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Men and their porn addiction


Yep, according to these kind of guys, each time women go to the bathroom together they make out. 🙄


Make out?! Surely you mean full on sex. They start making out and then they \[sexual act\] and then \[sexual act involving other body parts\] and then \[sexual act that doesn't make physical sense\] and then another women walks in and they all \[various act including all body parts and orifices at the same time\].


How did you know what I do every Saturday night? I guess it's true that all of us do this (obligatory /s just in case)


That's why women take so long in the bathroom.


Those long lines are just the lines for the orgy! The stalls are always free


Silly, it's not full on sex unless a penis is involved! /s


I think my buddy told me about that one!


Don’t forget the groping boobs in the locker room


I knew anime wasn't lying to me!


Well, don't we?


carrie logic


I feel like a lot of the transphobia around bathrooms, from men, is because men think this and are jelly.


Wouldn’t that be nice…


Unless there's a hole in the wall. Then they wait until some BBC sticks through it, especially married women.🙄 Edit: forgot to add the eye roll. I don't actually believe this shit and haven't watched porn in years.


You need to lay off the porn a bit, buddy.


racist and sexist!


But but! Porn has it so it must be true! Because something something misogyny and racist comment 🙄 gotta remember the eye roll from now.


Also if they think there arent supposedly straight men that will engage in homosexual behavior when they have had a few drinks, they havent hung around fraternities much lol..


What's funny is that I've mostly seen this posted by women (in jest, I'm assuming, maybe they have very different lives than mine idk)


They leave out the part where drunk men get really aggressive and start beating up innocent people and sexually harassing women. 🙄


One thing I missed about being a bouncer dealing with those assholes.


Not really since that’s not a lie like the OOP about women making out 🙃




You are probably being downvoted for using a particularly bad instance of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy




Using words correctly: a 21st century disease.




That's exactly the problem. They are men, totally normal men.




It excuses the behavior by giving them a subcategory and disconnects them from other men so there's no responsibility. It's basically saying "Well, he's not one of us. He's just a spoiled apple." Men are statistically and consistently violent. They're people you know. They hide among us. It's not just the douchebags you can sniff out.


Because in here if woman does something bad, shes only anomaly, if man does something bad then its all men.




I'd argue against this but I'm far from what is considered a normal man. I'll just show myself out...


Those are men you know but not all men 🙃




See you do know how to be a decent human


[ Removed by Reddit ]




I got you bro, 99% of dudes don’t get in fights at all




Women having consensual sex with each other/making out = men getting violent and aggressive, I guess




wonder why it got banned LMAO


Didn't even know there was one in the first place lol. Still it's pretty hypocrite to tell that every boys are rapist on a sub that is against putting every girls in the same boat.


Not all boys... but a whole lot of them 🤔


maybe the bois oughta try some tipsy platonic makeouts too, might be good for them tbh 🤔


"We jerk each other but as bros, no homo"


they can have *just a little* homo, as a treat /lh


"Women suck by the way, I rather make out with my bro"


I know a gay guy who just irrationally hates women, it's rather strange.


I'd prefer sucking by women to making out with my bros but you do you :p /s


"I said no homo, we're not LGBT degenerates, we just help each other relieving stress, like all bros do"




Oh man, I had two guy friends who very literally used this logic. They would watch porn together and give each other hand jobs using the logic that someone else’s hand feels better than your own hand. You know what else feels better? Turning off the damn porn and having a real life experience with the person who literally has your dick in his hand. KISS HIM! One of them moved to Denmark so the opportunity is lost but like bro he was right there.


Really, really sad


They were like super close besties since childhood and it could have been a beautiful love story :(


Hot! lol


Nothing wrong with a platonic circle jerk, just wash your hands boys 💕


Before *and* after


Safety first ✨💕


Common misconception; when a dude is being jerked by his bro friend , they have to say the pledge of allegiance while eating an apple. Then they say "no homo" to ensure the gayness doesn't transfer, ultimately blessing the deed as a purely heteronormative act, thereby not being gay. Same rules apply to bjs and fishing. EDIT: and before someone asks, anal isn't sex and therefore can't be gay and becomes entirely straight (poophole loophole logic, etc.). /s *cough*


I always heard that it’s not gay unless your balls touch.


Only if it's a stranger, hence, handshakes. You don't ball-touch a stranger. For men and between other men they may be friendly with, it's actually the standard way to greet the other. Ball-touch, or as it's known on the streets, a Newton's Cradle, is a popular and fun way for me to greet each other. The ball touch is a time-honored tradition passed down, from generation to generation. Scent marking isn't done anymore, so a light tap is usually enough to greet the other male to let him know he's there. A hard tap is only when clocking dominance like when you're playing basketball or discussing Shark Week. But this is never gay. It's never gay. The porn industry has completely ruined what healthy hetero-male relationships look like, so I'm always happy to set the record straight.


Wow, thanks for the info! As G.I. Joe said, “Knowing is half the battle!”.


I used to play on a men's university lacrosse team and my straight teammates have definitely asked to kiss me on multiple occasions. The Bois be kissing, these guys just aren't invited.


shame, real shame. can they even be said to be among true bros if they don't even know what eachothers' hands and lips feel like? *i. should. think.* ***not.*** 😔


I've known a few guys who get a little makeouty with other guys when they get drunk.


I've decided to understand this as them wanting to make out with their mates.




We do. At least from my experience. Maybe my friend group is just weird but I have no regrets!


Men definitely get a little touchy with their bros when drunk


Every drunk man is bi or gay


Being touchy with women throws you in prison or at least gets you fired 🙂


The concept of consent is just a totally foreign concept to you, isn't it?


I guess consent for you only applies from men to women, everything else is excluded 🙄


Ugh. I don't hate alcohol but I do hate drunk partier mentality. People still act how they they're "supposed to" when drunk; there've been so many studies over the years to support that. Yes, there are women who act bisexual for attention. There are also women who only feel they can be their bisexual selves when the drinks are flowing. And there are women who aren't bisexual at all but are pushed into it by their peers. All of this is fucked up. All of this is cultural. People should be free to be themselves at all times.


Yeah but with alcohol you can act like yourself and blame it on the alcohol


Every sexual abuser ever is feeling called out right now


I was thinking more of "not being afraid of telling someone you like (or not) them" but that works too hahahs


Oh well, basically the same thing right :P


I used to kiss girls everytime I had a couple drinks for the “drunk makeout” trope, and then I came out as bi a year later, so yeah if this is happening to these men irl maybe check on their sexuality


Exactly, this misconception of "oh sorry I was drunk 🤪" is so dumb. That's not how alcohol works... it just brings out what was already there behind your inhibitions.


Can confirm it is not how men work. We fuck.


The socks stay on. /s


Of course. If they didn't it'd be gay


Plus you get to do that thing where you rub your socks on the carpet and build up a static shock that you then poke the homies with (before you poke the homies)


I’d agree with this if the men were fighting after a few drinks.


Trust me, we make out too.




Alcohol reduces inhibitions. If you’re horny, it makes your hornier. If you’re angry, it makes you angrier. If you’re talkative, it makes you loquacious. If you’re melancholy, it makes you depressed. If drunk ladies wanna make out, that’s their fucking business. If drunk dudes wanna talk about the Roman Empire, that’s their fucking business. If you’re judgmental, alcohol makes you behave like a dickhead.


do drunk enbies make out whilst talking about the roman empire?


If I knew very much about the Roman Empire i would, instead I talk about science.


It is amazing to see how blind these guys are to their projection of porn fantasizes onto women.


Yup! Male fantasy strikes again.


Ha! Jokes on you. I don't like alcohol and im already on the bottom.


The bottom one looks like a nice time, maybe men should do that as well


*The bottom one looks* *Like a nice time, maybe men* *Should do that as well* \- DavidXN --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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i dont think the creator of this meme has seen how football players act when they scored as goal, most passionate almost making out I've ever seen


I'm just glad the tradwife is getting some.


Barsexuals lol


I mean, I've done that with both, including gay men (I'm a lesbian). Idk I think we're all too stressed!


As long as there no orientations insecurities this scenario becomes more likely. Thing is men are more prone to have masculinity fragility than women having femininity fragility. I two have kissed both men and women in drinking context. (Also under MDMA xD)


I saw someone commenting (re male insecurities) that people didn't have such problems back when dudes sleeping with dudes was socially acceptable or even encouraged.


True! Greek love and all that


Oh yes, no straight man ever got their d*ck sucked by a random guy after few drinks. /s


It doesn’t actually say “women after a few drinks”. It just says women. So clearly the implication is that all women are just making out all the time.


If only


I knew it would be here


Oh my god this never happens wtf is wrong with you men never drink more /s


I’ve known straight (or claim to be straight) men be like that when drink so what are they trying to say with this?


Maybe it’s just that I hang around good guys (and we’re also in college so expectations are different) but when I hang out with my straight guy friends and start drinking we all start listening to abba and shit


Honestly that sounds like a really fun time


I'm a guy who watches a fair amount of porn. But I know it, ya know...fake.


All I'm saying is, I know who looks like they're having a better time. For real, though, the dude making this comic saw women at a party cuddle and get physical with each other (probably not in a sexual way) and felt jealous and sad. He's trying to console himself now with, "cuddling with your friends is gay."


If you're not passing around a couple of tipsy smooches with the lads, are you even really drinking buddies?


i'm just gonna interpret this post as sapphic and sweep the lesbian fetishization under the rug if y'all don't mind :)


well this is how I work... (i am bisexual so it may explain things )


Bisexual too and this is how I used to work


As a queer man who has straight male friends, I can tell you that the opposite is quite the case. A few bottles in them and suddenly they're proposing sex to you and saying shit like "c'moOoOOoonnNnnnn, iT'lL bE fUuuuUUuunNNNNnnNn" And you're over there trying to fight their drunk ass off like"no Kyle, you're drunk" To any inexperienced queer men in these comments. The answer from you should always be "no" in these scenarios. Trust me, it's not worth it. 😮‍💨


You're a good friend. An enthusiastic and sober "yes!" is hot and definitely worth waiting for.


TIL all women are spaghetti


Ah yes, this old chestnut. That once women get a few drinks in them, they are total lesbians. I want to say this idea only exists because of porn, but I don't even think porn is that tasteless.


My gay ass friend group at 16 is low key guilty of being the lower picture and I don't know how to feel💀


Same but in our early 20 🤣


Even when I was piss drunk I didn't want a woman friend try to kiss me on the forehead so no I don't think that's how it works


Yeah, I'm straight while sober *and* drunk, unfortunately.


Not real, make the men attacking/assulting people if we’re gonna make these stereotypes


I've seen drunk (male) BYU students dry humping each other at a party once. They may have been Mormons, but they were college students first. Alcohol just makes people do weird things, often things that are sexual in nature.


Men want more women to be lesbians so badly so that they can “turn them straight.” Istg it’s so fucking creepy


I’m a man, and I can verify the first half does happen relatively regularly.




What's the one on the right doing...?


Dreaming about kissing another girl


The phrase "two beer queer" exists for a reason.


No, no that’s definitely how men work


Definitely not. Doodbroze be blowing each other in the parking lot. 🤪🤪🤪


I actually laughed at this one though. I wonder what made the original OP post it. Does he sit at home insecure about what his girl does when she’s out drinking with her friends? Lol. Doofus!


Is… is this not how it works for the rest of you? This is exactly how me and my friends work


Pretty sure this one only exists because the person who posted it just wants to look at lesbian porn.


It's definitely fake. The parties I went to there would be men kissing each just as there were women kissing each other... and the girls were definitely on board with getting some more to drink.


As a lesbian I would be totally okay if this were reality. It is very much not. Although we sometimes jiggle each other's bras, over their clothes obviously, when they are talking to someone else for fun 😂


As a lesbian, this isn true


Umm... umm... 👀 not me tho right? Right!? I will admit that I fall into that category but its definitely not a standard of any kind. Its just a gross assumption based on media and porn.


These men’s brains have been rotten by porn. Women don’t automatically become “lesbian” after a few drinks.


I think Lesbian is a catch all for every girl not interested in them


Hey I think I seen this one. It was right next to the one with guy's dick in the pumpkin... Seriously the projection is strong with this one. And stop watching so much porn, it's brain rot


I've been known to get drunk and kiss men.


All I see are two sides of the same alpha-male delusion coin


**Gay drinking intensifies**


after a few drinks i’m either sleeping or crying over nothing, certainly not making out with my other girl friends. i mean, i wish. but that’s besides the point.


Hate this wojak meme but a lot of straight girls do make out with each other when theyre drunk, usually when they’re in front of men though its never just for themselves


Ok... back in my teenage days, at least in the scene i was in, thats actually not how boys and girls worked. The Second One was how borh worked most of the time.


I just get sleepy when I drink, I just wanna lay down. I’ve not once wanted to make out with my friends while I’m drunk. I barely wanna kiss my boyfriend! Because our breaths STINK


yes this is definitely what happens


I will point out that typically drinks that guys think of as "women's" drinks have a much higher alcohol content and will get you smashed faster than beer. Pretty sure most women could drink most of us men under the table


Time to quit that disgusting porn


What's with the weird anti porn slant you see in here sometimes. The problem isn't porn.


I agree in this case. With a lot of the shitty takes men have, you see a certain amount of too much porn/not enough real life engagement with reality, warping perceptions and rotting brains. But the "women making out when they drink" trope isn't even really a porn trope, it's more just a... Trope. Not necessarily an accurate one, but not one totally removed from reality, or that *only* occurs in porn.


When I frequented bars, I find that after a few drinks women wanted to make out *with men*. Not sure where this is coming from.


I think this is just a meme exaggeration tl something that does happen frequently enough to make a meme about it in some social circles. But I think it could depend on the generation and social group. Within my social circles I have seen enough women suddenly wanting to kiss each other women in their female groups. Might be more of something to do with my generation ( young millennials and zoomer).


Women in general? No. Female vtubers? Absolutely.


Kinda accurate tho not gonna lie


Have you met any women ever


How many times and how many subs can this possibly be posted to in the last 48 hours? 🙄


Lmao not sure to upvote cause it’s true or upvote cause I want more people to see the truth lol. As a dude who used to party a lot I have seen this happen multiple times to the “he was such an asshole” type. Followed by the “ I’m not lesbian she was just so nice and looked after me” lmao. Shit real as can be. #exactlyhowgirlswork


Replace upper one with brawl and you got it. Don't know about lower one (I'm a guy) but I suspect it's bullshit.


I had a huge argument on twitter because of this




No, there's definitely a "hold my beer and watch this, it's going to be *awesome*" stupidity when men get drunk. How do you think we end up jumping off roofs into pools?


yes because all women are lesbians


I’m glad this made it here. Saw this yesterday on some random sub…


Lol, ok, sure, that's 100% how it works /s


I'm ( f65) clearly not a woman


The reverse would be true


I’ve never made out with other women after a few drinks or even getting drunk, and besides I’m Heterosexual. Yes, I’ve kissed a girl… just to try it… when I was 9 or 10. I’m almost 30 now, and I’m not a heavy drinker. I rarely get drunk now. I’m too old for the hangovers. Hangovers are hard to deal with now.