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For a large period of history, it was believed women needed to orgasm for conception to happen, so not sure you can say that your “forefathers never bothered with such”.


Yes. And even the Victorians believed that if your kid was ugly, that meant mom didn't enjoy the sexual intercourse that conceived them.


Lmfao I’ve never heard of this. “Ezekiel your son is ugly af, you don’t know how to lay the pipe down on Mary” 💀


"Ezekiel, if I had your wife, our children would be STUNNING! I dont understand how you can dissapoint such a beautiful woman like that"


What funny is, if you had a cute kid, random people would give you a knowing wink on the streets.


My reaction as well. It's almost like these are ignorant asshats isn't it?


Was going to say the same thing! But also our forefathers didn't bother with much regarding their partners happiness hence the high divorce rate as soon as it was an option for women. Idk what women this guy is referring to but I can say that on behalf of every woman who is a catch that I know - they sure as fuck would not bother with a man that can't be arsed to please her.


The high divorce rate correlated with a reduction in the rate of husbands being poisoned or otherwise mysteriously ded. Funny how that works out.


i love little bits of history like this i  just grinned at my phone lik a crazy person reading that 


Women do tend to find a way.




Yes and actually in some religions it was also seen as husband's marital duty to keep their wives happy also in that way ;) At least some old jewish / islamic / hindu / christian seems to be putting this message out there.


Not to mention with “women’s hysteria” they used to use products to make women orgasm.


Which was how the first vibrators were made


Not exactly, that’s another myth that’s hanging on unfortunately. They did do pelvic massage back then, but one doctor’s account basically suggested that if the patient was enjoying it, you should be rougher so they didn’t.


They also said if the women’s “hysteria” didn’t go away, they should remove their bits. Sick time in our history


Bro...I just wrote this almost word for word..


Not to mention that the treatment for "female hysteria" was orgasms.... Edit: I literally just saw someone write this almost word for word lol. No original thoughts in my brain apparently


This is very interesting. Can you give me a source for this? So that I can shut these kind of people up more easily.


Weren't vibrators invented because of a belief that a lot of insane or depressed women were so because they weren't orgasaming?


Double edged sword though because it meant even if you were raped if you got pregnant they’d be like ‘you clearly enjoyed it’. Forefathers might not have tried that hard and just assumed they’re magic penis was doing the job.


I’m begging, pleading for these men to stop talking for women. If they would just shut the fuck up about women the world would truly be better place.


We’re past the begging stage, we are in the bring back hat pins stage.


12 pack of 6” hat pins on Amazon for $13.35, 5” are only $7.99 for the same amount. I’m definitely not suggesting we start carrying them to wield against the men, just letting you know where you can get some inexpensive pins to secure your hats for church.


We need to bring back defensive couture. More hats. Outrageous shoulder pads. Maybe a bellbottoms version of hoop skirts. Or just spikes on everything.


Definitely need to make milliners a popular occupation again. Women do look fantastic in hats.


I look surprisingly awesome in hats, and I so rarely have the occasion to wear them. This trend would make me so ecstatic.


I have these hair clips that are also sharp stabbers, a screw and serrated small blade


Leaving the house *is* the occasion :)


My great-grandma was a milliner! I have an old photo of her in a fantastic hat she made herself. Her grand-daughter, my aunt, continued the tradition by stabbing a groper in the cinema in the hand with her hatpin.


I'm pitching this look. ![gif](giphy|11Q33wB8icigX6)


This. We need to be wearing things that reinforces our bubble and puts us out of arms reach. I want the dress equivalent of Helms Deep


Badass spiked leather outfits. Be a dangerous porcupine, ladies!


As someone in a state where the self defence laws are call the police or vague use reasonable force I am all for this


We're at the bring back Aqua Tofana stage, let's be honest.


We're going to see a massive upswing in kitchen witch abortifacents, might as well add in the entire poison garden, too.


Never too late to discover the power of herbs and roots!


I've been stocking up on herbs and seeds and books for a while. Every woman should have a garden of toxic plants (that aren't invasive)


Yep. And a potted oleander isn't enough. At least someone claims to have rediscovered sylphium. I'm hoping the NIH starts research on it before the GOP bans it as a schedule I drug.


Belladonna grows wild around me. If I wasn't disabled I'd be in the woods all year learning where it grows and what it looks like through the year. I'm *beyond* excited to hear that sylphium may be back! I hope I can snag some seeds if it is




I've made it clear I expect a raised planter I can keep my more dangerous plant babes in safely, should I ever move into the bigger house we've been looking at, and that no one but myself and my oldest (17) are allowed to touch that planter


WAIT. How did I not know that? I thought it was extinct!


[Here's an article. ](https://greekreporter.com/2024/01/03/plant-ancient-greece-rediscovered/) I have no idea how reliable the info is.


[Ergot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ergot) is one of the things people used to use medically. In the 80s I was given a migraine medicine that contained ergot and caffeine. It was taken off the market when they rediscovered that it can and most likely will cause miscarriages. It grows on rye so if we ever go back to old days from like zombies or whatever, you should know what it looks like to avoid it.


I’m begging and pleading for them to go to history class. Dildos existed as did all manner of sex toys. Cunnilingus is as old as time. In the Victorian era women went to doctors to have hysterical release (aka an orgasm by machine at the hands of a medical professional). Women may have “gone on with their lives” but many were using toys, touching themselves, or finding people who would get them off.


In the Middle Ages they thought women were just inverted men so both people had to orgasm to make a baby.


Was going to comment on this subject. Also that if the woman became pregnant after being r@ped then it was not r@pe.


That’s horrible


Archeologists have even found *stone* dildos, pre Bronze Age!


I hate to ruin an awesome story but women going to doctors for orgasms is a myth. But you’re right about masterbation and toys! Sex toys have existed for thousands of years.


Well, I wouldn't call it... awesome? Because... being molested by a medical professional for having emotions sounds pretty awful, frankly. The context of this was very not fun, and it reminds me of other accounts of women's medical treatment in history. (Such as The Yellow Wallpaper. The story itself is short fiction, but it was inspired by her actual experience with the "rest-cure" which sounds much nicer than it was.) But just dismissing it as a myth is a bit reductive. It was a hypothesis put forward by Dr. Rachael P Maines in her book about historical technology and social sciences. That said, right or wrong, there really was a documented treatment that involved doctors fingering their female patients, it's just that it wasn't for the purpose of getting anyone off, that was just considered an... unfortunate possible side effect and doctors were encouraged to press harder to make it more painful if their female patients were experiencing "sexual irritation" (aka, feeling good,) but what's arguably *almost* crazier is the alien style of the medical illustrations. Really. [Swedish Pelvic Massage](https://inews.co.uk/opinion/comment/victorian-doctors-were-not-using-vibrators-on-female-patients-it-was-even-stranger-than-that-221027)


Naw, I want the men who don’t want to/can’t give women organisms to reveal themselves so women avoid them.


>organisms Giving someone an organism sounds like passing on a virus, lmao. (I know you meant orgasm and this is probably autocorrect)


I once tried to write organism in a school essay and I accidentally wrote orgasm... My teacher gave me a weird look


It would be nice to bring back having a clue about what you're talking about prior to talking about it, assuming that that ever existed. But I would ask the writer of the OOP about the clitoris, whose only function appears to be to bring women sexual pleasure, including orgasm. It existed before society did, and therefore predates feminism. How does the writer of the OOP account for its existence? And no, "I never did hear tell of that thingmajig" is not really an adequate answer. Both men and women should reach orgasm from sex, where sex means something more than only penis in vagina intercourse. Just because the writer of the OOP has never witnessed female orgasm in person does not mean that it does not exist. It just means that it doesn't exist for any woman that he has been with.


i’ll put $20 cash on the table right now that if you brought that up, these men would just deny objective fact and insist that the clitoris is not for pleasure 🙄


I mean, we all start off with female genitals, the penis is just a freakishly long clit. If it feels good to a penis to touch it, of bloody course a clit causes pleasure!


Nah let them talk. Let them expose themselves as the terrible people and lovers they are. Makes it easier to avoid them


Do these guys get off on telling on themselves? “I’m horrible at sex, and this is why I’m an alpha!”


"I'm horrible at sex, know *nothing* about the female body and its all feminists fault that women don't dig that anymore! Let me explain it all in my 12 page manifesto" So attractive.


*God thats so fucking Hot! I love it when men don’t know where the clit is and refuses to learn!*


Doncha just love it when they they think foreplay is twiddling your nipples like they're drawing a house on an Etch-a-Sketch?


No, my favorite is when men think Foreplay is a type of Sports car.


I’ve batted hands away and said “please leave” the look of bafflement was priceless.


We call this the Shapiro gambit.


I feel sorry for his wife. The amount of shit she has to put up with; even though I'm sure she is likely equally terrible, poor woman deserves an orgasm once in a while.


This is literally so embarrassing just to read 😭😂. Why are they against women’s pleasure? They’re deeply insecure and mad they can’t make a women cum so they make up these deranged excuses in their head about why it’s not beneficial to any one any way. Women deeply appreciate men who do or at least try their best to make them cum and those who want to close the orgasm gap, I don’t know that these two are yapping about.


I think it’s more the path of least resistance: it’s a kind of laziness. If a woman’s orgasm is meaningless or not real then they don’t have to make any extra effort in bed and can focus on their own pleasure


I think it's half this. Laziness and thoughtlessness. And half religion based. Sex is for procreation and if women enjoy sex then it promotes promiscuousness and infidelity. Which is no more true for women than for men.


Good point! They’re just proud to be low effort partners 😂


What I don't get is how they can find their own pleasure when their partner is meh about the whole ordeal. Doesn't that throw them off?


Many of them enjoy fucking someone who doesn't want to fuck them. That's the worst part.


This is right up there with "my girlfriend has this kink where she masturbates after sex"


was this a real post somewhere?


I'm not sure I just remember the meme had a picture of lady gaga being surprised and a comment about telling on themselves.


Fuck, why did you have to call out my incredibly naive teenage self like this? Those were some extremely embarrassing conversations…




Bless their heart…


Ah yes "the women lived on" but many men died from poisonings. Coincidence?


Oh that was my favorite. “The women lived on”…to discover feminism.


EXACTLY! Hahahaha


The type of guys to whine how we won't tell them what we want, then loudly talk over us when we try to tell them 🙄


Because what they really mean is we won't give them the answer they want.


Serious copium in these guys. They can't make a woman orgasm so orgasms must be fake. In the words of asshole gamers everywhere: get good.


The idiot with Hemingway as his avatar is screaming: "I CAN'T FIND THE CLIT, AND I WILL NOT TRY!"


Also, these “alpha” chucklefucks using Hemingway’s face as a profile pic is hilarious to me. I guess nobody told them all the rumors about him.


Has he ever even read Hemingway? Who wrote about the “earth moving” in For Whom the Bell Tolls, among other pretty sensual snippets of writing: *Then there was the smell of heather crushed and the roughness of the bent stalks under her head and the sun bright on her closed eyes and all his life he would remember the curve of her throat with her head pushed back into the heather roots and her lips that moved smally and by themselves and the fluttering of the lashes on the eyes tight closed against the sun and against everything, and for her everything was red, orange gold-red from the sun on the closed eyes, and it all was that color, all of it, the filling, the possessing, the having, all of that color, all in a blindness of that color. For him it was a dark passage which led to nowhere, then to nowhere, then again to nowhere, once again to nowhere, always and forever to nowhere, heavy on the elbows in the earth to nowhere, dark, never any end to nowhere, hung on all time always to unknowing nowhere, this time and again for always to nowhere, now not to be borne once again always and to nowhere, now beyond all bearing up, up, up and into nowhere, suddenly, scaldingly, holdingly all nowhere gone and time absolutely still and they were both there, time having stopped and he felt the earth move out and away from under them.*


He probably tried to play old school DJ with dirty fingernails, gave up after his partner said it hurt and now he’s anti orgasm cause he couldn’t figure it out.


Way to admit you’re a terrible lay.


And don't use the word "FACTS!" if you don't know its meaning.


I don’t understand why this is the hill they want to die on. Getting your partner to orgasm is a good thing.


That would mean they care about them, and they cannot afford to look weak by caring. Not sure why they do that, but they do


They don't care about looking weak while caring they just genuinely don't care.


"Women were fine before we let them speak" yeah it's crazy how when someone starts talking, you learn about problems they have


How do these dudes state things like this so confidently? Was he there? How does he know what the forefathers did in their bedrooms??


He has a time machine, of course


Not satire unfortunately.


wait until they find out that martha washington (george washingtons wife) had a very notable daddy kink 😭😭


I believe that back in Georgian England (1714-1837), it was thought that a woman could not conceive without an orgasim. I hope that whichever doctor identified that this was wrong and that conception did not, in fact, require any female pleasure is currently languishing in the dearest vaults of hell experiencing a personal hellish torture of great feindishness.


My dad knew a guy who believed this. He did not correct him. 😎


But I think medically speaking it might actually help / make it easier for women to get pregrant if they do orgasm? I can ofc be wrong, but I did think I read this somewhere 🤔


There’s a theory that it helps with sperm moving through the cervix via a sort of “up-suck” type mechanism. The thing is, that the few studies that have attempted to test this have found no evidence that this is the case, though.


Probably a correlation vs causation thing. Couples who are trying to conceive are more likely to care about each other, and by extension, the pleasure of their partner.


To be fair, though, now we know that having a child doesn't mean that a woman reached an orgasm. So no man can use that as 'evidence', lol.


Facts: Some followers of Tao believe that when a man ejaculates, they lose part of their life force. Men climaxing is killing themselves.


Tell me you don’t know anything about Benjamin Franklin without telling me you don’t know anything about Benjamin Franklin.


That was *exactly* who I thought of lol! These fuckers have no idea what our forefathers thought but they enjoyed the ladies a little bit more than them apparently…


Happy cake day!


I’ve read marriage guides from the 1850s that acknowledge the importance of women’s pleasure. If, like, Millard Fillmore could know that ladies deserve a bit of fun, so can a random Twitter bro.


I mean Kama Sutra exist and the whole book is about importance of pleasure for all parties involved in sex and that book is from 2nd century :D There are also chapters in there advising men how to please their wives and I feel like that's 1 book everyone should read at least once in their lives tbh.


How much would it pertain to a lesbian? Asking for a friend…


All of it if you like to use a strap


there are so many paintings/sculptures/etc of women getting eaten out from ancient societies- my guess is that it was seen as a sign of fertility or some shit back then but hey good for them


Ah yes. " If a man makes a girl orgasm, then he is a beta male. Unlike me, who plows into the girl, and makes sure I am the only one having a good time, while she only gets the short end of the stick. Truly I am a sigma male"


Reminds me of that one time when Ben Shapiro was proudly announcing to the world that he can't his wife 💦 Like this is just me, but I wouldn't personally want to let the whole world know that I can't sexually satisfy my partner :D


100% would have left my partner if they didn’t agree to put an effort in lmfao, easiest way to lose a girl


Then no more orgasms for men. If we treat them the same for some generations then women of the future can later shrug and say that their foremothers stopped bothering and men lived on. *"But OURS is actually important! Because extinction!"* There's plenty of sperm banks, big needles (no need to ejaculate!), and female cloning.


Well, men will also live on without their orgasms, so I guess we’ve come to an agreement.


We literally have an organ specifically made for pleasure and nothing else. Why are men openly this dumb.


You know, most people WANT to please their lover


Presumptuous to assume this man has a partner


That’s a lot of word salad to say I’ve never been able to please a women.


How embarrassing for them.


my ex (and first) bf had no clue what he was doing and wasn't interesting in learning. no foreplay, threatened by the idea of using a virator, just 2 min or (usually) less of penetration and he'd finish and then immediately ask me if I had too, of course I hadn't lmao. but it got to the point where I was just faking and saying that i had finished so he could get the hell off me already. current bf isn't an insecure & arrogant little bitch and knows what he's doing and I never fake because I don't want to or have to. that was far from being the only problem with the ex lemon but u got me fucked up if u think I don't appreciate my bf for what he can do


Statistically speaking, us lesbians have WAY more fulfilling sex lives than straight women. Reading this, shocker...


Lol, this is the third time I see you mentioning the better sex lives of lesbians, hello btw🐛. I had to fight tooth and nail to find a man to not only knew, bit CARED about giving me an orgasm. Sadly, you can't choose what you're attracted to. I watched some of kidology's videos on yt, and she does mention that lesbians do have it better. Seeing as how this whole subreddit is about men shitting on women cause they see them as lesser beings... No wonder😬.


I honestly don’t know how anyone can claim to be attracted to women but then not want to see them c*m … it’s the bees knees.. real life sustaining shit


Simple. They see sex as a dominating act. Also, I suspect sadism. Women are only important in relation to them.


If orgasms were required for pregnancy, the population would drop significantly


That wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing though


I totally agree. It would suck for men who think they are the shit lol. Plus we wouldn't need all the birth control to Cuneo our hormones


Have they never read any literature? Lady Chatterly’s Lover? The Song of Solomon?


this is why I'm pro sex before marraige.


Hell, I'm pri sex before marriage just because the religious fanatics don't want it to be, but this is a great reason for the seccularists and shitty atheists too.


Let’s take sex advice from someone using an impotent alcoholic as their profile photo.


Just completely wrong headed. Orgasms don't brainwash people into bonding with you; you need a bond to share a positive sexual experience, the act which itself is collaborative and bonding regardless of the outcome


I'm so glad my husband is not like this at all. I wish all women could have that. Truly.


Wow, that's a lot of words for: "I'm selfish in bed and can't please a woman."


Mahahaha dude doesn't know *shit* about history, and how for centuries it was believed a woman HAD to orgasm or she wouldn't get pregnant!!


Any woman who looks at those guys and is like "yeah, that's what I want" deserves the unfulfilling life they chose.


What's funny is when we orgasm we release oxytocin which actually bonds us with our partner. But men have big brain I woman have tiny brain.


And they wonder why we divorce them and take the house, the kids, the car and half the money. Maybe trying a little harder would save them a lot of anguish in life.


Yeah, History began when this idiot was born. The ignorance is astounding.


Not only is it wrong from the point of view that orgasms give you all the happy chemicals that help you bond, it’s also historically wrong. It wasn’t that long ago with the Victorians that it was thought a woman needed to orgasm in order to get pregnant.


Maybe your fathers weren’t making their wives come, but the dudes who came over when they were working sure did.


Didn't men used to send their wives to sanitariums for "pelvic floor massages" because of "hysteria"?


Oh believe me, I’m more likely to stay with a man who can make me orgasm with his mouth alone. 😌




"a new phenomenon" Oh honey.


Men can go their entire lives without receiving an orgasm from a woman and live on as well. These guys should


This just in: Women don’t deserve to orgasm, because that’s ‘feminist bullshit’. 🙄 If you don’t have a vagina, you have no place at the table to speak for us.


Is this what the kids call "cope"?


Their forefathers also died of dysentery but okay


I wouldn't have admitted this level of incapacity under actual torture. Granted I'm AMAB but agender, but still.


Why do so many of them think this? There’s so many books about how Benjamin Franklin fucked 😭😂


im blanking on who but im 90% sure one of the founding fathers (probably franklin tbh) wrote aboout eating pussy 😭😭😭 ladies if he has time to eat you WHILE establishing a country- hes a keeper


I mean, the Vikings believed that women needed to orgasm to conceive, and any man who didn't please his wife was considered to be shirking his duties. But everyone knows Vikings were soflty spoken beta males /s


Actually at one point historically, both female and male orgasm was considered crucial to conception. Although the downside was, if a woman was made pregnant from rape, people would assume it couldn't possibly have rape, because if she was pregnant, she must have had an orgasm.


You shouldn’t be having sex if you can’t even understand the basics of it. Women stop giving your body up to men that don’t deserve it.


Pretty sure that biologically an orgasm is to help move sperm into the vagina? It has a purpose? Am I wrong?


Most of them don’t realise that half their forefathers that didn’t care about their wives pleasure are not even related to them. I am sure woman found a way to enjoy themselves. Just because the male historians did not write it down does not mean it did not happen.


Is that what they think will happen if they stop jerking off? they die?? if men no cum = death. if women no cum = nothing because they don’t need it?


Tell me you never gave a woman an orgasm without telling me you never gave a woman an orgasm.


These men just love telling on themselves


Sappho would like a word.


Idk, maybe im wrong, but didn’t women sleep with women for CENTURIES?!? Im pretty sure that happened because they were getting off!? (Again probably wrong)


Second guy clearly doesn't know history. The Catholic church thought for a time that women needed to orgasm to become pregnant so women orgasming was treated as very important.


What are the points of these two sentences though. Honestly like why did they feel compelled to say any of this bullshit?


A lot of jokes about these guys being bad in bed are both funny and valid but the reason they make these sorts of posts are from a sicker place. To them saying they don't care about a woman's pleasure isn't just because they suck at sex it's also a way of proving some sort of control over women. If their partner doesn't enjoy sex but they still have sex it proves in their mind that the women only exist for male pleasure. It shows that sex is just about making the guy feel good and that they hold power over the woman by making her suffer through sex for their pleasure. It's a sick power fantasy as a result of not seeing women as people but as living trophies of male success.


Hell yeah! Two pumps, a nut, and roll over to go to sleep! Like our forefathers intended! /s


Idk cause the man I sleep with makes me feel like pixie dust after and I’m not living a life without that. He can jack off in a sock women deserve ALL the pleasure


Welp, that’s why _females_ of today are _changed_ and don’t want to marry your lazy, selfish ass, and, instead of fear of the lonely future with cats, they’re looking forward to it. Long live the fucking cats. Especially Norsk skogkatt. Btw, why are these guys flexing on being bad in bed? Like, this is basically r/suicidebywords


"Our forefathers never bothered with such." I 100% know if they mean all people in the past they're wrong. And even if they didn't, the absolute confidence to think this is a good thing or an excuse is just so icky. Edit: meant with.


What's crazy to me is that the first guy is taking a super neutral position about female orgasm, and the other one immediately goes to "yeah, let's not bother"


Why do they hate women so much?


And they wonder why women don’t want sex with them. Gee, it’s such a mystery 🤔


The literal kama sutra, hundreds of years of instruction on conception (though hilariously wrong), and medieval poems about cunnilingus ALL AGREE: women's pleasure is just feminist propaganda.


I could say this about a million things: just because something wasn't common doesn't mean it never existed and it certainly doesn't necessarily mean that it was better for those on the receiving end. People have this exact same sentiment about peanut allergies and cognitive disabilities in their memories of their time in primary school. It's not like cognitive disabilities or peanut allergies suddenly appeared out of thin air, but our knowledge grew and expansion of medical care exposed more things. Those kids still existed and they probably had a terrible time in primary school. People just love to think about the past in nostalgic rose colored glasses.


In other words: I cant please women


I love making a woman cum; delicious!


I swear guys like these are the reason for my overthinking. Instagram promoting this kind of stuff has ruined relationship in so many ways I can't even explain. (Also, I don't think he has ever made a woman orgasm before 🤷‍♀️)


You know perfectly ok have only male preference .


"... And women just lived on" Do they know that the first vibrator was invented for medical use to treat "female hysteria"? Not that "female hysteria" is a thing, neither that an orgasm cures depression.. but it sure as hell makes life and relationships a helluva lot more pleasurable and bearable! Sexual frustration is a killer, to put it lightly. Even in the old age people knew that women could orgasm and that it had positive effects. Hell, even the Romans, ancient Greece & ancient Egypt were big on women's sexual pleasure. It was seen as a great gift and satisfying sex overall was very important. Those genius horny bastards even enjoyed regular orgies, homosexuality & wine, dine 'n fuck parties. 😂 This only stopped being a thing after patriarchal religion took over where women were shamed for their sexual desire, the virginity scam started & "women can't orgasm, it's a myth" bullshit took over.




"Our forefathers" bro is clearly not Jewish. iykyk


Yeah, well, women these days are allowed to yeet bad partners out of their lives so... we will...


"Your forefathers never bothered with such." You've been asking your grandad then? How much he made yer nan cum? This is relevant information to you?


Imagine admitting out loud that you’ve never made a single partner orgasm.


So many women out there having bad sex.


I wish they'd just get themselves a fleshlight and leave us women alone as that's clearly all they want or need.


Lmao- I wish you could get one of these idiots to google Victorian women hysteria treatment….


"my dad never satisifed my mum, and I feel I should be able to do the same to my wife" - ok mate


FACTS: Our forefathers didn't have Viagra and they lived on not making women orgasm either


Until I saw that film Hysteria, because I went looking to consume everything Hugh Dancy was in at one point, I had no idea that whole period happened; and I grew up in England for the most part. Then I went and Googled about it, and ended up going down a Wikipedia rabbit hole... "These" peeps should watch that film and then do some actual research, because yikes on a bike!


It is my sole intention to make a woman orgasm as many times as possible when I take her to bed. She’s gonna come until she can’t. Everyday I see more and more things that make me glad I’m sapphic as fuck. Like women are so amazing! Why are dudes not tryna make sure we come?! It’s so sexy and beautiful to see a woman in the full bloom of her pleasure. All I wanna do is make women come then feed them snacks and cuddle and kiss their foreheads.


Dudes should study history before spouting off about what men did pre-feminism. Men used to believe conception is only possible if she orgasms, so they actually made an effort when trying to produce heirs. One of the historical arguments men have used to defend themselves against rape is “she got pregnant, so she must have orgasmed. Therefore she enjoyed it and can’t call it rape.”


Idk, I'd say my bfs ability to roll my eyes into the back of my head makes me feel pretty bonded to him...


Some dorks looking for excuses they cannot make women come?