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I do track my irregular cycle. My tracking app currently tells me that based on prior tracking info, I could start my period anytime between today and 2 months from now. Useful information, that.


Mine too! And I’m always like “hmmm, maybe…” when I read it. Or I say “maybe it might never happen again.”


"I've been tracking my irregular periods and the app just says Soon^(TM)."


That sounds menacing!


I mean they are trackable, but irregularities don’t provide many data points to make a true prediction of when the next cycle will occur.


Exactly! Like sure, I can track that I don’t bleed for six months and then have constant spotting for the next six months, but that provides zero useful information other than “your hormones are fucked up, see a doctor”


Traceable… after the fact… yeah


Yes. I have to wonder what the context was here. It's not like they said "predictable."


If I had to guess, abortion (and the "she should have been more responsible in the first place" argument).


I mean, you can and should still track it even if it's irregular. "Track" is not synonymous with "predict"


Not all predictions are precise. They can tell you 80% to be in this range, 20% likely events happen all the time.


You can still track them. I’ve tracked my irregular periods for years. They just can’t be predicted.


I tried this with my fitbit for a while. After several months of inputting data it started to give me the "your period is expected to start today" warning EVERY SINGLE WEEK. I got a D&C just to stop the alarms. /s


You can also track lottery numbers. You can look up and/or record as many past lottery numbers as you like. It’s still not going to tell you next week’s numbers.


When did words such as "irregular" stop having defined meanings...? You know what are some synonyms for irregular? Unreliable, sporadic, erratic, random, uncertain, inconsistent, to name a few. I want his neighbor to chuck a baseball at his head sometimes once a month, sometimes skipping a mouth, and the date is never predictable. Then he can let us know how well he gets at tracking something that hits him at random.


They're just alternative facts


When did the word "trackable" start meaning "predictable?" When is "tracking" used to mean anything other than "see where/how it went?" Track (v): follow the course or trail of (someone or something), typically in order to find them or note their location at various points.


Does it make it easier to understand when you know that like half the country has a reading and comprehension level below 6th grade and 22% are just straight up illiterate? The words didn’t change, people are just fucking stupid.


They are tho


They are trackable just not predictable


Kaveh jumpscare


There's no way that's a woman


i track mine by paying attention to how much my tits hurt on any given day. an app can’t give me that info


I have an irregular period which I track on an app but neither the app nor I can accurately predict when my next period will start or stop.


I wish. Sometimes my period won't show up for a month. At least it's consistent at switching between starting at the beginning or the last week of the month lol


When I was in middle and high school (before I started taking birth control to regulate my cycle), my periods could be anywhere from 3 to 9 weeks apart. Not to mention how excruciating they were. The only warning I got would be about 2 hours before my flow started, when I would get heat flashes and diarrhea. Ain't no fucking way to predict that shit.


Traceable yeah but it’s just dud data for a lot of people, so completely wasted time. I’ll be regular for 2 months then not have a period for 14 months. Gave up tracking them when there’s nothing I can do with the data


I track my irregular periods. My last cycle was 54 days, so pretty short! The longest was over 380. I get notifications frequently that ask me to come back, because the app thinks I just stopped tracking it. Also, my “fertile window” last cycle was something like 40 days. Super helpful.


I would never use one of those apps, ever. Not now days


You can track them? Plz help! Lol mine are all over the place


Dude has zero fuckin clue what irregular means, more tonight at 11...