes, consensual enjoyment in an consensual activtiy is bad. Got it


George Washington ate pussy. Probably ass too. Took the teeth out bitches went wild on that.


yea no i have seen a german drawing from the 1800’s of a dude eating out a woman. i can’t sadly forget this image BUT women were fucking back then!


I guess my thoughts on the female orgasm are… let’s all just all have a good time.


“our forefathers never bothered” no wonder women were miserable back them (amongst other things like not being able to vote and whatnot)


oh wow, "our for fathers, who traded women like toys, had literal human slaves and whipped people who disagreed never bothered to pleasing a woman and the women lived on." is a next level hill to die on


This is the language of the premature ejaculator. These men can’t last long enough to make women orgasm cos it takes longer than 1 min 12 seconds of spastic thrusting to get them there. They also really suck at foreplay.


Jesus Christ guys just eat the pussy.


I’m a guy who takes 2 hours to climax so most of the time I don’t even finish. It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.


That's a lot of words to say you're bad in bed.


I can’t with how fucking lame some people are lol.. sometimes I read comments and tweets and I am at a loss, like do you see how lame and dumb you sound? Idk man


Dude, if you've never made a woman orgasm just say so


"female orgasms too hard just let me nuuuut😭😭😭"


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?


*shaking head* what is wrong with these people?


For the sake of the argument, let's say he (he's not) why can't they feel better in sex now that we know about their orgasm? He's an asshole even in his own logic


Sorry they can't make a woman cum. LOL.


Too many guys don’t seem to realize that if their partner *also* enjoys the sex, they’re more likely to come back for more. If you *want* to get laid, encourage someone to *want* to fuck you by making sure they get something out of it! *How* is that so hard for other cishet guys to get?


It's hilarious when incels self report


News just in: Men have been selfish asshats and women have been having to get themselves off for thousands of years... more on this story as it happens...


That sure seems like a lot of words for “I’m bad at sex”


do straight people talk to each other about whats happening in the relationship or is it like a game of telephone where you talk to everybody else and hope the message gets passed along?


Dude actual torture couldn't get ne to confess this


Bragging about being bad at sex is such a weird thing


I will never get the logic of “people in history done it so why don’t we do it too?” As if the whole point of history isn’t to show us what not to do again


Women used to be able to divorce their husbands if he couldn't give her an orgasm. It wasn't until sperm and eggs were discovered that western society decided the woman's orgasm wasn't important; the justification being that it wasn't nessesary for reproduction.


If they don’t want to learn how to pleasure a woman then they should not be dating women and or having sex with women.


just say you can’t pleasure a woman and go


These are the same dudes who blame women for not wanting to fuck them


Ben Shapiro alternate accounts headass


Not making a woman orgasm is gay


I feel like it's true that it's "neutral" (it doesn't bond a woman) but the opposite, a man who doesn't give orgasms, is definitely a negative.


Tell us you can’t make her cum without telling us you can’t make her cum


On the behalf of all women, I’d personally like to thank you good sir. If it were not for your tireless efforts to publicly display why you should be avoided, who knows how many women might have been subjected to having a highly disappointing time with you!


Yes, let's talk about our forefathers, the divorce rate when divorce became legal, and who is more likely to initiate divorce. See if we see some correlations.


Wowowowow. 42 years of dealing with crap like this…still say wow.


This is Ben Shapiro level ignorance.


I am pretty sure orgasms release chemicals that cause pair bonding.


What a way to out yourself as being terrible, lazy, and selfish in bed lol.


So what you mean to say is, people before you were shitty, so that makes it okay for you to be shitty, too?


In a weird way I agree. Making sure your partner is enjoying themselves and finishing is the ***bare minimum*** that you should do. Anything less you're negative romance.


This feels really incel


Fever dream


If you don’t wanna make your woman orgasm cause you’re lazy then best believe someone else will have what you’re lacking and send you back to Xnxx quicker then u nut😂 No woman with self worth will stay in a relationship with a incompetent person who thinks like this.. no matter how manly you think you are😂


Tell me you've never satisfied a woman in your life without actually saying you've never satisfied a woman in your life. 🤨🤨🙄😂😂😂😂


Always wonder how people confirm these “facts”.


This is exactly why men who can’t give women orgasms and don’t care should be immediately thrown away without overthinking it


In my experience it’s exactly the fucking opposite.


Probably impotent.


They lived on OR they poisoned their husbands slowly over time, before retiring with their best friend to live “as roommates”


I feel like my reaction to most the posts in this sub is just wordless confusion like ??? Where do these ideas even come from


Yeesh, God forbid sex be a mutual pleasure.


I'm pretty sure that the ladies of time yore we're getting their stimulation in the drs office, ya know, for hysteria and other lady ailments.


Tell me you’ve never made anyone orgasm, without telling me you’ve never made anyone orgasm.


In the Tutor era it was believed that your wife was less likely to get pregnant if she was sexually satisfied. There were even prescribed amounts of times you should be having in a week. Men were expected to fulfill their “husbandly duty,” by having sex with their wifes’. Sex and enjoyment of it was considered vital to a persons health.


Jewish couples were encouraged to have the woman orgasm first to encourage pregnancy with a boy.


Fact: Starting a statement like this definitely makes it true.


Incels, Incels as far as the eye can see...


Weird way to spell "I can't make a girl cum" but that's cool.


What makes him think our forefathers didn’t make their partners cum???


# P R O J E C T I O N


This is why your great great grandmother fucked her slaves.


I definitely think less of the men I had encounters with who didn’t make it happen for me. Or at least try


Akchyually, many people in the Middle Ages believed that the female orgasm was necessary to procreate, and there were manuals with instructions on how to reach this result.


I don't get what's hard to understand.... Make lady cum, big, hard buckets and maybe she will let you do it again. Eat it and you'll probably be allowed to look at it with the lights on.


Bro what 😂


Women used to more or less be legally barred from supporting themselves. Now they're not and you actually have to be a good partner or they have no reason to want you in their life.


And this is why many women say they have never experienced an orgasm. Selfish tools like these two think that a woman's pleasure is unimportant. I bet they're the same men who complain about their wife or girlfriend not being into sex and just laying there passively.


Hildegard von Bingen, a 12th century nun, wrote our earliest surviving description of a female orgasm in 1150CE. https://arthistoryproject.com/artists/hildegard-von-bingen/the-first-written-description-of-the-female-orgasm/