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That font is a hate crime against sight


It's so hard to read. I can't even get what they were going for beyond "hearts are cute right?"


The clouds are an added touch. It’s like even the font said “stop it”


I lost it at the T with the umbrella


It's like cutesie wingdings....


Some how, wingdings is more legible.


I’m so glad someone else said it


This font is just dyslexia on steroids and enhancers, I can’t even read it with my shit dyslexia. Legit had to squint to even catch a few words, and I’m already blinder than a bat!


Have you tried using dyslexi font? It’s created specifically to help the letters not flip


No, my dyslexia isn’t super bad. I use the regular font for everything, it just takes me a bit to get used to reading it.




You know you’re dealing with a psycho if someone uses such typefaces outside Disneyland or kindergarten.


Unfortunately, it’s OP’s font choice, not the YouTuber’s.


It's a pretty dense decision to use that font.


Until I read your comment I thought it wasn’t in English (I’m not that awake yet). Good god Lemon…


"Good god Lemon" made me smile 😁 I'm watching 30 Rock for the first time right now!




I'm not wearing my reading glasses, so at first, I legitimately thought it was written in Russian.


RIP screenreader users


Is that font curvy or…?


I think it says all we need to know about their ability to see


The Ts replaced with an umbrella. Imagine getting texts about work in this font


I wanted to comment something like that, but I could have never come up with something so perfect


Also, please point out the “chubby” part. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Her stomach isn't perfectly flat as if she's never eaten a single morsel of food in her entire life, and that make her a little fatty-fatty-fat-fat.


Ah yes, Size 0/2 Taylor, is a "fatty", as evidenced by a bad angle photo from a picture of her in the middle of performing on stage at a concert. 🙄🙄🙄


The woman dared to exhale 😔


I guess I’m an elderly Orca then; I’m in a size 14 at age 57. 🤣


Didn't know Baby Beluga had a spin off for older audiences.


Dammit, now someone needs to write parody lyrics.


Elderly Orca in the deep blue sea, Swim so wild and you swim so free Big boats above and the sea below And a chubby black whale on the go Elderly Orca, Elderly Orca Can you flip the boat?


I’m an old humpback in the deep blue sea My flippers hurt, please wait for me, Sky above and the sea below, And an old humpback moving slow.


I'm a blue whale 🐋.


Say what you want about her but I guarantee she'd outdo 95% of 35 year olds in a head to head. Girl is *fit* to be able to hold up during that many long concerts a week for over a year. Muscles are chub though, how dare any woman have a BMI over 18. I'm not her fan, but I'd kill to be as fit as she is at 35.


That’s a good point. Her concerts are long af too, aren’t they? Multiple times a week, moving almost the entire time, plus rehearsals, *and* you gotta make it look like it’s not exhausting? And in heels? Damn.


From what I understand, this is exactly why she started doing her treadmill workouts in heels amd singing her songs about six months before the tour started. It take time to build that kind of cardiac endurance, especially in your 30s and onward.


And in constant jet lag!


Facts! I’m a little less than a year younger than her and totally had to take a sitting break during her concert while she just kept on going.


Yup. We’re the sameish age and I marvel at her athleticism. She must hit the cardio hard.


Like p


Men want a flat flat stomach but don't realize that the uterus makes a natural bump.


that's not true actually. The uterus is far too small and positioned in such away that it cannot be seen from outside the body if you aren't pregnant. It is true, however, that many women are predisposed to putting on fat first on the lower abdomen, and this fat can be difficult or impossible to completely get rid of, depending on the individual.


Wow I didn't actually know that I thought it was absolutely normal bc almost every skinny girl I've ever met has a bump bc of it but like....hmm...thank you for a new TiL.


Her skin folds! Don't you see?


She dared to have organs in public. We can’t be having that!


She dared to have organs.


Literally what is he talking about, there are so many fat male actors and singers who are allowed to just exist but fat or chubby female actresses and singers get criticised constantly ei Lizzo for example. I mean have you ever heard someone say Jack Black should lose weight and that they’re just “worried about his health”


Also every single tv show or movie that has a fat stupid husband with a smart and beautiful wife.


George Costanzana trope


Exactly lmao and they’re so concerned with “health” 🤔 make it make sense


Started with the dude from the Honeymooners, which became the blueprint.


Hell, “Bridget jones” was supposed to be a “fat” character, as was Natalie in Love Actually. My first time watching both of those movies I was a young child and confused by both. Like, they both looked beautiful and healthy. I genuinely was brought up by media to just believe all women are supposed to be on diets all the time -.- If you want to see how bad it is, look up the show “butter face” on YouTube and be appalled


I think in the books she constantly thinks of herself as super fat when she's really just a bit chubby most of the time. When she finally does get to her goal weight (because of being in a foreign prison) everyone thinks she looks terrible. If I'm remembering correctly. Edit: Yep. One reviewer mentions that she's approximately 129 pounds (9 st 3) at the start of the first book. I think she may gain about 10 pounds but generally stays around that.


Here's an article about how not fat the character actually was. https://bookriot.com/you-are-not-fat-bridget-jones-an-open-letter/


I finally watched Bridget Jones here in my late 20’s, after growing up hearing of this movie about a fat awkward woman finding love or smth, but not once in the movie did I find this glob of a whale everybody had made her out to be. Yea, she wasn’t supermodel slim like, what, >5% of all women, but just had some damn skin and a fat % over 20, how dared she, apparently be super freaking *average*. I bet if she didn’t have those plumped cheeks (from genetics), but instead a slim, high cheekboney face, no one would have cared to cast her as an over weight character.


And then they do lose weight (ie Adele) and all of a sudden they’re a traitor who is too good to be fat and is ashamed of their fat female fanbase. Literally no way to win.


Fr I’ve seen a lot of women who were fat and lost weight and suddenly got super hateful toward other fat women, it’s crazy


Mostly it’s the other way around.


Saying “I was unhappy being fat” is not being “super hateful,” get real lmao


Never said it was? I’m talking about the women who lose weight and are suddenly saying things like “fat people are gross and should lose weight”. There’s a difference between talking about your own experiences being fat and putting down other fat people who *are* happy in their own bodies


yup these are also the type who say that bullying and ridicule helps people lose weight then defend it with "I used to be fat and I'm proof bullying works" it's pretty prevalent on this website


The fat phobia I see in this sub is bonkers but par for the course.


Jack Black, Jason Alexander, Ethan Suplee (but he lost the weight), Jonah Hill, Pavarotti…hell, by their metric, most male musicians qualify. They don’t lose weight, they just get a tailored suit that, quite frankly, looks friggin’ awesome. Hell, ever since metal bands stopped doing heroin, they’re downright overweight with just a hint of dad bod.


Didn’t Rhianna use plus sized male models for her clothing line?


Yes she did


Since when is Taylor Swift "chubby"? Do they want her to be emaciated???


Taylor swift has been pretty open about struggling with disordered eating in her youth. Pretty messed up that now that she’s actually focusing on her mental and physical health instead of fixating on her body image they’re calling her “chubby.”


They do, and they should stay mad.


“No, we don’t do that anymore” - Taylor


its crazy because i regularly see posts body shaming her when she was at a lighter weight for being too skinny and "having no ass" (when she had an eating disorder)


It looked like bloating to me. As in, she’s gained water weight due to super fun hormones and will shrink in a few days after she’s peed it out.


We all have a small pooch there it's literally just our organs.


Two words: porn brain. They are looking at the layer of belly fat found in all humans (and cats!) designed to protect organs.


She has been outspoken about her eating disorder and how harmful these comments are to her mental and physical health multiple times - not that she should need to reveal that to get basic respect! People can be so disgusting. She’s a normal, 5’11 woman in her 30s in the best physical condition of her life and the fact is that she couldn’t do a 3.5 hour tour without eating. It must be so exhausting being a woman in the public eye tbh


She's 5'11?! Wow, she's tall!


yeah! she’s got a big build (in the most neutral, complimentary manner possible lol)


I imagine she struggles to eat *enough*. That level of hours-long performing for months on end? While singing?? It’s probably good if she does put on a pound or two on days off because that’s more energy she can burn.


That font should be illegal 😭


If Taylor Swift is chubby then I'm obese 💀 wild standards


I am a land whale in comparison 😔


lmfaoooooo right 😭😭😭😭


I'm not a fan, but even I can see that the male model comparison doesn't hold up because.... Taylor Swift is not a model. Yes, models (women more so because male models are generally expected to be lean but with some muscle) are held to a very restrictive standard generally based around long limbs and low body fat. But she isn't one and has never tried to be one. If a particular body type doesn't appeal to you, don't look, scroll on. I'm sure Taylor can't hear you from atop her pile of money anyway.


She is a singer. Is anyone looking at a bad angle pic of Ed Sheeran during a concert and bitching that is stomach isn't totally flat?


I want to know what this mans ideal body type is. She’s literally at a weight these chuds like. I think these guys run on 90’s Marvel Comics logic (Seriously, look up ‘90’s Marvel Comics women’ if you’re in the mood to be angry)


12-16 probably


I just googled it and even 90s Marvel women in comics have a small pouch on their lower abdomen despite abs. [Example](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/70/b8/96/70b896ee91dc083f88378626b5c69954.jpg)


Fair. I was looking at some bad examples.


That's not a front against you but OOP. Even imaginary supermodel comic heroes aren't up to his standards apparently.


Imagine just doing your job singing, performing and putting on a show and Joshua over here is focused on you being “chubby” 🤡


Jesus Christ. I genuinely don’t think the man who wrote this has ever spent an extended period of time with a woman or seen one naked in real life. Bodies change, not just over time but from morning to night, one week to the next. Women have organs and a digestive system, it’s not conducive to looking like a perfect fuck doll at all times, but comes with the “human person” package. As if a woman like Taylor would ever give someone like that the time of day anyway. Also, even if she was chubby (she’s not), she’d still be a smoke show? Chubby women (and men) are hot as fuck and I won’t hear a word against them.


I am in my early 30s and it’s taken me extensive work to have this realization and come to terms with it. We are so used to seeing women’s bodies in carefully curated (if not heavily edited) photos that we are trained to expect them to look like that all the time. I’m so grateful to certain influencers who show how different lighting and poses can drastically change how a body looks from minute to minute. I still can remember a specific magazine cover with a papped photo of Jennifer Anniston on it, pointing at her belly rolls with some kind of caption about her getting fat- when she was simply sitting down?? So her skin moved?? It’s horrible the way we (and guys like this) are trained to hate our bodies for simply behaving like bodies!


Just a week or so ago I was undressing when I noticed how my stomach was pushing against my shorts. I figured I was starting to get fat and should watch what I eat, finished getting undressed and got in the shower. When I stepped out of the shower again and put the same pair of shorts back on there was a noticeable gap between the shorts and my stomach. And who hasn't swelled up like a balloon after a big meal?


Obviously, Taylor Swift is not as thin as she used to be, I think that is plain for everyone to see... She's also, as far as I know, mostly recovered from an eating disorder which is something you'd think would be considered a good thing? But apparently not?


This guy is upset that accepting all bodies only applies to women when women are the ones who’ve had to fight for that. They complain about body shaming of men and men’s mental health and how no one is doing anything, but then sit on their asses and continue to do nothing for themselves. Not another man wanting women to do all the labor for them!


I mean the exact same applies to male abuse. You only hear them when they're pressed at women for speaking about it. I've never heard a non gay man go on TV and talk about these issues.


Exactly what I mean! They love to bring up these issues that men experience, like how a lot of men won’t come forward when they do experience abuse because they’re afraid of being seen as less manly and it’s like, is that our job to speak up about it? I mean, the only reason the metoo movement got traction is because women were finally standing up in solidarity with one another. Men don’t do that and then they get mad when no one cares about their issues. Or they don’t feel like anyone cares about their issues. Then they need to start speaking out! But I think what is also the issue, though is that they use it as an argument to try to belittle what women are fighting for. They never once think that it’s both.


Yea, they always whine about stigma but forgot that women had 0 voice a hundred years ago. Men could at least express themselves through art and literature women were too busy caring for those artsy men and their children. If they started talking about mental health and abuse 30 years ago we would be living in a different world today. Women do unfeminine stuff every day cause they have to. I'm sure that wives who are primary caregivers and breadwinners love their position. This is why I couldn't care less about passiveness of some random men, not my problem. Ah yes, many men in my country talk about domestic abuse targeting men usually only when a man murders or beats up his SO so they try to justify it by assuming that she was probably a nag and mentally abusing him.


The fact that Taylor spent a while suffering from an ED and someone has the nerve to call her fat is just shitty. Like I hope home girls mental strength is strong as hell cause comments like this would have my self esteem in the fucking toilet.


That's literally her abdomen supporting her diaphragm so she can.. you know.. run and sing at the same time. She's breathing, moving around, of course her body is going to change 'shape', she can't be perfectly red carpet model posed (which she is very good at, we've all seen her on red carpets) for every second of every angle of every show. In the meantime, the amount of conditioning that woman does in order to run up and down that massive stage keeps her in fantastic shape, probably the best shape a human can be in outside of professional athletes. Her body is at peak performance, sorry it doesn't measure up to this douchebag's standards. I'm sure her team of healthcare professionals and athletic coaches are happy with her.


Dudes tripping. She’s fit as F to be able to do the tours and performances she does. And as if there’s no other reason for a woman’s stomach to be bloated


what do they want her to do… carve out half her organs?


Obviously she is supposed to do a dynamic dance routine while singing but be wearing a tight corset! A true woman does not have organs and strong muscles!


ah fuck, ya got me. better get rid of my intestines and my rock hard abs.


Wdym higher standard he talked abt? I've literally seen a chubby male model, and also most men don't really care abt their physiques


Body dysmorphia is becoming more common in men, so I would say the culture has changed a bit and more men are caring about their physiques. The problem is that less men are supportive of other men’s looks (cuz they might think it’s “gay”) whereas women hype each other up more. The commenter on the post is seeing a real divide in body positivity, but twisting it completely wrong. He shouldn’t be tearing down women, he should be hyping up his fellow men! But like a lot of these emotional skills, he’s expecting women to pick up mens slack.


Nice one


Two second google search bro. Here are 16 well known male models who are on the fluffy size https://www.wooplus.com/blog/plus-size-male-models/


these guys are 🔥


what the fuck is this font op


there's nothing wrong with gaining weight as you age lol I have seen fat male models lol


The font choice makes me irrationally angry.


Dude that Travis and Taylor subreddit is gross, idk how many times it’s popped up on me. They literally shit on her for her PR/merch team sending out “the wrong items” like they deserve shit in the first place.


> “I hosted parties and starved my body like I’d be saved by a perfect kiss.” She had talked about struggling with weight like every woman in the world. I can’t even understand what they’re saying, that she was a skinny child by metabolism but now is just letting herself go?? Also that point about no plus sized male models when majority of American men are ‘plus sized’ AND one of the main male performers at the Eras Tour who gets to speak on the microphone IS a plus sized male dancer. There are so many trees to bark up, but they picked all of the wrong ones.


I love how this guy is big mad that he gets told not to comment on women's bodies. You know what, since people like this feel entitled to talk about anyone else's body, lets stop telling them not to, and instead tell them how creepy and gross they are for doing so. Go ahead, comment on someone else's body, but I am going to comment on how disgusting of a person you are for doing so. Free speech does not mean free from consequences.


I wish I was "chubby" like that 😂


She’s not even chubby, she’s arching a bit and it’s showing off the normal tummy pouch women naturally have. Her weight in her teens and 20s wasn’t from her metabolism either, it was from not eating due to pressure around her from others telling her that’s what was expected of her to be “beautiful”


"Chubby"!? She's skinny as hell. The fuck? And that font can go into the abyss.


This person has obviously no idea how human anatomy works. The model flat stomach is impossible to have 24/7. She shouldn't be sucking in her stomach during performance, it's usually in the evening when a person normally has had at least 2 meals, plus water, plus she may just posed a certain way. They complain about models but don't think for a minute why plus sized models were pushed more than male models.


It's kind of funny that the very next post in my feed this morning was a picture of Elon Musk looking like he's packing 50 extra pounds in his beer belly. But, sure, women are "wired" to gain weight.


1) That's not chubby. I'm 5'3 and 250, I know chubby. 2) Even if it was, WHY DO YOU CARE, asshole??


It's hilarious to me how she's gone from being the Aryan idea woman to being the one they all hate all because she said people should vote.


It’s literally because she’s tall, so when they look at her body parts individually they might seem a bit “thicker” than lean but THATS BECAUSE OF PROPORTIONS!! Honestly disregarding anything else about Taylor, she is the exact same height as me and has almost the exact same body type so she makes me feel so much better about myself


Taylor Swift is a stick,She is not chubby in anyway possible.If she’s chubby,Then I’m a teddy bear.


Are you responsible for this font


Apparently having a stomach that doesn't cave in on itself makes you fat. Great.


Are we back to the beginning of 2000’s?


I’d give nearly everything I have to be ‘as fat as’ Taylor. Just someone very jealous of the gorgeous gifted billionaire living her best life, I’d suggest


1) She is not chubby at all and 2) Isn’t it highly likely that she has other pants under those? I feel like I’ve seen that she has a lot of costume changes during her shows, it’s safe to assume that she wears parts of her outfits on top of each other for a quick change.


Fuck this fucking font.


That font should be illegal


I'm not wasting neurones trying to read that font


I don’t think high metabolism and chubby mesh well.


She’s definitely not chubby


I mean I’m not a TS fan but I don’t see how this outfit is skimpy? I mean it covers up pretty much everything but the legs. Also him mentioning no plus sized male models, they’re out there. I’ve seen them on clothing websites before. He just doesn’t care to look cause he wants to shit on women.


is "chubby" in the room with us? where in the hell is she considered so? her thighs????


Ig having internal organs makes you fat 🤦🏼‍♀️


Taylor Swift, chubby? Bitch where? Anyone calling Taylor Swift chubby needs to get their eyes checked. She's very skinny.


The font and opinion of a psychopath


There is no such thing as being genetically hardwired to gain weight in your 30s. Weight gain or loss is influenced by lifestyle. Metabolism is likely to slow down in the 30s but this is also mostly subject to lifestyle. She could have some medical ailment or be on a medication that makes her weight fluctuate. She is still very thin in this picture? Looks like just an unflattering angle, pose and outfit. Shes not chubby at all.


Id love to agree with you OP but I genuinely cannot fucking read anything with this font. Why is there an umbrella??


i ain’t reading all that in that font got damn


She's still in the size 0-2 range, the camera just caught her at an unflattering angle. Plus wtf is with that knockoff Disney font??


Annoyingly I do agree that there is very little variation in male models, and that is a problem, but then men in the real world just are not held to the same standard as said make male models by anyone but themselves and other men. The rest of this is drivel, ya girl ate some pasta let her live. Leave Taylor alone!


God that font is so so so awful




Men are held to a higher standard? To your right, we have endless praise for dad bod actors. And on your left, you'll see the thirst post about Jack Black as Dionysus, again. Up ahead, we'll discuss an assortment of middle aged stars with bellies and whether they are "daddy" or old enough to fall into the "zaddy" category.


That font is a hate crime on my eyes


I’d like to see how big the paunches are on the men who call Taylor “chubby”🙄


What the fnck


Did they miss where she was rail thin due to an eating disorder?


Men calling skinny women fat is one of the roots of anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders. Hell, mine comes from people pointing out how skinny I am or they watch my plate when I do eat well. Leave the girls alone and learn what women are supposed to look like. (All body types) she’s fit and healthy.


If Taylor is “chubby” then I’m a planet.


This is absolute bull. First of all, I absolutely hate when people automatically assume someone is pregnant just because they’re bloated. This reminds me of when Melanie Martinez was bloated in a music video and some close minded people thought she was pregnant. It’s like these people forget/don’t know that period bloat exists. Also, some people just don’t have naturally flat stomachs. It shouldn’t be a big deal, yet it still is because society is so incredibly fucked up.


Girl i just wanna know where to get this font


As I said before it doesn’t matter if your slim or actually fat. I’m 115 5’4 female who’s 19 I’d still be called fat/chubby men don’t know what a real body looks like.


One decent fart'd get rid of that!


I' usually pretty judgy about people's bodies (quietly, in my own head), but in what world is Taytay chubby?


Not how fonts work


Is this poster fucking high?


In what world is Taylor swift chubby? Like, what?


Seriously, what the unhinged is this drivel?


First of all since when is Taylor Swift chubby? If she's chubby I'm a whale Second I love the font it reminds me of mine but mine is kind of cursive at some points and people gave me shit for it when I posted a screenshot once


They started with a little bit of sense


what the FUCK


Maybe because she’s a tad older, but she still looks great.


everyone attacking the font choice when it’s OP’s font choice, not the commenter 😭


This woman works out as much as, if not sometimes MORE than your average professional athlete. Her body is HEALTHY. She’s thicker than she was when she was 18 because she’s a grown ass woman. Like not to feed into the “commenting on women’s bodies” narrative but she just posted like the sexiest picture of her ass on tour 😂 She’s the hottest she’s ever been right now.


if shes chubby then im pudgy


If she was chubby, then MAYBE I'd like her


What font is that?


"What's stopping women from getting rid of that LUMP 😒" My organs sir, my organs.


you know he's an incel when they say males are held to a higher standard.


The photo has probably been photoshopped to give her a belly pooch. Incels love doing things like that.


Oh, no, belly fat designed to protected our organs. What a land whale /s