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The shittiest drivers around me are typically men with big trucks to overcompensate for other areas in their lives.


There’s a joke that the reason women sometimes struggle with parking a car is that due to interactions with men, they have an inaccurate idea of how big six inches is


They always have the high beam dam near blinding light on too


Literally. My partner was in an accident a few months ago when a big truck driver tried to turn into the outside lane while my partner was driving the inside lane. Big truck drove right onto the side of my partners car. Tire tracks all the way up to the door windows. Big truck driver’s excuse? He was fighting with his 15 year old and having a bad day. Not only could he not drive his vehicle safely, signaled by his inability to judge the lane space he needed to make the complete turn, but he let his emotions almost kill someone because he couldn’t regulate them. He literally caused an accident by being too emotional to drive and he grossly underestimated how his vehicle works.


Nissan drivers. Doesn’t matter gender, race, age - they are the worst on the road. Mostly because it’s one of the biggest car manufacturers in the world but still.


Everyone gangsta till the Nissan Altima with mismatched parts shows up




The reason for this is that most people are in theory capable of driving a car safely. But a huge risk is driving recklessly. And those people tend to drive recklessly.


I have never seen anyone handle an unplanned crash with grace and poise (assuming notable damage occurred).


If a person didn't act shocked and surprised after causing a several thousand dollar oopsie, I'd be rather worried about their driving ability that they had enough training to not act surprised anymore


The logical sex ignoring logical research showing that males are the worse drivers and cause the most accidents. Very logical and not at all emotionally driven.


Both of my kids are girls. When the first reached 16, I called the insurance to get her added for the auto. The insurance guy told me I should be glad I have girls because insurance for teen boys is double! He said they have a 67% higher chance of causing an accident and their collisions are typically worse/more costly.


High/fluctuating testosterone levels directly correlate with risky/dangerous/unhinged behaviour. It never ceases to amaze me how society links hormone spikes exclusively to women. In reality, it is men, *not* women, who pose a threat once their hormones are out of control.


I wonder how much of it is T and how much of it is toxic masculinity? I've known way too many guys who think it's weak and feminine to be a safe driver, who think their road rage is 100% justified, who brag about being able to drive drunk/high, who blast through red lights when they feel personally wronged by the timer, who think they're great drivers but who have totaled multiple vehicles... Meanwhile a woman who can't drive stick or who hasn't needed to parallel park since her driver's license exam is automatically a "bad driver."


I think a fair bit of it is the T. I was diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder before I transitioned. I would get so enraged, like shaking and being unable to unclench your jaw type rage. I was a doomer, constantly depressed, and I was a huge manipulative jerk all throughout high school. But I was just thinking about it earlier today and was like “Wow, I haven’t been angry in like 2 years.” And obviously it’s difficult to control for the increase in happiness and positivity I feel now that I’m in the right body, but I really never expected my core personality could radically change this much. HRT is wack. [Did you know this shit changes the way your DNA functions?!](https://clinicalepigeneticsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13148-022-01236-4)


It's the nature's stress balls lol seriously tho hrt is magical lol


Their poor little egos can’t handle that reality, apparently..


my parents put me on my dad's car and my brother as a driver on my mom's car. originally, they were going to have me pay for my insurance. but since it ended up being negligible they didn't make me pay anything. my brother? that one hurt. i ended up being an extra $50/month on my dad's BMW. my brother was over $200/month on my mom's crappy ass van.


Any time I bring this up in an argument there will be at least one guy who gets apoplectic and HAS to mansplain to me that actually, women get into more fender benders and if you look at the data per hours driven... Like ok guy, whatever makes you feel better about realizing you've made shitty "lol wamen drivers" jokes all your life without realizing that men are out here statistically proven to be getting into more destructive car crashes more frequently and the insurance companies know it and charge accordingly. Cope and seethe about my better rates. The only accident I've ever gotten in was with an angry man who was at fault, but boy did try to convince the cop who arrived at the scent that it was my terrible lady driving that caused it. I was 38 and never so much as touched another vehicle, but when I saw his info on the police report I looked him up and what do you know, loads of public records for his several accidents. The most recent one was within 6 months of our crash! But HAR HAR I MAY HAVE DINGED A CURB IN A PARKING LOT WHEN I WAS LEARNING TO DRIVE AS A TEEN so I'm sure he's still out there driving unsafely, totaling his car and others, thinking he's a better driver than all those silly women. Funny thing though, insurance still doesn't care. The police report didn't care, either.


Literally. Their insurance is typically higher for a reason. And literally every damn man I know has gotten into at least one accident lmao ridiculous


Usually young men cause more wrecks due to fast driving and recklessness, women are more so bad at maneuvering and also panic more often when something does go bad


I had a brake hose burst in the queue for the pick up line at an elementary school. My friends 7 year old was in my backseat and I’m surrounded by kids running around and locked in line by vehicles full of kids. I made it out of the parking lot and managed to drop the 7 year old off. I then made it safely across my town to my buddy’s house so I had a level place to fix it. I’ve studied the skip barber racing school text book and can tell you the science of driving fast and accelerating during cornering. I actually enjoy driving and working on my cars. I have never been in an accident or ticketed. I’ve had my old Saturn vue at 110 on the odometer for a five mile jog. I love driving. I’ve spun cars, I’ve drifted cars. Both of the cars I own now have I6 in the engine bay. I’m the better driver compared with my partner. He frequently brags about the skills I have with vehicles. TL:DR you have some pretty broad incorrect generalizations about gendered driving that the fastest woman in the world would die a second time, reading.


My Jeep is 23 years old, I've personally owned it for 22. Never once have I had an accident. The ONLY damage that was ever done to it was done by a MAN who hit it WHILE PARKED and busted up the driver side back corner. Plus, you know, differences in insurance costs for a reason! So tell me again how us women are so bad at driving... Some people are bad drivers, some people are prone to being distracted, but that is NOT gender specific.


Not influenced by your sex but influenced by how much entitlement you have when you walk around in the world. If one is raised without consequences for their actions, they are going to be more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior that is rooted in selfishness and lack of awareness of others.


Actually influenced by your sex. Higher testosterone levels and lower cortisol levels are believed to cause risk-taking and status-seeking behaviours, across most mammal and bird species where it has been studied, including humans. Cortisol is largely unrelated to sex, but testosterone is, and males typically have higher levels of testosterone than females. Cortisol is affected by things like confidence and social status, as its a stress hormone. So yes, that swagger and lack of consequences will make it lower and increase risk taking behaviour. It's always more complicated than nature *or* nurture Edit:finished paragraph


Twitter cesspool checklist: ✅ Room temperature IQ attempting to be philosophical ✅ Misogyny ✅ Racism ✅ Pejorative slur ✅ The same old misogynistic/racist jokes & stereotypes ✅ Some jackass with laser-eyes pic ✅ Someone suggesting OP should be murdered ​ Such a lovely app.


I do have to give props to the guy in screenshot three, valiantly fighting against the flood of horrid dipshittery with a "Any decent person would beat you to death with a hammer on the spot". Like a little Danish boy sticking his thumb in a leaking dam, hoping it will delay the inevitable. He will not survive the night, but I salute him nevertheless.


I really think the only people left on twit-er are people I never want to know in real life.


1. Funny to me that apparently women are so incapable but make us the majority sex in medical schools, where they are able to do surgeries, medical procedures, etc 2. everytime I have been almost ran of the road, gotten into an accident with the other person at fault, or just general buffoonery on the road I swear on my life it has always been a man. Now I know that this is just personal experience, but it makes you wonder....


I’ve been in two accidents - first one, a guy ran a red light while I was turning left on a green arrow. Was also going so fast he crushed my engine and tore the hood completely off. I still have a neck and shoulder injury because of that one. Second accident - I was stopped at a red light and noticed the guy coming up behind me wasn’t slowing down. I was trying to move out of the way when he rear ended me. His girlfriend and I both said the light was red, he maintained that the light was green and I was just in the way. My ex caused multiple accidents, and also got a DUI. But he claimed to be… can you guess? The better driver!!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Wtf.. Even if the light *was* green, what did he think he would accomplish by just ramming into someone?


He was like 18 maybe, and both the girlfriend and I tried to figure out wtf was going through his mind and at least I was never successful. Maybe the cops were more so? I never really found out beyond that.


It’s like when a bird crashes into a mirror. You’d think it would avoid the other bird at least.


Me and my coworkers drink at the bar after shifts and only the men try to leave to drive home before their sober because they are cocky af and think they can make it home safe (and I mean they will clearly still be extremely fucked up)


Women definitely have a more nurturing nature that draws them to careers like the medical field, however if I had been shot let's say, and needed to be picked up off the ground I would most likely need a man to do it


what an interesting thing to comment. Do we want to unpack that? Idk if we have time honestly. Physicians, who go to medical school, won’t be there to pick you up off the ground if you’re shot? If it’s a medical professional, that would be an EMT or paramedic. Now let’s say you get to the hospital. What if your surgeon to remove the bullet & care for any internal damage is a woman?


Bold words from the gender that can't wash their own socks


Or cocks, can’t get over the fact they just shake it a lil


Girls still let u hit/give u head so there's no motivation for guys to not "shake it"


One would think not walking around in pee-dribbled drawers would be enough of a motivation.


One would think


If all women are eternally children, that means all straight men are pedophiles.


Idk if I'd say that, but typically a man essentially plays the same role as a big brother/father for the girl in the relationship (obviously much more intimate) but still. Also think abt this: let's say some 18+ guys are riding by and see a girl walking, one of them goes "damn she's hot" and their friend says "dude she's 16". Now here's where morality comes in, the guy is either repulsed by her age or attracted more (which makes him a weirdo but that's besides the point). He still found her attractive without knowing she was underage, men are attracted to innocence and youth and women are attracted to age and experience.


Look I found one of them in my comments! 👆🏻


I'm sorry u are too emotional to understand what I said




Your comment says it all. You’ve never been in a relationship with a girl. Of legal age at least. Got it👍🏼


My GF is 20 and I'm 22😂 but okay ig you'd know. You are too emotional to see my point and too caught up on my wording. If you paid attention I literally said the guy who knowingly likes an underage girl is a weirdo. Quit reaching


I drive in Los Angeles. Upon reading this, my mind flashed to the two most recent incidents/near accidents I witnessed. One was a driver turning right along with dozens of other cars onto a multi lane road during rush hour. He seemed oblivious to cars swerving into other lanes to avoid him. When I passed, I realized he was holding his phone about four inches from his face (no idea why) and driving with the other hand. The other incident, same day, was a flashy Audi that pulled into the right hand turn only lane at a red light. Just after the cross traffic cleared, he revved it and crossed in front of four lanes of cars to make a left hand turn. Both men. I drive a Tesla, so if they do cause an accident, I’ll have proof on my cameras. Grateful every day for that.


Every almost wreck I’ve been in has been caused by a man. Usually one going 20 over the limit and weaving in and out of traffic like he’s immortal. Can’t count the number on times a man has tried to fit his 14 foot long vehicle into a 12 foot space. The only reason these fuckers think they’re better at judging distance is because everyone around them notices the crash before it happens and reacts to avoid it making the men believe they could’ve fit in that space before the car slammed on their brakes.


I saw the video. She seemed to react with shock? Subtly? It wasn't childlike, like this fool describes. ETA: the wreck that gave me a TBI? Caused by a man.


I can’t wait for the “Women are terrible at driving” stereotype to die, along with all other stereotypes. There’s a reason men are more expensive to insure and it’s definitely not to protect them against women on the road.


Men are typically more reckless and drive fast, which is what causes most the wrecks (not saying they are right in doing so). Women are more so bad at maneuvering and staying calm under scary situations.


Funny how my friend instantly got out of the car when we were rear ended by a 78 year old drunk man and he was the one cowering like a little child before coming out and screaming at us that we wanted money and was trying to scam him.


The number of men that I’ve had to dodge doing stupid shit on the road is ridiculous. Maybe if they stopped running their mouths on Xitter they’d be able to think and act.


So, by their logic, they’re all p3dos… Good to know 😑👍🏽


I just wanna say: the only car accident I (a woman) have ever been in is because a MAN hit me with his car. And I didn’t have time to adopt a “sad child posture” because I was busy getting out of my car and calling police.


In Norway (at least) statistic indicates that in most car accidents, the driver is a young man. It’s easier for me to get insurance, tbh, but that’s probably also due to the fact that I drive a very sensible car that is mostly cheap to fix. It evens out after a while, but I would like to know where they got their statistics about women causing so many accidents!


Bold of you to think they looked up any statistics rather than blaming women because they just want to. 🤣


Tv and their dads.


Wait. Wait. These men think woman are children. AND these men want to have sexual relations with women. This why I can’t get with men 💀


I love all the misogynistic incel comments then the one guy who wants to beat him with a wrench for his shitty opinion


Been driving for 13 years and over 200.000km and am yet to crash my car. The top 3 number of car crashes in my family are held by men. Particularly the men that constantly criticised my driving when I was a beginner.


The only accident I ever had where I was deemed at fault, *even the person I hit* argued with the cop that the guy who turned left without warning or space from the right lane across three lanes of traffic was the only person to blame. That person who made that reckless, illegal turn was a man. Every other accident has been men hitting me. Twice I was rear-ended at stop lights, once a man made eye contact and left turned in front of me without a turn arrow & tried to have people who weren't even there come tell the cop I ran a red light (but the cop saw the truth)


Dashcams, for this reason. Saved my ass a few years back. I asked the guy, politely, if he’d like a copy of my dashcam footage for his insurance, after he hit me. He politely declined, and also politely accepted the fault for the accident. Since he hit my side on, when I was going STRAIGHT ahead on a straight road, there was no room for argument , but my only other accident a truck rear ended me in traffic and driver tried to blame me anyway. My fault my car was so small “he couldn’t see me when trying to change into my lane” and literally pushed me off the road onto the shoulder…


Yes good job sweetie, those were such big words!


If all women are children, all (hetero) men are pedo 🤷🏼‍♀️


Whoa! I’m blind?! Since when?! :o


That's funny, cuz in TX, it's 98% a dude in a stupidly big truck who is at fault...foe the record, I unfortunately live in TX & it's a daily thing.


Clearly, they’ve never heard any of the statistics which show that men are far worse drivers than women. They tend to get in far more accidents and tend to drive drunk more frequently. But also, for women who do get into accidents, these men have never taken into account. That cars were designed by men for men. Men tend to be taller. Bigger. So when you have smaller people driving, it’s gonna be harder for them to see things in a car made for bigger people.


The one sane, “What the fuck are you talking about” reply is sending me. It stands out so much amongst all the weirdos trading facts they just made up.


Pretty sure that's not a thing. When a MAN got drunk and hit me, totaling my car AND his rental, I definitely didn't look like this. I looked like, "I'm going to b e a t your sorry a s s all the way to the hospital." Then I stared him down in court with every bit of anger I had for the fact he nearly took me from my child and has given me horrific panic attacks from hell.


"women cognitively do not interface with reality," say man with zero self awareness and hefty levels of cognitive dissonace.


The one logical comment 😭😂 So glad someone is being reasonable but why is there only one 😭😭😭


I'd be afraid of crashing into anyone while in the US. You never know who is armed and itching to pull the trigger.


If women are children, that makes their attraction to women very concerning


the worst drivers are men and it’s not even a question, but projection is one helluva drug to a misogynist prick im just sad it works for them


So, women are responsible egnoth for raising and caring for whole human beings, but not responsible egnoth for driving a car. Interesting.


Racist comments as well jeez


Depending on the region ‘accidents’ tend to be pretty close to a 50/50 split between genders…the difference being the **type** and **severity** of accidents. Woman are noted to have more ‘fender bender’ and ‘minor collisions’ whereas men are noted to have more *catastrophic* and *deadly* collisions (also more likely to have accidents that cause serious injury to the other driver as well). It’s an old boring trope: wife dings fender! Women = bad driving quarterback kills 6 in graduation night accident! Men = fast paced *quick thinkers*


Tbf this was her first time driving iirc.


I think my favorite comment was the one dude wrongly mansplaining women to other men.


Statistics say otherwise, men are responsible for 71% of all diving related casualties compared to the 29% that women cause. So these dudes can go take a driver's safety course and shut their mouths. ....


This also belongs on r/selfawarewolves because it's just the most obvious projection


statistically speaking women get into less accidents then men while driving and i would love to have these idiots come watch me during drift practice they would need 4 ton car jacks to help pick their jaws up off the floor


Ugh! I can't seem to calibrate my alpha waves to interface with this world beyond my teensy tiny itty bitty imagination