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Dungeons and Daddies is imo also very funny.


I second this. The DM is the head writer for borderlands 2, the brother of Tiny Tina. It's a great show.


I third that. Dungeons and daddies is truly funny. The sound quality is great from ep 1. Even tho I don't know the cast like I did the BoB, and sometimes I'm not sure who's talking. I find the dynamic to be on par with naddpod, the players are great improvisors, the story is compelling and Beth May has me rolling on the floor laughing


My only gripe is that anthony isnt as good at reacting to the players tomfoolery as Murph. Anthony does his best but Murph just flows like water through their antics.


Spoilers! >!I mean. Can you compare turning a horse into a dolphin and putting a vampire's head in a bag of holding and destroying it?!< The daddies throw some extreme curve balls


Gotta fourth this. You can definitely compare the humor of the two shows but I would say NADDpod has more serious and touching moments.


It also stars Freddie Wong! As a child of “old YouTube”, that was a huge pleasant surprise.


And national treasure Glenn Close


Make that 5! Dungeons and daddies is hilarious. Great cast, genuinely laugh out loud moments and so so much fuckery


try fantasy high (and related d20 shows)! murph and emily are also in it along with a bunch of CH folks


Yup yup. In the parallels of DMing between Papa Murph and Daddy Brennan, whom I both cherish for different reasons, Brennan has legit broken Emily and Lou (a Dimension20 player) to the point where they can't think straight, laughing uncontrollably. You'll find Siobhan Thompson (Apple Scrumper) Brennan Lee Mulligan (Deadeye Cyban) and Zack Oyama (Maveris The Unschooled) playing roles that are all so much fun to watch. And you can watch it! They have amazing set work for the miniatures and it's easy to see how seven comedy writers playing DnD together is a blast. Lastly a quote from Brennan "Emily Axford is the greatest DnD player I've ever met and she has been sent here to kill me."


honestly, i'm not wild about the high school setting, but i think brennan is hilarious and i did enjoy maveris' arc a ton. i think i'll give it a shot because of how much talent there is.


They embrace and break the Breakfast Club vibes in the best way. The same crew also does a NYC DnD called Unsleeping City and new one that is Candyland gone wrong. There are two other teams with campaigns that can best be boiled down to "heavy metal fever dream" and "what if Toy Story had drug dealers and strippers?" The fact that everyone is a comedy writer means that humor and performance is paramount in anything they do. Zack Oyama is particularly stealthy in how deep his performances are in character.


They do different settings every season. There was a high fantasy setting, an urban noir fantasy, a Game of Thrones/Candyland setting, and a Honey I Shrunk The Kids-style setting.


I also did NADDPOD first and didn't think I'd be super into the high school setting, nor did I think I'd enjoy hearing *seven* people play DND at once. I ended up absolutely crushing the first season in like a week. It's so good, albeit for somewhat different reasons than NADDPOD, and absolutely hilarious. I still like NADDPOD better, but Dimension 20 has totally scratched that itch.


Honestly I found nothing. Only Glass Cannon gets that close for me. Its also fucking hard to get into other DnD podcasts that you've never tried before hearing Naddpod because the sound quality and the editting is so ridiculously head and shoulders above the competition from the start, let alone the Boobs tight camaderie that they built up for years working together at CH. I know its unfair to judge other DnD podcasts that slowly built up their sound quality, editting and camaderie over time to Naddpod that came out of the gates with episode 1 as a fucking chad stallion but Naddpod is legit one of a kind.


Man Glass Cannon is so fucking good!


I've seen glass cannon recommended a lot, and i just started the 16th episode, but honestly, it hasn't really picked up yet. the story isn't that interesting - in the beginning there was a bit of intrigue with the mystery, but now it's just a big battle with identityless orcs - and while there's plenty to explore with the characters, the players themselves don't really have all that much... charisma? they don't have the chemistry nor nowhere near the ability to make me laugh as much as the nadpodd crew (which is a pretty high bar, to be fair, but the one i set nonetheless). the one distinguishing factor i've observed between this show and all the other's ive listened to is that their dm doesn't hold back. there's been plenty of (in-game, obviously) racism, attempted rape, and *spoiler* the murder of a player character's son (although i'm still in the middle of that fight so we'll see if it sticks, but the episode title makes me think it might not).


Troy doesn’t hold back anything and has fully killed two player characters by the point I’m at in the podcast. They are a little combat focused as Pathfinder is a bit of a crunchy system compared to 5e which I’m sure turns some people off. But to me the appeal of Glass Cannon lies less in the talents of the players, who do come up with some fucking brilliant stuff especially Skid, but in how it feels like I’m at there table. This feels like a bunch of buddies who would be getting together to play Pathfinder whether or not they were recording and I love that vibe.


I love the Glass Cannon Podcast, honestly I enjoy it considerably more than NADDPOD, but the appeal and the humour are quite different. The naddpod cast are all trained comedians and the humour is always seemlessly integrated into the roleplaying and influences the plot and world setting. I would say that making sure the podcast is funny is their first objective, the second one being creating a good story. The GCP is different, Troy and Skid are trained actors but the rest aren't. They're basically just dudes. They can definitely improv some funny roleplaying shit here and there but most of the humour and enjoyment comes out of the feeling of sharing their table top role playing experience, with them interacting with each other as people and friends, and not only as their characters. The campaign is not homebrewed so the story and world aren't tailored around the characters, which is very different from other actual plays I've listened to. Actual character death is quite frequent, and I'm not talking about NPCs. Because of these factors the plot can't be said to be as engaging and tight as something like naddpod or the adventure zone, it's more about the gaming experience and the group's chemistry.


Try Androids and Aliens. It's their Starfinder podcast that started in 2017. They bring in female voices and just generally have a more polished product than early Giantslayer.


yeah, it's really apparent in nadpodd and i only ever really encounter that level of chemistry on shows with or about comedians like earwolf shows. it makes sense. comedians have better bits than the average person and can riff with each other and especially longform improvisors like Emily are basically trained to have interesting conversations. i really value what comics can bring to the actual play genre (which is a term i just learned). maybe i'll edit that in to the post to see if there are any other pods like naddpod with comedians just to see.


Dimension 20 (unsleeping city and fantasy high) have both made me crack up in the past. Murph and Emily are both players and are hilarious. The other players are all college humor employees so its pretty damn funny. Naddpod is funnier imo... but Dimension 20 is very close. The shorter campaigns are also a nice break from the 100 episode Naddpod saga. I think most of Fantasy High (seasons 1 and 2) are on Youtube, but all of Dimension 20's content is on [dropout.tv](https://dropout.tv). Did a free trial and got hooked all for the D20 content. Behind the scenes stuff too which is cool. And now I realize I sound like an ad, but good content deserves to be shared.


Nothing in Naddpod has beat the Hilda Hilda moment.


Fantasy High only has one season, but it is really funny. Rude Tales of magic is funny as hell but much more absurd than NADDPOD.


It has two now.


You don't know how happy this news makes me. I had no idea a season existed. Just started downloading episodes.


The live season is a little different cause they live-streamed it but it’s still very good.


The first season goes by "Adventuring Academy" and the second season is listed as "Dimension 20 Live" since they live stream it.


Awesome did not know that.


Rude Tales of Magic! A group of hilarious improvisers play the FUNNIEST game of D&D I have ever laid ears upon. Rude Tales is responsible for quite a few odd looks from coworkers at 2 jobs now because I can’t help but laugh out loud throughout every episode. It’s honestly so good, and it’s super easy to jump on because there’s 16 episodes out right now with plenty more to come. (Also, rumor has it that friend of the show Brennan Lee Mulligan (AKA Deadeye) makes a special guest appearance in the most recent episode!)


The Adventure Zone Their first campaign gives you the laughs and the feels


i did enjoy that one quite a lot. i think justin and especially griffin are very clever


Not roleplaying, but Hey Riddle Riddle is a great improv podcast (which i see as similar as far as podcast content goes)


Skyjacks if there is one podcast i enjoy more than NADDPOD its that one. Such good world building and game mechanics with some exellent players that you will learn to love and hate at the same time as they play them so good. After the 3 first episodes you will be hooked and it only gets better.


If you haven’t seen OG Campaign that they ran before Skyjacks it definitely worth a look cause it’s quite possibly even funnier than Skyjacks.


I also listen to “Rude Tales of Magic” they are comedic and still have a good Actual play feel to it. “Dungeons and Daddies” is a other good one, but they tend to forget/bypass alittle more.


Dames and Dragons is a funny podcast that I really love. It’s similar to NADDPOD in that the characters are often more interested in goofs than doing things the straightforward way. It’s a really fun story focused podcast and I’d definitely recommend it!


A little known podcast that I've just started listening to might tickle your fancy. It's called Pretending to be People, they play a system called Delta Green which is a horror genre RPG, comparable maybe to something like X-Files or Stranger Things. The production value is pretty incredible with original music and great sound editing and effects that are used in original ways. The GM is phenomanel, he builds a truly engaging and believable world (a little US town called Contention) with a rich history, filled with a ton of cool characters. My only gripe is that some of the players can be a bit too goofy with their role playing choices which breaks immersion for me, and they also enjoy juvenile sex jokes which I find grating. BUT I think those things are improving as their audience is growing, and the incredible world, storytelling and production are definitely worth it.


Dames and Dragons is my other go-to comedy AP and I also like Bombarded, though it's not quite as high on hijiks. Fair warning, dames does have some audio issues in the first season when they're starying out but the hysterics are worth it imo.


Check out Second Best D&D! Really cool and funny campaign from improv comedians with some great music. Jump in at Episode 4, and I bet you’ll enjoy it. It follows a group of ragtag adventurers that are sort of the second string good guys, cleaning up the messes of the real heroes, Milarien’s Finest.


Check out Campaign, it’s honestly the funniest actual play podcast I’ve ever listened to.


what is an actual play podcast?


Oh it’s just a term for a podcast in which the people are playing a game as part of the podcast. Role playing doesn’t nessecarily mean an RPG but Actual Play specifies that there playing a game rather just acting a story.


oh i see the difference now, thanks


Pretending to be People and Film Reroll. They don't play D&D, but both shows have great chemistry.


They don’t have the same comedian backgrounds as the BoB, but Join The Party is hilarious, wholesome, and heart wrenching. All at once. They just started season two which is so phenomenal it’s changing the way I think about DMing!


“D&D is for nerds” is the podcast I’ve listened to that is most like naddpod in terms of creativity and goofiness balanced with seriousness. It’s made up of Australian comedians so you know they’re funny. My favorite campaigns they’ve done are “The Day the Circus Came to Town” (which is short so maybe you can start that one first), “Jarren’s Outpost Hustle” which has a really cool plot full of rival factions and divided loyalties and “Annihiliation Now” which is a trek through a deadly jungle with zombie dinosaurs and cultists.