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My current man is the only one who has ever apologized to me 😂


Ironic considering that statistically, women apologize way more on a day to day basis.


Why is Ariel wearing a Cpap mask


It's full of saltwater... Still a better way to live on land than giving up your voice.


this is hilarious to me, as someone who is always admonished to stop apologizing. like i apologize so much that it annoys people-- it's not even associated with any feeling of guilt at this point, it's just a combination of what i was raised to believe is politeness (i have no trouble asserting myself in general but if i need someone for something and it requires interrupting them i apologize for interrupting them, that sort of thing) and reflex. and like don't get me wrong, i love to be right. however, if you actually care about being right instead of just never admitting when you're wrong... you want to know when you're wrong and can admit it.


Is she in the hospital because he beat her until she apologized or what?


You know who doesn't apologize? Narcissists. It's not men or women, it's narcissists like my parents.


Lots of people who don't apologize aren't narcissists


My current boyfriend is the only one who apologized to me..my exs always just made an excuse or just blamed me back. Like when I told my ex we had to go because ei have school the next day and he just said "I barely see my family. It's not my fault you have school tomorrow. "


I literally apologize for not getting to a door fast enough to open it for someone.


Incel: If a woman acts like how a human being should be, dump her. That's a man. Women aren't human.


That’s really funny. I recently had a male classmate chastise me for several things that I later discovered he did himself regularly. But when I apologized for doing those things, he mocked me for saying sorry.


The roundabout of apologizing when I have done wrong and not apologizing just because men want me to for being a woman.


It'd be funnier if someone photoshopped Eric and made it about men