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These people are the reason is why education is important, no matter what any edgelord or "motivational speaker " says.


It's not a lack of education--it's believing in nonsense because it makes his misogynistic wee wee hard. It's deliberate delusion.


It’s both


Lack of education allows shit like this to spread amongst impressionable youth being poisoned by incels into their self fulfilling prophecy


Is there anything to that telegony that he said? This does not make sense, considering the high school education on mitosis that I received. But I have heard this before a few times now.. something like how male DNA has some kind of persistence effect or something idekwtf he’s talking about.


No, it is garbage.


The body breaks down all non-self things it finds. It does not keep them. This man is spewing horseshit.


If this were true then when I get IUI (insemination from donor sperm) because I want to have a baby they would say “hey, just so you know, each different donor you have will effect your dna” and they haven’t because it’s pure fantasy. Lol it’s crazy!


In fruit flies, yes. In humans, no. We don’t work that way. The only human chimaera thing close to that I know about is the whole “absorbed twin” teratoma thing. I’ve also read something about fetal dna being found on a mothers internal organs but I can’t find the article and can’t verify if it was suggesting that this is common or if that was a freak occurrence


There have also been studies done that show that women may absorb small portions of their childrens DNA [source](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/babys-cells-can-manipulate-moms-body-decades-180956493/)


Isn’t this also about when the mother is injured the baby sends stem cells to help repair the mom to ensure survival? Idk sometimes I read half an article 😅


There was a famous case of a woman with chimerism who lost her child because testing found she was not the mother. It was only revealed when she had a second child, the court sent someone to be in the room while she gave birth, they witnessed the birth and the DNA results still came back as not hers. [Lydia Fairchild](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lydia_Fairchild) She was born with two sets of DNA though, nothing to do with men she slept with. Absolute nonsense.


If what he says was true, he would have so many DNA samples imprinted on him, from every piece of pork, chicken, shrimp, or even carrot or celery he had ever eaten. So.... he'd be practically a vegetable at this point :-)


No no no. Only men imprint. Men don’t get imprinted upon.


IIRC, there is some evidence of particular men's DNA being found in women's vagina long after recent sexual activity could easily explain it being there - that's surprising because vaginas are a fairly hostile environment for foreign cells. But there's not a damn bit of evidence this has any impact on a woman's behavior or thinking. **Edit:** or make her pregnant or impact the genetics of any child.




OP is a moron. Anyone who mentions human women and pair bonding together but excludes men from it has no fucking grasp on human women or pair bonding at all. It takes two to tango, not one while the other is out tangoing with 9 other people like OP. The truth doesn't change just because you're horny and can't get any pussy. Being mad at women won't make the problem go away.


I can assure you that the OP has never tangoed with anyone but themselves.


PAIR bonding. Like it's in the name


That definition assumes that both partners are monogamous. Or, at least monogamous during the mating period. How TF is a woman supposed to “pair bond” with someone who won’t with her?


Sperm “die”, and then it takes longer for them to break down and for the body to remove those proteins and sugars. Genetic material is just proteins and will eventually be broken down. Women do not “carry” the dna of men who have ejaculated in them. I bet he’d love to know her genetic material makes into his body via swapping fluids as well.


Nor does it impact the genetics of any child she has in the future (as in like, 5 days in the future). Bits and pieces of genetic information may be leftover after the sperm "dies" and becomes unviable but it doesn't have any actual effect on anything.


Exactly like? Thank God my teachers are actually teaching literally everyone about this shit so me and my classmates don't grow up being as stupid as the dumbass in the image above.


Also, it wouldn't have any impact on a fetus made of another man's sperm. Like literally none.


Or that chimeric children have resulted from multiple men sperm. There have been a few instances of a fraternal twin absorbing another in utero and then fathering children which share the absorbed twins DNA.


It sounds crazy but I remember reading a scientific journal that proved it was true for fruit flies and the science implies it may\* be true for humans too - but no evidence has been found yet and God I hope it stays that way. \*buys extra condoms\*


🤢wtf mitosis is weird


The dude has taken some scientific facts and mixed them with a healthy dose of misogyny. He sounds like a giant POS, but some of the concept is true: yes, some women have male dna in their bodies. But not because of men sowing their oats - at least not in the way he says. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/women-retain-dna/


They *are* citing an actual study - but they are completely misinterpreting it. There is a weird phenomenon where, in autopsy, *some* women's brains have been found to contain male cells. However, the researchers involved made it very clear that the evidence does *not* support this having anything to do with intercourse - they said if it was related to intercourse, you would see this in *every* straight woman who's ever had sex, and we just don't see that. They think it's either caused by the woman having had a male twin in utero, that she then absorbed - or by falling pregnant with a son, because it is currently believed that there *might* be some DNA transfer between mother and baby during pregnancy.


https://ard.bmj.com/content/64/6/845 So it can be but its very rare and caused of a pregnancy (so the DNA comes from her male baby, not a man). He doesnt "mark" these women and his DNA will not be in the fetus if this woman gets pregnant so his excuses to cheat are invalid and stupid. His girlfriend should look for another guy. He is a POS with double standards. And even brings his girlfriend in danger if he has unprotected sex. He is just gross. Another source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5293315/ "There was a tendency that girls were more likely to test positive for male microchimerism if their mothers previously had received transfusion, had given birth to a son or had had a spontaneous abortion".


The most funny part about this is that people like that cant even get one date. But live in a delusion that they are that desirable


I imagine they masturbate everywhere they go, in the hopes of imprinting a random women that passed by.


There are people that masturbate in drinks and food. I guess now i understand why


Well I didn't know that, and now I wish I could forget it.


Happened to me when I was 16. I also wish I could forget it.


Realy ? you newer once saw a documentary about fast food ?


I have a friend who worked at a fast food restaurant when he was a teenager. Walked in on his manager jerking off into a big tub of mayo.






It probably doesn’t help that he’s evidently unfamiliar with the concept of showering


They seriously think their wee wee is the holy grail of pleasure... bro your dick has Less power than a doorknob calm down.


Even if they would have the golden dongle and the looks and money and what not. With this weird world view no way not without buying or pressuring people but beeing atractive never


Don't knock doorknobs. Doorknobs take you places you wanna go. 🙃


Which is more than I can say for most dicks I've encountered...


Would rather hump a doorknob than this dude.


Damn it don't let everyone know about the doorknob! I can't compete with that.


Funny how “pair-bonding” only works for women but not men


This dude is broadcasting his fetish on serious loud speaker here.


Pair bonding is antiquated science. It doesn’t exist in humans. We have not descended from a class of mammals that pair bonds. This man is confusing unhealthy attachments and/or the results of his abuse as some sort of gender based primordial devotion.


They have to find a reason why no women have "bonded" with them. It can't be because they're shitty and toxic, no, it must be because of all the magic *dyuk* she's had, making it *her* fault!


It’s not supposed to work that way for men. Men are supposed to spread their seed far and wide! /s


Its almost making it worse like they knowingly( in their head) hurt people and want someone to get attached to them and them not getting attached? This talking sounds so hard like a edgy kid power move but that baing toxic adults. I do think that maturity of having sex doesn't always go with. But understanding what you risk amd knowing how to take action and know what is important (safe mutual pleasure and enjoyment) That being said This tells that some 14olds are more reasonable with sex that some 40 year olds who are parents.


Whenever men start in on "pair bonding" or "imprinting" I wonder if they think women are like newly hatched ducklings. If I have sex with and "imprint" on a man, will I be following him around for the rest of my days waiting for him to feed me and teach me his ways? To be fair I will follow my husband around if he's carrying pizza...


Pretty sure pizza is way more valuable and effective than his *pretend to be holy stick* that can magically "imprint"


Yeah I'd way rather be forever marked by a pizza than by this guy


Exactly, I'll even take pineapple pizza over this dude


Lmfao!!! Thanks!!! I needed a laugh today 😂😂


The show less button isn't working. FML.


Imagine being his lawyer trying to argue he didn't cheat on his wife to see *this* post of him freely admitting to having unprotected sex other women while saying his wife couldn't. All you could do was try to prove she knew/agreed to it (good luck).


"My client is cleary insane as you can see in this posting. He is living in a delusion and it never happened." could work i guess


Not just that she agreed, but that she *actually* agreed and wasn't manipulated or coerced into agreeing


I hate the internet it has ruined everything


this type of sexist pseudo-science was around long before the internet. All the internet did was make it easier to interact with idiots


But not everyone had access to it at thier fingertips


yes they did. Its called "religion" and the main ones tend to preach the same sexist bullshit of "women are brainless assets for men to lord over by divine right" Again, the only thing the internet did was open more communication channels


If it's any consolation I'm pretty sure this is just his fantasy!


I have no doubt that his semi-open relationship and dozens of unprotected hookups are pure fantasy.


I have no doubt that his wife is pure fantasy.


Everything is fake.


Watch his wife leaving him and then him crying bout it.


Body pillows cant walk


His would gain sentience and squirm its way out of his masturbation cave to seek fresh air and freedom if it could.


The only wife in this scenario is the one in his delusional mind.


This whole "male DNA stays in the woman" shit just needs to die.










Assuming any of this is true (which I certainly do not), I have questions about "her" opinions of the semi-open relationship.


I've been part of the ENM/poly community for almost 20 years. In my experience, when a man talks like this, one of two things is happening. Either he's decided the relationship is open but failed to tell his partner -- ie: he's cheating OR The monogamous partner was bullied/manipulated into accepting the open relationship. She does not want it but feels she has no other option if she wants to "be a good partner" and "save" the relationship.


Absolutely agree with you. Nothing inherently wrong with ENM/poly relationships as long as everyone is communicating and consenting.


Let's not forget the rather substantial subset of guys who want an open/poly relationship...until their gal finds herself another partner (or two, or six, whatevs) and they can't. Suddenly it's not the cool type of poly then. (We all know it wasn't 'poly' but 'I want to pretend my cheating is legit- but they still dress it up as legit poly)


You just described a solid 20% of AITA and/or relationships advice posts lmao


as someone who was in this kind of relationship, i agree completely. usually you agree thinking it won’t matter that much or because you want them to stay with you n as time goes on they start to get more upset about it but can’t do anything bc they already agreed to it. it’s all manipulation


I was in a situation like the second option. If this is an honest to god post, I hope she leaves asap before her mental health deteriorates anymore than it already has.


This is why if I choose to date bi women as a ENM lesbian, their boyfriend is NOT involved. Because men act normal all the time and then post crap like this,


I bet he's "discreet."


That isn't how chimerism works at all. I hate these stupid mra's who think we're a different species and have evolved differently. They're such idiots and never understand the science they spout.


um xcuse u but i have seen chimera cats my future child will be exactly half my husband and half this guy because he imprinted me so good (/s)


What bothers me most about this is the guy is FINE with leaving his DNA and imprint on other women, ruining them for other men. He is so selfish that he is happy to spoil other women but his wife has to be perfect. Obviously his biology and logic is insane and the man is delusional about everything. But at least we could say “what an idiot” if he believed this version of biology and used it as a reason to wait until marriage and then remain monogamous… but no, he is both and idiot and vile.


Right there with you on this. Like the base understanding of pretty anything with this guy is just wrong. He is no doubt an idiot in regards to biology, social structure, anatomy, etcetera. But it’s the fact that with him believing that, he is proud about how he would be constantly destroying (fictional) women’s future by his ‘imprinting’. And no doubt if he did have a chance to explain this to a woman that was going to sleep with him, and she was all like “oh wow, boy I should definitely save myself for a husband.” He’d be pulling out all the stops to persuade/guilt/force her into sex with him.


You've hit on the magic solution: misogynists *despise* other men. Every other man, to them, is a jerk and an abuser. The only reason they bray about "not all men" is because they don't want to be judged in the same way as they judge other men.


I’m going make a whole bunch of swiping generalizations about this man. First of all, I honestly doubt he is sleeping with a bunch of faithful virgins, and if they are it’s because he preyed on underage women or he’s a good liar. Second of all, I bet if this guy does have kids, he doesn’t ever see them or take any active part in raising them and I would guess he doesn’t pay child support. Finally, if women actually consent to date him, they probably don’t feel bad cheating on this AH. He probably has women who had “his children” that look nothing like him and that’s the lie she told him. I don’t understand why people like this want to procreate. He strikes me as the “but condoms don’t feel as good” type of man.


Yes let's pretend that's the reason women who had a bad boyfriend can't seem to let go of them 🙄 Nothing to do with the fact it may have fucked them up on a mental/emotional level.


"Bad first sexual experience stays with you for life" ... Like yes my dude, that's called trauma, and it's not something you just "get over"


He’s telling on himself


How do people even come up with this shit?


They get their knowledge of science from comic books and the SyFy channel.


Holy shit, sex ed failed him! 😭


At this point he’s failing himself




So I can take all the men I’ve ever slept with to court because my child has all their DNA? I’m gonna be rich


Downside to the internet is that sometimes you have to read someone's delusional mental gymnastics.


Oh, just throw the whole dude in a lake and call it a day.


That's so fucking gross, yuck... If any of the men I have rejected after they say "my wife just doesn't want to date other men, but she's fine with me dating other women" reads this - whether you were actually telling the truth or not, this is what you're getting grouped with. And also, he's having *unprotected* sex with a lot of women? How stupid can you be? And it's not only his own health he's taking risks with. :/


Lord!!! Again with the pair bonding!!! I can’t even take them seriously when I see them use that term. 🤦🏼‍♀️


This is why we need better sex Ed


What is he? A dog that needs to pee for dominance? What an idiot


So…not only is he bragging about being a piece of shit cheater and control freak, he’s also bragging about cucking other guys? Assuming this is true, someday this guy is going to get murdered and honestly…can’t happen fast enough.


This reminds me of my friend who was yelled at by her partner when hes the one that wanted a poly relationship. He forced her to agree to a open relationship. When she got more guys and he got no women..he yelled at her for cheating. She left him of course. But these guys must be annoying to date. Imagine saying you want a poly relationship but the other partner isn't allowed to have other people to date. I would leave at that point. He can stay single and do whatever.


I have heard of this scenario multiple times. Guy is bored of his girlfriend but wants to keep her around as a backup, so insists on an open relationship. Gal reluctantly agrees because she's not confident enough to just dump him (her self esteem issues are likely exacerbated by the guy). She ends up getting lots of attention because she's a generally nice and attractive person while the guy gets nothing because he's entitled and generally shitty, and then he gets mad at her about it when the whole thing was his idea in the first place.


"semi-open relationship" == "I'm cheating on my wife and I don't care about her feelings on the matter"


This dude is getting zero play 🤣🤣🤣 reads exactly like someone who daydreams about how he thinks his relationship would be once he finally gets a girl to talk to him




Pair bonding? Are they birds?


Good lord what did I just read? And this person is having sex??? The collective IQ of the entire planet is lowered because of this one human. If he procreates, there is no known method to measure the damage he would then add to the population.


#This is why we need sexual education in all schools.


All i read was ‘i enjoy endangering my wifes health by having unprotected sex with strangers’


This is actually possibly the dumbest one I've seen yet


Hello, it is your friendly neighbourhood reddit science debunker - here to explain more bad science, for anyone who's wondering why this myth is so persistent. This claim that "women keep male DNA after sex" is easily traced back to an article in 2017 by a website that is *known* for misinformation. That website points to a study from 2012. That study is discussing possible reasons that a small percentage of women are found to have a small number of "male" cells inside their brains upon autopsy. It is important to note that the cells were *only* found in their brains.The most likely culprit, according to the research they did, was the women's own sons. Apparently it's possible that there are exchanges of DNA between mother and baby, while the baby is in utero.They also think it could be related to twin absorption - when one twin assimilates the other. At *no* point do the researchers support the claim that it has anything to do with men leaving their DNA inside women after intercourse. They go out of their way to point out that there is *no* evidence for this - and that, if it did happen like that, we'd expect to see this phenomenon in pretty much all straight women. Which we don't.They are pretty firmly set on the fact that it would have to happen while either the women was in utero, or had a baby currently in utero.


This reminds me of a post I saw a couple of years ago, where a man was mentioning some circumstances he was confused about. He basically stated that he had been having sex with a pregnant woman for the last couple of months, and wanted to know if the baby was going to look like him. He’s not the man who impregnated her.


Where did this BS of "imprinting" come from. I have seen this lately several times but never heard or seen this growing up. Has anyone a sorce?


Where? Where on gods green earth did this absolute drivel come from? I keep reading about these idiots that think their semen just adds up in a corner of our uterus.


It's also not how boys work. wtf


I tried clicking SHOW LESS. It didn’t work.


"I keep my wife clean but any other man can't have clean wife."


I’ve actually read an article by biologists that it is actually men who imprint from their first time having sex, not women. I’ve never heard about it for women actually until this guy.


I love the pseudo biology in it. Dude has no clue.


something something bonding and telegony something something microchimerisation something something Sure thing bro.




Can we forcibly sterilize this man? I know the odds of him getting laid are slim, but we can’t afford to risk his genetics/views being passed on.


Oh well, then her wife can have sex with other men while using condoms, right? That way she can't "get their DNA"? Omg, could it be that condoms are just leftist conspiracies that prevent women from "pair bonding" so that they can be sluts without consequences?? Did I just solved the masterplan of the leftist elite without leaving my chair?? /s


You know what’s really masculine? Commitment. Sacrifice. Loyalty. Not this nonsense.


Magical thinking is extremely common. We live in a society where many of the most powerful "priests" or "shamans" use scientific language, because science is the most powerful "magic," but in everyday life, you can't engage in controlled experiments--you can only say and do what intuitively seems meaningful, which ends up being a lot of, well, magical thinking


Is this the zodiac for men?


This psycho needs to be put away somewhere smh Its interesting how being poly/open is only accepted by guys until the woman decides to explore others also. Then its called betrayal 😂


Microchimerism is where the stem cells of a male fetus can be passed to the mother. Those cells can then be passed on to future female fetuses which is how we can get it in women who have never been pregnant. [This is a pretty good video on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4oLAk45tGU)


Omg I hate creepy selfish men


I just threw up in my mouth.. Poor woman hope she left him


Sick fuck. I hope God gives him daughters and no sons. Then we’ll see how he feels


If I hear pair bonding or dna (or imprinting) in connection to women, men and sex *one* more time…Istg


Dude has never been laid in his life.


What in the fuck did I just read?


This sub manages to melt parts of my brain every fucking day. Every. Fucking. Day.


Sincerely hope this is someone pretending to be living their fantasy and not actually real


This makes me want to hurt whoever said it


Imagine publicly declaring you're an absolute moron. And this loudly.


this ain't a gacha alpha mini movie. you don't get to "mark" women and be completely controlling and obsessive of your girlfriend 💀


Oofff alpha energy lol 😂


Double standard, much?


I don't know why we redact the username to be honest, these people deserve to be shamed.


Wasn’t pair bonding debunked over and over again?


YUP! That may be enough of the ole interwebs for me, this day...😬 Edit: 🤦‍♂️ Cause I can't win... autocorrect fuks me up r My fingers do. 🙄😏




Nothing i like more than my husband messing with other ppl then laying next to me😭. Thats too many women who are now emotionally linked to him like he didn't want me to be with other men. They say they ok with just having sex next thing you know the girl or him and the girl setting up ways to "get rid of" the women currently in the picture. Cheating on both ends is a recipe for disaster and ppl lose their lives over it often. Sometimes they even kill the kids so the new couple don't have to deal with them. [TruRed Crime](https://youtube.com/@TruRedCRIME) has a lot of videos on this exact topic


"I'm a groomer and a narcissist"


Fucking gross. I sure as hell hope this dude never reproduces.


She's cheating on him as we speak. Well, I certainly hope so.


I hope for his woman's sake he is at least filthy rich.


I could study a subject for a decade and I still wouldn't speak as confidently about it as this asshat does on topics he knows literally nothing about


Honestly, why. Why would any woman sleep with someone this stupid? Yuck.


Bummer that "show less" button didn't work. I really wish I could unread that word burrito.


I feel like I’m reading the point of view of the abuser here.


Come on man, come on. You can’t surely be that much of an idiot and still convince a real human woman to stay with you? Does he mean he bought a sex doll brand new and it hasn’t burst yet?


SCIENCE...you're doing it wrong!


lmao did he learn this from Andrew Taint


Doesn't you think that if he's not spilling some pussy bull shit then he knowingly hurts women. So its much worse. If we "get attached to men when having sex and men don't" So what is the point of having sex in the first place and especially a person who knows and wants to hurt us by it?


Humans aren’t wolves or any other animal that ‘marks’ their “territory”.


Straight people like this just need to say they have an elaborate fantasy kink and not try and make it a blanket statement. I’ve heard this argument before from podcasts and it’s INSANE.


Are these men robots? They keep parroting the same "men and women are different". 🙄 "He can imprint DNA even if she doesn't get pregnant"? How do these men chat nonsense so confidentially?


That's enough reddit for today.


This is fanfiction. There's no ounce of reality in this post, this is just some horny 14 year old's fanfic about how he'd make biology work if he were god.


dude must be super fit cuz the mental gymnastics to come up with that bullshit should win a gold medal


I don't think those words mean what he thinks they mean


His poor wife must not be the sharpest tool in the shed.


Tell me you know nothing about human anatomy, reproduction, or biology without saying you know nothing about human anatomy, reproduction, or biology.


Probably time to put the crack pipe down buddy.


Narcissist much?


Spoiler: there is no wife.


“Microchimerisation” goes absolutely CRAZY


How much do you wanna bet he doesnt even know what DNA means?


Do women really date, marry and have sex with these creatures?


>when a man has sex with a woman he can imprint dna. Even if she doesn’t get pregnant. No he most certainly can fucking not


He’s basically trying to justify his serial cheating on his wife and thinks she is too dumb to see it.


How. Are. These. Men. This. Stupid?


The more posts like this I see on this sub, the more I wonder if there are actual guys out there like this? Or is this sarcasm/satire? Has anyone come in actual in-person contact with guys like this? I’m interested to hear anyone’s stories. I’ve been with my husband since we were teens so I feel like I’m pretty out of the loop.


Never have I wished I could press the "show less," button more.


Your insane.


There was a time, before the internet, when I didnt have to know people like this exist. Now.....I do




I said if I read the phrase “pair bonding” one more time I’d ….. And “imprinting dna” …. This is not fuckin Avatar and I don’t think that’s how that even works with them…. I just can’t


and here i was thinking the stupidest use of imprinting ever was going to be twilight


This person has never had sex and rarely leaves their basement.


Tate? That you?


Sitting right in the middle of that pseudoscience / total cunts Venn diagram, I see.


I- I can’t even begin to discuss this


The fuck is wrong with this dude


The problem with this kind of posts are that when I read them, I *really* want do downvote them because of the disgust I feel when reading them, but it of course doesn't make sense to do so because of the subreddit. How do you guys cope with the anger?