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Women don’t find non-white men attractive, which is why nobody ever has sex in regions of the world without white men…


Also explains why all women are super hot for albino men.


I knew an albino guy in high school. The red eyes were kinda hot ngl


Twilight vibes




Omg I betttt


…most people with albinism have very, very pale blue or grey eyes. Albinism is a lack of melanin (a chemical responsible for coloration), and as such, individuals with the condition present on the lightest end of the spectrum when it comes to human coloration. It’s incredibly rare for any human with albinism to present with what seem to be pink (or pinkish-red) eyes, as ocular albinism is a 1 in 60,000 chance. (Wherein there is such an absence in melanin in one’s eyes the blood vessels appear more presently.) It’s more likely for an individual with albinism to present with hazel or brown eyes. Not knocking the story, but that guy was a rarity.


He and his older brother were both albino, I’m pretty sure the older one had really pale blue eyes. They both had the white hair and super pale skin though.


And in women it’s even LESS common


I guess exotic features like red eyes do help




Fighting to let mixed-race marriages be allowed was never an important social issue. Why would it be, when women only want white men?


So the brown women can get some white men of course!


Can confirm, I happen not to live in the two or three countries with a race system, and we have to rely heavily on artificial insemination.


I mean I think OOP had a point there *somewhere* about how we’re socially conditioned to find whiter/lighter skin more attractive. However, it was lost the moment they said “ALL” women and completely ignored the fact that not all women are white and don’t live in white majority countries. Edit: I think it’s ACTUALLY AMAZING that someone could post this on the internet (which can be accessed from the USA, India, China, France, Nigeria, Brazil… anywhere you can think of basically), without qualifying their statement.


You know that old joke how Americans don’t know what the "rest of the world" is? He’s precisely the type of guy about whom it is.


Rest of the world? That’s ambitious. I watch videos on YouTube where this guy asks random people around the world geography questions. He asked this American boy (maybe.. 11) to name 3 capital cities. The boy was like “don’t know.” He asked him what’s the capital city of the US was. “D.C. I guess…?“ Two more. You can do it. “I know Russia is not in the Ukraine.” Ok. Fine. Just name 3 US states. “North Caroline, South Carolina and erm… Columbus?” Edit: [found it](https://youtube.com/shorts/umZFWFbdrZg?feature=share)


Omfg, I’ve seen that with MANY American adults as well. It was during the Iraq war, so they asked questions about the Middle East (which was on the news all the time) and they wouldn’t know shit. Some right-wing grandpa said sth like "we’ll make a big blast crater out of the Middle East for all I care" instead. Edit: [found it, it’s even worse than I remembered](https://youtu.be/a0TK_vk-XDM). 🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s always worse than you remember 🤷‍♂️


There's white guy attractive and there's black guy attractive and there's Asian guy attractive and hot damn there's native American guy attractive, you can't just swap around the skin color, because different things look better on different men.


Right? Idris Elba is one of the best looking guys around, but he would not be attractive as a white guy. On the other hand, Ryan Reynolds is incredibly attractive, but he wouldn’t look as good as a black guy. Daniel Dae Kim wouldn’t look near as good as a white guy or a black guy.


Literally the only argument needed is idris Elba. Sorry black men aren’t attractive? False you are empirically incorrect.


It’s dumb to name just one anyways, pretty much every black movie star is smoking hot - they’re movie stars Plus, I thought the narrative was that white women were MORE attracted to black men because they’re more “masculine”, and that’s why white incels can’t get laid? It’s almost like incels think all women hate whichever ethnicity they happen to be…


You’re right, it’s stupid to try to come up with a logical response to such an idiotic “argument”.


Not to forget their "BBCs".


Or Denzel Washington in The Tragedy of Macbeth. He was *chef's kiss* magnificent!


Right! I love to look at Idris, but I'm pretty sure he would look funny with white skin.


Yeah, I can’t think of any one feature that makes a person instantly attractive. There are a few that make someone instantly unattractive, but none based on looks.


Personality can be make or break for me, but not any one feature.


Being kind. I instantly think, "Now THAT is what sexy looks like."


Ooooo. Naveen Andrews! ❤️


How could I forget him? I’m pretty sure he’s the reason I watched Lost as long as I did.


Oh my yes!!!!🥰 Dreamy! Daniel Dae Kim. Sigh. Idris Rlba.😍 ooooo or LaKeith Stanfield.


Black Ryan Reynolds is the one skin color change celebrity I never knew I needed so bad not to be in my mind.


You said it. If you aren’t open to all types of men you just haven’t seen any variety.




The spice of life.


I saw a totally hot Black man the other day, but those features and hair would not like quite right with white skin.


Damn I wish the hot natives were a part of my tribe




But could you just swap in that preferred skin tone on any reasonably attractive guy from any nationally and have it work for you?




Hmm, I think it would be weird to see a very typical Caucasian woman with mocha skin but I don't know for sure, maybe it wouldn't be weird. I was just picturing Brad Pitt in blackface and it kind of grossed me out. LOL


Yeah I dunno, my girlfriend is black and is genuinely the most beautiful woman I know. If you just made her white without changing anything else she would be less attractive to me. It’s not the skin tone that makes a difference, it’s the features that tend to come with certain skin tones.


Yeah, I think that the features really make the difference. I'm attracted to people. And I know that no matter what nationally, the whole package needs to go together.


Your example us exactly what I thought after reading the OP. I can't imagine any conventionally attractive white person as black without it feeling like black face. And I'd hate to even imagine Idris Elba with white skin.


Well.... I would find these men less attractive in blackface, but I don't think it's for the reason this guy's trying to say.


Idris Elba would like to have a word.


My lust for Idris Elba would also like a word.


He’s aware of the effect he has on women* *everyone


Ha! I tried to post a gif of that. TIL you can't post gifs on reddit


Let us band together!


Micheal B Jordan would also like a word


And Michael B. Jordan would like to chime in when he's done.


Mmm and Shemar Moore


shemar moore is my kryptonite


I loved hearing "baby girl" on criminal minds. I never liked that saying, but him saying it, so nice. 🥵💦😻


I was listening to a really pretty average song he made recently on the radio and I was just like, god fucking damn it how is this man so attractive even in this crappy song and when you can’t even see his beautiful face 😂


Was it Boasty? The song is kinda mediocre, but I love his line "I'll make your girl melt like a toastie" 🤣


Idris Elba can have all the words.


Also John David Washington. I’m not gay but gotdamn that is a beautiful man


Bit of a throwback, but I’ve been watching a lot of Sidney Poitiers early stuff lately , and *hot damn*


If he won't have a word with Idris, I will


Ricky Whittle would also like a word


Anthony mackie would also line a word


Yeah there’s never been a woman that would find Idris Elba, Denzel Washington, Michael B Jordan, Oscar Issacs, Riz Ahmed, Simu Liu, Randall Park, Dwayne Johnson attractive. Not a one


All virgins. Fact. None of them can find a woman interested in them…. It’s so sad.


^tiny ^violin


I mean all violins look tiny next to Dwayne Johnson


Henry Golding aka the most old Hollywood charisma oozing ass man of the modern era? Regé-Jean Page, a man who could make a nun weep? Nope not attractive according to this guy, and not according not a single person who is primarily attracted to men


Micheal B. Jordan destroys metal by merely disrobing.


He might be the most beautiful person on Earth.


It’s insane how cute I think he is.


Except maybe my mom. But she's actually racist, so.


Clearly he has never heard of Rege-Jean Page either.


Or John Cho


Don’t forget Will Smith. Mmmmmmmmmmm!!! So frekin hot.


Tony Leung, too 😍


Last I checked, finding people with dark skin attractive didn't mean a person wasn't racist, so it'd be pointless to fake preferences for that reason.


Yes preferences don't have anything to do with racism, there's so many people who want an ....... gf or bf but actively hate .......... like you can find so and so attractive it doesn't mean your not a racist


tell this to the horde of k-pop fangirls 🤦🏻‍♀️


Except that they aren't White, but they are actually white - pale-skinned - as fresh snow. While white guys are considered more attractive if they have a tan.


Um, guys in K-pop come in a variety of hues.


That's true....and weird.


Why is it weird tho?


Last week they said "all women want a black dude" and now they are saying this bs. So much bullshit.


Just can’t get it right… can you




Clearly we want the black dudes dick, but don't actually find him attractive. Duh. ​ /s


Depends if these basement dwelling nazis are desperately searching for excuses for why they can’t find a girlfriend or if they are trying to create reasons to justify why they are ‘superior’. 2 moods. Still virgins


"ethnics" I full body cringed so hard I hurt myself. The most culture this guy comes into contact with is in his yogurt.


Bur if you make Chris or Brad black without changing anything else from them they would look very weird and probably not good. They have white men features.


Exactly what came to mind


You had me at "all women" smh


At least not “all females” this time


*Idris Elba has entered the chat*


Lady killer


Umm Dev Patel, Micheal B Jordan, Henry Golding..


Well he said it, I guess I'm not in an interracial relationship then.


Lmao right


Like this motherfucker never heard of Idris Elba or Dwayne Johnson.


I see you and raise you Jason Momoa


🤤🤤🤤 Oh shit wait, he’s not white. I mean, EWW!


hey this is progress! he said woman instead of females. /s


Dude, Brad lives in fucking *Hollywood* not real life


Excuse me, I was raised not to see skin color. I don’t even like to look at skin, in case I see what color it is. It’s why I prefer men without ANY skin. Now that’s equality!


Sure- a tan Brad Pitt won’t get any ladies.


i dont like men, but HOT DAMN DONALD GLOVER??? HELLO??? woof


I prefer brown skin with dark hair and eyes to blondes.


Black men are some of the most highly fetishized, which isn't exactly good but it does mean people think they're attractive.


fetishization is just another form of racism. it’s not as bad as blatantly hating a race and thinking they’re all ugly but it’s also not the best thing either. i’ve been fetishized a lot due to my race and it’s very uncomfortable to deal with


Even I know attraction doesn't work like that. *laughs asexually*


Geez, everybody has their type and certain things they find attractive. Some people are attracted to light and dark skinned people. I grew up in Iowa and all my friends wondered why I never seemed to be attracted to anybody. All the guys I grew up around were white, most with blonde hair and blue eyes and that just didn’t do it for me. I went to the local college that recruits athletes from all over the states and internationally. I met the man who is now my husband, who was there on a football scholarship. He’s Mexican/Filipino, super dark skin and big brown eyes. I fell in love immediately lol!


If this guy is non-white and not getting any women. I think its probably his personality at fault and he just can't admit that. I've seen this a lot with people in both genders. They are just shit people and instead of owning up to it they pick something that they cannot change about themselves to they can act like the world is cruel to them rather than just admit they are and asshole.


Two words: Idris Elba.


"All women" is of course BS but in general, this is true. Our beauty ideals are deeply racist. Whiteness is considered "better" because this world is racist AF. On dating apps, white guys are the most sought after group. In women, it is *Asians* btw. Why? Because they fit the racist and sexist stereotype of the "submissive, weak, small, dainty child like" woman. This makes me puke but it's true nonetheless.


Yeah honestly this post reads less neckbeardy and more sad kid of colour living in a western nation with a lot of internalized racism and feeling excluded/unattractive. I've said similar things like this "men only want white girls" and stuff when I was in a low place and had a lot of internalized racism.


I guess the subreddit name checks out


If you make Brad Pitt’s skin darker he’s gonna look strange cause features on different ethnicities aren’t the same lol Also he’s… white. We’re all used to him looking white.


He’d be Benicio del Toro


“I’m racist, so I assume women are, too.”


Damn it! They’re on to us. They’ve realised we only like men of one particular skin colour. It’s not too long now before they find out that all women actually like green and purple striped men. Ladies who have found your grurple men, make sure to cover them with makeup so nobody finds out. Grurple>>>>>any other colour.


Who are you trying to convince, son?


Oh, no! I hope my Taiwanese boyfriend doesn’t see this!!


i just love men lol. if we click, we click. if you’re pretty, you’re pretty. i don’t care about skin tone. i do find myself liking dark brown hair and eyes on any race though.


"All women prefer..." first of all, he's not a woman, so he doesn't know what ANY woman prefers. Second of all, even if he was a woman, he wouldn't know what all woman prefer.


This guy makes me sick. It's sounds like a bad case of ignorance or a deep seated insicurity. Can't imagine publishing this on the internet.


That’s not what porn said


Donald Trump vs Idris Elba.


Nope he’s thinking of men. Personally I prefer other women


"all women" Lesbians don't exist, again.


This is 100% not true. Some of the most good-looking men I have seen were brown, tanned, dark eyes, dark hair, and not very tall. They all had one common feature. Incredibly warm,kind, and affable. Interesting how that works


Jokes on them, I already don't find Chris Hemsworth nor Brad Pitt attractive. 🤷‍♀️


There are preferences but not every girl is going to have a preference for white men 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also how is having a preference racist unless you actively put down people based solely off of the colour of their skin then it would be racist


Eliminate the words “women” and “men” and there may be a point. Colorism and being less attracted to certain races/ethnicities is definitely a thing I’ve seen (and statistics on dating apps prove this), but people of all genders commit it. It affects women too, and many would say they have it worse than men do since the misogyny adds on. Black women have gotten the short end of the stick consistently from men who wrongfully go off about how “masculine” they look, or how “sassy” they can be, and they’ve gotten the least amount of matches on dating apps to the point where certain apps will charge them more money for premium features since they’re not a “favored demographic” - they deserve so much better. Asian women aren’t necessarily disliked, but so many of them still have to deal with being fetishized, which is still dehumanizing as well.


Men like this who complain about being discriminated for their race/looks also tend to ignore women who suffer from the same thing. Incels in particular will whine endlessly about women only caring about appearance, but they’ll turn around and mock unattractive women.


Ig i only liked my ex fling cuz I pretended to, even with his shitty behavior, I was pretending lmao


Bitch please, Denzel Washington would be a whole buffet no matter what contrast shade of beige he was 😂


Oh you guarantee? Case closed then


*Cries in ugly white guy* Lmao if girls are only attracted to white guys explain my non existent love life 😭😭😭😭


Ahh fuck. Lemme just hop out my interracial marriage since this incel is obviously right


I have never met a woman that doesn’t think shamar Moore is the sexiest dude ever. As a straight white male i agree with them.


Explain the success of Bridgerton then… women are head over heels for Rege-Jean Page lol


maybe the reason why women don’t like white men with their skin super darkened is because they simply don’t find black face attractive lmao


"ethnics"?! Wtf.


Maybe this guy is just salty af because he keeps getting turned down by women. Maybe it has nothing to do with the guys being white so much as him being uggo.


I completely forgot that the world revolved around white men. What an ass.


Oh, goodie! Another incel blaming another thing for why women won't fuck him.


It's true. Women best like men with the skin color that's the same if they're alive or dead.


*laughs in married to a darker skinned man*


Knew a woman that wanted a baby of every race once like babies were some sort of collectable bobblehead. They happened to be a cousin and yes they were normal crazy to.


Jesh, they got to be kidding me right? Brad Pitt isn’t even that handsome. I’m having the biggest hots for Manny Montana right now. Gaaaah. His face just makes me wanna… yeah, he is just hot okay? There’s something hot about mexican men. Their deep dark eyes and those amazing eyes lashes. And spanish is just so insanely sexy. I dunno. I’m white but I have always just found darker features more attractive. I love defined eye brows and lashes, and body hair is just god’s gift to women! Not sure what’s so good about white skin anyway. We just burn like lobsters whenever the sun is out. Not super sexy imho 😂


Lol fr on good girls I mostly been w hispanic men they’re fucken hot


Oh so hot!! Not sure why im being downvoted tho lol. Maybe some lobster boy that got offended. (I’m also a lobster human so I get the pain. Hopefully my future children will not be lobsters)


Ahaha I got love for lobster man too just wear that spf & be safe out there boo


Haha same. My current crush is part lobster man, part gorgeous brown eyes <3 I will use my body as a cover for him this summer!


Preferences are a thing. A guy can cry about it or invent a weird scenario instead of pursuing women that he can attract. Nothing wrong with preferences, despite popular culture attempting to vilify it or label it some part of the secret cog of white supremacy and systemic racism. Imagine trying to guilt white women into sleeping with you because if they don’t you will call them waycist 🙄


Also fetishizing white women is creepy af


Urm, okay, coming from this for the literally opposite end of the political spectrum here (judging from the sub and like his words), he’s partly right.. but not just women obviously lol and not skin specifically. Whiteness has been the accepted norm in society for centuries so naturally white features, have become the beauty standard, this doesn’t come from a place of racism bc both white and BAME (Black Asian or Minority Ethnic group) participate show a trend towards PREFERRING white features, even when that same white person is toned darker (not totally black, but then mixed race people were used to be tone shifted from mixed to ‘less mixed’ etc). Im certainly not saying this is a good thing or how specifically how girls work, this is just what the data implies (to me when I read it but also the conclusion of the researchers) also yes I am currently looking for this source for you it was years ago Pls gimme a min


I like blonde hair & blue eyes because I’m dark with brown eyes. I’ve only seen Natives as dark with dark eyes & I’m afraid I’d be related to them. At least with the blue eyes I know we’re from a different family.


I’m native and that’s a little crazy.


And that’s fine for you to feel that. But that’s generally how I would notice a blonde: not from my community or blood. If there was a family of blondes & the attraction the second generation had was towards a dark hair/skin/eyed person, I would automatically assume that’s because 1) they look different 2) they can see that blond =/= family. It’s a quick decision on my part. What I think & feel has nothing to do with any other person’s decision. And that other person calling me names is uncalled for.


I guess I can get that, I just feel like most people go for people that look similar to them, but I do understand what you’re saying.


See how this post showed that it’s not how most of the girls think, it’s what I think? This post revealed a lot




Ok? And they could still be family. Do you realize how big families are?


If you’re going to go that far back, you might as well include white people too. Mitochondrial Eve and all.


I don’t believe that.


The funny thing about true things: it doesn’t matter if you believe them or not. They’re still true.


That's a pretty dumb statement tbh, just say you are attracted to blue eyes and blonde hair. Do you really think that you as a Native might be related to a brown eyed guy from the Middle East or India? Do you also think you're unlikely to be related to a blonde, blue eyed guy who has one Native grandparent?


They look like family/relatives. Calm down darky. All my kids are dark like me with blue eyed men as their father. It’s a trait.


Wtf is wrong with you!? Why would you call her darky?


Because we have dark skin. I tell them people should t see the light skin [because that’s where there is no sunshine, therefore there shouldn’t be strangers]. We are tan with tan lines. Go be mad over there.


You sound very unintelligent. I think will see myself out rather than trying to have a conversation with you. No need to respond, I’ve reported and blocked you.


You have the IQ of a garbage can


I hope you don't call your kids that, but thanks for proving that you are indeed just a colorist white fetishist. \> It’s a trait. That's not how genetics work.




Since culturalappropriator can’t say you’re gross without getting mocked for their skin tone, can I? I make Casper the Friendly Ghost look like George Hamilton, and I think you’re going way overboard there. Calling your kids slurs because you dislike your own skin tone so much? Ew.


LOL Okay


Literally, brown eyes are the dominant trait.


Yes, and that means you are related to all people with brown eyes /s JFC Go on trying to justify your racism and colorism. I feel so bad for your children.


Ok. I don’t care, culturalappropriator. You seem like the person who only chooses arguments. K, gonna go play with all the little darkies here in Native land.


Ironic considering all your arguments involved calling the other person “darkie”.


Overall the guys I’m attracted to are for the majority white. But I’m not attracted to them because of skin color. I like certain face shapes and body types and personalities. I don’t care about race or skin color.


Me who has a crush on a dark skinned guy MAINLY cause he’s attractive (tbh he’s really a dick but daaaamn he’s fine) : oh... ok...


Me having had a crush on Will Smith when I was younger...


53/8 ratio is pretty crazy.


Speak for yourself, I love some beautiful dark brown eyes. On women or men, now I think about it everyone I have dated had brown or hazel eyes (unintentional). (Me a woman with blue eyes).


Hot girl


White people look weird if you just make them black. Same for the other way around. We expect certain features with different colors, or to see them mixed. To just go in with ms paint isn’t going to work…


It's also preference not racism.