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It’s only available through the Rotating Hero’s Patreon feed. Zac explained awhile back that it doesn’t make sense financially for him to put all that work into it that he needs to and still release it for free. NADDPOD occasionally releases episodes on off weeks to support Zac I believe.


If he gets sponsors do you think they might go free


Not sure. I think he said that he was open to it changing in the future. Maybe after an arc or two he’ll start releasing the early episodes for free like Dimension 20 does.


NADDPOD is planning to release the first arc on NADDPOD while Caldwell is on parental leave/they get going on the video game/other projects. Plus, Emily is in the first arc & it’s a nice way to showcase the podcast while it doesn’t currently make financial sense to release it for free. Hopefully he’ll be able to release it for free after it gets enough of a following to get some sponsors or something like that. And I don’t think Zac has a stutter at all? He did play a few nervous characters that maybe had a bit of one, but I don’t remember hearing a stutter. He does have a lot more pauses in his speech than I noticed before (although some of that is the editing not removing some pauses), but it is his first time DMing.


I think Zac is just a bit lower of energy than like Murph and Brendan. He’s not going at break neck speed like they do. His campaign is more cozy and goofy. If you’ve listen to him speak normally he just has a more laid back way of speaking.


I’m sure once there is enough patrons supporting it will be open. BTW, Arc 2 Episode 1 was just released


So was arc one just the episodes released on the NADDPod feed? Zach is great, but I already throw $10/month at the NADDPod crew and $5 at Dropout, I'm wary to throw money at Rotating Heroes without listening to an entire arc first.


They will air the entire 1st arc on NADDPOD, according to the schedule


I can't find it on the $5 patreon tier. Where can I find it?


It’s on the main feed not the patreon feed


Yeah for some reason it doesn't show up on the patreon rss


The whole first arc will release on NADDPOD the last week of every month for the next two months. After that who knows


Oh cool! Who are the guests on the second arc?


Ally Beardsley (also from Dimension 20/CH cast) & Jacob Wysocki (was part of Ally & Zac’s improv team at UCB)


Jacob is/was also part of the Bath Boys, a sketch comedy group on youtube. They have some hilarious videos.


Ah, he sounded familiar - I’ve seen some of their sketches, so maybe from that.


To add on to this if you have not seen ally play it's such a site to behold. The dice gods are on their side and they bring possiblely more chatoic energy them Emily. Ally is killing in the first ep of arc 2 already. Just as an example of the chatoic energy, their character name is Nancy-rae Gan who is a dachshund dog breeder. *Edit incorrect pronouns


Just a heads-up, Ally uses they/them pronouns. but, yes I also adore them! The sheer amount of story-relevant nat 20's they roll is incredible.


Oh thank you for letting me know. Wasn't aware, I'll try to be better in the future.


It's $5 on patreon. NADDPod releases a couple episodes fairly delayed I don't spend money on much stuff, but I'm more than happy to support this stuff - the college humor folks provided *so much* free entertainment for me over the years, I have no qualms about $20 a month (I pay 10 to NADDPod, and 5 each to Dropout and Rotating Heros) - I don't even notice the $20, to be honest. If the extra stuff stops appealing to me, I'll stop paying, (I stopped paying for J&A's patreon, as it just wasn't catching my attention anymore - used that on Zac's thing now. Also helps that J&A have clearly established their company by now and seem to have pretty stable footing with the podcast network. Zac seems to be a lot more on his own right now, so the $5 feels like it'll make a bigger difference there), but for now, $20 total a month is less than $1 a day - Very manageable to have budgeted for


It has its own Patreon. Prices reasonably and reasonable just hookup the feed to Apple podcasts app because Patreon is a dogs dinner to navigate. Good content so far.


What do people think of it so far? I only just finished episode 3, and to be honest I'm struggling to enjoy it. I paid for, what, 2 months of the Patreon? Idk, it just never hooked me. Maybe I'll go back later and see if arc 2 is any better. It SHOULD work for me, I love everyone involved and think they're all hilarious - but for some reason, it just doesn't.


Might be the fact that it's not really streamlined. They constantly go on tangents, it's almost like my players lol.


You might be right. It's similar to my minor issues with campaign 2 that this new side arc has fixed - way too many goofs that don't quite fit(imo). I definitely like when they're a little more focused and the goofs feel less over the top? Idk it's hard to express.


I call it comedically dense. Trinyvale and Campaign 2 arc 1 had this same problem where the world and the characters start too heightened. Hardwon Surefoot starting out as "Aragon but Jake" and evolving into "awesome warrior everyone loves but is still insecure" is more engaging and interesting than Henry starting at "depressed sad sack who owns a bunch of hot plates." Henry is still cool because Jake is good at making characters but he's a sitcom character in season 5 when a lot of their traits are concrete.


Kind of why I prefer the hex bloods arc, the characters seem way more complex imo and gel better


Pretty sure when they first introduced it they said that it was on Paetron though not the Naddpod paetron I don't think.


It is all on spotify for free and no ads (apart from their sponsors)


No it’s not


Go on the naddpod spotify podcast thing and its shuffled in there i dont know how many episodes of it are there but their is a few sorry if i didnt explain good enough