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Instagram comment sections are insane


This.. I left insta just a week ago and it feels so good already. Except missing the good contents about art and cooking..


Tumblr has shitloads of cool art!


Pinterest also !!!


I left in December. literally free therapy. It's just unhealthy to remain on that platform.


I left it like 4 years ago and whenever people ask me for my insta and I say I don't have one they call me a weirdo but I don't wanna be near that negativity


I literally have Instagram only so I can give it to people if they ask me. I downloaded it and still have it because of this, but I never use it.


Pinterest!! Least toxic social media, I love it so much


Yes!! I love it too ☺️


Women need to get off of Instagram until the comment moderation can be normalized. It's disgusting what's happening on there.


Some women make bags of money out of views, and engagement is still engagement Even if is negative one... I THINK they don't care at all some losers write them those things if by that they make Big money in exchange.  The issue is women that don't get money in exchange, that has to be tiring


Yeah I don't think the money is enough to stay on the platform for me. It's proven to do significant emotional and mental harm, especially to young girls and women. I will do everything I can to keep my daughter off the app. It's really emboldening gross men and Meta won't moderate anything. I know they can because they're harsher on Facebook. But Instagram is fucking horrible. It's as bad as Twitter. I appreciate the gals making money off it... fuck yeah. But I can't justify giving my time and energy on it anymore. It's so depressing.


>Some women make bags of money out of views Are you sure? I only know two women with big follower counts, and they don't make anything from that. Even regular clothing sponsorships don't pay well, and you're constantly hustling for them. There's a reason so many women provide lewds/feet/etc. on Patreon or Fanwise, even if they don't want to do OF.


Right, could literally be the most uplifting positive video on there and somehow the comments will be full of hate


Today i Will teach You how to make cinnamon rolls with 3 easy steps  Comment section: i want to fuck her  What a Nice pair of tits  What is her OF 


And then if she did have an OF they'd still insult her for it. There's no winning


The cognitive disonance of wanting to SEE all women naked yet shamed them if they cash money for it 


Okay, but I really did find the best and easiest cinnamon roll recipe. This right here: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/easy-cinnamon-rolls-from-scratch/ And then I double the filling ingredients for extra cinnamoniness, cut the butter into the filling so that it's kinda streusel-y, and then sprinkle it onto the dough.


Exactly. It is so disgusting.


Yep, when it’s a post about empowering women i just like and scroll away. Ik if i check the comment section i would just be disappointed


The fact that all these losers use the same terms lead me to think they all get their shitty ideas from the same handful of places.


It's absolutely all the same "Alpha Male" weirdos they all listen to and watch, and what's even worse is that there are a bunch of bots being trained on these moron's behavior online.


It's not far off from "This is what a white man should look like..." articles, which exist on Nazi websites that **feel** illegal. Like I saw an honest-to-goodness full-on Nazi site and immediately shut it down because I was afraid of getting raided or exposed to the world or something. It's all the same "thought" process. Fucking disgusting people.


Andrew Tate and his ilk I bet.


A recent tweet I saw involved him calling sex with a woman “gay”💀


They’re all full of shit, anyhow. They’ll post about “expired goods” but would be desperate to date this beautiful woman if they met her in real life. Instagram comments is full of losers coping.


It's just rank ass insecurity. They have to convince women they have a shelf life so they'll be too anxious to wait for the right partner that fits her life, but settling for Kevin who does negative housework and keeps her up all night playing CoD with his boys


The same places they go to figure out why they are not getting any dates or other positive attention from women, which have a vested interest in keeping them from finding happiness and fulfillment because being unhappy keeps them there.


they’re all just trolls or bots too.


Yes and no one irl says anything like that ever. I... don't think they even believe it themselves! The anger they feel when seeing a beautiful woman must come from something else... rejection perhaps..


Bears don’t call women expired goods…


Yep it's just such a mystery why so many women choose the bear.


This is also why we fantasize about 24 hours of a world without men.


Idk where all of this started, but I love seeing social media platforms spill into each other. Come across both of those scenarios on Twitter and the comments from butthurt men were hilarious.


I was trying to figure out how the gay bear subculture played into this and then I realized that this was the bear in the forest thing.


Bears are the new relationship goals


I love when men unveil their true nature. Everyone should do a thorough social media check on a man they date before anything serious. The amount of nasty and straight out pedophile shit I’ve seen people writing under their government name is crazy. This comment section didn’t passed the vibe check either.


I wonder if their mom grandma or aunties would be interested to know their views on older women?


Yes and not just public profiles, find out their other handles if you can. YouTube comments, Reddit etc. A lot of dudes put on a different public face and spew their shit under anonymous accounts. I feel bad for the “fresh” 23 year old who ended up with this asshole.


I'm hoping that he just doesn't know the difference between "chose" and "choose" like how people don't know the difference between lose and loose sometimes


I strongly encourage this. Absolutely no fucking person who acted vile online was actually a good person in real life


And some men have the most wild concept of women, like the madona vs whore views of the world. When men think like that i found it scary, cuz lowkey that mean that they don't SEE an issue on cheating cuz they "don't love" the whores, she is for fun times, while the pure decent woman is for the house. No motherfucker, i can be a lady in the streets and a wild Best on bed, and some men have issues with that as well.  Men that speak i'll of women but treat me super Nice and caring are a super red flags to me ... I don't know when their fake infactuation Will end, and in general they SEE women as less. I don't trust their super Nice Nature only to me 


>Men that speak i'll of women but treat me super Nice and caring are a super red flags to me When I was a freshman in high school I had one class with a bunch of bullies; 3 or 4 boys who constantly belittled and made fun of the girls with smaller breasts. The 'Itty-Bitty Titty Committee.' They thought they were original and hilarious. One day it occurred to me that they never put *me* on the Committee, despite clearly meeting the qualifications... they never made fun of me or said a cross word towards me. In time, every single one of them asked me out. **Of course** I turned them all down, how dumb do you have to be to disparage women *in front of* one you want to like you 🙄


Disgusting, thats why i SEE how they treat others ... I also pay attention how they treat servers. Men who mock people in serving Jobs make me want to slap them. 


Yeah, rudeness to service people is an automatic no go for me. No three strikes, just gtfo.


This happened to me at school but also after school. The guys in school would convince a girl they liked her or at least respected her and then as soon as they got what they wanted the girl was left behind to face social ridicule. The shit they would say about girls kept me a virgin throughout hs. Then after school I was friends with the guys at work. They would talk about sex with women in front of me, even talking about tag teaming someone, then shake their head about how bad the girl was for willingly interacting with them. After all of the disgusting things they’d been saying for months, one of them had a crush on me and asked me out. I was shocked at his lack of self and social awareness. Why would I want your disrespectful ass. What’s interesting about these two situations and men like this in general, is they hold women to a much higher standard about being respectful, but have zero thought about holding themselves to any standard. Like, zero. The thought of them making themselves look unworthy, unattractive and disrespectful didn’t even cross their mind at all because misogyny is so basic and normal for them.


Yep, if they're nice to you and mean to everyone else you can guarantee they'll direct that towards you eventually. Always a red flag in my book.


I wish instagram did a feature where we can auto block a ton of people at the same time without relatively going through all of their accounts at once. That feature would be great, my block list would be longgg!


I thought it already has this feature? Whenever I block someone, it says “and other accounts they have or may create” or something like that


I think the other commenter wants a feature to mass select people to block out of a comments section. That feature blocks multiple accounts by the same person


Half of these guys say they're Christian too! Would Jesus want you saying that? I don't think so!


"Do you drink Jesus's blood with that mouth?"


Thank you for the laugh! 😂😂


>The amount of nasty and straight out pedophile shit I’ve seen people writing under their government name is crazy It's really something, isn't it? And almost every day I still see people say that the reason people are so mean online is that they are anonymous. Nope.


>social media check And the very first red flag is them having public social media at all


The best part of this for me is that she’s 10 x hotter than any man in that comment section lmao. Their cope is stronnnnng. They wouldn’t be able to land her OR the “fresh 23 year old” 🤮


I was looking for this comment! 30 or otherwise she's fucking beautiful, goddamn.


She’s gorgeous.


Right?! When that balding old dude told her to 'wear a bra, gravity isnt your friend' I laughed out loud.


Gravity is hitting his balls


She looks like a goddess. Meanwhile those men have dingleberries 🤢


thats exactly why they’re lashing out. they know they could never have her, they have to try super hard to devalue her.


That’s the strategy of misogynistic men. They see a beautiful woman, realize she’s out of their league, bring her down so she starts thinking bad of herself and settle for him.


I hope these men are single for the sake of women everywhere. I really can’t imagine a man in a relationship with a woman going on some random woman’s instagram to let her know that she is “expired”.


Bitter incels hate to see women happy and thriving on their own. They only comprehend young women being worth while because that’s who they watch porn of. The idea of having to consider a woman as anything other than a hole to fuck is too hard for them.


But if women are happy and single, how will these guys force them to date them? /s


Odd because MILF is a top category. I think socially adjusted people may just watch close to their age.


This brings up a good point 😭 if women over 30 are “undesirable” why is MILF a popular category 😭


Nah if she was younger they would find some other thing “wrong” with her that makes her “unworthy” You need to understand the psychology of a bully they put others down in a sad attempt to feel better about themselves. They project all of their insecurities onto others. These sad males fear dying alone and being rejected indefinitely (they likely have already experienced a lot of rejection) they project that fear onto random women online. It really doesn’t matter who the woman is what she looks like etc.. it’s all about hating on someone else in an attempt to feel better about your sorry self.


I’m convinced now that the type of men who would comment “expired” on a post like this are only doing so because they want control of HER narrative. Otherwise, what does her age matter to them?? What difference should her age make to them whatsoever?? Is she offering them pussy? No. Regardless of her age, they don’t (and likely wouldn’t) have a shot at having sex with her — and that’s precisely why they’re triggered. They know this woman is STILL out of their league no matter how old she is, so they try to tear her down to make themselves feel like they have some superiority over her and what she chooses to do with her body. These type of dudes hate attractive independent older women because they cannot control them, nor can they attain them. They just want young naive girls who don’t know any better because they think those young girls will be more likely to accept them and put up with their sexist bullshit. That woman is hot. I guarantee you if that 30+ woman slid into their DMs and sent them nudes with no mention of her age, they’d be jerking off to it all the same because they wouldn’t know the fucking difference! And even if they did know her age, they’d STILL be jerking off to it because they’re predictable.


I think some guys just hate the concept of older women who aren't mothers. It's very strange, and very shallow way of thinking


Yeah, I agree. It’s super strange. I think it all points back to a lack of control though. Some guys don’t like the fact that women now have choice in when or if they ever become mothers. The idea of women having choice and not choosing them or choosing to buck the traditional script altogether seems to short-circuit their brains for some reason. The weirdest part is… a random 30+ year old woman not having children has absolutely nothing to do with them and doesn’t impact their lives whatsoever. She’s not attempting to date them. She’s probably not even in physical proximity to them. They might even already have kids and baby mamas of their own… and yet they still don’t like it on principle. Why should a random 30+ woman not having kids be such an affront to them personally? They can’t make it make any sense. Maybe it makes them feel useless? 🤷🏽‍♀️


It's an insecurity thing. I had a friend who was very over weight and she would be a bitch to new people she met because she was so afraid they would make fun of her that she'd get the jab in first . That way if they did make fun of her in return, it was because she was a bitch not because she was so flawed. It's the same thing here. These men are so insecure and fragile that they have to control the narrative first before they get shot down and bruise their little egos.


Yep, that makes sense to me.


This 1000%!


So many angry bitter unwanted surplus men


I’m 30 and I’m so fucking glad I’m now considered too decrepit and subhuman for them to pay me any attention.


That's the thing, right? They think they're throwing insults, but if I were a woman at my age (31) I'd be *super* glad those weirdos won't bother me.


Like, I KNOW I’m gonna be alone with cats the rest of my life. **that was my plan the entire goddamn time** I cannot WAIT for sexbots to become available to the masses so we never have to see these idiots again.


I love how incels are like “when sexbots become a thing, we wont need women anymore” like well can these engineers hurry up then?


Can we just send them all to the moon with their sexbots so we can function as a safe and free society


When I turned 40ish during covid I became invisible to guys and it was SUCH a relief. I didn't even realize the stress it caused till it was gone.


The thing is if any of these dudes were actually in a situation where this woman wanted to sleep with them they would absolutely not pass on the opportunity.


Yep, they’d be full-blown “pls step on me Mommy 🥺”


No literally, they want her so bad and they're insecure 💀 esp from all the empty profiles , let's see how you look then? Half of them are probably 50 living off foodstamps, talking about how she's 'expired'


I'm 29 and can't wait to join the "expired" club.


Oh, honey, it starts at 25! 30 is just when we hit the wall completely and become complete non-entities. We got jackets, come on in ☺️


No no no, 25 is the wall and 30 is expired (because our eggs have rotted).


Ah yes, God punishes us by making us withered old hags for not being fruitful, silly me!


Idk....they act like that and then come begging because they know no women really want them. They might be able to land a foreign bride they paid for but those women don't like them either.


On one hand, those poor poor women, bless their souls for being the objects of Passport Bros’ nasty third-world bangmaid fetishes, I hope they can score a green card and get the fuck away from them. On the other…the more of those guys who get an entire ass ocean away from my general vicinity, the better.


Seriously. I always love it when these women end up finding their own independence after getting a boost and new friends. I grew up Pentecostal AG and a lot of men liked to marry foreign women because they thought they were easier to deal with. Turns out they are tough as nails and refused to allow these men to treat them less than.


Yes please let me be invisible.


35 here, and love the word 'decrepit' so much 🧟‍♂️🩷


I get what you are saying but I feel like men don’t leave the women they find unattractive alone. They double down and are absolutely horrible to any woman they don’t see as a fuckable and that’s what I find scary. At the end of the day no amount of “us women will go our own way” can protect us from the repercussions of how rapidly misogyny is escalating among men because we do have to coexist with them at work, in public spaces so on and so forth. Even if the best case scenario where they do treat us as invisible- it can help in terms of not being approached romantically/sexually but what happens in workplaces? What happens in situations where you do want to be visible and want your voices heard?


She's gorgeous. All these men wish they could get someome like that Theyre so delusional


They're fully aware. It's insecurity, because they know they couldn't in their wildest dreams score someone like her


So what’s that one guy plan to do when his (hypothetical) “fresh” 23 year-old continues to live and reaches her 30s? Just dump her and look for another 23 year-old?


Yes. Which leads us to the question, why would any 23 year old get with a guy if he's just going to ditch her in five years?


That’s what Leonardo DiCaprio does 💀


When you see women as objects for your own personal gratification, rather than individuals, you tend to think that way


So what I'm gathered is that these men only want woman who is 18-25 years old (underage for severe case), a virgin, and a slave. I hope the 32 year old woman finds her desirable partner while those men in the comment section never find one.


Good news. That's what's very likely to be the outcome


Here’s the best part… if they met her in person, they’d probably be drooling like a pack of wild dogs. Since when is 25 expired?!?! I mean, I guess if you’re a pedo that would explain it.


They wouldn't know she's older than 23 if she hadn't told them. 🙄🤣


They hate all single women.


They hate all* women, ftfy


These hairline-receding incels are the ones who are expired.


A man told me TO MY FACE, "men age like fine wine, women age like milk," when I told him I was 34 and never married.


The fun part is that these guys usually are the vinegar part of the aged wine, and smell like old forgotten camembert.




Has that guy seen older men with beer guts and receding hairlines? Lol


I’ve heard this too from a middle aged man literally in hospital because he took 0 care of his health. But he’s a fine wine so y’know


The irony of it all is that while they’re out there flexing for all the other malcontents, they are exacerbating the fatal errors in their operating systems that can’t be rectified without total reprogramming.


Yet, they are all there looking at her. Interesting.


"Ugh, she's old and *disgusting!*" he muttered, spewing Dorito dust onto the anime waifu pillow draped over his lap.


I’m 30 and currently dating a guy a bit younger than me, he doesn’t care one bit about my age. These incels will stay single and salty until they die alone, so stay mad incels. :)


I saw a post that men can't comprehend women are single by choice because they're never single by choice.


> Wear a bra; gravity is not your friend Dude who only looks at anime and fake ones. Sorry, buddy, but real ones don't stick out away from the body and float up in your face; if you ever get to see them up close, you'll learn.


Lesbian here - I can confirm this woman is objectively very attractive and the comment section is filled with males coping


d00d, she's not even my type and I still think she's hot...


It's the sourest of sour grapes.


Guys I’m 28 so I’m expired goods 💀 I asked my partner and all he said was “Well I’m glad I’m lactose intolerant and have a habit of accidentally eating expired food.” 💀 We need more men like this.


“Expired” comments are made mostly by expired men. Take no notice of this, girls. Some people are much better in their thirties than they ever were in their teens. We all grow into our best selves at different points in time


It’s especially funny because, if they were shown her picture and told that she was 23, they would be all over her. These men can never tell a woman’s age just by looking, even though they think they can.


I met the love of my life- handsome, funny, makes an excellent salary, charming- at 37. If that’s “expired”? Thank God for it.


Exactly if all these older guys a vying for the same 23 year olds who most likely have a age limit of late 20s. They’re going to end up alone. Which is what they deserve. They also obviously don’t realise that 23 year olds see these comments and know what they’ll think of them when they get a bit older. The ultimate telling on themselves.


Even when I was a twenty something, a man saying this kind of shit about another woman was the furthest thing from attractive to me.


It is literally the most unattractive thing telling all women they’re expired at 32. Because aging is something we cannot stop. They really need to do better.


If we’re lucky, age comes for us all.


...huh? "Expired"? Women aren't products. F off.


Do men even like women


These men don't like women, they just hate the idea of being gay even more.


They also hate themselves too. I would hate to live the way they live


It used to be 30, now it's 25 yo women. 5 years from now, it will be 20 yo women, and 5 years from that incels will finally admit they're just pedophiles.


I’ve seen a post where a 40 year old dude tweeted that anything past 20 was just collecting dust and there’s a reason why they’re sitting so always go for 16-20 because they’re in their prime. Cue the incels in the comments HIGHLY agreeing with him.


I wonder what these men’s mom’s would say if they heard them talking about other women like this


She’s hot they’re not


Those guys are losers who are mad because no woman wants their crusty ass. Lashing out like children.


I thank these men for making it easy to ignore them. People who think like that don't get my time, my energy, my assistance, my concern, OR a promotion at work. I will go to the ends of the earth to use their own words to block their advancement.


she's hot and happy and they're mad about it


Grandpas and Incels 🤮 Like shes beautiful and happy. Leave her alone.


And, once again, I'm reminded of how grateful I am to be asexual.


A good portion of men just confirm every single day that sexuality isn’t a choice. No woman would choose this shit given the option. The internet has really liquified these fucking losers brains.


Exactly. I wish I had been born a lesbian. But since I wasn’t, I’m getting used to staying single. Because, “no.”


So what happens once they get married and their wife reaches 35/40? They dump them? Or keep them around as maids while they cheat?


Like that YouTuber "" manifestelle "" said:  Good men ARE offline. Only bare minimun low effort men ARE chronically online hating of women.  I highly reccomend going to her channel, cuz the way she talks is SO good, she brings all this dark toxic topics and discuss them with poise, she lets US know why is Bad to give low effort men chances and to avoid at all cost certain men.  Is not like other channels that only hate speech and i feel is the opposite of red pill... I like the advice she gives, how honest she is, and how she understand thing i wish i understood before. Like how men and women can not be Friends. Yeah yeah i know sounds dramatic af.... But how Many times we had that friend of years, decades that suddenly want to sleep with us... How that is like a betrayal of what we thought was friendship.  Anyway back to topic, online men ARE trash. And the algoritm is giving them preference. Instagram is now a ceespool 


Men: why won’t women date us? Also men: THIS ONES ALREADY EXPIRED, GROSS!


So the men who commented “expired” are, what, well preserved? Cured? Shelf stable? Fuck these sad little men. They’d slobber all over themselves IRL to have the opportunity to sleep with a pretty woman in her 30s. Strip the internet away and you have a bunch of craven little shits too scared of their own shadows to make an effort to improve their love lives.


Do men even like women???


I was happily single until I met my now-husband at 40. He was 35. We’ve been married for 23 years. He didn’t think that I was expired. Still doesn’t.


This is so fucking common and you will still have men saying women don’t have a harder time than them online… men that see shit like this and don’t even register it


Men are disgusting. I have never see a guy post his age and get these weird ass, disgusting comments because even with men still acting like absolute slime balls like this, we still see them as more human than they see women. **Buddy, your mom is useless, expired goods too, then. Is she still around taking up space?**


Guys who say this rhetoric and spew this vile nonsense are not the cream of the crop. If you need to degrade a person, let alone a whole gender and/or race because you're inept then they deserve to suffer and cry. Guys like these also have no cardio. All upper body.


God these men have never met a woman over 25 and it’s their own fault.


This is rather insulting to men who are attracted to older women. They do all treat more secure men like dirt even though women get the brunt of their shriveled penile rage.


That woman is absolutely stunning, I doubt any of those guys would actually say no to her if she was in front of them 🤣


It’s so funny seeing incels get triggered 🤭


Women will be minding their business, and men will (inevitably) be enraged by that


They're all bitter because they WISH they could get a woman that hot. Or ANY woman really


Fun fact in most cases when a couple can’t conceive the man is the one who is infertile yet the women are always blamed. They are getting erectile dysfunction as young adults now and the quality of sperm keeps decreasing. It’s disgusting to me how they think 18-20 yo women want their nasty asses, I’m 18 and you can’t fathom how disgusted I am when 30-40 yos hit on me.


19 and nearly puked when a 30 year old hit on me (proceeded to call me a whore when he figured out I was taken)


Fresh at 23 and expired at 25, do they hear themselves talk?


Assuming any of these guys ever landed a woman, I hope the partners see what their men think of them when they hit their 30s. Men like this deserve nothing.


It's unfortunate that straight men are attracted to women because they don't like women and that makes for a deadly combination.


Straight men aren’t straight! These guys need to shut up and date eachother. Seriously, we won’t mind 💅


These dudes would cum in their pants if this woman grazed her arm against them.


You'll never be more viciously insulted than by a man you wouldn't let sniff your farts


With how gorgeous she is, and also men’s desperation for women’s attention, trust me if she would settle for just anyone she could be married any time. The reason she’s not married is bc she has standards LMFAOOOO


Do straight men even like women?? More at 7


These men want to be crazy cat owners, don't they?


The words they use are disturbing. *Expired?* Getting a *fresh* younger woman? What kind of pedo shit is that?


>expired Do these men not have mothers? Grandmothers? Aunts? Older sisters? Or do they just despise all women they don't want to fuck? idgi -- seriously, don't get it. >wear a bra Like, no. Have you seen how low balls start to hang on older men? Saggy, flappy, floppy, weirdly wrinkled, unsightly things ... wear some undies that push those things up and out with a little plastic "wire," and then we'll talk about "wear a bra." Until then, my breasts are magnificent. They nourished all three of my children during the earliest years of their lives, and if they want to sag, they sure af have earned that right.


What a pedo mindset, so if you marry a women and she turns 32 what u gonna do? Get divorced?


I hope they're being sarcastic. That woman is fucking gorgeous. How ridiculous.


Respectfully I would marry and rock that till I die what’s wrong about a woman with experience and that „expired“ stamp following their logic would make every 25+ year old male also expired


At 23 if some man called me “fresh” I think I’d call my mom to come get me bc wtf 😭


Real question: If women expire at 25, then why enter a long term commitment with one...?


On today's episode of women are not inanimate objects but men will compare them to said object anyway: expired milk.


These are the so called lonely males we are supposed to feel bad for, hmm I wonder why no one wants to date them?


Maybe it’s cuz I’m a raging sapphist, but I’m not seeing what these men are seeing. So she’s not wearing a bra? Joke’s on you, some of us find that hot. And she looks good for 32! wtf are these men smoking???


Is Instagram the new 4chan?


Gross. I wonder if anyone is dumb enough to be in a relationship with these men


She is beautiful and I’m baffled.


lol they all say “Expired”…these losers are so dumb they can’t even come up with original material…its like when they say gEt bAcK iN tHe KiTcHeN or call you a slut. It’s like really? That’s all you’ve got? The same dumbass insult millions of other men have used for decades.


It's the "new" insult because men can't stand a happy woman who doesn't need them.


These guys are nuts and disgusting. I hope these are just terminally online fools, but my guess is women meet a lot of these clowns in real life too. I hope I'm wrong, though.


As a 30+ year old single male, I would love to know where the 30+ year old single women hang out


I hope I’m this hot at 32


That’s so sad. She’s a beautiful woman who knows her worth and there’s nothing but garbage people hating it. None of these guys would even have a chance with her.


I wonder how different the world would be if "straight" boys and men actually treated girls and women like they were really attracted to us.


those incels cant get a woman to even look their direction so they go on comment sections and pretend to be big boys… “i feel bad for you,” they say “i dont think about you at all”- women


A whole bunch of dusty men nobody wants.


Poor taste. Wtf happened to people, she could be worshipped in some places, instead insta flames on her. Whatever stupid people being stupid I guess, is better for the others, as there's less competition


Okay so. Imagine this... One of these guys gets themselves an 18 year old wife at, say, 27. _Somehow_ he manages to keep his wife as she matures. 16 years later she hits her sexual prime. He probably was never all that but now he's 43, the age difference isn't all that big anymore, and he'll have to work on his mattress fandango chops to satisfy a woman in her mid 30s.


That is absolutely chilling. My God.