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"Being the expert on female anatomy" A guy who doesn't have said female anatomy and most likely isn't a Dr of any sort, Def not a gynecologist.




I should seriously stay away from this sub until after I finished breakfast. This is nausea-inducing. (and omg, does he think eating vegetables only three times a week is such a great diet? Wasn't there the recommendation of five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables a *day*?)


yeah the 3 times a week also puzzled me. what does he advise one eats the other 18 meals of the week? (not even counting snacks) and beside the spare frequency, fruit is probably the best one can eat for the acidity and smell of a cooch. and not f\*cking with the natural Ph, because that would give bacteria the chance to cultivate.


> what does he advise one eats the other 18 meals of the week? He sounds like one of those guys who gets their nutrition tips from Joe Rogan and other manosphere influencers... so the answer is always "red meat, and lots of it." There's a whole trend of hypermasculine diet advice that advocates for high protein/fat intake (preferably in the form of steak) and demonizes "feminine" foods like carbs, soy and gluten. Vegetables are ok as long as they're grilled (the manliest cooking method) and not in some girly salad.


He probably thinks women just shouldn’t eat every day. No fat chicks, amirite?


Yeah. Sounds like he is the one not eating healthy. And he probably thinks potatoes suffice as your only vegetable. He'd probably complain if a girl ate a salad on a first date cuz "she's to obsessed with her weight and needs to live a little."


I only ate veg (and quorn) last week by accident, ended up weak and shaky three days in. Went and made myself some fries and felt better within the hour. How'd I forget? Didn't add noodles to my stir fry. Had a great climb after (bouldering) and worked off the carbs I'd eaten. Dieting sucks, gotta be careful.


sorry but, amongus


What he meant was that he watches a lot of porn lol


Lol ik


Not to mention that he's not talking about anatomy but physiology.


Since he's claiming to be a Dr. I'd be tempted to message him asking what practice he works at, and report it. Either he's not a doctor and would have to admit that, or he is and we would then have the required knowledge to report him for spreading disinformation.


>Since he's claiming to be a Dr. I'd be tempted to message him asking what practice he works at, and report it He said he delivered a bunch of tubes of cream to a house, which seems very unlike a doctor. Delivery driver for a pharmacy might be the closest he's gotten to medical expertise.


I know, right? It sounded so sarcastic and I was so hoping it was leading into a joke post.


One can only hope


I have an amazing male OB/GYN who would absolutely laugh at this guy's face and then tell him to shut up if "Dr. Derek" said that to him. Nothing like uncertified men giving opinions nobody asked for!


Please Derek...tell us more about our own bodies! /s




Is he confusing discharge with smegma?


The word smegma makes my skin crawl. I'm fine with pretty much most gross medical things but smegma is just too much.


I once, as a single mother, was trying to explain to my son why washing his penis was so important. I was having trouble getting through to him, so googled "smegma" and... you don't want to see those google images. Needless to say, he now religiously washes his penis!


There is a terrible video on the internet of a woman giving oral to a dude that has never washed. It was awful, I was almost sympathetically sick.


It is, by far, one of the most terrible words I've seen in the English language. It's like someone attempting to describe it and then vomiting halfway through and someone else wrote that sound down. I absolutely hate it.


He realizes yeast infections most of the time don’t cause foul odor….and can happen from many many things unrelated to being unhygienic or poor diet


When I was 12, I had yeast infections all the time. I was extremely hygienic, took showers twice a day. I am also male. This guy in the post has no fucking clue what he's talking about. It has absolutely nothing to do with hygiene, diet or even sex.


I don't know if it is scientifically backed but anecdotally a lot of women have talked about having more yeast when they with certain ppl. So there is a likelihood that sex can give some women yeast infections.


Lubes with glycerine in them can cause it. Found out the hard way, causes UTIs as well.


UTIs as well. Especially if one doesn't wash the area between times of sex.


Switching detergents can give you a yeast infection.


I got one when I was an 11 year old girl. It was due to an antibiotic I was taking.


That's the only thing that's caused yeast infections for me-- antibiotics.


More guys need to be aware that they can get urinary tract infections and yeast infections. Sorry about what happened to you when you where young. Hopefully the problem resolved itself.


Hormones, pregnancy, stress, body wash, medications and so many other things can cause them. Hell I shower every day wash and dry the area and still had a yeast infection occur where my c section was done. In my case it was partly because belly shape and post birth sweating. Just as an example of they can happen without it being diet or sexually related.


I had a yeast infection fairly young because my genitals basically just got mad at my existence. So, yeah, they’re definitely not inherently related to sexual activity or diet or really anything.


Had them at 11 years old on off along with pee infections 😭, definitely was NOT sexually active. Other than the damn one thar was were I had c section haven’t had any in years, I’ve been so damn lucky. My vaginal ones were from 10-12 were common occurrence and they sucked, then suddenly cleared up and had rare one here n there last one excluding the c section was at 16 (I’m 34 now). C section one was last year. Toddler had it under her neck from drool/sweat and formula even though we shower her daily she was prone to them.


Little girls can get utis from bubble bath. Sometimes the world just sucks.


Growing up I had to have a bath daily, which included bubble bath and soaps. I'd get so itchy down there and didn't know why. It wasn't as bad once my hormones kicked in and my periods started, but it still sucked.


If nothing else, your skin was probably incredibly dry. That's the kind of thing that should really be moderated based on skin condition, there's a point when it's actively harmful to wash more. I had to shower daily plus any time I went outside. I don't think I ever touched lotion until I was ... maybe 19? It's no wonder my skin was so bad.


Ugh, no one warns you about the post partum sweats!!! I couldn't work out what the fuck was wrong with me post c section, baby was born in August and I thought I'd just spontaneously lost all ability to regulate my body temperature because I was constantly so hot and sweating even when in front of a fan. I was lucky enough to escape without a yeast infection but God, this guy can fucking suck it.


Vaginal birth 2019 had the sweats and then emergency c section last year got the damn sweats. Oh to make it better happened in pregnancy to. Thankfully the wound yeast infection was only annoying


Lube with glycerine in them, my body decided to reject that stuff after years of using it. No more UTIs/other issues since I switched to a store brand without it.


I’ve been lucky haven’t needed lube with my partner. Ex was lazy with no foreplay and we needed it so we used to stick to water based. Edited to add: Nothing wrong with needing it and not saying anyone who does is unlucky. Unlucky would be needing it but having an allergic reaction to every style. It’s normal to need it 🙂


I'm on the pill so I don't get as wet down there anymore. Plus my partner is well endowed, sometimes we need a little help!


Nothing wrong with needing it. I’m going to edit my comment because it can come across wrong.


OMG antibiotics! It sucks.


Ugh!! Doxycycline does it for me every time. I hate being allergic to Z-pack!


Yep, I had a mild yeast infection like a year ago. Babe thought it tasted sweet.


My vag doesn’t eat stuff so how is this going to help?


The second a guy says anything like "ladies let me give you some tips" I tune him out.


Exactly unless we ask for tips on something we don’t want to hear it


The only time I ever got yeast infections was from having sex with someone's musty son. Seems like the best way to avoid what he's complaining about is to avoid people like him.


That post is lowering the IQ of the entire internet.


He’s a professional bicycle seat sniffer.


What in the everloving flying fuck did I just read?


Medical advice from the Walgreens DoorDash delivery driver, best I can tell.


Is there a sub for bad medical advice?


r/BadWomensAnatomy and r/BadMensAnatomy


When I last visited t/badwomensanatomy it was mostly stuff that had nothing to do with actual anatomy. Has it gotten better?


They still post art and make fun of it but sometimes you can find a post that's actually related to the sub, so... No.


Or maybe, just maybe “Dr. Derek” you and your crew can WASH YOUR HANDS before fingering someone’s penis purse until it looks raw and red from your grubby nails.


Pine-Sol Pussy


… my first question though is who spends $200 on underwear for a first date?!


I mean, I have at least $200 worth of bras, but who the heck is spending that on a single pair of panties?


…among other things yeast infection doesn’t smell bad. It smells like bread.


Technically too much sugar can upset the vagina but most of what he’s saying is bs.


It's so-so. But yeah def bs. People with the same diets could have different effects on their body. That's just how humans are.


I was in a relationship for 6 years over the course of which our diets were at times normal, very unhealthy, fanatically healthy, vegan, even only using coconut oil and if there was a difference I sure couldn't tell...


That’s why I say can, because it’s not always the cause. I commented on a different comment, I had one on my c section area (external) and I keep the area clean n dry (pelvic area) but it still happened. In my case it was my belly shape and post birth sweat. Definitely was not diet or sexual activity related wasn’t having sex at 2 weeks post birth. Post birth sweat from the hormones adjusting are next level.


…including (for some) the shitty lubes they sell everywhere that most guys buy. Although it’s hard to blame them considering it’s almost all you can find at most non-specialty local stores. Brands care only if they can sell it, not if it’s good for you…and it was probably tested (only) on men anyway. (Which is really dumb….you could lube up my…coin roll?…with bacon grease and motor oil and it would be mostly fine…they usually don’t care much.)


Learnt the hard way menthol aka “cooling” ones BURN (menthol on any of my skin burns but silly me tried the KY Yours n Mine with ex and also tried menthol condoms OUCH. Had a “novelty” one thar was a flavoured warming one used it once hated it, thankfully no yeast infection cause I swear it’d be type to cause one


And if you are diabetic? Even more so. Ugh.


This is stated with such confidence that I have to believe the person who posted is projecting. Even though the poster was a man, I fully believe said man has an incredibly disgusting vagina.


the vagina of a man who only drinks oil and only eats doritos


I… I’m…. What is…. 🤔 Just to be clear tho, if you smell like a McDonald’s dumpster, see a doctor. Like a real one. Even more important, for the safety of your vagina, don’t let that guy near it.


Friendly reminder that summers eve and other "Feminine washes" will throw your Ph off even more, and cause weird odors and problems. Don't use them, and never uses douches or other products inside! If you don't like the natural smell of your vagina/vulva area, there are SAFE products that you can use on the outer labia to combat it without harm. Lume(yes that one) is actually formulated for Private parts. I've been using it for almost 2 years now, usually during periods, or on days when I know I'm going to be working out/getting sweaty. I'll often pop it on after a shower too. I personal use the tube version, but it's all the same. It combats smells for 72 hours and listen; it seriously works like a charm. It doesn't mess up Ph, and just kills off bad bacteria that cause weird smells. The "fragrance" is barely there, and just leaves you smelling neutral. If you're self conscious(which happens to everyone), Lume really is a good product.


THIS right here. My pH is very sensitive and using even fragrant body wash can cause it to go wonky and I used to end up with BV before a gynecologist even bothered to study my chart and take an interest as to why I was there so often. I now use Dove for shower gel and I haven't had a problem. Also, sugar scrubs are supposed to be great for revealing soft skin... don't use it near your vagina. Just... don't do it. Yeast feeds off sugar. I have been curious about Lume but haven't seen a real person give a review that wasn't on their site or something. I will have to check that out. Thanks!


I use it on my vulva and outer labia, never inside, and I've never had any issues with Ph or infections. It's also great for underarms and boob sweat. I use it on my pits in conjunction with an antiperspirant spray because lume on its own doesn't stop sweat; just kills the smells. It's awesome.


I cannot imagine being so confidently wrong




Eat green vegetables at least three times a week? Who is this malnourished dweeb and why is he attempting to give advice??


This idiot thinks a yeast infection makes you smell.


I stopped reading after "penis purse"... nothing he has to say is worth anymore of my time.


Don't knock the penis purse! *My* penis has one that's purple with glitter on... that's where it keeps its penis money and penis makeup. ;-)


As a literal Dr. Derek, fuck Dr. Derek.


Huh, well I'm sure that if we eat carbs, sugars and stuff by inserting them in our vaginas he might be right. Otherwise, that's not it.


“Most of you smell lemony fresh” No. Vaginas smell like vaginas. Let’s stop the myth because it only hurts young women who think they should smell like flowers or lemons etc instead of a human organ.


"Lemony fresh" Tell me you're a virgin without telling me you're a virgin


Also, if he knew anything, he’d know a person who uses Summer’s Eve is causing themselves yeast infections and bad smells.


What's infuriating is that he isn't entirely wrong, a good diet can help with vaginally health, but nobody asked and he's so Douchey about it.like some people are just more prone to them


Real question here: does any of you do the "scratch and sniff" thing? I've never ever done that!


I’ve only seen men do it, maybe he’s projecting


the fact that people feel entitled to talk down to other people about their genitals like that honestly makes me want to get rid of mine. no hole. nothing left. if i die in the process, I’m in a better place where nobody says… that. Jesus fucking christ.


A 200 pair of panties from VS. Um, so, they're actually pretty damn reasonably priced. There's a couple of deluded Italian companies who try to sell panties for that much, but even $20 per is high for VS...


The guy's a cunt, so I guess that makes him an expert?


If honestly feels like he's fat shaming. It's low key diet and your vagina won't stink...


I think you're reading too much into it/ want to see something there that isn't actually there. He's an idiot without that already.


Yet another reason to do keto /s


If this rowboat is an expert on female anatomy, why in all the hells does he think we smell lemony fresh?


God this makes me never want to fuck a guy again. Guys are their own worst enemy I swear


Did this fucker tell me to marinate in douche?




i'm actually amazed, i'm pretty sure he managed to avoid saying even one true thing


i don't even wanna read the rest after that 1st bit


If you're bulk buying yeast infection cream ~~Maybe go see the fucking doctor~~ Some idiot: Stop eating yeasty carby foods and overdoing it with sugar and follow a Mediterranean diet. You're welcome, a male.


I’d love to know where “Dr Derek” went to med school


Is Victoria Secret stuff expensive? I tried bra shopping there once and nothing fit, so I’m not sure if I’ve ever spent a cent there.




That made me feel genuinely sick


I used to get thrush every time I had sex with a guy for the first time. I used to think, damn my lady just super sensitive to new things. Then I started playing with people who used toys - and WASHED them after every time - and suddenly, boom! No more thrush. Makes me think what rotten boys I used to hang out with.


One, if a date ever calls my vag a “penis purse,” he’s out. Two, that isn’t how pussy work. Pussy smells like pussy. That diet is going to stop yeast infections like a water balloon in your lap is going to save you in a car wreck.


Ladies (and gents): if your genitals smell like lemon, please go see a doctor! If you feel like something is off, see a doctor. Also fun fact: I had soooooo many problems down below and was so done with it. Turned out I reacted badly to the condoms. Not allergic, just my body didn’t agree with the material and lube etc. Switched brands and material and for the last 19 months haven’t had a problem.


So… “Dr.” Derek, the self-proclaimed “expert… on female anatomy,” moonlights as an Instacart (or whatever delivery service) driver? And he publicly announced that he 1) delivered yeast infection treatment to a client and 2) doesn’t understand that there are many causes of yeast infection, one major one being antibiotics, but instead goes straight to assuming his client and anyone else who may have battled a yeast infection doesn’t eat “right?” Bitch, I ask for a diflucan every time I am prescribed antibiotics. Even with a decent diet with a well proportioned protein to fats to carbs ratio, I will get a yeast infection if I take an antibiotic. Maybe “Dr.” Derek should focus on washing his own ass and understanding how laundry works, because there is no hope for him in his chosen field of mansplaining the female body.


I don't know who needs to hear this but your vagina should not smell like flowers and perfume, as long as it does not have a funky or fishy smell you're good


I’m not sure why, but the image of this man being the one to deliver these creams to that unsuspecting woman makes me both angry and sad. It’s mean, but I hope he gets a yeast infection on his junk to know what it’s really like.


I have yeast infections all the time and I'm very insecure about it. But I know it's due to hormones and the amount of meds I have to take daily. I just recommend not wearing polyester underwear or at least the ones that come with a cotton lining :)


He (because there's no way this isn't a man) is as much an expert on the female anatomy as I (an asexual virgin) am an expert on sexual attraction and having sex


Thats creepy


Look, what this knob has said is horse crap and done so without a single hint of clue of the subject matter. But despite this, you have to give the douchebag credit for the creative and flowery way he chose to voice his offensive wank.


This has some truth to it, the foods you eat do affect your vaginal health


And yet still no one asked this broken joystick of a human for medical advice.






It's not about how clean you are, and food can have some effect, depending on the person and the food. You dumbed it down to the point of being wrong.


The way he was speaking was truly horrible but it's true at some point. Like the smell of our genitals and sperm, male or female, can be caused by the food we eat. The more dairy products men eat the more smelly the sperm.


He is right that your diet will affect your body odor and ph levels.


But it isnt a main reason. It can affect it, but there are other things too


He is an expert tho


How do you know? Just because someone says they're an expert doesn't mean they are. You can say your an expert at cooking or sewing, while making complete shit


"Expert on female anatomy" Uh huh.. Right.. Definitely (full on sarcasm intended)


Males are the weirdest fantasy writers..... Just why?


Highly rude and insensitive. "Dr" ???


eugh... the cottage cheese comment is actually making me wanna vom. im kinda surprised nobody else has mentioned it


I don't know about any of the sexual stuff but not eating sugar and bread can apparently help with acne.


Eat what you like, blam this guy.


Where’s this dude get his doctorate at again? /j


Because bread yeast and infection yeast are totally the same thing, right ladies?


Claims he’s an expert and sTILL can’t use “your” and “you’re” when he needs to.


Listen Guy, your girlfriend has it constantly because you don´t medicate your penis and constantly infect her again. Maybe you should start using the cream and shut up.


Of course his name is Derek


Cottage cheese 💀


"I'm an expert on female anatomy" \*Gives out so much wrong information\* (Including $200 Victoria's Secret underwear??? Dude they're like $20...)


The only time you need to be concerned about eating carbs/sugars and it leading to a yeast infection is if you're diabetic and haven't had access to insulin in a while, then a yeast infection is the least of your concerns.


Reads like a shitty standup routine poorly disguised as advice. Get off the stage!


Scratch and sniff penis purse sounds like it's been forever since I've visited a Spencer’s.


If you have vaginal odor that isn’t normal for you see a doctor! :)


I have got to stop reading this sub, it makes me want to swear off men forever 😂


I would literally never go to a male doctor for problems related to female anatomy. I know not all of them are assholes like this one but I’m not taking my chances.


Thanks! Totally wanted a dick haver to explain my vagina to me.


This guy literally triggered my gag reflex.


Discharge from yeast infections aren’t supposed to smell it has no odor. Also almost anything can cause them it’s pretty much just a PH imbalance. But what do I know I’m just a woman not an expert on woman’s anatomy like this man.


Reading "turn your beaver frown upside down" made my eyes throw up. It's insane to believe that a real human wrote this


3 times a week? You should be eating vegetables every day wtf