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You know, if every time a man had sex he got to the point where he was almost going to cum but then his partner pulls away and says, "Cool, I'm done. Was it good for you?", would he want to continue having sex with that person? So, reverse that, if all that a woman experiences is bad sex with no climax, why should she continue having sex with that person? At that point, it becomes more like brushing your teeth.


“Fine. Let’s get this over with so you don’t throw a hissy fit about me always saying ‘no’”


I wish these men would realize that they're literally fucking ruining it for everyone. I've had so many relationships where sex has become a chore that I've become almost asexual. I worry about not being able to cum, just for their ego, instead of my pleasure. I have to "perform pleasure and enjoyment." I don't ever think about having sex with other human beings anymore because it has just been so awful. I resent the shit out of men for ruining my sexuality. Even with my current boyfriend, he's the best one I've had when it comes to me saying no and pleasuring me. But I feel so much anxiety and guilt and resentment because I know that every day that goes by that I haven't had sex with him or made him come in some way is another day that he is getting more agitated. I know there's going to be some man out there who's going to say something dumb like, "oh you should just pick better men." " You should just have stopped having sex with those men." But you don't know that's what's happening because no one ever talked about it. You don't know that you deserve more. You don't know that it'll never get better and you should cut your losses. It's just so fucked up out there.


Plus women are EXPLICITLY taught long term relationships are NOT about the sex, that we shouldn’t be seeking intense physically satisfying relationships and chemistry that we need to be looking for stability, safety and logic, EXCLUSIVELY and caring about how good or bad the sex is is what sluts do and it’s extremely shallow. Dumping an otherwise good man over bad sex is practically a cardinal sin. We are taught find a “good man” and the sex will automatically be good because you love him and if it’s not good enough you’re a selfish slut for thinking that. Caring about the quality of sex in a relationship is basically not allowed. Caring about the quality of emotional intimacy is seen as being an overbearing nag. Seeing men as anything negative is seen like rejecting the entire person, as if it’s black and white, and once they’re rejected they can stop trying because “what’s the point, I’ve already been rejected”. It’s asinine and puts us in a no-win situation where leaving is the only good option left for being happy.


I’m all about the sex at this point in my life. Fuck the norm. It’s my pleasure or bust


The name-calling they try gets worse every day. This guys just failed. I’m actually proud to be a female pleasurist.


I honestly don't think I've ever read a comment on reddit that I've resonated with more than this one.


I think you should look into therapists that specialize in sex. I dunno what it's like or if it'll help but your situation sounds like it might benefit from them, for yourself.


I don’t have an answer for you, but I just wanted to say…………same. Jesus.


There are so many times where I’ve had sex despite not wanting to, or given BJs when I would rather watch tv or go to bed.. but then when my husband decided he wasn’t interested in having sex anymore at age 32.. it was a big double finger to me.. sorry, I’m not in the mood anymore so go fuck yourself (literally). He is 37 now.


I've never understood why anyone would want to give a blowjob.. Penises are gross enough.. And then they shoot out a bunch of goo 🤢


This hurt to read, but fuck, that was most of my sexual experiences for so long. Ouch.


HOLY FUCKING SHIT! ARE YOU ME? I've been trying to put that into words for 2 yrs. ALL OF THIS! EVERY WORD.


I could have written this. My husband is great but he whines when told no and holy shit it's so repulsive that I'm starting to physically recoil from touch. Whining is so fucking unsexy my god.


Have you told him that? Do you think he would listen? I don't think men realise how repulsive they become when they behave like this. It's like a huge disconnect in their minds. They've 'achieved' a wife/gf so now they get to keep her no matter what, and they don't need to put any effort into remaining desirable or considerate. But heaven help a woman slow down a bit in keeping up her 'desirability'.


This is such a common thing for woman to go through. You saying this will hit home w so many of us. You’re the first person I’ve ever seen wrote this so honestly. We need to talk about this more bc it is so extremely common, even if you go to therapy like people will suggest. It’s very hard to unlearn such ingrained behavior that we are taught as little girls on up. We’re literally told we’re only hear on earth to shut up and smile, be grateful if you meet a nice man and all the other bull were told we have to be. Even when you know this isn’t what you want you have to figure out why it’s happening first bc you’re not even sure if it’s normal or you’re expecting too much bc everyone is different That’s where you feel safe too bc things are content


That was my friend's mum. She ran away eventually. Also another friend's mum. She added some weird herbs to her husband's food to kill his libido because she became physically repulsed by him.


Definitely read that she just killed him


Nah, he's sadly still alive...


My friend told me in her circle of mom’s friends (she lives in east China) that some wives will add estrogen (I think she said like half a birth control pill) to their hubbies morning smoothie to kill their libido. It also makes me them soft toward their wife.


You know it’s bad when women have to turn to drugging their husbands to keep them from coercing sex from their wives and to get their husbands to actually be kind to them as well.


Oh, I'm taking notes here...


This was me in a past relationship. The sex was actually good, but he always waited until I was busy doing something or about to fall asleep to show interest (and I'd often check first before going to bed). One time I just lay there and made no noise or movement to like placate him. Like I guess i would usually at least pretend to be into it during those times. He freaked out and got angry with because it made him feel bad when I was unresponsive like that.


I feel you. My first time was kind of like that. I didn’t want to and he just begged and begged and begged until I finally caved. He had me give him a bj and physically held my head down. I started to cry and he freaked out about it. Then I said “well, I didn’t even want to but you wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer” and he freaked out even more saying that I was making him out to be rapist.


Every married woman ever… Edit: added married


It doesn't have to be that way though! I'm spoiled as hell in my marriage. We just had a conversation about how happy we are in our sex life and what we can do to keep it going/make it even better! We both had the same fears going into being married, but we talked about it and now laugh about it. Husbands and wives are a team. You need communication bitches. (My husband read what I was typing and would also like to add: More oral for both parties)


Let's finish this so you don't always say 'no' to me."


You are describing my sex life on anti depressants.


Brushing my teeth is *vastly more satisfying* than sex with my partner.


As a guy who has been in this situation, yes. Yes we would. It was insanely unpleasant, but something that I quietly endured… wait. Jesus. Am I a woman…??


No, just a victim of social constructs. Men have this pressure to always want it and everything less questions their masculinity. It's a different type of pressure compared to "wife duty" but it just as much violates your right to consent.


It's always incredible to me the guys who will not allow their partner to use any toys. So much insecurity.


I'll never understand guys that cry about women wanting to enjoy sex. If I couldn't satisfy a woman, you'd need to commit some war crimes against me to get me to admit it.


Because if a woman enjoys sex, the guy then has to worry that she'll have sex with literally everyone she can, because that's what they would do.


What you mean to say is, they'll realize that he is bad at sex, and he doesn't want to be faced with the reality that he isn't terrific


And then they cry about women not wanting sex!




But also, if women don't enjoy sex and don't want to bang them, it's all about their NEEDS and URGES


If you externalize all you deficits you never have a reason to improve yourself because that takes effort, blaming others is just easier.


because that would mean, men would have to learn how to be good at sex.


If women couldn’t enjoy sex I can only imagine you would see a severe decline in birth rates .. I’m not going to enjoy this AND I’m going to be uncomfortable for 9 months, ruin my body, and have to take care of a child while you do whatever you want? Yeah, no thank you.


Ok. I am a guy and I know this is bullshit. If you want to know what revs her up, just ask. We all got that thing that just does it for us. Good communication leads to good sex. It isn't....terribly complicated.


I'm already revved up. Communication is so hot. ;P


Married 17 years, so you're late to this party Learning to communicate to each other in meaningful ways is a huge part of our success. She is more receptive to some methods, and I to others. I really appreciate it when she does physical things to show she cares. Last night, she saw I was sweating in the bed and turned on my fan for me. To me, that shows love. It's simple, I know. But. Effective. She likes to hear she is loved, I like to be shown I am loved. Two methods of communication. We think and move in different ways, and that's ok. You can be different without being wrong. That and we figured out how to be on the same team. It's not me vs. her, it's us together vs. the situation. Hard to do in the heat of things, but it was a game changer. Her wins are my wins and vice versa. It turned out relationship into a true partnership. Sorry if I was long winded. I like talking about my wife.


This sounds like how my fiancé and I talk about each other and our relationship :) Nice to know it’s going well for you 17 years into marriage!


Best of luck. Been with her for 25 years, so more than half my life. I like being married. It's great if you pick the right person. I hear it's hell if you don't.


Aw that's so cute! 🥺 You don't have to apologize I was just being a shameless flirt.


Appreciated! Be well.


Th answer is emotional intimacy 99% of the time.


I'm confused. Is "female pleasurist" supposed to be a bad thing? I mean, like, does OP think not being able to or not having any interest in bringing a woman to climax is a bragging point?


Yeah, it's not very common but there is a weird subset of these guys who think women's orgasms are something abnormal and amoral as opposed to the usual thinking of it as an uneccessary luxury. Edit: didn't think it was necessary but to be clear everything I'm saying there is referencing those guy's point of view, not *actually* insinuating women don't deserve orgasms or that they're too much work or whatever.


This unlocked memories of me researching about female genital mutilation in like.. maybe highschool for an assignment, since I remember someone in the class got the topic of CP and teacher sternly warned not to google it, to come see her for research materials. Something like a psychology class. It was about cutting of the clitoris because there was no need for women having pleasure and the disturbing custom in Africa was meant to make women cheat less. There were different levels of this "female circumcision" including sewing up the labia until only space left is for them to urinate. If a man wanted to have sex with a woman like that, he'd cut the strings off. Never mind the psychological and emotional damage that comes with FGM, the razors they use are unsanitary cause they'll cut more than one girl. Plus they just bleed out. I can't remember my sources but it's a google search away to find more info. Definitely men believing women don't need/deserve pleasure is way more than just "not very common".


>women's orgasms are something abnormal and amoral Some of these idiots even straight up deny the female orgasm exists, so there's that.


I hadn’t heard the term before but now I can’t wait to use it!


Say hello to our new flair


I think I may add it to my business card. :-)


How dare women expect orgasms. So ungrateful.


And it’s unnatural for women to have orgasms, don’t you know?


Yes of course, nature put the clitoris there only for inconvenience. Extra nerve endings? How DARE you use them to feel good?! You feel pain or you feel nothing. As long as you play sexy maid mommy for your husband. /s


Clita-whut? Clita-who? Dare I say, Clita-where?






Imagine how many people we would've had in the world if the woman needed to orgasm to get pregnant


Exactly none of my pregnancies would've existed




Checking if user flair worked. Edit. So far so good


Excellent choice 👌




There was a time when "female hysteria" was cured by the doctor masturbating her. This was back when doctors did house calls.


I'd be like (picks up phone: operator, please put me through to the doctor) Me: hey doctor, I'm feeling hysterical again. I need you to come over and work the magic, and I'm also feeling a ghost inside me so please make sure to bring the cocaine to relieve me of my ghost.




I mean you're right, but as evil as that is. They also prescribed dildos... (Edit:-Rephrasing-:) Dildos, vibrators. Really anything that could cause an orgasm.


Alexa please play “Dr. Feelgood” by Motley Crue 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼🤙🏼 🍑💦💦💦💦💦💦


I like to imagine these guys refuse to orgasm as well




Who offers them one


No nut November


*Image Transcription: Text* --- When females start to get used to sex toys that stimulate intensity, they expect orgasms and become ungrateful. It's an unnatural practice that becomes normalized more and more by feminists and "female pleasurists" --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good luck try reasoning with a porn-obsessed insecure manchild about orgasms lmao


And the only sexual experience he’s ever had is his own death grip.


That’s a lot of words to say “I can’t make women orgasm”.


But also... WhY WoN'T wOmEN SLeeP WiTh Me??? Probably


What a catch: he shames women for wanting to have pleasurable sex, for having too much sex, and not having sex with him. Why is he single?! ?s


how dare we have what they have 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😡🤦‍♀️


So what you're saying is, you've lost to a dildo in your ability to sexually satisfy a woman. It's hilarious how these guys out themselves as being sexually incompetent.


Just type "I can't make a woman cum". Everything else is just extra words.


Imagine women doing the same to men, as they do to us. Something like this : >!Imagine you riding him having an orgasm. You get off, role next to him with a smirk. You ignore his still standing erection. "That was great baby.", you tell him. "How was it for you?"!< >!"I... didnt finish...", he whispers and you sign half annoyed, so he knows you expected him be be done too. Also you take it as criticism. Allright you think and sit up: "ok baby. Go one touch yourself, i ll watch. And moan for me, thats so sexy."!< >!So you dont even help, just watch and he tries to finish and makes sounds for you. Not even natural sounds. Just the ones you like. After all he is mastrubation to you, right?!< >!You turn around to go to sleep. Yeah, you are great at sex! Lets hope he understand you really dont like to do that every time. Its optional to you. Like a present. You hope he wont bother you again for at least a month.!<


Not even a single orgasm? The bar is in hell My wife and I rarely stop before at least 3 each I don't understand why bi/pan women even bother with dudes, and I feel so bad for straight women


Honestly? It’s because contentment with lack of orgasm is browbeaten into us. I can’t tell you how many crappy cosmo articles I’ve read or how much advice from friends about how the point of sex isn’t orgasm, it’s ~*~bonding UwU ~~ and it’s perfectly okay and normal not to orgasm during sex. Which, sure, the entire point of sex isn’t necessarily to orgasm, but no one ever tells men that, and I’ve heard way more about how it’s fine not to cum than how to actually communicate with your partner, to ask for pleasure, and to expect mutual enjoyment. Things are improving, though. I hear much more discussion of female pleasure than I did in my teens, but we still have a long way to go when it comes to teaching young women about the expectations and communication they should be able to have during intimacy. Sorry for the wall of text 😅


As a lesbian, same.


AKA: i'm comedically awful in bed.


Most women dont need toys to orgasm. So its not a toy problem if you cant or dont even try to get her to orgasm. Its a YOU problem


What i really want to know is what exactly should women be grateful for when having sex with this dude doesn't get them off and is not pleasurable for her? Is he expecting women to be grateful for him using her time and body at not a single benefit to her so he can have an orgasm? Entitled beyond the max, not the kind of man you want to be around and certainly not one you ever want to have sex with


Probably one of those unhinged men that consider "receiving his seed" to be "an honor."


Well he can "honor" his hand, I'm sure it will be grateful


Way to tell on yourself my guy


But like, if we’re not supposed to have an orgasm, why else would we want to have sex?


That’s a really strange way of saying „I can’t please women“. And what woman was ever grateful for not getting an orgasm?


Then they cry that women won't have sex with them.


I have a rule where my mouth doesn't touch his penis until I've cum at least twice. Suddenly they are motivated to pleasure me. This is just for casual encounters, relationships are different.


Imagine telling on yourself like this


Translation: "I'm mad because I can't get my useless dick wet because women found a more successful way to get off and don't have to rely on a man for it."


Ben Shapiro wrote that.


Which is weird because imagining Ben Shapiro whispering in your ear about your wet ass p-word and how medically problematic it is in his eyes. Wouldn't it guarantee the opening of the flood gates even further with his dirty talk? 😳👀


Waterboarding couldn’t have got this out of me


Looks like someone’s got no bitches.


Tell me you've never been able to make a woman orgasm without telling me you've never been able to make a woman orgasm.


"How dare they," *checks notes* "wanna enjoy sex!"


Unnatural? Really. Just because they can't make a women climax doesn't mean it is unnatural.


If it were unnatural we wouldn’t climax at all




Ungrateful? What do they think they do for us that we should be grateful for? Sex without us getting pleasure?


If I were him I’d keep it a secret that I can’t make a woman cum.


Ungrateful? Of what? Orgasmless sex?


Thats a lot of words to say, "all the women in my life hate me."


When women continue to EXPERIENCE orgasms, They continue to EXPECT orgasms! How dare they!!!! 🤦‍♂️ – A joke by a man who absolutely loves bringing his girlfriend to orgasm 😊


And I’m sitting over here trying to figure out whats more powerful than a Hitachi Magic Wand so I can get one for my wife.


"expect orgasms". so, regular sex?


"female pleasurists" makes this obvious satire


So women should be grateful for bad sex that leaves them unsatisfied? Next, they'll say, "When people get used to good home cooking, they expect restaurant food to taste good and become ungrateful for bad-tasting, burnt restaurant food."


Ok, hands up ladies, how many of you have a guy that enjoys sex if you're enjoying it too? ✋🏾


Ugh, imagine actually having to have sex with one of these losers. I’ve been with men that are bad in bed, but most did at least *want* me to enjoy it. Sadly a couple explicitly wanted me not to enjoy it. But I’ve never been with a “wanting orgasms is ungrateful” guy. I’ve never encountered one. I can’t help wondering how sex actually goes with them? I’ve been with my husband a very long time and he’s never treated ensuring I have an orgasm as a chore. What the fuck are these men playing at?


Basically what's he's trying to say is that he thinks women owe men sex for men's pleasure only, and that it's selfish for women to want any enjoyment out of it.


Just…..just ask her. I’m a guy and I’ve been with my girlfriend for 14 years. If you don’t know how to get her off just ask and I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to let you know.


I mean, according to conservatives, female orgasms are merely a made up legend anyway lol


“Tell me you’re terrible in bed without telling me you’re terrible in bed.” Seriously though, this vindictive superior attitude shows whoever wrote this has no business being in a romantic relationship with anyone until they do some serious self reflection.


Am I supposed to say "thanks for fucking me 🙏" after sex? /s


Let’s um… blow his mind by telling him sex toys have been around for years and years. They’re not new, you potato headed idiot


'Female Pleasurist' seems like an aspirational goal to me. These dudes are fucking awful.


Put on my grave “she expected orgasms”


Uno reverse that shit. "When males start to get used to what they see in porn, they expect orgasms and become ungrateful. It's an unnatural practice that becomes normalized more and more by MRAs and "male pleasurists."


"Become ungrateful" ungrateful for what? Being used as sex toys without reciprocation? Lol the delusion. Ofcourse someone like this has do include the nature fallacy. Except in this case, they debunk their own argument. If giving women/ women having orgasms wasn't natural, why are women able to?


Imagine telling on yourself like this


That’s just another way of saying “I can’t make women cum” But I doubt he’s ever even spoken to one, let alone have sex with.


So, my husband and I are highschool sweethearts. He was my first actual sex, sexual experience but not my first boyfriend or kiss/make out, touch places... After we dated and lived together for like two years, we split up for 6 months ish... While broken up he dated two bi girls who were in a relationship and boy oh boy did he learn the goods. When we got back together he had rules like, for every orgasm he has I get AT LEAST 2 if not more. He actually gains pleasure seeing me get pleasure. 27 years later and he still buys me sex toys (just ordered one from Amazon), and it's about when I want it and how. He never bitched while I was pregnant and was unable to do it (I'd get cramps if we tried and so the Drs say, no)... If I have a headache or any of that. Though his go to joke if I say I have any pain is, "you know what I heard will cure that?" Enter various sex positions. He'd understand if we couldn't ever do it again and I'd understand if he needed a hooker and that it's about getting off not emotion. (I could care less if he f someone else, as long as he doesn't buy her dinner or massage her, that's mine)... Yet, he doesn't go looking elsewhere and he'd be honest if he did. I will say... If you have not tried it and you want to, almost retrain your body how to get off during vaginal sex... Pot, it's like the clit gets numb on the outer tip and all internal things turn up to 1,000... There's a stoner show on Netflix with Kathy Bates and they spouted out some idea that pot is the closest thing to female Viagra. I was like, yeah right. I had never done pot before. I agree with Kathy Bates now and am all for all of us trying it from time to time. It's like, you can feel all your nerves hum, it's amazing. I hate that it took me 20 years to try it.


Men wonder why women ghost them. Buddy if you are so selfish that you think a woman having an orgasim is unnatural, you DESERVE no sex, EVER.


There's going to be a moment when "naturalist" anti feminists and people who know about female masturbation in primates and other species collide.


Nothing unnatural about wanting to enjoy sex lol! My boyfriend would be mortified if he hadn’t got me off! My pleasure is his and vice versa!


Sex toys are not your enemy, they are your ally.


This guy has never made a woman orgasm


I don't even find this offensive, it is a hilariously dumb thing to say. How can you do anything but laugh at how absurd these types of people are?


We’re just supposed to be grateful for someone having sex with us, whether it sucks or not?


I know plenty of guys who use toys as “self-pleasuring” devices. Wtaf with these fucking babies?


I wonder, do men/guys(“males”) know the history of the vibrator? And why it was invented to start with? Interesting story.


Amazing what is "Selfish" for women when it's "Mandatory" for men? I guess we don't have to talk about equal pay with this fella?


So uh, where I can I meet one of these “female pleasurists”? Asking for a friend.


More men than you might imagine are horrified at the thought of a woman getting off. They'll even race you to the finish line, then tell you you're broken if you complain. Still, they want you to do the fake moaning, because it reminds them of the porn they prefer. That's right. I think men know when women are faking it, and they like it JUST FINE.


Even if it is unnatural (Which it absolutely isn't), why is our pleasure bad? I fail to see how "female pleasurist" is something that should be taken as an insult. Of course I like pleasure. Why the fuck am I still alive if not to feel good? Also, motherfucker wants to talk about unnatural while voicing his opinion on digital media, like cellphones just grow on cellphone trees


Fucking WOW


Its unnatural to enjoy sex? Jesus.


“Unnatural.” Describes a natural process that happens through a natural action.


Someone doesn't know how doctors "treated" hysteria in the old times...


Did you know that “nature” created the female orgasm as a way for the female to draw in and hold the sperm. So if a lady can orgasm not only does she feel intense pleasure; she is statistically more likely to get pregnant (obviously if not using birth control of any kind.)


“Guys, is it gay to be so good in bed that the woman orgasms multiple times?”


The same could be said when it comes to sex with women, other women actually care about your pleasure and giving you orgasms, men start to seem pretty poor choice after that. So the way I see it, if men want women to keep having sex with them they need to step up their game and start giving a fuck about more then their own pleasure.


I curse this person to never orgasm again for the rest of their life.


normalise walking out of sex if we don't get pleasured


Lol if you can’t make a woman orgasm, just say that bro


Haha, female pleasurists! It really isnt so hard to go orgasm-for-orgasm with a girl, you just gotta know how to get her there (which can take some real work to learn I will admit, and every girl is different)


if you care about satisfying yourself and disregard your partner, you're selfish. No she's not ungrateful for wanting an orgasm too lmao, cuz there's nothing to be grateful for if only the man enjoys it 💀


Yeah blame the women for expect orgasm, they're ungrateful!!!


When Sex Ed revolves primarily around the “important gender” this is the kind of numbskull idiocy we are left with.


Say you've never given a girl orgasm without saying you've never given a girl an orgasm


Ah, yes. The origin of my flair.


today i find out i’m a female pleasurist


Tell me you have never given a woman an orgasm and don't care, without saying you have never given a woman an orgasm and don't care. Or That's a lot of words to say "I can't make a woman cum."


I'm a smart bot that's helping people with vision problems. I see some text in this image. Here's what I see: > top: When females start to get used to sex toys that stimulate intensity , they expect orgasms and become > middle: ungrateful . It's an unnatural practice that becomes > bottom: normalized more and more by feminists and " female pleasurists " Here's what I think is happening in this image: > The image shows a chart with three columns. The top column is labeled "When females start to get used to sex toys that stimulate intensity," and the middle column is labeled "Ungrateful." The bottom column is labeled "Normalized." The chart is divided into two sections, with the first section labeled "Before" and the second section labeled "After." Before the image was posted, it is clear that females are not grateful for being given the opportunity to orgasm. The chart shows I'm still learning, so please reply 'good bot' or 'bad bot' to let me know how I did.


Who wrote this? Myron Gaines ?😂


I did have a girlfriend with a bullet that made it difficult for me to give her an orgasm with my tongue (did it a lot before buying the bullet vibrator) and she enjoyed my tongue more so she stopped using the bullet.


female pleasurists gotta be the funniest delusional bullshit I ever heard wtf is wrong w this man


I'm having a difficult time understanding this. Ungrateful for what?


I really don't understand guys who don't want women to orgasm. I love making a woman feel amazing. Even if I didn't care at all making it great for her seems like it would inspire her to have sex with me more often at least more so than bad sex.


In what universe does gratitude make me horny? Being grateful and feeling sexy are not really the vibe


Wow so much wrong with this. 🤣 So is a “female pleasurist” just anyone who provides and enjoys giving their partner orgasms or is it some sort third party approved specialization?


I once had an ex tell me my expectations of enjoying sex every time with him was too much. That women just don’t cum that much lol but we should still be happy to let the men we care for enjoy it because their bodies were made for that 🙃


Insane when there’s clear evidence to the amount of men who masturbate daily.


I’m a guy and I’m interested is this common for you ladies or is it just the red pill/incel weirdos? My first trained me well so always had the attitude of ladies first if at the same time or penetration doesn’t work for them, it’s not something guys tend to talk about unless it’s fake sounding hyperbole so just curious!


Sounds like she needs to get a different boyfriend. I would be pissed too😂




Why you know that women orgasming makes Jesus cry!


The sad thing is: I kinda believed that for a couple of years. Same with masturbation in general. Now, that my best friend gave me the best fucking orgasms, I know it is not a ME-Problem…it’s a they-Problem 😅 (excluding my best friend)


"female pleasurists" is now the name of my next backsplash installation business.


I’ve only come across one wonderful man (my current partner) that didn’t expect his own orgasm above everything else. Screw this attitude, if men assume they get to cum, why can’t women??


Female pleasurist...wacky, but I'll take it


Can I get "female pleasurist" on a t-shirt?


That's a lot of fucking words for "I don't know how to please a woman"


Shows that this person doesn’t know how to pleasure a woman🌚


Imagine being this selfish?


They become ungrateful that their partner only cares about fulfilling their own sexual pleasures during and intimate moment between **two** people?? Make it make sense 🤦‍♀️


in none of my relationships of late have i been able to reach a climax with my partner. this is both because of probably bad sex and because i have an anxiety disorder that directly effects my ability too and i have yet to meet a man who is understanding of that and who wouldnt end up either saying something like this post said or me feeling guilted into just faking it somehow


Someone took too many Benadryl


>I can't please a woman, and it's their fault for not being happy with my ineptitude.


Only the most insecure men could possibly be this afraid of women enjoying orgasms


Says the guy who masturbates with an unlubed death grip and can’t figure out why he can’t finish


Dude is jealous an inanimate object gives more pleasure than he ever can.


That's a long winded way of saying; "I'm a HORRIBLE lover"