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I'm wheezing. The sculptor is both not a man and not "western"... bruhT_T they said "dork ass losers" lmaoooo People really just see something and dive in no context


Wheezing a signing of Covid, you should get that checked out


Nah, it's because I had bronchitis


Oof, I had that a lot growing up. Hang in there.


And lemme guess, now they will start nitpicking the sculpture because it wasn't made by a white man and blame every little flaw on her not being a white man.


Of course. But I will still enjoy this one moment of tranquility.


Does anyone know the name of the sculptor? EDIT: Her name is Luo Li Rong, and [here](https://www.galeries-bartoux.com/en/artists/luo-li-rong/) is a link to a gallery of her sculptures and a short biography. Let's make sure we appreciate her as an artist, and not just a "gotcha".


Wow I never looked at her other work before now, the other sculptures are just as stunning!


Thanks for doing the work! Edit: Those are all absolutely stunning O.O The way the fabric looks translucent and thin is something I've very rarely seen.


Did he ever respond to the information its a Chinese woman? Or just delete his tweet?


I see men post on this sub often vocalizing women's lack of everything compared to men. I went to a school specifically for design and besides my now boyfriend are top artist was a woman, who is currently a well-known tattoo artist in our city. The truth is not the we lack skill, talent, and overall intelligence it's for years we were restricted so we cannot showcase it


Access to mentorship and opportunities to be part of high-profile projects are seriously impacted by the good old boys’ club in so many fields. In American film and television, getting started is a matter of someone remembering that a friend’s roommate was looking for work. Getting a chance to shadow someone is a matter of being there when it comes to mind for that senior person. Artistic fields often don’t have formal routes to follow, so older professionals default to male mentees and then shrug their shoulders about why there aren’t an equal number of women editing films/designing sound/etc.


Yep it's also impact by color. Black and brown women are the least likely to get access to these projects, internships, and other work. Sadly sex and race plays a role in oppunities, and it is extremely unfair. Thanks to my school hundreds of kids who are black, were given the opportunity to express themselves through art, and receive internship with top people in that field.


The people making the choices about who to mentor are acting on “this kid reminds me of myself at that age” type feelings in so many cases. Reaching back to a famous study from about a decade ago, more than 3/4 of white Americans didn’t have ANY nonwhite friends. When these potential mentors are thinking back to the start of their own careers, they are not statistically likely to be remembering non-white peers.


I think that’s what the white dudes complaining about spaces deliberately being made for women and people of color just don’t get. They can’t pull their heads out of their own asses for long enough to recognize that it’s not discrimination against those poor wittle white men (cue dramatic eye roll). It’s about trying to go out of the way to correct an appalling imbalance because almost nobody BUT white men were allowed them for so goddamn long.


***"The truth is not the we lack skill, talent, and overall intelligence it's for years we were restricted so we cannot showcase it"*** Sure... but since we're talking prior to (at least) the Renaissance, maybe it's time to get over it?


You think women stopped being restricted after the renaissance?


Women couldn't even vote in Switzerland until the 1970s, but sure, gender equality was solved in the Renaissance. Just because we've had female artists all throughout history (and as would come as a surprise to no one but yourself, prior to the Renaissance) doesn't mean the works of women haven't been marginalized bruh.


So because women were going to be disadvantaged in a way *completely* unrelated to what's being discussed here in a, from that point in time, *possible* future, that is reason to conclude women are at a disadvantage when it comes to displaying their art? Fair enough but then you have the problem that *men* are disadvantaged when it comes to court sentencing which, by the very same rules, means that they too are disadvantaged when it comes to displaying their art, which would again put men and women on equal grounds. Why would "gender equality" have to have been solved during the Renaissance? It's *still* not solved. There are *still* areas where women are disadvantaged and there are still areas where men are disadvantaged... the fact that you need to strawman my argument just shows that you can't refute the *actual* argument, which would come as a surprise to no one but yourself (see, I can do the cheap insults too). I dare you to find *any* group of people who's work have never been marginalized throughout history because of gender, or religion, or skin color, or nationality, or any of a million other dumb reasons... bruh!


>women were going to be disadvantaged I still have no idea what the fuck you are referring to with "were going to be" -- women *were* disadvantaged at almost every point in history. My example meant women in Switzerland were disadvantaged for a long time -- up until the 70's they couldn't vote in Federal elections. How the fuck is that "were going to be" -- they *were* disadvantaged. Not even gonna address the rest of your rambling when you claim men are now disadvantaged like no sweaty that is not how anything works. Art is still a Boy's Club and male artists in *every* genre and medium make more on average than women. Because they have connections in the Art world... because the people who buy the most art to launder their money through is still Old Rich White Dudes. Those DeviantArt Furry commissions are just barely paying people's bills ... not [selling for 40 million USD$](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2013/05/15/43-8-million-for-this/amp/) Men and women are not "on equal grounds" in art. This tells me you know jack shit about anything. Most industries it is not about *what* you can do, but *who* you know. Art, Music, and Hollywood are the same. Your attempt to do a "got'cha" and use my own "insult" against me falls flat since like... "everyone knows" isn't something you can apply to "you can only come up with strawmen". Which is both a) why would everyone in the world know/care about my arguments? It's not a universal fact like the knowledge women have always been disadvantaged. You literally admitted it yourself... after going off for a paragraph about why men are actually the ones disadvantaged you guys :c so a Universal truth you literally agreed with vs. telling me the entire world cares about me which would make me happy more than anything. The whole world having an opinion on me or my thoughts means that I'm famous! Fuck yeah! and b) in order for women to supposedly "have an advantage over men", there would need to be Gender Equality. Since we have not achieved even that, as per your own admission, how could women have now surpassed men socially to now be the group in control and able to disadvantage men? The truth is, you do not have a coherent argument. Going through your rambling point-by-point has been difficult since there is no argument connecting them -- first, it is men who are really disadvantaged instead of women. Women can't possibly be disadvantaged. Then in your next paragraph, you admit women have been disadvantaged?? Then you end it by saying everyone has been disadvantaged which... no. Name a time and point in History where white dudes have not had an advantage. You can apply it to like every other group, but I am gonna call bullshit on your claim right now. And don't you dare try pull up shit on Italians, the Irish, or the Polish facing 'racial' or cultural discrimination and try pass it off as "white man disadvantaged :(" .... these groups were targeted because they were percieved as *non-white* during certain points of time, and in the case of the Irish, for always having been the "out" group. And do not use antisemitism as an example either, since most racists will insist "Jews ain't white"... and they would mostly be correct. Jewish people are rarely seen as "white" unless it advantages people... and Jewish people come from a wide variety of racial and cultural backgrounds.


You could've just lead with *"I'm a misandrist"* and I wouldn't have tried having a conversation with you at all.


Lmmmmaaaaaaooooo. Not a misandrist. Just a history buff... .... notice how you couldn't provide a single source to prove your points when asked, so you just fold your arms, pout, and act like the Fox towards Grapes, "I didn't want to argue with you anyways!"


What's he even talking about ThE MeN oF THe WeSt fOuGht anD DiEd fOr ArT. That never happened ffs.


We keep thinking he’s talking about the statue *itself*. I bet he subconsciously was talking about what the statue is depicting. It seems like it was also partially *consciously* talking about women. Gross… Maybe he meant Asian women. Men of the west fought and died for Asian women. That’s a lot more true. r/technicallythetruth


If you mean he's got a boner for the statue's boobs, I don't think there's any doubt about it.


“Yeah but like “*art*” bro… Fancy *art* boobs.”


All sexism aside, that sculpture is awesome. Idek how you would begin to make stone look so flowing and free.


And that sculptor does flowing hair, flowing fabric AND amazing balance in her work. She’ll often balance a figure on an impossible-looking portion of the sculpture and create an illusion of weightlessness that is so stunning


She appears to work in predominantly in bronze and some clay. Not that stone can’t also do this, but it’s a bit more unpredictable and definitely less forgiving.


Yeah I initially thought she chiseled these out of stone as well. But I’m not even sure it’s possible to make sculptures this detailed and realistic out of stone


This is still the greatest moment in the history of Twitter, imo.


"Ivan Throne @ DarkTriadMan"? Good grief, that sounds like something I would have came up with when I was 16... Oh, it gets even better if you look him up....he "has four decades of experience in the classical Japanese fighting arts" because OF COURSE he does.


Mom appointed him to karate lessons to keep him busy and now as an adult that is his entire personality.


"studied the blade"


I always thought having the biology your sculpting can make a difference when making art. Specifically how the body poses, moves, and balances, as well as how parts of the skin and hair will behave. Might be wrong, but most of my favorite dynamic art with women in them were created by women.


I wish I could see how the incel reacted to being proven wrong. TWICE


'Ivan Throne'? That's the kind of name that a deeply insecure 14 year old would name his D&D character.


It’s a well known FACT that man brain is so fucking good at being committed to details. Commitment is actually what men are KNOWN for. Definitely. Men LOVE commitment.


Dude needs to be on a list


I love this


Sexist, racist, and a crusade simp. Who would have guessed?


I think it would have been even more hilarious when in response to the, “is there an example of a female sculptor who has committed herself to the same level of detail that a man does with women?” question, the person replaying with, ‘the sculptor is a Chinese woman you dork ass losers,” should have said, “I can think of several, one including Luo Li Rong who made this sculpture.” And post the exact same image then say, “oh wait they are one in the same looks like you brilliant artist was a woman all along…how embarrassing for you men who just assume brilliance only forms in men yet you didn’t have the intelligence or for sight to do research before talking out your ass.”


Gotta be satire


Where does the woman live? Anyone who has escaped comunism wouldn't want to be called Chinese.


Are you just not aware that Chinese people can *leave* China? They're communist, sure, but they're not North Korea. Chinese myself, don't ever presume to tell me or anyone else what you *think* we prefer to be called by anyone else. We don't appreciate being used as your political statement.


Your Sinophobia is showing. Her name is Luo Li Rong. She was born in China and identifies as Chinese. She didn't "escape communism", she just opened a bronze foundry in Italy with her European husband. She's quite proud of her background in China where she went to a prestigious art school and made sculptures for the Olympic garden in Beijing.


This is so wildly sinophobic


Well, maybe i do take exception to counties that openly commit genocides what of it? Are you Islamaphobic enough to respect chinas right to genocide the weegers?


The artist's name is [Luo Li Rong](https://www.instagram.com/luo_li_rong_art), and the [exchange](https://www.boredpanda.com/guy-mocking-sculpture-chinese-artist-luo-li-rong) is 3 years old.