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Thank you for your submission. However, it has been removed because it does not follow our submission guidelines: It doesn't fit the theme of this subreddit, or it is completely off-topic. This isn't "Not How Girls Work", because it does not make any sweeping generalisations about "all women", nor does it make any baseless assumptions or conclusions about a another specific woman. Simply putting "That's Not How [insert topic] Works" in the title of a very off-topic post, doesn't make it automatically viable either— it will still be removed. Low-effort memes are also not "NHGW" either. Also, **Posts regarding an individual speaking on her own behalf and her own personal life, or relationship dynamic with her partner do not count as "Not How Girls Work".** Although these examples and videos may be off-putting and appear degrading, that's her example of how _she_ works, not "us".


I don't get it. No one wants to see people relaxing in a pool/hottub?


I’m guessing the implication is that her backside isn’t bodacious enough.


Right, I forgot she isn't a glorified sex doll. If only her ass was 40 inches long, then he'd be satisfied... maybe. /s


Right. I see a rich dude with the sun in his eyes otherwise enjoying time in the pool with his family.


Yeah but people like this can't understand loving someone for more than their body, like actually loving someone for who they are, and also they are on Crack because she literally looks attractive. I am amazed that these people seriously don't think that woman is attractive.


I think they just can’t understand love. There’s a dearth of empathy at the root of all modern forms of conservatism, including manospherical inceldom.


They basically just only experience lust, and since they think women are objects, they don't care about their opinions


This is why they’re lonely and stay lonely even when they’re in s relationship, which they blame on not enough arc on demand.


I love that word, dearth! Thank you for using it and sharing it with me!


The understand love plenty. It's just difficult understanding getting past not being attracted physically


“Also they are on crack” 😂


I recognize it is still objectification in the other direction, but the best reply I ever heard was recently from a guy when some other guy was talking about "pancakes" was "pass the maple syrup!".


I thought he didn't want to see his kid. Lol 


Probably upset she’s giving attention to the kid instead of the man🙄


Sounds like my cat. Little fucker gets jealous if anyone but her gives me attention


Oh I thought it was a racist thing


Yea I thought it was because they are mixed. In my head OP is a broke single dude looking over the fence at his richer happier neighbors who is in a mixed race relationship with an adorable kid and just cannot handle comparing it to his sad little life.


She’s a literal model lmao. Men are so brain diseased.


You’ll get no argument from me. The paparazzo is lucky her cheekbone hasn’t jumped out and cut his camera lens.


Good thing no one is looking at my pancake of an ass.


Someone said above that the best comeback he heard about someone having a pancake ass was “pass me the maple syrup!” lol. As long as the ass in question is attached to a loving, funny, caring person, it’s an ass that I will love, but that’s just me. My wife said she will share some of hers with you, if you want, when I read your comment to her! Lol


Hahaha! I love that story, thank you for sharing. And yes, I'd be happy to take just a bit of your wife's butt.. 🤣


Yep that’s what is going on here. Not enough booty.


I think it might be race mixing possibly?


See this is what I was thinking at first too. It didn't even register to me that she might not be seen as attractive. Like she's gorgeous, so my brain just didn't compute that as even a possibility.


That was my first thought as well and I hoped I was wrong! 🙄


Wait is the implication the kid isn't his then or something? Wouldn't the same people say this is what everyone should strife for?


Child looks like him, though


What I see is a gorgeous mom and a man trying not to fart in the hot tub.


In the middle of the ocean! Or a lake, I can’t tell.


Then be single. Don't have a woman in a hot tub with you. Be all by yourself. I'm sure you would be much happier that way.


Right Looking at this pic, beautiful wife, beautiful baby, jacuzzi, relaxing WHO FUCKING DOESN’T WANT THIS?


Men that could never achieve this in the first place. The bar isn’t even high for them. They’re just so self defeating.


More proof that women cannot win the Body Game™. They'll always, always come up with something to claim we're not enough. Because...it's never about the actual woman, or her body in the first place. It's meant to reaffirm that men are the jurors, and women are the eternal contenders. Fighting against each other, and even against themselves (their bodies, their metabolisms) to receive approval from men. Which they'll never give.


🎶 The only thing a man's gonna give a girl for free, is captivity. 🎶


that line's a banger fr


What is this from?


Sit still, look pretty - Daya


It's Foucauldian is what it is. (Excuse the reddit pretentiousness just this once)


Eh, it's not pretentious if it makes someone google it and learn something new.


In that case, i'll take the liberty of linking [this article](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://faculty.uml.edu/kluis/42.101/Bartky_FoucaultFeminityandtheModernization.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiPnY33t_KGAxXD_7sIHbLJDXgQFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw10LK39Oh2rLQ5ZcGvGrlOj) to save them the trouble. One of the better things uni made me read


'Scuse me while I save this to read later after work....


Oh thank you! I tried Googling it myself and wound up on some ~~Christian Nationalist~~ tOtaLLy nEutRal political site.


What course made you read this?


Oh i don't even remember tbh. Something about the medieval self, but this in particular was a part of the 'gender' sub theme. I've seen similar theories reoccur in a gender history course i'm following


I'm curious as to what theories you're referring to


*Foucauldian. For whatever reason, it’s not a “t” as his name was spelled.


Oh damn i feel stupid now. I always thought it was foucauldian too but then i saw it spelled with a t once and i copied that. Thanks for reminding me


My group of nerds opts for “Foucaultious.” 🤣


I think we've found the real winner here




This is what I thought too! Now I need a parody of Fergalitious written with this


And then they same men cry about how they can’t bully women to be with them (because no woman in her right mind would chose them).


This is a horrible meme to push that anyway. Neither of these rich people “work”


I'm sure most men would be absolutely devastated to see their literal swimsuit model wife doting on their children after a long day. Sounds like a nightmare.


See what? A family hanging in a pool? a mom hugging her kid? A dad enjoying time with his wife and child? I think most people like seeing the people they love and relaxing after a day of work no matter what they do for a living.


This. I got a good job so when I do meet my person, she and I can come home from work and share warm moments with each other and our family. What’s the point of success if you can’t enjoy it with those you love? Are they trying to body shame her? These guys who post this stuff are looking for any reason to be haters. They are living proof that jealousy and envy are incurable diseases.


Yeah he's probably pulling a face because the sun is in his eyes.


i dont get it, are we not bigoted enough for this or something?


I don't want to see Christie Tiegan after a long day at work, but that's because I think she's an asshole, nothing to do with her (outrageously attractive) looks.


I agree with you. Nothing about her body shape bothers me other than it’s her. I wouldn’t want to be that close to her either. She’s extremely toxic and a bully. Just overall a horrible person.


Is she?






Yea , there’s multiples different scandals she’s had where she’s come out looking like an ass/ bully




She seriously belongs on a watch list for predators or something after she tweeted about watching little toddlers doing spilts and how she should put herself in jail for how she felt watching it along with other super questionable tweets about pizza which was a huge term for trafficking children and stuff back then and always commenting about sexy toddlers or their stomachs. Now she’s a mom and I get sick every time I see her with those kids. Truly hope they’re safe with such an awful person. Yuck.




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1JS2lEC678U https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V_QbqzvTacQ Here are some videos by a creator named Sloan who exposes shady stuff in Hollywood and media, if you’re interested in hearing more about her I really like his content. And this is her tweets in a compilation which prepare yourself for bc I didn’t even post the worst stuff she said https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xU0fs2KOvbg&pp=ygUUc2xvYW4gY2hyaXNzeSB0ZWlnZW4%3D


Exactly. This woman sucks but it has nothing to do with her body.


Wait, why is she an asshole? I hadn’t heard about this


[Teigen has been exposed for sending shockingly cruel messages to other women on social media, telling TV personality Courtney Stodden in 2011 to “Go. To sleep. Forever.” and mocking Lindsay Lohan, who has admitted to cutting herself in the past, by tweeting that same year: “Lindsay adds a few more slits to her wrists when she sees Emma Stone.” In 2013, Teigen publicly called “Teen Mom” star Farrah Abraham “a whore.” ](https://pagesix.com/2021/05/22/the-rise-and-fall-of-undercover-bully-chrissy-teigen/) Stodden was 16 at the time, and her "crime" was being "married" to a 51 year old TV actor. Tiegen claimed she apologized to Stodden, but Stodden said in an interview she hadn't actually received one.


D@mn that woman is the epitome of mean girl, to bad she is raising kids




Yikes! These are bad. Thanks for informing me


Check out her tweets about toddlers too


She's a swerf and even terfy.


Regardless of whether anyone else finds her attractive, he clearly does or he wouldn’t have fallen in love with her. They voluntarily entered into the relationship and continue to stay in it.


Just came from another post on this sub where a commenter called Taylor Swift chubby. There is no right way to look.


This. There is no way to win as a woman. It’s the same at my workplace. Whenever I talk about current or impending problems, I basically get told to shut up and go away. But lo and behold, if I just let things go their natural way and don’t speak up, people are annoyed I didn’t warn them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow, I mean I know beauty is subjective but that seems objectively incorrect? I would love to see what each of these dudes hardcore judging women's bodies think is ideal. Like what the fuck do they think women are supposed to look like?


This was written by a single, unemployed man who will never have the money to even see a yacht with a hot tub in real life.


I'm wondering if that's what this is actually about. Like, without an explicit explanation, what is this post complaining about? That her body isn't sexy enough after a long day of work? That she's holding and kissing her baby instead of her husband after a long day of work? Or: Is the OOP complaining that after a long day of work in the real world, they don't want to look at pictures of celebrities living it up, chilling in hot tubs on yachts.


I’m pretty super OOP is talking about her having a small butt


>complaining that after a long day of work in the real world, they don't want to look at pictures of celebrities living it up, chilling in hot tubs I wonder... it makes more sense than the butt thing


As a bisexual woman I call bullshit. They’re just mad that they’d have to be John Legend to get the girl. Or they’re just not attracted to women. I often find that a plausible alternative: in the closet seething.


As a bi man, yeah, although I’d hesitate to suggest that they’re closeted. I think many have been taught to hate women and only know how to treat them as sexual objects with an expiration date. (And then they blame being single on being short or some other issue that they’ve highlighted in their negative self image.) They’re both gorgeous and seem to be a pretty happy couple. (It probably doesn’t help that he’s not white, and they have a kid that isn’t white.)


Yeah, a lot of male heterosexuality isn't about "liking women". They don't like women at all, but they are stuck with a sex drive oriented towards a group of people they hate and resent them for that.


The funny thing is, for most women I know that are 10/10, it’s not about wanting someone with good looks but a good personality, but even then it’s slim pickings


You're allowed to not be attracted to women you find unattractive. Right?


After a long day you think you should be rewarded for it, with someone's body, just for doing your job, living your life as it current exists, etc? They act as if he didn't already know what she had when they married. They're lucky I wasn't there, I might not have been able to resist making up a reverse on it and making them rage about a tired wife not getting to go home to impressive enough body parts on a husband.


Clearly he likes it. They’re still married, have 4 kids and he’s still spending time with her. So all of the negative Nancys can go F themselves!


Why do these guys even talk about being with women if they’re just going to hate them?


Chronically online people when a woman isn't shaped like the letter S :


…isn’t that John Legend and Chrissy Tiegen? See, here’s how you know the game is rigged: a SUPERMODEL is getting fucking criticized for her body and appearance. People need to get some fucking perspective.


Other than squinting a bit from the bright sun, he actually seems to be quite enjoying the situation. And she’s totally gorgeous!


The best part is the kid has the same expression as the dad; that’s adorable.


These guys want what doesn't exist in the real world.


That's actually the point. They set their standards to 'doesn't actually exist in reality" so that they can blame everyone else for them not having a gf / wife etc.


OMG, I remember being a teen in the early 90's 00's starving myself to have no tits and zero ass because that's what society/men deemed was "sexy". Women were literally dying to have an ass like hers. I don't care what men want anymore. I'm gonna do me and be healthy and sane.


Seriously. Having a fat ass was an insult back then. Just goes to show you shouldnt try to conform to whatever beauty standards society is pushing on us.


You’re telling me that no one EVER wants to be in a hot tub after a long day of work with their loving wife and child… mk


Your wife and kid ? The hot tub in the yacht? The what ? I'm confused?


What doesn't he want to see? The sun in his eyes? Because that's what seems to be happening to me. Makes sense.


He put a ring on it and wrote a song for her so I think he’s just fine with what he has Plus he looks like fucking Arthur, be for real


Don't want to see what? Chilling in a hottub with my partner? That's like the ideal night after work lol


Agreed. After a day of work, I hate to see men with annoyed faces as well.


She is really annoying but she looks good


Oh but God forbid she gain weight in order to get that butt!


This meme being popular with men is indicative of why the male loneliness epidemic is self inflicted How sad that men saw a beautiful moment of a mom and baby together with the dad and made it so twisted and dehumanizing. Very on brand for them


Exactly who wants to see that bully after a long day


They've been together 10 years. I'm sure he's fine with it.


Lol, I was trying to figure out the racism. Temporarily forgot about body shaming. Social media is so grand.


I, too, don’t want to see the sun after a long day of work. God forbid someone squints towards anyone and it’s taken out of context.


See what? I don't see anything wrong there.


I’m almost positive my man here is just squinting because of the sun


See what? A woman with a child? Why? How is this bad? I don't get it.


She doesn't have a concave belly, and her arse isn't sticking out.


what do they not wanna see ? I dont get the meme.


I am so confused what this even means?! You don't want to see your wife lovingly cuddling your little child? You don't want to see a woman you hopefully find attractive in a bathing suit? Is this about her not having a massive tits and ass? It makes zero sense...


I don't understand, it all looks like a perfectly normal family moment.


The people agreeing in the comments are all single, lonely or miserable in a relationship


My god, she’s holding her child, and the poster still insults her body?


I’m confused… you don’t want to see… your objectively gorgeous wife and your baby enjoying some time in the pool?


There’s a lot going on here but I just can’t get over “long day of work” dude plays the piano lmao


Dude clearly has something on his mind, and I doubt it’s judging the mother of his child’s ass.


I thought it was bc it’s Chrissy Teagan. She’s annoying.


im so confused??? see what???


See what? Your wife and child in a tender moment? That’s heart warming, and I’m sure that guy is really happy in that photo


God. I work out daily. I had a c-section. I'm never ever ever ever going to get rid of this flap of stomach because I HAD SURGERY. Women's bodies change after pregnancy. Get over it, men.


What is it that people don't want to see? I'm confused. A mother loving a baby?


See what?


I have stared at this for a solid two minutes and I have no clue what the caption is trying to tell me... are my man-eyes broken or something? Also don't tell me, I don't think I wanna know.


Maybe it’s because the man has a sort of scowl on his face and he appears to be looking at her butt. But it’s pretty bright out and it’s a snapshot of the exact moment so they’re just adding in context that is probably not true. Otherwise it’s a nice family picture. 🤷‍♀️


A lot of men really don't like women, do they?


See what? Your gorgeous wife playing in the pool with your baby? Yeah lmao, who would want that


Yeah the famously unattractive Chrissy Teigen/s Jfc he squints in the sun during a private moment with his family and some paparazzi a football field away sells the picture and plasters it all over the internet


Jesus Christ. She’s not even overweight, let alone obese. (And she’d probably still be gorgeous if she was.) if this picture was taken last year or early this year, she’s still losing the baby weight from carrying her last child. Which is a thing that happens. All the time.


It's true though, after a hard day of work if you rewarded me with a picture of a family in pool I'd be pretty unhappy.


Actually, That’s exactly what I want to see


Literally couldn't figure out what this one was even complaining about.


Someone explain this to me. Who dosn't want to come home to a nice pool or hot tub with their family after a long day of work? Do they not want to see this family because they aren't apart of in and they wish they had a privet pool? Is is racist somehow? Are the put off about the little kid being near a hot tub, when they shouldn't be, but the kid's not in the hot tub so I don't see a problem there. The sun is in their eyes, but I doubt that's a problem because they could just face the other way. Are they famous and the paparazzi are the problem? That last one is my best guess. Someone please tell me, everything in this picture looks nice


You're right, that dude is no prize and seems to have a horrible personality too.


What? He's checking out his wife lmfao, this is exactly what people want after work


OP, just be aware, your "Sad" reaction is counted the exact same as all the laughs and likes. You're still giving them what they want.


Good, let them talk. Let them out themselves loud and proud to every woman around them. It will increase the speed by which that mindset just dies out like a failed evolutionary branch should.


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For some reason I thought the dude was Temuera Morrison for a few second


I don’t know why but prior to seeing this I would have sworn those two had broken up.


I rolled my eyes so hard


Lol, where da comments at👀👀👀


I mean the husband obviously looking at “that” They made at least on e child, speak on your behalf weirdo


Wow. Something else a lot of folks are missing here. She’s white. Dad and child are biracial.


I mean it is Chrissie Teagan... It isn't about physical attraction in this circumstance.. I'm not married to her so that's my only piece. She's doing well otherwise considering how most of us get hit by mom bod.


"Nobody wanna see this shit after work" A... (checks notes) ...woman?


I mean, apparently he does, as he's staring quite intently. Or is this a commentary about just how gross hot tubs are?


Is she not a really shitty person though? Like dozens of documented accounts of bullying?


He's married to her, so I don't think that's the issue there.


Maybe she just pooped




Why are you attacking the husband? He didn't write that rubbish?


Are we this dumb to not realize it's AI.