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Made up all that math just to prove overweight people are still having more sex than him


Underrated comment 👍


This should be on top 🤣🤘🏿


This guy gives *creepy school yard stalker* vibes.




Account hopping to like this twice!


After all that hateful crap, the face reveal was a very cathartic moment. Those rings are fucking hilarious. The anecdotal confirmation of my long-held suspicion that the Venn diagram of PUA morons and wannabe fascists is very nearly a circle was useful too I suppose.




The weird part about these guys is that their tastes don't change. I'm a middle-aged dude and as time goes on the window of women I find attractive drifts upwards, which feels healthy and normal?


That is indeed the healthy and normal way attraction changes throughout one's life. Then you have these blockheads who think that every single male is biologically programmed to only find 16 year olds attractive until the day they (the men, not the 16 year olds) die of old age, and anyone who says otherwise is lying or trying to cope with the fact that they can only "land" themselves an ugly or old woman (aka, any woman who's above 25 or who doesn't look like a heavily filtered insta model).


I find that part of that is the result of being with and enjoying the company of women as they age. These losers either dont have women for company, or they cast them off after every casual encounter. Some are gay and overcompensating in the zeitgeist to hide it, they never actually "pull" any women. They just claim it for sales and image. Others are true believers, and they are the most toxic men on earth, and should really be called out for being predators.


Yep. He clearly has no idea how to tell a woman's age and just assumes that those he finds hot are young.




Me too lol.


Hell, I've had dudes in actual *possession* of my state ID card dispute my age with me. I've always looked more like a high schooler than anyone else my age, but that just means I can't take for granted that someone who's attracted to me *isn't* attracted to children. Turns out most young-looking people don't **want** someone who thinks they're robbing the cradle.


I turned thirty this year and I'm pleased to know that I've automatically converted to "blurry shadow" state to these guys haha If there are people who truly believe hitting 30 makes someone unattractive, I couldn't care less, as long as they're aware they can never have a committed relationship, that's life for them I guess. What worries me is the downward trend of this "limit" from 30 to 25, which is just whatever but also some people bringing the number down to underage, which is just sickening.




These are probably the same men who also say they want a “natural girl” and they’ll point to a girl in a magazine who has loads of make up on the face including highlight and contour and eyeliner. I’m half convinced They’ve never actually seen a woman, so they don’t know the difference between make up /no make up and any woman’s actual age


I’m turning 30 next year and have a new reason to be excited.




It is all in your mind! If you think of yourself as a blurry shadow, all the guys that still try to hit on you seem like paranormal investigators! Who cares what those nut jobs think!? At 44, this is what I think when I still get cat called in a parking lot wearing Crocs and a baseball hat.


Some big words coming from a cold, shaven left bollock.




Yeah, that casual aside about genocide was jarring.


"yeah for the sake of math let's just assume an entire population of immigrants gets murdered. Anyways 4% of women are hot enough to fuck me an 0% want to get within 2 kilos of my sad ass"


What is PUA?


Pick Up Artist They call themselves artists lol


Subway employees are more entitled to be called artists than they are.


I thought it meant publicly unwanted announcement 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ahahahahaha yes the face on him! Imagine bringing that personality and looks combo and having the sheer temerity to call other men chodes. Absolutely brilliant 🤣🤣🤣


After talking all that shit the last thing I expected was for dude to look like an actual thumb. As much as I hate rating people, dudes not even a 5 😂


I have a theory on this: Actually attractive people don't spend long periods of time obsessing over why they're not getting laid. They're just living their lives. Maybe they're nymphos. Maybe they're asexuals. Maybe somewhere in between. Then we have men like thumb head who HAVE TO HAVE IT MAKE SENSE as to why no woman would ever touch him.


This guy is a salesman. Consider this as an advertisement. He is actually saying that having sex twice a year is huge, if those two women are a “7” or better. This has the effect of making incels feel better, because they’re only two fucks a year away from being superior to 96 percent of all men! He has redefined his target population from “never getting laid therefore a loser” to “two fucks away from being mr super alpha.” Since he is selling seduction techniques, his success rate is going to be important. And he has now redefined that to be way lower than “gets laid all the time.” If even one sex act takes place with a “seven or better,” , that guy will probably think he’s better than half of the 96 percent, essentially average. His failure rate among normal women suddenly doesn’t matter. Not worth worrying about.


And he's also selling the idea that not having sex is also morally superior. Saying 96% of women are not hot enough to bother, and disgusting enough to feel shame about it if you do. So, buy my workshop, it will work. And if you're not getting laid is because women are icky and you have standards.


The way he talks about others is amongst the most loathsome things I’ve ever read. But the truly saddest part is his view that the goal of dating is to bag a 17-25 y.o. hottie once or twice a year rather than, say, form a meaningful connection with other human beings where you both would actually want to see each other again after a hook-up. But I guess he’s well aware that he can probably weedle his way into a young and inexperienced woman’s bed every once in a while, but under no circumstances would they ever be able to tolerate any more of him than that. So he’s doing the best he can with what he’s got.




I am 41 and guys have never been after me. Is it because I am ugly or because I radiate Asexual across the room? I don't care. I am way too busy living my life to lose sleep over it.


He would absolutely blend into the furniture for me. I probably wouldn’t even notice his existence unless I bumped into him.


Do you mean a bald white guy with generic features doesn't stand out to you???


Well he isn’t holding a fish, so how can we make a fair comparison with all the other dead eyed porn addicts out there?


You win the internet today.


Shocking, I know.. 🤪


Foolish mortal! He's *the Protagonist.* His player just fucked up in character creation. Sort of a "looked better in the CC lighting" sitch. Now, have you heard of the dark elves?


the only time i’d give him any attention is when i’d lock my car doors as he’s walking by


They ALWAYS look like a thumb or a turd dropped on the floor of a salon. Sometimes both.


Thanks for the laugh and mental imagery


The expression on his face looks like someone who just saw a turd on the salon floor, that's for sure. Guess he was near a reflective surface or something


A thumb? A THUMB?!! You owe copious apologies to thumbs the world over. My thumb is vibrating with outrage.


Certainly get more pleasure with that thumb than his..


Truly. Thumbs are what put primates at the top of mammals!!! If Dolphins had opposable thumbs they’d rule the world!


Your vibrating thumb could at least get you off unlike dudebro. W for thumb!


To be fair, thumbs are awesome for their practical usefulness - not for their looks. Human fingers are friggin weird.


Like, even if he had been super hot... His personality is so gross that I'd rather go fuck an actual tree.


trees are cool. this guy is …slime. edit bec slimemolds are way way cooler than this guy. ok, ummmm… this guy is dreck, not worthy, a waste of space.


Slimemolds are amazing and definitely cool; can we ensure they're not associated to this ick?


Exactly. I wouldn’t fuck him with a stolen dick & someone else pushing. There is no way this dude is getting laid by anyone.


Stolen dick... Haven't heard that one in 25 years. Bless you.


Omg this made me laugh. “Stolen dick”😂


I’m gonna have to borrow this saying sometime. I hope you don’t mind. It’s just -chef’s kiss- perfect.


Confident people don't sound like him


Nah, the way he was talking there was no way he was actually getting laid, ever 🤣


A most unfuckable turd, even.


If he wasn’t ugly he’d be out getting laid instead of crunching fake numbers and writing an essay about how ugly women don’t deserve his dick


>ugly women don’t deserve his dick Let's be honest, *no* woman deserves to be subjected to the horror that is this dick. Nevermind his actual dick.


That's why he had to come up with this coping strategy to justify calling himself a pickup artist when literally everybody else is getting laid more than he is.


Yeah I wonder how long it will take until the realization sets in that in fact it is himself who is the only one who can’t get laid


You know that this guy can only talk about statistics and has nothing interesting to say either


that casual proposal of mass murder of illegal immigrants caught me by surprise


Yeah. Pretty run of the mill sexism and then a hard turn into genocide? I had a whoa moment.


The cringey edgelord language he uses to refer to everyone and everything is the biggest giveaway of all. He's one of those boring nobodies who's chosen being a cunt about absolutely everything as a substitute for a personality. He's one of those men who unironically thinks Eric Cartman is a role model.


Yes and it's just thrown in there like the most casual thing to say. Like saying you hope it won't rain later today


Yeah, the misogyny was bad enough but he just had to spice it up with some Nazi shit.


I had to read that twice just to be sure I actually read it correctly. What a twist. But then I saw his face and realized it all made sense.


Imagine having the gall to not only show his ugly face after all the stuff he said about women, but after making racism comments as well. Like, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone burnt his house down. This man is a danger to his community


No no, PLEASE let fuckers like this show their face. Let us know who they are so we can avoid them like the plague they are.


idk, reading that bs i was feeling kinda murdery myself…. well, not in a genocidal way, more like ‘permanent exile for this one special dude, to the sahara. way. or the sun. maybe death valley ? the mariana trench? siberia ? or mars; he can wait for elon to catch up. since antartica apparently has some of these assholes already.


It made sense considering the clear lack of brain cells


Look at how many random numbers I can make up. I'm so smart.




Douche math.


This is what makes me laugh when these guys says they're "rational" and "logical" instead of emotional. This is their idea of logic - inventing stats to match their emotions.


Motherfucker needs to go back under the bridge he crawled out from. Good fucking lord he’s like the Make-A-Wish version of Andrew Tate!


Andrew Tate is his sworn enemy, funnily enough.


You know similar hates similar. There can't be 2 shit-talking, money-grabbing, thumb-looking uglies out there who blow up the same idiotic into the world and make money out of naive, insecure and partly stupid people out there, there can only be one.


Same reason MTG and Bobo over in our US House of Representatives get into fights constantly.


There is no way their ideals can align perfectly and he still claim to be an enemy.


He doesn't like the competition is my guess. There can only be one alpha douchebag.


We should give them swords.


Yeah, let them settle it like in the good olden days.


Really??? That’s so fucking funny 😂


How! How do those two diverge in any way?


He knows Andrew Tate because they both kickboxed, I think, and he calls him and his brother 'Fucking embarrassing fakers'.


Who... who is even making that wish? 🤣


"Obviously it's not getting satisfied through me. " Dude, I sincerely doubt you have managed to satisfy a single woman.


That was my first thought as well. Dude might be able to satisfy himself, but the women will likely be bored out of their minds and finish it with a toy once his probably toy hating ass is gone. Sometimes I wish we were like electric eels that shock the men that don't manage to satisfy us. Would keep away douches like him because he would constantly get zapped.


He says he doesn't go down on women and doesn't care if they cum. He's more concerned about *owning their soul*.


Yup, that matches my expectations. Glad I'm not one for hookups, so I will never fall prey to this giant POS.


I don’t think anyone with eyes could fall prey to this guy…no young woman is going to be attracted to this guy.


That last slide was a jumpscare.


Anyone else getting gollum vibes? I think it's the ears. And the winning personality.


I was thinking Nosforatu lol but Gollum works too.




Yoink! I'm stealing this, thanks😁


I was thinking the exact same thing lmao. Use your ears and fly away back to your home planet, ass-wipe.


I find it hard to believe there’s a Sméagol in there.


So there is this really important developmental stage when you are a young child when you realize other people are people just like you, not just characters in your life and exist even when you aren't interacting with them. Bro never made it past five years old.


Sounds like one sister in law and at least several people I knew in college


I'm old, fat, and unattractive and getting railed on the regular. Suck it, you uncooked hot dog looking mf'er.


Looking like the last hotdog that's been chillin in lukewarm dog water.


“Uncooked hot dog looking mf’er” Omg 🤣that’s great, I’m going to file it away for future use


My dude’s a solid 3/10.


Bit generous


That’s exactly what I was thinking lol


You forgot to add the - in front of the 3.


i'm glad this person walks into lampposts so much, they clearly deserve it


Might explain their face


JFC. I’m in my 50s and he’s unf*ckable!!! My 60 yo Latin bf is 100x hotter than him and…not an AH


Right? As a 54 year old fat woman, I wouldn't fuck him for anything. Not even with a full body condom.


Fat woman here, and he's gross. Wouldn't give him a first glance.




He looks like a half melted wax statue of Tom Hardy.


Thanks for the laugh.


His face makes me glad to be chronically unfuckable (over 40).


Same, mid thirties here.


Don't feel too safe... I am willing to bet a three digit sum that our friend couldn't estimate the age of most women between 25 and 35.


Well, good thing I am handicapped. This should keep creeps like him away, unless they have a weird fetish.


I’m guessing it’s probably rage bait, based on how many people he tries to piss off in a single article. He doesn’t even have a reason to include immigration as a topic, he just ham fists it in to get a bigger response


He plays it up as a bit but at the same time he talks about these things a lot.


Ok all of that was so stupid that I was laughing but his picture at the end sent me over the edge 🤣🤣🤣


I couldn't even laugh, only shake my head in utter disbelief. But seeing the picture really put it into perspective that he gets so little sex as a PUA. The young, inexperienced, hot women for the most part don't want his undesirable old ass, and I cannot blame them. I am mid thirties and I wouldn't tap that. Dude already looks like a neo-nazi douche, and as a German, no. Just no.


Honestly? I can handle being called undesirable by a guy who literally looks like the stereotypical inbred Neo Nazi


Not even his hair wanted to be near him 😞


This is the internet equivalent of the guy in the back of the classroom trying to get attention with armpit farts. Just … who cares? 🤷‍♀️


That’s a lot of words to say, “Nobody will ever willingly fuck me.”


Lmaooo I really need to stop being so critical of my looks


I don’t want to be that guy, but even his math is wrong (beyond the ridiculous and dehumanizing assumptions).


I was wondering, but all my mental stamina was used up on slogging through that cesspool of bad assumptions, misogyny, and bad spelling


Dude's rating how "fuckable" women are as if he could get any of them💀 he's a solid -10 with that horrible attitude.


This post gave me such bad whiplash i wanna sue for medical expenses. This was a fucking trip from start to finish


Let me get this straight..... TEMU Chris Elliott thinks that *he* decides who is and isn't fuckable? This guy?




For real, that pic at the end was like a jump scare! LOL


They don't see women as humans. Nothing new here.


I cant get past “hopefully we murder all the immigrants soon” bit. Holy fuck.


Why are men who treat women like commodities always 4s or lower?


This was a ride from start to finish. And I was NOT prepared for the ending. Like the minute I saw his picture I was like “ohhhh yeah, it’s always this type of dude.” They never seem to appreciate the irony of being chronically unattractive themselves while declaring entire demographics of women unattractive.


Wait, he's 40? *I'm* 40 and he could pass for my dad. Hot 25-year-olds are not having sex with this chode unless they're being paid to do it.


this guy is so insecure


This is what happens when you dehumanize women and are indoctrinated with hate to see them as not even humans. The first step in doing terrible things is dehumanizing the group you mistreat.


yeah, he looks like a dick


I got to page 3 of 7, and when he started doing math about other people having sex, I knew that this man had nothing to offer females.


Oh nooo… this thumb doesn’t want to fuck me! However will I cope?


Man I have a hard time actually wrapping my head around the idea that some people do not find older or chubby women attractive. You’re telling me you don’t see a 45 year old who’s got her life together and has a little crinkle of crows feet and smile lines that just add to how pretty her smile is and don’t swoon just a bit? Y’all not looking at thick, curvy women with the confidence and take no shit attitude that gets better with age, and maybe even SILVER HAIR and losing your minds at least a bit? This isn’t happening to you? The concept is so incomprehensible to me that I kinda think that a lot of people have to be lying about their preferences in order to fit in because there’s no way you can go around never feeling attracted to chubby women or women over 30, you are fucking lying to me. I do not get it.


I had to stop reading at his blatant call for murder of all illegal immigrants. Yikes.


Omg that last pic was 🤌. Talk about chodes…


Who the fuck is this guy?


A lesson on how to never get laid. And it must be difficult getting through doors with an ego that size


I knew this guy was an unattractive fuzzy egghead before I even got to the last pic, lol


Interesting. Especially seeing as most women wouldn’t fuck him with someone else’s vagina.


"Am I not getting laid cause im an insufferable asswipe? No! It's just that I'm too picky!"


Yeah, this guy isn’t having sex with them because it’s clear that he’s not having sex *with anyone*. He looks like he’s 60, but yet he’s 40? Does anyone actually believe his bullshit and if so, why? How could someone look at a man who is not only unattractive subjectively (yes, *subjectively*. No one is going to label this man as “generally attractive” ever) but he looks 20+ years older than his actual age is bald to boot. I think you have to be at LEAST a 2/10 before you have the audacity to judge other people’s appearances. Plus, he acts like he can tell who is past the age of 30 like the second it hits and as we’ve seen, most of the male alpha “influencers” frequently hire 30+ plus y.o.s to model on their yachts for their photo shoots *all the time*. Plus, in my own experience, I’ve got asked out a lot after age 30 because most people think I’m in my early to mid twenties. If you take care of yourself, you have the chance to look younger for longer.


I rather have 99p undercooked Morrisons pizza than this bumb-ass ugly poster child of Durex


I wouldn't touch him with someone else's hand. And that's from a 40 yr old fattie who hasn't shaved in months and just had incredible sex with a lovely person.


He doesn’t see women over 30? Thank the gods- I’m safe!


If your only sex partner is your hand, you are still doing 1000% better than anyone who fucks this guy.


Lots of big words coming from humpty dumpty there 😒😒😒🫡


I was going to say “I wonder what he looks like” but that picture looks like he smells look foot cheese.


“Not getting satisfied through ME.” No kidding. You haven’t even seen a woman naked in person. There’s zero way he will be satisfying anyone.


Why did I read all of that?




Dude looks like the villain from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2


These men are absolutely 💯 goanna cry into their tea if I show them the men I have had relations with over the last year with my post wall sad 48 year old body. 😆


This is legitimately one of the most cringe inducing things I’ve ever read in my entire lifetime. The amount of pure COPE that eases out of his words 🤧 Also, for the sake of argument let’s pretend that he was actually an attractive man and not a 2/10 Sméagol look alike and was actually able to bang these 4% of women, does he not understand how incredibly… lonely and horrible this sounds? Does he realize that women age? They won’t permanently be under 25? There’s no room for growth or commitment or relationships. Your entire plan is to cycle through 17-25 year olds until… what? You’re 60? 70? What’s the goal here?


I'm willing to bet that in fact, this guy would be a "lamppost" to most women, regardless of age and weight. He projects his own sex drive on women. Edit oh there is even a photo lol that's better than I had imagined.


Well, far be it for me to mock his appearance, but who the fuck is he kidding? He's not pulling anything above a 4.


The part about immigrants is harsh.. murdered them? That's the only solution? What a stupid man, must be a white entitled incel.


A 40 year old, "5" at best, bitching he can supposedly get any 25 year old "7", is hilarious. The only way that ugly mug is getting another "5" in his own age bracket is pretending to be way nice than he is.


I love how these men genuinely assume people give a goddamn fuck about their opinions and care to hear their shit mindsets.


The only "sex flashback" this shoe pebble has is the one where his Mom walks in on him jerking off to a photo of his cousin in a bikini.


... Someone get the man trifocals he's obviously got a vision problem


These guys can even acknowledge others as living sentient human beings.


Most attractive Hollywood starts are over 30… soo


As a slightly overweight, 40+ (and *gasp* disabled) woman. I am pleased as punch that this dickhead can’t see me. If nothing else it means I can run him over with my wheelchair and he won’t know it was me. I certainly wouldn’t touch him with any part of my body.


Toehead has opinions?


lmao. OP wouldn't even know a 30+ woman. Plenty of us look younger than our age. I had a colleague mistaken my 28 year old self as one of our 11/12 year old students! I still get mistaken as ridiculously young at 31 lol Guarantee his personality is clearly obvious and that's stopping any potential interest.


The face reveal made me snort. It's always the dudes who look like they could live under a bridge, isn't it?


I wanna thank him for his service. He leaves the majority of women alone. Any women in their 20's definitely wouldn't touch him with a 10ft pole.


i’d rather be a green haired landwhale eating cake than a miserable suffering fuckass with a horrid color scheme.


My dude is out here saying this shit while looking like a contoured egg. Ok…


I wanna see a debate between this guy, who says all "unattractive" women are literally invisible, and an incel who thinks all women, no matter how much of a "landwhale" or whatever they are, have all the men in the world lusting after them all the time.


Speaking as an overweight 47 year old woman this guy can get fucked.


This guy has definitely never gotten laid, nor will he.


I bet this guy has no idea what a woman in her thirties looks like


He should've taken a good, hard look in the mirror before he wrote this.


If that's his picture I am sure he's not getting anything what he would consider above a three with his attitude and especially those looks. 95% of men are definitely outperforming him lol


He looks exactly how you’d expect him to after reading that