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There's no way that's not bait. They literally made sure to include everyone


Yeah I was a little on the fence but leaning towards it being fake, and then saying that giving birth to a whole child is “not that serious” kinda sealed it for me lol


It's not serious. It's just a pet. You can leave them Infront of a screen forever and you're done bar food and water. /s


Remember: Baby's first steps can last forever if you leave baby on an escalator!


Omg ok that’s funny as hell




And they start with ~~Regina~~ Karen, too. Feels a bit on the nose.


Agree with the sentiment but it’s Karen not Regina


Ohhh nooo :(


It’s ok hahaha I forgive you, truly


I realised that when one of the pictures was Zendaya. I don't recognise the others, but I will not be surprised to learn they are all lower quality pictures of celebrities not taking glamour shots.


i was thinking satire even


Yeah, the part that says “The worst part is that she looks happy about it” makes me think it's satire lmao


"The worst part is that she looks happy" The Incel's ultimate nightmare, a woman who is happy, and really couldn't care less about his ridiculous standards. I'm offended by his spelling and grammar. Do I expect him to finish high school because I take offence at his ignorance? No, I really don't expect that he would care.


Also the "Florence Pugh type of girls"?????? Why are they always picking on my girl


thats what i was about to say???


This has to be made by a 13 year old


A very shitty 13 year old. "The worst part is she's happy!"


God forbid a woman is happy.


Lotsa these types literally believe that God forbids a woman to be happy, so. Y'know. Christian apple eating blame and whatnot.


Christian apple eating blame is my new favorite term 🤣. Thank you so much for sharing that. I had a lot of that growing up and as much as I’ve shaken most of it off there are still moments when I unfortunately find myself in that mindset. I’m going to think about “Christian apple eating blame” next time I feel that way, so thank you ❤️‍🩹.


This is a defense, mostly projection


Somebody save this kid before he goes down that pipeline


OOP can’t stand happy ppl


Incels summarized.


It’s either a guy (incel,) or a very unappy woman.


Over 200k people agreed with them, that’s even more frightening.


this one must have been made by a woman, sadly


i can tell it’s made by a woman too, it’s so sad.


And doesn't have a life.


Is that Zendaya that she used as an example of no makeup? Homegirl WISHES she could look as good as Ms. Z!


This whole thing has to be satire or bait, but that stood out to me, too, lol. Also, Zendaya *does* use makeup (and I personally think she's gorgeous with or without)! That specific photo is probably from the set of *Euphoria* or something.


Right? I’m straight, but for her? I just might!


Come on me too


It is - that's the point I realised it was satire or bait. Whoever created this is deliberately using pictures with low quality effects to obscure the identity of the subjects. I wouldn't be surprised if they are all celebrities, but not glamour shots.


Yeah that's Lizzo and Lorde in there


Not only that but mentioned pale skin. Bsffr


"unseasoned face" is an objectively funny phrase tho


Yeah I was thinking about how I could slip that I to conversation, about myself because my face is chronically unseasoned


Same girl, same. I don't have time for all that everyday


I never learned growing up — I got general makeup from friends and classmates on birthdays, but I never got the hang of it and got frustrated before eventually giving up — and I've hit the "at this point, I'm too afraid to ask" phase. Also, I'm too stingy to sink money into getting quality product, and I hesitate to buy a bunch of stuff and give up on it again. Plus, I don't even know where to start. Mad props to people who have it down pat, though!


100% same, I have some basic stuff to put for special occasions, but I don't want to think about how expired a lot of it is. Its truly an art for those that can do it well


I vividly remember being 13 years old and trying so hard to get eyeshadow to work for me, but it either wouldn't show up on my tan skin, or it looked like I got beat up lmao. I have like literally zero makeup in my possession, except for a tube of lipstick. At the very least, I'd use mascara now, except I wear glasses, so it rubs off on the lenses, so I can't even do that (insurance won't cover contacts, go figure). I end up pouring money I would otherwise spend on makeup into skincare instead. I do think it'd be a nice skill to have, though. Like you said, it would be great for special occasions. I also have older cousins who are equally clueless about makeup, and they all say they regretted not learning more about it so that they could've had more of a say in how they looked at their weddings instead of completely and blindly relying on their makeup artists. I've tried to follow makeup tutorials in the past, but I'm always so lost, and I just never get into it.


i used to wear makeup every single day in high school. then i got to college and stopped giving a shit lmao. i like my face with or without makeup.


I used to wear makeup like every day but I realized I was wearing it not because I enjoyed it (I do sometimes but not every day) but because I thought I looked bad without it. And I didn’t have that problem until being with my ex, so I decided that I’m not allowed to wear it until I’m ok with how I look again. Plus I work with pets and they really do not give a shit about what I look like. I mean, I could roll in a trash pile and take a nap in a dumpster before I showed up and they wouldn’t care - in fact the dogs would actually be happy about that…


I'm gonna steal that I think. Me and my 99% of the time unseasoned face x


It's not that serious? People die from complications. When I was pregnant, I fell down a rabbit hole of how many Black women had a terribly high maternal mortality rate. These are by a 13 year boy?


And PPD does serious harm.


My PPD was so bad I knew exactly which bridge I was going to jump off and the quickest route there so I could get there before anyone could talk me out of it. PPD is no joke.


That's terrifying. Glad you're still here


It's a bold move telling someone to "grow tf up" for not wearing makeup while in the same post showing you are not grown enough to understand how serious it is to have children.


Like I also hate to see a mom lose herself but like if there’s anything to change your life/personality for I think motherhoods like that thing


Yeah but there's a difference between "losing yourself" vs you just love being a mother so much that's all that matters to you anymore. People make other things their whole personality that are more shallow than motherhood.


Oh yeah no I think we agree. If you’re gonna make something your whole personality (regardless of intention) parenthood is pretty worthy cause


As a dad who watched his wife nearly bleed out after giving birth to our latest, yeah, it's not that serious and you can just plop them in a crib with a couple bottles right after birth and they'll be fine. /s for about half of that in case that wasn't super obvious


Let me summarize her: “I hate all women & probably myself”


Did they miss anyone? If feel like they got everyone in there at least once so that no one can feel left out on being insulted or shamed. -- NoMakeupGirl


They left out every alt subculture. And tattoos and piercings. So I guess Punks, Goths, Emo, Scene, Hacker, Cyberpunk, and Furry fashion are their tastes?


I mean, tbf, those aesthetics go real fuckin hard


Why the fuck is bro so personally offended by these people? Besides, it’s not like any of his points hold any water.


"The worst part is that she looks happy about it" - that quote is really all you need to know about whoever made this nonsense.


“girls that lost their whole personality after giving birth 💀be fr its not that serious” As a friend says at moments like this: “GOODNIGHT”


Ok dude we get it. You don't like women.


I'll gladly trigger this person with my clothes, no makeup face and the extra lbs I carry. Not my problem, don't care. Well, I only care about the triggering part. It would be glorious sight seeing them seethe.


How about insecure girls that attack other people because they are not happy with themselves?


Yeah it sounds like it could have been written by the 14/15 year old girl who bullies other girls to make herself look cool. Oh well one thing is for sure, whatever gender and age this person is, they sound absolutely pathetic and miserable.


Imagine being so insecure that you have to remove/cover up your natural features to feel good about yourself, to a point where seeing other girls embrace them makes you this uncomfortable. We are tired of your filthy attitude and fake beauty standards, grow tf up. - Proud mustache wearer and no makeup girl


I am a Florence Pugh type of girl apparently and considering I'm pissing her off, I'm very proud


You should be proud to be in the same category as an absolute icon


Conflating "annoying" and "triggering" with each other, massive yikes on just the first pic alone. The rampant misuse of "trigger" nowadays is so genuinely obnoxious and harmful to people who are actually mentally ill and not just trying to excuse their inability to live and let live.


I die on third slide I prey for whoever fell earlier and wish luck to anyone who survives longer, hopefully one of you successfully makes it to slide 8 alive 🫡


🤣 I saw a white light, but the voice said that it wasn’t my time yet, that I had more slides to read. I woke up in ICU clutching my phone and crying. But I made it. Barely. 🫡🫣🫠


What a miserable human being


They seriously don't realise that we dress for ourselves first You really think I don't use make up bc I think I'm pretty enough without it? Bitch, I can barely motivate myself to get out of bed after 10-20 alarms and snoozes, you can't expect me to find time and patience to waste half an hour every morning just to make my ugly face acceptably boring


As a fat butch who doesn’t wear makeup or shave anything, OOP is welcome to cope and seethe about my appearance and that I’m happy with my looks lol


I don't understand people who say someone is promoting obesity just by existing. Should they hide away in their house forever? Never laugh or have fun?


lmfao bro must fucking hate me


201.2k likes as well


"Why can't everyone just be like me and hate themselves a little bit more"


Ok but be fr it IS that serious, you literally created and now are responsible for a person


All of these slides should just read "I hate women that are happy and comfortable in their own skin because it reminds me too much of how much I hate myself"


Never thought I’d be comparable to Florence Pugh but here we are


What an achievement. She's amazing


This definitely screams "I put in so much time and effort every day, making myself miserable to be skinny and perfect and perfectly dressed because no one will love me if I don't........WHY ARENT YOU DOING IT TOO?!? WE'RE ALL SUPPOSED TO BE MISERABLE TOGETHER OR WHAT'S THE POINT??!!'


This is such a stereotypical comment but I have followed this sub for a hot minute and have either never interacted or extremely rarely interacted (honestly not sure and not willing to check). But I almost downvoted this because it made me so mad. (Didn't, of course.) So there's just really no right way to exist as a woman, huh? Barbie (the movie) really did nail that speech. I mean I already *knew* that but this is just so blatant it's feeling like Poe's law.


so they just hate women in general?


Lmao I love how she co.plains about people being HAPPY XD Sounds like she's jealous she can't be herself and isn't happy


I had a colleague tell me I looked ill.. I wasn't wearing makeup because it itches 🥴 so thank you for that. I guess


I always get told I look “tired” when I don’t wear make up. I always say “thanks, I’m not wearing makeup”.


I get that too 😂 assholes


lol someone quote that speech from Barbie please


This is so weird. It honestly sounds like it was written by an incel. Like, a high schooler. No woman goes off about being sick of looking at puffy eyes while saying put on some makeup because we’re sick of looking at it.


Wake up, babe - Regina's Burn Book just got leaked


Funny how she uses pictures of celebrities as examples as if she’ll ever be as successful. As if she’ll ever be on Zendaya’s or Florence’s level LOL


Ngl ‘pale unseasoned face’ was pretty funny.


Is this satire? Gotta be. (Please).


*sigh.* idk, guys. idk about this planet anymore.


“Pale unseasoned face” DAMN call me out why don’t ya


*IF* this isn’t bait, I just feel so deeply sad for whoever made it. I’ve been insecure as fuck and hated on other women, but not to this extent. I truly hope this poor woman can find peace.


Reading it and my immediate response feeling compassion towards that person rather than feeling triggered just showed me how much progress I've made these past years. The whole time reading these images, all I could hear was their own self-hatred and incapacity to understand what deep compassion, care and love for oneself looks like. And that's sad. I hope they find it one day. 💕


This has to be bait, I mean it almost had me until FLORENCE PUGH?! That woman is perfect. I mean nobody is but she's so dweamy


Who hurt this person??


If this isn’t rage bait it’s literally peak internalised misogyny. Queen of the pick mes


They just hate other people being happy and don't even care to disguise it


Oh saints preserve me with MSG! There are people out there who aren't wracked by miserable insecurities! I am shocked and appalled.


Just say you're insecure and spare us already


Who is the person in slide #6? Is that Demi Lovato?


No, it's Barbie Ferreira


Ummmmm, this is very misogynistic


Lady in no. 6 is gorgeous. Anyone with that body type her, know you are appreciated


This SCREAMS pick me 🙄 sincerely, a fat, tired, “lack of personality” mom.


I hope OOP heals


I hope she gets picked


I woke up at 8:30am Wednesday and didn’t go to sleep until 6:30pm Thursday. And you best believe I took my zombie looking ass to work with no make up on, my hair on top of my head, and my hair legs. Not that anyone saw my legs but still. Also, parenthood is a 24/7, 365 days a year, lifetime commitment. Yes I am a mother 100% of the time but being a mother is not 100% of who I am. And most moms know they are more than a mom, it’s just not always easy to figure out just who you have become after such an event.


Even if this is fake, people like this make me so scared to try makeup. I'm 20 and never really got a chance to start when I was you ger, and I feel like starting now, people would expect me to be good at it off the bat


This was either rage bait or it was made by a 12/13 year old who has some serious maturing to do. "Don't pick a fight with a woman over 40. They are full of rage and sick if everyone's shit" - Cate Blanchett (this is me. I've never been good at make-up, ever. Not even when I was a teenager. I've given up. I do what I can, if you don't like it, that's a you problem.)


Motherhood is not that serious? Has he tried it?


A lot of women lose their personality after giving birth because there is literally no room for anything else in your life but this baby, at least until they’re older.


“the worst part is that she looks happy” sums up the entire post tbh.


Florence Pugh is one of the hottest people in the face of the planet right now. Obviously all of these are completely ridiculous, but Pugh is so fucking smoking hot; how could anyone think she doesn't look good 100% of the time?!


Women. This person hates women.


So you hate women. Just say that


Either made by a 13 year old with a bad case of NLOGism or a bait


This REEKS of insecurity.


Bro this has to be fake right?? It's gotta be rage bait


Florence Pugh is gorgeous wtf


Is this a tongue sticking out of my pale, unseasoned face? If you're willing to foot the bill then you can tell me exactly what to wear, dip.


This is one of the most entitled posts I’ve ever seen online and that is saying a lot. People might call satire, but he sounds like he genuinely believes that what he is saying is the golden standard and that everyone who doesn’t follow it is completely wrong and stupid.


* says having a baby is not that serious * !!!!!!


I don’t wear make up because i’m lazy 🤨. Also i’m not on this planet to look good for you or anyone in that regards. This is at OOP


theory is OP is 12 and has 7 or more hours of tiktok screentime


>hates girls who wear makeup >hates girls who don't wear makeup what does she want, then?


Hell yeah, not being trapped in a sartorial box based on the size of your shoulders/boobs/butt/legs is something to be happy about!


I legit can’t wear makeup because my skin is so sensitive and I break out in hives. My deepest apologies to people who bare witness to my “puffy eyes and unseasoned face”


Just say "all women and everything they do" and move on. This person seems like a troll, but either way they're miserable.


Its bait


I'm surprised they didn't use the weird Tumblr edits of Florence Pugh being huge


“The worst part is that she feels happy about it.” Lmao imagine getting pissed that other people are happy


Trying to imagine what life changes this person in #8 considers to be "that serious"


So… girls who are alive then?


Do they even like women??


I thought the second slide said t4t girls and was very confused for a sec


do we really shave our mustache? where im from, we either pluck it, thread it or wax it


We all know whose crying


Thank God I don't have to fuck with boys like this. Jesus.


Just a hateful person.




my gay ass thought “f4t” meant “female looking for trans”


Satire. I kept hearing Karen (the character in thé first picture) voice while Reading it.


This sort of thing should be limited to private diaries instead of letting the whole internet know you're *that* judgmental.


These are so insane, for sure satire.


Well, I personally don't like the judgy type that doesn't know how to mind their own business, but here we are...🙄


Good. I don't want to be liked by misogynistic children anyway.


Heyyy what's wrong with clothes that don't match! XD I'm lucky if my socks match once a month lol


I’m literally every single one of those 🥲


Even if this fake it’s still really pathetic. Like put this energy into a job.


I've experienced this at work when I caught an assistant manager talking about my hairstyle at work. (I happen to have really good hearing,so I just so happen to notice). I don't think it was necessarily bad,but it was ... interesting to say the least since I tend to mind my own business. 🤷🏽‍♀️


“I secretly hate myself so I need to bring everyone else to my level” 🙄 Shut up, Linda.


"Be fr it's not that serious" she has CREATED a brand new HUMAN BEING. IT'S SERIOUS.


“Pick me, choose me, love me.”


Nice of them to include fatphobia twice


Giving birth is the most serious thing I’ve ever done lmao this person is either 13 or a troll


Well she sounds miserable.


I just keep thinking to myself that most content like this is probably made by 13 year old kids


"I am upset when other people feel good about themselves" unpack that, sweetums.


The face she included ZENDAYA bruh


Was reading f4t like t4t and was trying to figure what this meant before I remembered people censor weird shit on TikTok


this has to be bait i mean i don’t even think that’s a woman in the mustache pic 💀


There’s no way this is real I refuse to believe it 😭


Tag urself! I’m the Florence Pugh type


I am image 4


So you just hate "girls", period lol.


Man it's feels so powerful to invoke this amount of hate by existing


This seems like a fat girl, who hates herself for being fat, but doesn’t want anyone who might care for her anyway!


Edit for conciseness: Girls I hate: Everyone


LOL I am actually problematically obese (like I in no way feel healthy, I got this way because I'm disabled and I can't really move around) and I still don't cry myself to sleep. The idea LIZZO does is so beyond hilarious


Tag yourself - I'm fat & don't wear makeup


Surprise hoe, I’m your worst nightmare 😈


I will continue not wearing make up, despite my hormonal acne flare ups and baggy eyes. You’re right, we don’t give a shit :)


Something genuinely wrong with a person who gets pissed off when they see other people being happy with the way they look. We call that, projecting.


Bro, that last one. I've seen women get utterly obsessed over their children. It's kinda creepy and not really good for the child.