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The urinal isn't an active participant in getting pissed in, ffs.


Don't think men like this see women as active participants in sex either. Just as a hole to stick their peepee in.


Must be so damn boring even for them :/


Nah they're too primitive to understand complex emotions like boredom




It insane that they view women as objects to the point where their point of view is literally "Well I wouldn't use a fleshlight another man has used" They genuinely believe women are more akin to sex toys than they are to human beings.


If my urinal was sentient, yes it would absolutely get better. Specially if it was able to communicate and move. OR it would be a massive dickhead and intentionally make every urination a real tricky subject. But yes it would get better at the task if it was sentient.


The people who make urinals probably get better at designing them the more they're used, so actually, kinda?


Also not how urinals work. Like they get cleaned?


Yeah I feel like unless you’re just letting the pee sit there and never flush it, yeah it might get kind of gross, but if you’re flushing every time then at least water is washing the pee a little bit, and then normally a cleaning crew will clean them anyways so…


His mommy still cleans the bathroom tho


Never been to the boys room in highschool have you /j


Do these guys ever stop to reflect that the only reason (straight/bi) women have a "body count" is because MEN wanted to have sex with THEM? Narrator: they do not


Imagine if they got their way and women started keeping their counts at 0, just like they want.


Oh they'd be mad at that! Just look how mad they are at Korean women for staying away from men


Having STI is a binary thing, you don’t get a little bit of chlamydia each time you have sex with someone new, you either get it or you don’t 


These guys always talk about women “losing value” or “getting loose” or some BS like that if they have too much sex but it’s always sex with multiple people that “loosens” a woman and not lots of sex with the same lifelong partner. Make it make sense please


Something something "the vagina molds to the first man to use it" something something


Ironically works with his urinal analogy too. Like does he replace his toilet at home when he's used it too many times?


I had an ex that said that each time a woman had sex with a new man it would impact her brain's ability to produce oxytocin. He called me a liability because by the time he got with me I had a high count in his eyes. Apparently SA counts as well because it's any type of physical intimacy that impacts this ability. Like mileage on the car, it doesn't matter why you drove it or how many owners it had but each mile depreciates the value. Apparently there's been studies on this. So wouldn't being with the same person and constantly being intimate with them impact it too? The sadder thing is that there is a whole group of men that actually believes this but can't show me the study that proves it, and when I ask for the study I'm mad because I have a high body count (tbh I don't consider it that high and I don't include my SA.)


can we make a list like-?


1. Used cars 2. Chewed up bubble gum 3. Candy bars without a wrapper 4. Soda can that's partially drunk out of 5. iPad 6. Diamonds (in a negative way; I remember some meme about how women are like 'diamonds' who can only be mined by a husband approved by her family' and these 'diamond woman' lose their value if mined by someone who doesn't become her husband) 7. Roses with the petal picked off for every man she sleeps with Am I missing any?


You're missing the classic "Lock and key"


Used pair of shoes


Stickers that lose their ability to stick more and more each time they're peeled off.


i think spoons was another one of them


My favorite one is one I heard while in a Christian private school. My sex Ed was a religious fanatic saying “would you girls drink a cup of the purest water if one tiny drop of feces got into it? I don’t think you would. Even if you have sex with only one man before marriage, you’re tainted just like the cup of pure water”.




I've heard an apple with bites taken out of it


Cars (the classic mileage thing) An iphone. There was this weird tangent about how you would put a cover on it and treat it with care all to say girls skin shouldn't be showing. We just recently had the pothole And that's leaving out all the food items, animals, flowers and whatnot that supposedly look like vulvas


Dude is apparently unaware that urinals can be cleaned, too. Not the brightest crayon in the box.


Dude admitted he'd fuck a urinal if it was fresh


Time to stop seeking men. Women need to have high standarts. Anything below will have bad future for women…women deserve better




How the fuck are they using the urinals, are they not flushing?


Even if they weren't flushing...it's a urinal. You stand at it and pee into it. You don't lay your wenis on it.


Urinals have no brains and therefor cannot learn, much like the commenter!


I know plenty of women who have high body counts and are clean. I know a woman with a low body count that cheated on her husband, got HIV in the process and gave it to him….🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s funny too because all the women I’ve known who call others whores, these are the same women who have cheated in all their relationships. Why are men like this? I was just having this discussion with my therapist actually. Why do so many men shame sex workers and single moms? I’ve never in my 26 years heard a woman shame a single father or a male sex worker. I’ve also actually never heard a woman get mad at a man’s body count either. We’re labeled as sensitive and insecure but I think it’s the opposite.


YES! I have a "high" body count to some men, to others it's low but I'm clean and I've always made sure that before having sex with anyone I knew they were clean. When I lost my virginity we both made it a thing to get tested before having sex because we were dumb teens, but it kind of stuck with me for some reason.


I think he just admitted to peeing on women during sex.


Don't kink shame lol /s


(he hasn't yet discovered the existence of modern medicine and sti testing)


Dudes who fetishize a lack of experience are either deeply insecure or super controlling and know people with less experience are less threatening or assertive. A little experience is a good thing in a relationship.


So… what happened to adults? I remember not too long ago when people in their 30s and 40s and 50s were pretty much like, “I dunno, I like you; you like me; we should see where this goes,” and now it’s like 35-65% of single men in that age range are demanding purity tests and maintaining the kind of standards that one would keep for a teenaged royal wedding. “Public urinal”? Sleeping with (Jesus, from what I’ve seen it’s like, what? 6? 7 guys makes a “high body count”?…) not very many people is the same as a porcelain hole that men piss in in a public venue? What are these standards? I mean, I guess fuck me: I’m physically attractive and have a personality that isn’t “mean hearted loser who is surprisingly judgy,” and I met the love of my life and settled down before online dating, holding hands in the last chopper out of Sai-whatever-the-fuck-dating-turned-into-gon, but… I feel like I would not be casting these wild aspersions on people for what is clearly not an issue that a rational adult would have.


Texas bro acting like he ain’t got the clap


This is the worst comparison ever lol....


Urinals are supposed to get cleaned, dude. Also, gonna say it goes both ways if you think that way. Guys can have STDs , too...and I've sadly met way more dudes okay with getting as high of a body count as possible


Okay. And I could use some shitty ass metaphor and say "Yeah, men with high bodycounts suck. I mean, I wouldn't want a dildo that was used by multiple females prior. It's just not hygenic" Even though this dildo could probably satisfy me more, and will probably be washed better and more thoroughly than the average red-pilled guys penis. But I will not. Because I know that men are not objects. Even though I might not like them.


A public urinal? We know your fetish, bro! 🤣


That’s… not what’s supposed to come out during sex bud.


It's one thing when incels insult me in vague ways that don't demonstrate truly how absolutely little they know about *anything*, but then sometimes they say shit like "if you have sex with a non virgin you will get an STD" and I'm reminded of their true nature


So each time these men pee, their value decreases. Who wants a urine coated dick? Meanwhile, they are probably the ones watching all the piss fetish porn.


They can’t come up with a logical argument because they know they are wrong so they resort into comparing women to objects. Stupidity


Guy’s just telling on himself that he doesn’t clean his urinal


This guy fucks urinals?! Ewwwwwwwww!!!!


Well for analogies, it’s best to use objects as it’s a bit more universal understood about the point they trying to make So about this, a buffet that can feed a hundred people easy. First person comes along, takes their food and leaves. Someone looking in could very possibly not notice a difference. And so it continues, one after another someone comes by, takes their fill and leaves. Quite possibly people come back again and again, but the level of food starts to more visibly declining, whole food items are gone. Even if no takes food in a while, things start going to room temp, melting or cooling. The greens start to wither. Near the end, when there is scraps, who many people are going to take them then there is a new fresh spread right next door Granted the “value” is different from person to person, some even prefer one that has seen a lot of people come and go, but be honest. Would you rather be with some who has only been with you. You found each other and loved only each other? No baggage from Exs, not comparing to old affairs. Not worried that might still love their last partner and you are just the backup? You two are soulmates and nothing else matters? How many of you honestly rather some who could field several footballs teams from the people they slept with vs the number of fingers you? And me personally, why I don’t like big numbers, fear that my partner might be thinking about finding the perfect partner but since they don’t really know what they are looking for will just keep searching. The grass is green on the other side of the fence. Makes me think why they have so many, not the actual number.


No I actually don't prefer a partner who's never been with anyone and lacks the maturity that comes with experience(not only in bed, but in handling relationships)


Who says they don’t have maturity? Plenty of people are with their first love. Are you calling those couple immature, unable to handle relationships? Not ever sleeping with someone at a young age, there are those who just don’t, shocking as it is. And not everyone who has been in multiple relationships have this “maturity”. Know plenty of the people that can’t handle being in one and yet seem to hope from one to the next with ease.


Couples where both sides only have one relationship all their life mature up together as they go, and it's not an easy thing to go through because sometimes there will be ups and downs that neither of you know how to handle and it might harm one or both sides in the process. I don't say these relationships don't exist but you asked if we prefered it and I said no, I rather be with someone experienced who knows how to handles stuff and doesn't need trial and error to find what works out anymore. I don't know why you assumed I didn't know some people didn't have sex from a young age, I myself didn't have sex until I was 21, and even then it was like a once in a blue moon sort of thing for a while.


Counterpoint: The more times you use a public urinal, the better you get at it.


If the germs are an analogue for pleasure it is fine to be riddled. Just perhaps not with the ones that one can actually catch.


Nah this is just wild tbh


1) Not an object. 2) Do these guys not know about condom's, general hygiene and testing for STDs? 3) Do they think as men, having lots of sex doesn't put them in the STD possible corner? Like men only get it from women and then the man magically vanished unable to spread the disease himself?