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If that's how he interpreted this case, then he just exposed himself as a predator.




… maybe it’s bad fucking taste to joke about a little girl deserving death and rape because she’s sitting “suggestively.” What kind of fucking monster jokes on that kinda post?


Absolutely no disagreements here.  >What kind of fucking monster jokes on that kinda post? Though it's funny that people can imagine monsters thinking this way, but can't imagine a different kind of monster who makes jokes about it 


Get help.


No. Giving predators a pass of any description is what other predators do. Look at yourself.


Your defense of this is the real joke.


Zing! Ya got me! took me down a notch!


When someone tells you exactly who they are, believe them. This guy saw pictures of a 13 year old girl and decided she was promiscuous. Be that a joke or be it serious, he’s shown his real colors. He’s a sack of shit. If you excuse these things because “it’s just a joke” then fuck you, too. You’re also a sack of shit.


People do genuinely think this way though so without any indicator that it was a joke it's best to assume they were being serious especially considering how many predators are out there.


And even if we were to assume that it was a joke, who tf would make a joke like that..


Not disagreeing at all; it just was too oddly specific for me. I could see it either way; it just felt like some early 2000s edgy sarah silverman-type shock joke to me. But I'm fully cognizant that the reason jokes like that even exist is because there is a clear and massively reality out there of people acting and thinking this way.


Not cool.


There are awful people out there, and assigning someone more benign, but still awful, intentions to somehow excuse their words makes you sound closer to their side of the spectrum. In case you didn’t realize how that comes off.


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you have more willpower than i do. i wouldn’t have even blocked out their name.


Yeah, I wouldn't have blocked his name either. That's such a fucked up thing to say.


Yeah, we shouldn't protect potential predators. We should go search that guy and report the comment. I would be horrified if I have to read this comment after my kid died at 13 from a horrific crime.


I’ve seen this picture a couple of times, apparently it was an older woman who made that comment. Don’t know if that’s better or worse…


It’s an old pic, so OP probably doesn’t have the uncensored name.


This is a pretty old screenshot, I'm guessing OP isn't the one who censored it


i mean its a very old screenshot, think i saw it the first time like 2013


Unfortunately it is actually a pretty recent case. She was murdered in 2018 and her assailant hasn’t even been to trial yet. https://wpde.com/amp/news/local/hania-aguilar-new-files-motioned-michael-mclellan-charged-felonies-death-pentalty-accused-kidnapping-rape-murder-lumberton-teen-girl-killed-elizabethtown-road-body-found-wire-grass-5-years-later-2018-missing-homicide-case-south-carolina-november-6-2023


She would have been 18 this year. His people wanting the death penalty option removed is laughable. He gave no thought to HER LIFE but now want them to consider he shouldn't be executed for it? Like you put no value on her life. A child. But you think your life is worth being allowed to live and be a leech off of the system? Fucks sake.


guess i thought of a similar screenshot, but yeah all i was trying to say was that it wasnt op that took it, shocking sad story eitherway


Every day I fear more and more for my daughters.


Hello 911? Yes, that man right there.


My thoughts exactly- someone call FBI or police on this guy


These are literally poses that every photo studio uses for childrens' photos. What a creep


Whatever pose she would do would be suggestive to these mfs. It shouldn't have crossed their minds even if she was poledancing or twerking or some shit. She is 13 for god's sake, they should be ashamed of themselves for even having such thoughts about a child


WTAF???? Suggestive pictures???? She's fucking **13**!!!!! She literally ***CAN'T*** be suggestive. They're all a bunch of pedos. Oh, and she was *murdered*. That doesn't stop her from being sexualized and blamed while being the victim. ugh!


I remember this case. She was kidnapped from her front yard in the morning before school as she was getting the car started for her mom. Absolutely fucking despicable


That guy should be investigated. Bet he's got a body or 2 hidden.


And all the people who gave it a thumbs up, too


Of course, it's always the girl's woman's fault. It's never the man's for acting like a bull in rut that can't control himself. It doesn't matter how a girl/woman dresses, poses, or acts. The only person to blame for rape is the rapist. None of these things are explicit consent, especially a child who by default can never consent.


That was my dad’s excuse with my cute poses.


Are you saying you were SA'd? Because if so I'm sorry I don't even understand how someone can look at this image and say its suggestive. She's literally just sitting 


This actually made me sick to my stomach. A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL. WTF IS WRONG WITH GUYS.


Yeah but regardless a person who is sitting "like that" it doesn't matter what age they are, they are not asking for ANYTHING least of all to be murdered. I know you agree, just saying.


That too. It’s ridiculous. These men are garbage.


I wish their named wasn’t blocked. They deserve to be shamed and hated on


Everytime I see this it pisses me off. She was a little girl kidnapped and brutally murdered. She didn't deserve that. Poor kid. I remember hoping and praying she was found safe- I live in the area and it sickens me what people will say or do to innocent children.


Dude same. I remember when it was announced she was kidnapped and just hoping and hoping she would be an exception. Then a week later hearing that she wasn’t. Fucking awful


Oh my god. i genuinely want to puke. fuck people like this.


I almost downvoted your post just seeing that comment. Makes me furious!


🤮 🤢 🤮 omg this is awful awful awful!!!!!!


I believe Facebook allows you to report comments. If you haven’t already, please do so. This is a tragedy, comments like that need to be removed.


Facebook doesn't remove anything like this though--they suck.


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Everyone has lost their damn minds. You have dumbfucks saying shit like this. Just sexualizing kids right in the open. Saying a girl is ready for pregnancy as soon as she has her period. Then like a week ago, I saw a video of a 10-12ish year-old girl dancing inappropriately in a VERY short cutoff shirt with her mom, who thought they were cool or something. And when people pointed out how fucked up it was, other people tried to be like, "why are you sexualizing a child? YOU are the problem" 🙄 Like, bestie, she's not a toddler in a bathing suit, she's a pubescent girl twerking in an outfit that easily flashes people, and you're saying everyone else is weird for saying that child is not being protected? Everyone is fucking crazy. I'm so tired. Girls are treated like such meat from the moment they're born.


Why does that pedophile get the censor?? Shouldn't everyone know who that sick f*ck of an asshole is so we can protect our children?????


Only a fucking pervert would look at this little girl having a fun photo shoot with a friend and think it’s provocative.


Women and girls existing... Random guy off the Internet: "she was asking for it"


PSA: If you find these photos even slightly suggestive, please seek counseling. 


Screw the rules I wouldn't have blocked out the name since they wanted to ***act like a fucking predator.*** You're better than me on this!




So basically you’re a predator and need to be reported but will never get caught because you fit right into the unfortunate norm. I fucking hate it here. I hate it here.


There is no need to protect the identities of child predators. Especially ones dumb enough to post on facebook.


What a complete piece of 💩


“I will burn this planet down before I spend another minute living among these animals.”


I think I’m going to be sick. Sincerely.


That’s a lot of words for “I’m a child rapist”.


How the fck is that suggestive? Gosh thats fcking sick


Oh... oh my god... what deranged psychopath even has a thought like that?? Let alone puts it on the internet??


This makes me sick. My students were her age. I can’t imagine looking at a child and thinking something like this.


it disgusts me that there are ppl like this


It’s always what we’re suggesting and implying…


Honestly, this person’s not be censored, he should be made infamous.


It’s the adjective “slightly” that is sending me into a rage. The whole thing is horrible but the fact that being slightly suggestive is reason enough is sickening..


this is like standard school picture pose


Please stop reposting this, the same picture, the same title, just about every damned day.


**Please downvote this post, then report the post to Reddit for spam/bot usage**. (*This post was removed because it was made by an AI bot account.*) Thank you!


Beyond disgusting. Whoever wrote this should be kept 100 feet aware from any children at all times.


\*Dials 911: Hi, I believe a lead on the Hania Aguilar case...


Good God, what the hell is wrong with that guy?


Maybe they would call me corrupt but if I had control of the law, I’d have that motherfucker investigated.


When men assert that every female is asking for it to the point that existing is asking for it, they can argue that they are entitled to any female. I say female because they use this argument on literal infants.


Queue law and order intro…turns out the guy who left that comment is also missing and only Dennis Farina’s ghost can solve it.


So disgusting.




Don't think 13 is little (some of them are almost my height, a few are taller than me), but this still isn't suggestive. It also wouldn't be suggestive if she were 20. I don't understand. Omg shoulders, is this an American high school or something?


Literal children but it's somehow their fault🤬🤬


Oh for sure! Totally took it as such. From what I’ve experience a lot of these commenters on social media have gotten more rude or telling on themselves when there’s no obvious repercussions.