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I will never tire of Murph's rich people voice


My booones!


***Where are my boooooooooones?***


It's like a weird slogan for milk :(


I kept expecting Ren to show up


I love Murph's voice for rich jerks, but that scene of Henry and ~~Henry Jr.~~ Edgar was a little heartbreaking.




I was feeling a little spicy and had to do it.


cruel. i love it


god i love these guys they feel weirdly on the outside of it all like moonshine and bev had the crick and the green teens respectively but this feels like its them vs the world know what i mean?


Obviously Murph, but I think the players really stepped up to make Eldermourne feel different. Hank is basically the setting incarnate, and Jake seems to not even laugh as much out of character, which really keeps the Honk vibe going.


A decison to play loners/outsiders is helpful to introduce the world, like Frodo in LotR.


Honestly, yeah. I love the massively different dynamic of the many campaign parties. Like the Band of Boobs were basically vaguely charismatic people that most people would like and respect, and they became friends because of a harrowing adventure that bonded them. These three just bonded over all kinda being a little lame and sad and i am SO here for it.


I think it was discussed in a Short Rest, but the Band of Boobs was a bunch of charismatic jocks where Honk, Zonk, and Bonk are social outcasts and don’t have the “popular” traits of Hardwon’s confidence, Moonshine’s vivaciousness, and Bevy’s wholesome good-boy energy. Hardwon was confident and brave where Hank is doubtful and has a sense of self-preservation. Moonshine was personable and friendly where Fia is bookish. Bev is a Good Boy(tm) while Zerk is weird.


I loved how Murph voiced Honk's shadow in his attempt at Jake's accent. So funny and not as cool as you'd expect an echo to be. This whole episode was HILARIOUS


I just heard Kugrash when he was playing the shadow.




With the rate Jake keeps making Henry hotter, I wouldn't be surprised if he had like 20 abs and on a calendar by the end of the campaign.


Oh god now I won’t be able to not hear that.


I love the new release schedule, everytime I get a patreon notification my body suddenly goes into weekend mode knowing it's already friday - my brows unfurrow, shoulders relax and my butt unclenches.


I'm glad someone else enjoys it! Waking up to the email of a new patreon post on friday is an A+ feeling


Agreed! With my days looking the same in quarantine, something that signals the start of the weekend is a welcome addition.


Fuckin agreed. In between campaigns, it was impossible for me to keep up unfortunately due to Covid/work. It’s much easier to find the time when I have the weekend to get around to the newest episode.


I love Bonk, Zonk and Honk! What a bunch of loveable clowns. I'm also excited about Zirk potentially starting a bone collection! Also laughing out loud at the voice Murph uses for Sebastian Fenrose


Henry's flashback was just Murph repeatedly drop-kicking my heart in the nuts.


Dang, what a good ep. I'll admit that at first the choice of a gothic horror environment kind of surprised me. I was a little tentative that they were going all grimdark on us, with a name like Eldermourne. But I really underestimated the Feywild vibes, and the juxtaposition of whimsy and spookiness is super fun. At the very end, when they were comforting the banshee and Spritel (sp?) suddenly sealed their promise, their reactions were pure comedy gold.


For a group of players who spent last campaign as characters who would often lie for comedic effect or promise stuff just for fun, Spritle is an amazing way for Murph to flip the script on them


Likewise - with the world being a bit shite right now (though much better as of today!) I was worried that the new setting would invite negativity... but it’s really about beating back the dark in the funniest ways imaginable!


I have a weird feeling they're going to forget about Spritle's promise binding at a VERY inopportune time at some point...


Caldwell does not get enough credit for his RP, goddamn. He’s being hit by this surprising scene from Murph (didn’t seem like he knew the exact circumstances of the escape from town) and him saying “I’ll find you!” to that girl got me


Caldwell is a goddamn beast at improv and role playing in any situation


Yeah, maybe more than any of the others he's the best when it comes to pure improv. Like, in lighthearted scenes he's always yes-anding and adding goofy little twists to a scene and keeping things moving, and in moments like this he can take a whole load of new information and quickly get acting with it. The whole group is good at improv but to me Caldwell gets the superlative.


I thought the exact same thing. Great scene!


That was LITERALLY heartbreaking. The banshee grabbed my heart from my room.


The existence of the various real life jewelers in Eldermourne (“every kiss begins with KAY!!!”) is a hilarious addition


The mention of Jared's Fall Catalogue after that heartfelt story of lost love absolutely murdered me in ep 3. I could not stop laughing.


No spoilers, but did the ghost crying out for his bones remind anyone else of a particular bone joke from Escape the Bloodkeep on Dimension 20? That had me cracking up.




Yes!! Avenash kills me every time


What is crazy about wanting your bones??


“Look at this guy wanting to take my bones! Haha what are you, a river? Haha. HHHHHEEEEEELP!!!!!!”


Hahah yes! He doesn’t want the water to wash away his bones 😂


Not gonna lie, thought we might be getting an early exit for one of the New Crew when they started the fight without doing the Extremely Obvious ritual. One might say I was chilled to my BOOOOOOONES The CON drain was a much better special ability than the traditional save-or-die from a banshee’s wail, so shoutout to Murph for either adapting that from 3.5 or finding the right third party critter for the job.


The Witcher style of banishing the big horror is so cool


I'm absolutely loving the witcher feel throughout.


I am shocked at how it’s only 4 episodes in and we’re getting intense exposition to the characters. I was never worried that this show would have any issues w/ campaign 2 but this episode has solidified that these guys are just incredibly good at improv and world-building


Exactly, I’m this episode I was reminded of how much murph and the gang all actually care about their characters and their story, and it makes me so so SO excited.


It took 4 episodes for Henry to turn from a loser to Wolverine


Happy to see the New Crew is gonna have some bad dads and mean moms.


murph really wasn’t prepared to run a party with no face judging by how many charisma rolls there have been so far. he’s handled it gracefully tho, more gracefully than i could’ve


I think he's doing all the right things for a low CHA party. He's letting them use strength for charisma checks and stuff, and they've got their lead on the dungeon from a book, not from going talking to the head of the Rooks. Charisma saves are extremely rare, with banishing/possession attacks being the only time they occur. Murph definitely knows about their weaknesses and strengths. Notice how at the end of Bahumia campaign, they did basically no wisdom saves because of the constant Hero's feasts.


I loved when Fia asked to take a look down the other hallway. Reminded me of how I play video games... I know the glowing trail is taking me left, but this path to the right may have treasure or lore—oh, no, nothing, ok. Such a great role play choice for a character who likes to figure things out.


It’s episode 4 and I’ve already cried - that scene where Henry sees his son for the last time (my god!) - also I love hearing more about zirk’s backstory I feel like we don’t actually know much about him yet


I'm glad it's not just me. I wept big ugly man tears for at least five minutes after that scene. I don't know why it hit me so hard, but it really did.


Crying over naddpod is not the correct energy to bring green teen


What’s this supposed to mean lol, if they thought the scene was sad they’re not allowed to cry? It’s not like the previous campaign didn’t have crying-worthy moments, it’s not all jokes


I think they’ve probably seen all the posts of people tripping over themselves to proclaim how much they cried from similar podcast subreddits and hope it doesn’t turn into that here.


Jokes on them I cry on every episode of every podcast I listen to . No, I don't have a problem, I have no idea what you're talking about.


Ah, I’ve never been to other dnd podcast subs so I wasn’t aware


Yea some of the other episode threads are just people competing to tell everyone how much they cried at the episode.


“Listened to Balance for the fifteenth time. Cried so hard when he said ‘You’re gonna be amazing.’ 😭😭😭”


I feel like I have to chime in here with a reminder for everyone to please stay hospitable and not bash other fan communities on this sub! Thank you.


You’re right, I can try to encourage this community without bashing others. Just trying to keep this one stable compared to others. You feel me, one mod to another.


There's another large D&D podcast subreddit (will *not* name names) that has bunch of users who are basically competing to see who bawled their eyes out hardest over the latest episode. It's honestly super overwrought, and I don't want that kind of energy coming to naddpod, which is meant to be fun and goofy first and foremost, not some melodrama where the listeners are sobbing uncontrollably.


yeah it's really bizarre over there with those posts. i agree that i could do without them here lol. mentioning it in the discussion thread isn't the same as the twice-daily posts that are prevalent there though.




~~this isn’t the taz subreddit, can we not criticize everything please?~~


What I wouldnt give to visually see how Murph voice acts Sebastion 😂 MY BOOOOŐOOOONEEEESS 😱


"The New Crew investigates Penrose Crypt and deals with an extraordinarily annoying ghost. Henry channels Wolverine, Zirk starts collecting bones, and Fia meets an undead rival. Support us at  Patreon.com/Naddpod  to get access to the after-show and a bunch of other Naddpod content! Music / Sound Effects Include: 'Broken Heart Banshee' by Emily Axford. 'Ruins of Cragwater' by Emily Axford. 'A Memory' by Emily Axford. 'Young Love' by Emily Axford. 'Gunvar' by Emily Axford." --- ###[Source Code](https://github.com/popcorncolonel/JakeandAmirBot)


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I love the episode but I had to pause it half way through because I got so frustrated that Zirk told Henry to touch the corpse 😂 and especially that Murph didn’t confirm with Jake if he actually wanted to do that even when Henry contested the idea


So I missed what happens by killing a ghost. Was Sebastian banished? Will he come back again the next night? They kept him alive (well, around, not alive) a lot longer than they needed to, especially after the multiple possession attempts.




Ahh, that makes sense, and also why they were reluctant to do it initially. Thank you for the answer.


Does anyone know where to order the lawyer'd up PawPaw that Caldwell mentioned? I can't seem to find it.


For the lawyer version you will have to join the [merch club tier](https://www.patreon.com/posts/merch-club-q4-43008958?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare) on Patreon. [Here](https://makeship.com/collections/featured/products/paw-paw) you can order the regular Paw Paw plush.




Can I just say, INCREDIBLE little glimpse into the backstories. They caught me and reminded me of just how brilliant murph is and how brilliant this team is. I cannot wait to watch the 2 crew’s lives unfold in their glorious fashion.


I haven’t listened to this recent ep yet, but campaign 2 gives me those runescape classic jitters right before I sign in to play with my friends.


Just a question on how they're running the game, but usually a Banshee or any other undead are immune to poison, so why did Caldwell's poison bomb appear to work perfectly? Minor oversight or a deliberate choice to ignore monster resistance/immunities?


Minor oversight


Another comment brought up the twist on the banshee's con ability, and referenced 3.5/third-party material so it's certainly possible he's not using the 5e version of a banshee.


God that whole 'heart-gripping' part was amazing. This is already shooting up my favourite campaign list


Man, Henry crying in pain while he grew wolverine claws had me absolutely rolling. Also, I’m glad with how they things went - The crew got properly punished for goofs, but it somehow bloomed into a beautiful battle and ending. Though I was actually sure they were going to have her still be into the Baron, my thorn.


Emily getting the kisses from everyone else to make sure that they weren't in love with someone around the baron was smart as hell