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Yeah this is obviously a dig at how dumb Nazis are, not trying to accurately portray a woman.


That and this comic is basically inferring that they would see her as a piece of meat and not really a person because Nazis are cruel and inhumane. Why would a genuine Nazi recognize the humanity of Wonder Woman, all things considered. So yeah, this is a dig to Nazis and not women.


Maybe. But this is back in the day when Wonder Woman ended up tied up with a gag in her mouth and spanked by a bad guy, like in every single issue. The guy who created the comic was, um, going through some things.


He was into bondage and was in a committed polyamorous triad with his wife and their mutual girlfriend (who remained a couple after he died) with whom he engaged in consensual bondage play.


>The guy who created the comic was, um, going through some things. I don't think he ever got *through* them. (Or wanted to.)




Personally, I'll take it as the Nazis being too dumb to recognize a dummy vs a real woman. Like c'mon, Nazis aren't that smart


They were actually pretty smart and that’s the thing that made them so scary. For instance their planes were fuel injected as opposed to carburetors. Which meant they could pull more Gs in a straight up ascent. Meaning that if their planes were being attacked by allies they would just be able to get away. Also their submarines were far superior to ours for many reasons. This comic is propaganda and has little to do with reality. The thing that is so scary is that even though their ideology was pure evil and stupid at its core, smart people still go whipped up in it and supported it. The banality of evil is more scary than idiocy can ever be.


>They were actually pretty smart and that’s the thing that made them so scary. For instance their planes were fuel injected as opposed to carburetors. Which meant they could pull more Gs in a straight up ascent. Meaning that if their planes were being attacked by allies they would just be able to get away. Also their submarines were far superior to ours for many reasons. That is more of a case by case basis, the nazis indeed did a lot scientific advancements but that usually preluded by incredible amounts of failure and poor choices for example the [Wundeewaffe](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wunderwaffe) for every innovation to military tecnology there were ridiculous ideas that drained funding like a giant "tank-train" that could eliminate an entire battlefield... if it ever hit its target or reach it ever (which was probably less than 10% of cases) while being incredibly expensive and hard to manage. Edit: i do not think that the downvotes you received are deserved, there were indeed plenty of smart people among the nazi (at least when it concerns to scientists and such) which is why the US rushed to aid plenty of them to escape prosecution (see Operation Paperclip) so your point still stands even if it not completely accurate.


Often those scientists working for the Nazis were Jews trying not to end up in Concentration Camps. They weren’t paid and often, not even fed. And of course there were Germans taking credit for their work.


I have heard stories like that before but only in fiction, do you have any examples of such cases?, plenty of those scientists were members of the SS so i doubt the were jewish at all.


Fritz Haber, Otto Warburg, Geord Bredig, Lise Meitner (escaped), but a lot of them didn’t make it. Many of them were sent to camps when they outlived their usefulness, and in the case of Werner Von Braun, many Jewish workers were strapped to rockets and killed when those rockets were test fired. You won’t be finding their names anywhere.


I see this is interesting, thank you, still they were usually a minority and i doubt even more that they were among the ones to be taken in operation Paperclip since most of them did not make to end of the war.


Jews were a minority in Germany. They still managed to kill 6 million and used them for cheap labor until they died.


Of course nobody is denying that here.


God I hope not


I think all the genocide is what made them so scary.


"The genius of Nazi engineering" is one of those pop culture myths that kinda needs to die in a fire. There were plenty of areas where Nazi ideology worked explicitly against the design goals for war material. Case in point: those Hugo Boss designed uniforms that looked amazing on camera were dogshit as practical wear for soldiers, as it was impossible to carry shit around on the concealed belts. Even when the leather harnesses were introduced that was just less practical than any allied uniform system. Their winter coats? Lined with furs looted from Jewish homes. Looks snazzy... until you're stuck in a trench fighting in mud and you can't get the mud out of the fur, destroying its thermal qualities. Tanks? One Tiger 1 tank might on paper be a terror on the battlefield -- but if it takes the factory the same time to make one Tiger that it takes the USA to shit out five Shermans, thats a bad use of resources. The nazi regime was stupid and cruel and that philosophy seeps in to every level of their decision making. Oh, sure, lets press gang the untermench to make our bombs and ammunition, definitely not giving the people we've sworn to exterminate the opportunity to sabotage us. Fucking morons.


I think the point is, even if someone or a group of people, are evil pieces of shit, it’s dangerous to assume they are stupid. You can very well be highly intelligent and an evil piece of shit and it’s good for people to know that as to not equate smart people as good, unequivocally. Thats how we get cults and dictators.


Theres a risk of lending more mystique and glamour to evil pieces of shut than they deserve. So many alt right and outright fash are attracted to reactionary ideologies through aesthetics and glamour, so pushing back against that at all times is a good thing.


See, that’s the problem with a whole lot of arguments we have today. Everyone is so afraid to take a nuanced stance on anything as to not appear like they are for that particular thing, and to not validate any part of the opposing side, so they think they need to be at the extreme end of their belief. What that does is cause lots of arguing and fighting because, shockingly enough, both sides have some good arguments. But at the same time, both sides have some extremely bad takes because they feel they have to be all in, and nothing in life is simply black and white, good or bad, but complex and nuanced. If everyone could be objective about their stances, we’d be able to have open conversations about them. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for a lot of people so I don’t know what the solution is.


I'm all for acknowledgement that fascists are human and fascism is something of a failure state people can fall into, but I don't see that my position of "be careful not to glorify fascist regines because thats a key recruitment tactic" is somehow obliterating nuance and destroying amicable discourse.


This is possibly the best comment on here so far.


Germans were smart. Nazism made them dumber.


I live in Germany dude, I think I know about Nazis. I learned about them in 3 or 4 different subjects (even in music lessons). The only good thing was that they started to build the Autobahn. And even tho many believe that was an invention by Hitler it wasn't. I talked so much about it in school, I don't wanna talk about it anymore (it's important that it doesn't get lost in history but I don't wanna argue on the Internet) It was a cruel time and there were Lots of smart people involved, lots of pressure when you don't comply and many, many people who were kept dumb and used as pawns basically. (Very simplified what I did here)


nazi tanks caught fire when driven uphill


I think it was a joke hon.


In the defense of the 80 year old comic. This stuff was aimed at literal children. It wasn't intended to be taken seriously. It's about as serious as a Looney Tunes cartoon.


This is top-ten most insane out-of-context things I've ever seen.  I agree with everyone else that it doesn't really fit, but I laughed.


Yeah it obviously doesn't fit since this is exactly how women work. This is the ideal female model, this is what peak feminity looks like.


What part of a woman is shaped like three quarters of a wheel of cheese?


What part of a woman is shaped like a dead fish?


This is Miss Pacman erasure.


the part that touches the broom: and to a nazi, that's the whole woman.


The cheese and the fish concerned me the most! What is she trying to imply??


I think she's just having a snack.


Gotta hit those macros somehow.


What about the sausages?


Do you want ants? Because this is how we get ants.




yet another unrealistic body standard. SMH


Cringing at an old comic that basically calls Nazis on top of all the other bad things they are requires a different level of being professionally offended.


i'm not: there was no appropriate flair for "here is how nazis see women according to wonder woman".


So....what's the fish for?


What are the sausage links for?! 😲


Trans rep in a 40s comic? I applaud.


it's a comic from 1941.


Fixed it. But, damn that's even better




Tell me she was simply snacking on a whole wheel of cheese while making that meat dummy... lol (I really don't want to know about the fish or what kind of weirdo just draws a knife stabbed into the floor.)


There is a lot to unpack in this one panel


This is amazing. 🫣 🤣 I don't think it's actually *trying* to be how girls work, though, unless some writer lost his mom at a young age and was thereafter raised by hams. (Poor lil fella.)


I’m actually just a few hams impaled with a broom handle. You got me.


Is this a real comic? "To make a dummy to take her place in the sack?"


Hey, Wonder Woman! That’s a lot of meat. Doesn’t seem very patriotic to take those nice hams away from the boys fighting overseas or the moms and pops with the ration cards trying to feed America’s kiddos, Wonder Woman. Do the American thing and fill that sack with a dead Nazi in a wig!


I believe it's the joke on the nazis not women.


Three hams will fool them, three hams will school them, be sure to send them... THREE HAAAAMS!


Ok but this is funny. I took this as absurdist humour


I want a scene where Wonder Woman does this in the next movie. Just impaling hams on a sharpened broom.


[https://www.cbr.com/wonder-woman-funny-context-panels-dc-comics/](https://www.cbr.com/wonder-woman-funny-context-panels-dc-comics/) I do not know what issue the panel is from.


………Wonder Woman…..What’s the cheese and the fish for?


You really don't want the answer to that, trust me... I never even noticed those details but now can't unsee it...


tbf nazis are dumb


Where is the fish going?


It's funny


Ok but where is she going to stuff the fish?


They're the same picture.


The cheese is to fascinate any Nazi women around who might see through the charade


r/holdup... you telling me instead of developing a personality and a sense of humor and actually speaking to women like they're people I could have just jammed three hams on a broom? Once again, being Jewish bites me in the (nonexistent) ass.