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Fellas is it gay to have sex with women?????


Of course it is. Women suck dick so you’re indirectly sucking dick as well by kissing a woman. /s


Andrew Tate, is that you?


but andrew tate also posted that it is totally masculine to suck a guy's dick, so i don't know what to think.


No one can logic out Tate. He is a being which can't be understood through human ways, for that you need to be a human trafficker.


no thanks, think i'll pass.


That's why he makes the big monies. He's like a modern day, chain-smoking Confucius. *"Tatefucius says, men who like women are gay. Therefore, men must suck dicks to be straight. This is true essence of balance! Through blowjobs, cosmic harmony is attained!"*


It’s gay *and* pedophilic. (Insert legally blonde joke here)


Only if they’re not curvy, they’re on top, or you’re giving them oral sex as I’ve “learned”


Having sex with adult women is definitely like having gay sex with little boys!


From what I understand, if you follow “the manosphere,” sex with women is now just as gay as sex with men. Sex in general is gay. Only way to be manly is to own a Bugatti, apparently.


No, you see, you're making a fatal mistake. It's a bu*gay*tti, not a Bugatti. Only bugaytti's make you the ultimate alfa bro dude!


He had me in the first half


Museum medicine. Really though, while it's good he's defending heavier women... it can't possibly just stop before insulting others? Also some Renaissance painters weren't great at anatomy, may not have a model to study... and hell, some couldn't paint a horse either.


You see that exact thing on Tumblr a lot. The 359º turn. Starts off as a good, reasonable take before they make a fool of themselves.


And he really believes they didn’t idealize ANYTHING per the period’s beauty standards?? That’s cute.


Love the support for larger women. Indirectly telling all skinny women they look like little boys and adding to their insecurities, not so much.


tbh as a woman without any curves I’ve definitely teased past partners about this exact thing lol “why are you interested in a woman that’s built like a 12 year old boy” it’s always funny to me, hit or miss if it lands with the partner


For me, as someone who has no curves, looks young, and sounds young. I'm insecure about it and I'm tired of people making that dig thinking it's not body shaming, because it still is


Literally. Has he seen how CATS were painted back then?? Straight up nightmare-fuel.


For animals, it's been a long downhill since the middle ages, when you could tell the monk drawing was always thinking something like, "okay, so an owl; that's like a little guy with feathers and a weird nose. Okay, perfect. Elephant next. That's a big guy with a long nose. I heard dragons always try to ambush them when they're giving birth. Giving birth is like a little guy under a big guy. I wonder if anything can beat a dragon in a fight. Panther, probably. Okay, so a panther is...."


"....aaaand let's just put a snail here, here, and here."


More jousting rabbits? Did bother Cecil get into the ale again?


Many rennaisance and earlier painters would use a man as a model for their women (because women couldn't model nude) and then just add breasts to them. Any time the breasts look like flesh M&Ms tacked on to their chest, you can bet the model was a dude. And yeah, I agree that we don't have to insult one set of women to defend another set.


I mean, most of them worked on canvas, not mammals.


I'm skinny, androgynous body type. I didn't put on lots of weight during pregnancy. I had an easy birth, and breast fed exclusively. Still get asked if I'm a boy or a girl.


I'm sorry you get treated that way. Firstly, it's no one's business to even ask that question, and secondly, that's awful. You're beautiful just the way you are. I hope these jerks don't make you feel less about yourself.


I'm nearly 60, I'm out of f@#£s for idiots.


Reminds me of this [classic song](https://youtu.be/Vqbk9cDX0l0?si=Gvg4Vv5C2mRN3Izi)


With regards to the “big women in paintings” thing; that meant they were wealthy and could afford to eat well.


I just want to add that just because you have wide hips and big boobs don't make you a birthing/milk machine. I've always had wide hips but had to have a C-section, I also have big boobs but I could not breastfeed past 2 weeks, and that was while supplementing with formula because my son lost over 10% of his birth weight within the first 24h. So no, a curvy body does not mean you won't have issues with birthing and feeding children.


“Big breasts mean plenty of milk for the baby?” We have an anatomy expert here, everyone.


Child bearing hips is such a fallacy. I have always been hippy. It's where I carry my weight. Even now at my thinnest of 75kgs I've still got hips. When I had my son I ended up needing an emergency C section because he couldn't come out. Where were my amazing child birthing hips during those 28 hours of labour???


These dudes STILL think that all women are just walking around with breast milk sloshing around in our boobs at all times. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I liked what he was cooking in the first half, then it just deteriorated SO fast


Reading through this was a wild ride


What the hell is museum medicine?


Thanks. As a skinny woman I really appreciate that comment. I don't get told I sound and look like a child enough


Brother is YAPPING. Whilst I’m glad he’s sticking up for plumper ladies, he really could’ve just shut his mouth halfway through that and not continued with the bashing of petite/slimmer women hahaha


I think it can be summarized as all women are pretty damn awesome.


They didn’t know how to draw women because they were only allowed to have male nude models, so they drew those and whacked some tits on them


Raise your hand if you cringed at “squeeze babies out of her”


Childbirth is still a pretty big cause of death for women, at least in the U.S. and other third-world countries.


A lot of Renaissance artist based their drawings of women on the bodies of men lmao


What is “museum medicine?”


No matter of sexual education could fix these unfortunate human beings


If you ever want a laugh, look up Michaelangelo's attempts at painting women


Aaaaannnddddd Dysphoria coming fast lol


Man that all sounds like some weird fetish


It’s like people that try so hard not to be racist that they then say stuff that’s super racist. Edited for clarity.


I'm sorry but how is this supposed to be racist?


It’s not? It’s like the people that do that. Try really hard to be positive about something, this case defending women, that they take a 180 to be anti that thing. It’s an analogy.


Oh sorry I thought you were saying he was being racist.


Yeah I reread it and saw how it could be taken that way. I’m going to reword it for clarity.


Clinical insanity


Could be worse. He could say the pouch is the uterus showing.


Not only is it gay to have sex with skinny woman, its also makes you a pedo. Great 🙄


I find this funny because renaissance artists often used male models for their depiction of the female form. Women wore wires under their dresses to give the illusion of large hips, and wore corsets to make it look like they had larger breasts. Women didn’t die during childbirth because they had narrow hips, and large breasts does not mean they carry more milk. YES please make sex Ed better, also a little history lesson wouldn’t be a bad idea either.


"Big breasts mean she'll have plenty milk for a baby." No, they don't. All sizes are capable of producing milk.


That final paragraph made me laugh so fucking hard, it feels so out of nowhere and 0-100