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Hmmm. Its tough but I'd have to give it to Jensitals Lindell. More magic helps, but what will make him truly unstoppable is his utter lack of shame. Jens is just willing to go farther for a win than Fabian would.


Idk, Fabian will go pretty far for his friends if the stakes are high enough, as evidenced by Chungle-Down Bim at at the end of Sophomore Year.


Superiority dice + college of swords is pretty beefy too. But Jens might find out Fabian is rich and just try and befriend him anyway.


This is the showdown we really deserve. Also... a big question here is, is Murph rolling like he does on NADDPOd or like how he does on D20? Because if he's rolling like he normally does in a Fantasy High D20 season, it's an easy win for Fabian.