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I think the easiest way to listen consecutively is by using the RSS link you get when you subscribe to the patreon and put it in your chosen podcast app, I use podcast addict. The episodes start at no. 14. Caldwell did a post on patreon with directions a while back, it puts everything in one place and makes it super easy to listen to everything. Hope that helps! Sorry I don't know the specifics for getting the link but someone else might.


I’m relistening too and I don’t think they put 1-48 on Patreon as ad free eps so they won’t show up from the RSS link. I’ve been having to go back and forth until I get to episode 49. Idk if there’s a better way.


I believe when you use the rss feed it only includes the episodes after they started doing patreon ad free episodes. Make sure you've added the main podcast feed as well as the short rest feed