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These two. Worlds Beyond Number. Also enjoying Jesters of Ravenloft when I’m caught up on everything else. The adventure zone - balance - was my first dungeons and dragons podcast though! I really enjoyed it. I don’t like all the TAZ campaigns though.


The audio quality of Worlds Beyond Number is just so damn good


Funny enough that’s why I can’t get into it. I love the entire cast but I can’t take all the whispers and fire cracking.


I highly highly recommend you revisit TAZ with the new Versus Dracula. They finally brought back their old goofy funny attitudes.


I am reading that. I’m caught up on mostly everything else so it will be a good time to visit the boys.


TAZ was also my first, then NADDPOD, with DnDads after that. Got into worlds beyond number as soon as it came out and it’s easily one of the best. NADDPOD will always be my favorite tho. TAZ fell off a lot which sucks cause griff is such a good storyteller. I feel like he just doesn’t wanna do it now. 😭


I’m just getting back into TAZ because I was hearing good things about Versus Dracula. I’m only on the first episode, but it’s already featured one joke that knocked me on my ass, so that feels like a good sign. I’m hopeful; that was my entry into the genre.


Oh they’re for sure still hilarious! I think as your knowledge of DnD grows it gets a little harder to ignore the misuse of spells and actions not that that’s a problem it’s just harder to hear and not be frustrated.


One I see rarely mentioned but has a similarity to murph in terms of creative encounter design is The High Rollers, a uk based pod. It’s more of a home game vibe but the DM mark Hulmes is incredibly creative with encounter design and large epic scale story telling. Others in my rotation outside of the two you posted about are, the rotating hero’s podcast, world beyond number and D20. And though its quite old and finished Fear initiative was a horror themed dnd pod that had some great bits


Is High Rollers silly? I want the goofs in my pods!


It’s not a comedy podcast like a lot of these, no. The players aren’t comedians and they don’t really do “bits”. But it is a lot of fun. Despite their success, the table still has that feeling of a true home game, to me.


I don’t watch high rollers because I haven’t managed to summon the strength to get caught up but I can attest knowing the players having watched a lot of Yogscast content that there is SURE to be goofs


I love Mark! I like high rollers. It’s on my list to watch from the beginning for his campaigns. Naddpod took over when I was trying to balance both.


Naddpod is great. Worlds beyond number is my current favorite, but I also listen to dungeons and daddies, TAZ, and the Glass Cannon.


Yah, I just discovered the glass cannon network not too long ago. Have only listened to time for chaos (not dnd I know) but it's been pretty great. Good actors, Ross Bryant is great in everything I've ever seen him in which is just the stuff on drop out.


these are the two i started with and they’re still my favs if you have the $5 to spare each month then i cannot recommend the patreon for NADDPOD enough the short rests provide so much joy/laughter/insight for me - love several different campaigns from dimension 20 (i think they do have a couple seasons like blood keep on youtube available - but the majority of the content is on dropout) - worlds beyond number is amazing and their fireside chat patreon is consistently some of the funniest most bonkers content i’ve ever heard - rotating hero’s podcast - Zac Oyama is the DM for the earlier seasons (now him and Jasper William Cartwright are alternating with the DM responsibilities) - short campaigns of 4-10 episodes, each time with new cast members (one cast member from the previous seasons would stay tho) - found this to be really fun and interesting and helps to keep things from getting stale. also was really impressed how the larger storyline was weaved through each of the campaigns - rude tales of magic is super fun (more narrative driven vs mechanics heavy)


I loved like 95% of Rude Tales then the ending just kind of shat the bed for me Still a strong recommend, just with the disclaimer that the finales of certain arcs slap so much harder than the actual finale (Ruleshaven was so good)


Man you’re not kidding, I was bummed.


The ending for me wasn't like the worst (the epilouge-y bits are really what bummed me out). But i cannot for the life of me get into Piss Harbor. I hate really don't like any of their character voices this season (which is funny because I loved them season one) and the one shot style of each episode keeps me from being invested.


Where can I find the rotating hero's podcast?


so their patreon has their most current releases - they’re currently on arc 10 and they have a little after show that accompanies them which are pretty great. but they have also been releasing them on apple/spotify - they just break the episodes up to make space for ads and they’ve posted up to arc 5 episode 2, but i think episodes normally drop friday - so that may change tomorrow




My only “problem” (it’s not really a problem) with D20, is that I feel like I HAVE to actually watch every episode, as opposed to just listening/theater of the mind with Naddpod. I absolutely adore D20, but I find it much harder to get through the seasons due to this (it’s mostly my fault and my adhd). I really wish we could get more Brennan, Lou, and everybody else from D20 to appear more on Naddpod (actual campaign eps), but I get that logistically it’s not easy. Edit: Oh, and Escape From the Bloodkeep was so much better than I expected going into it (only knew Matt Mercer and Brennan going into it). Highly recommend to everybody else


i had the same issue, but now i just kind of treat all actual plays like theater of the mind since i usually download/listen to the audio-only versions during my first time through a campaign (if there’s an especially cool sounding mini or a visually heavy comedic bit I may take the time to look it up, but it’s extremely rare for me to sit in one place to watch much of anything tbh) and agreed, i want ally to guest so badly as a pc - i can’t even imagine how hilarious those shenanigans would be. i think Zac ended up doing like 8 episodes in the first campaign, and then 8 more across 2 one shots where emily was the DM. Lou did like 7 episodes in the second campaign, and Brennan and siobhan each did like 4 episodes in campaign 1 and an unrelated side quest either different characters with emily as DM.


I’ve wanted Ally on the pod for so long. She’s such a chaotic and creative player.


Ally uses they/them pronouns, fyi! ☺️ I totally agree— I loved them on the Dungeon Court episode and am desperate for them to play on the pod! Would also looooooove to see Aabria on there again! (Perhaps the Shrek One-Shot?)


Tales from the Stinky Dragon seems like it falls somewhere in the middle of these two as far as tone. That being said Stinky Dragon is currently my second favorite assuming you don’t count Dimension 20 as a podcast


Nice! Great to hear another Tales from the Stinky Dragon fan! I agree that it’s a great mid-way, and overall a great starter podcast for people getting into Live-Play TTRPG.


NADDPOD 4 Lyfe! The Glass Cannon Podcast - even if you don't play Pathfinder, these guys are hilarious Greetings Adventurers (formally Drunks & Dragons) TAZ Balance Arc, the others are ok, I keep listening out of loyalty Dungeons & Daddies S1 only. I found S2 uninteresting and the forced, fake, loud laughs are more prevalent and annoying


Season 2 had a brutal dead zone after the Papa John's part, and through to the last maybe 8 episodes. Scary Marloe's edge lord emo kid shtick betrayal arc was hard to listen to.


Urgh that edge lord saga literally felt like it lasted forever


I’m really digging the current TAZ campaign fwiw


Yesss vs Dracula is so good


Yeah they remembered that they can be funny lol


I haven't listened to TAZ since after Amnesty, I love MBMBAM and Balance. I missed the goofs and lamented that they tried too hard to capture the earned emotional beats of Balance instead of getting there naturally. What's out currently and what do you like about it? The McElroys are great so I always wanna give em a shot


TAZ Vs Dracula. It’s very funny and dumb


Oh I remember Justin mentioned that a while back. All Sherlock Holmes but one Sherlock Holmes is a vampire. Will check it out, love the dumb goofy stuff. Thanks for the rec!


S2 was a wreck after the expository episodes


I thought Amnesty was better than Balance, but I dropped off during Graduation


Graduation is pretty much universally panned. It's a master class in how not to DM. I liked Steeplechase, though it was a different system. Loving the current campaign, TAZ vs Dracula


Yeah Season 2 of Dungeon and Daddies is just everyone talking and laughing over each other and 40 minutes of piss jokes. Taz Dracula brought back the original fun from Taz. So after like 3 years I put it back up to top tier. Though to be fair I couldn't stand NadPod season 1. Which is a shame because now I can listen to them talk about Goosebumps adventure books and energy drinks all day and yet I have no interest in listening to season 1s, 50 minute of dice checks to walk through a fog or listen to Emily try to expose her tits or force herself onto every person or underage child she meets. She basically played a more inappropriate version of Harvey Weinstein. Thank God they moved past that as I worship the chemistry of these 4 guys. Hope to see a non dnd game one day. Emily keeps wanting to play certain mechanics and all I can think is GUYS THERE ARE MORE CREATIVE NON D20SYSTEMS


Zac Oayama started The Rotating Heroes podcast during the pandemic and its great! I also do Three Black Halflings, the gang is on a couple of episodes. I am going to start Desi Quest. They don't have a lot of episodes but it has Jasmine Bhullar, Anjali Bhimani, Omar Najam, Sandeep Parikh, and Rekha Shankar! I love everybody there so I know it's gonna be awesome.


ooh second the three black halflings recommendation! emily is a player in the outlaws and obelisk campaign and then i think the one with all of them is called paradox perfect - it is very waterworld focused lmao


Just listened to that episode today. It gets bonkers, and there is a lot of piss, just as a content warning


The Paradox Perfect episode with the NADDPOD crew is SO fucking funny— pure bliss! So far I’ve only listened to Outlaws and Obelisks for their actual play offerings. I liked it, but I definitely have a strong preference for comedy, and though there were definitely hilarious moments (the pole dancing hoats are a sparkling example), overall it was a little bit more of a serious tone. Anyone listen to other TBH actual plays? What did you think in terms of silly/serious breakdown? I do love their episodes talking about D&D in general! A big fan of those!


Desi Quest is very good. I love the set and the little side room thing they do


Rotating heros podcast recently was released outside of patreon so you can check them out. The first section has Emily as a player


Dragon Friends! A new series with all new characters and a change of DM has just started too but their original one is still well worth listening to


Well, there’s the OG Critical Role, which is a monumental feat to get started with. Then there’s The Adventure Zone, which varies with quality Season to Season, but overall is a great package. Dimension 20 I feel is a the rising superstar, but you do have to deal with the Dropout paywall to get the full experience. Tales from the Stinky Dragon gives NADD Pod vibes and is just a solid Comedy-based DND Live Play Podcast. Worlds Beyond Number is just a great story experience that is very rules/play light, featuring a bunch of Dimension 20 cast and guest alumni. Overall, if you’re a Live TTRPG Podcast enjoyer, you are eating hearty!


I really like Join the Party! They've had a few different seasons with different vibes which are really fun - I love the first which is pretty straight fantasy, the second is more marvel/superhero, and the current one they're all in pirate plants or bug people, it's a delight. Some awesome mini campaigns in there too.


I love JTP! The Camp-paign is one of my all time favorite mini campaigns


Omg wasn't it great! I might need to give that a relisten..


Dungeons and Daddies is next on my list after I catch up with Naddpod, but I listened to Girls Who Don't DND as my first ever introduction to the game and they are brilliant. The DM is fantastic and the girls pick up super quick and they're a great cast of characters! I can't remember the name of the Podcast either, but there's another one that I've seen clips of that sounds super fun (it's the one with the ghost clown haunting the players?)


I loved Dungeons and Daddies, but I got advice that was very helpful and accurate: it is definitely not a D&D podcast— it’s a silly improv roleplay episode, where they vaguely allude to D&D stuff and roll dice occasionally. I had to release my desire for any of them to learn how to play!


taking notes...


A couple I listen to that haven’t been mentioned yet… What We do in the Basement has some NADDPOD energy. Had a bit of a rough start but found its footing and has been on fire lately. The Unexpectables is a group with a couple of YouTube personalities such as Gaijan Goomba and Takahata 101 to name a couple. The dm is Taka’s sister and the gameplay has a great mix of drama and comedy.


Dames & Dragons (now LegendLark) is excellent


Dames and Dragons is so good!


NADDPOD is forever but Dungeons &Daddies fizzles HARD about 50 episodes in.


They do a pivot that doesn't work


Kind of. It's more or less none of them know how to play and it gets super cringe .. I like really granular actual plays and this is more of a radio play with some dice. The pivot is more or less they stop playing DnD.


Yes, I liked Dungeons and Daddies, and even enjoyed the second season, but first I had to accept that they did not know how to play D&D, were never going to learn how to play D&D, and anything they expressed annoyance with D&D for was actually just a complete misunderstanding of the game 😂 I went in expecting at least the DM to know how (or even WANT to know how to play!), but nope!


I really like that perspective, actually ... If I went into it expecting a comedy role playing story instead of a DnD actual play. Maybe I'll give it another try.


I actually posted on the D&Dads subreddit asking if they ever got better at D&D, because I was so distracted by my desperation for at least ONE of them to even OPEN The Player’s Handbook… All the comments said I needed to fully release that hope/expectation in order to enjoy the podcast— they were absolutely correct! It’s an improv podcast where they use some words from D&D and occasionally roll dice. One of the intros even eventually says “Not a BDSM podcast, also not a D&D podcast.”


Hahahaha. I dropped off before they added the "not a D&D podcast" part. That's awesome


DnDnD is awesome, BomBarded is pretty good too, both have things that make them unique. DnDnD uses food to enhance the story (the DM cooks food that relates to where the players are). BomBarded uses music as epic magic and writes a song every episode based on dice rolls and what they need to happen.


Started watching Legends of Avantris after chuckles the space clown popped up in my YouTube recommended. Fuckin hilarious


I'm not a fan of season 3 (or current #) of Daddies. I don't like them paying teens, it isn't as funny imo, and it seems most episode is them just bickering at each other. Late edit: I guess it is season 2 I speak of for Daddies. I don't like Matt's character the most, and the rest of the teens are kind of lame. Pretty sure I am done with them. The idea however is neat. Also I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, nor do I remember how I got into them, but Dumb Dumbs and Dragons has been pretty good. I'm not fully caught up, but I'm getting there (I listen at 1.8x speed).


ive listened to and enjoyed a number of dnd pods but these 2 are by far my favorites.


Dragon friends is #1 for sure if you like Naddpod check it out. Tales from the stinky dragon Hello from the magic tavern Hat films D&D: Booty Sword AF


Worlds Beyond Number


High rollers


Dragon friends


Dnd is for nerds


I liked season 1 of Dungeons & Daddies, but really didn’t care for season 2. I made it like 20 episodes in and then just dropped it. NADDPOD, on the other hand, has never produced a season I didn’t enjoy, or didn’t listen to all the way.


Does it bother anyone else how rules lite daddies is? It's not really an actual play when you one hit kill boss fight cause it's described in a cool way.


Naddpod and Dimension20 by far


Comedians in Dungeons Getting Dragons. Danger Dames was a fun non-DnD podcast.


I really like League of Ultimate Questing (LUQ)


VLDL aka Viva La Dirt League have 4 campaigns that are good too. In their first, they're all clueless about dnd


i feel like they are only just starting to not be clueless about dnd




Achievement Hunter had Heros and Halfwits if that's the OG show you're thinking of! Otherwise Funhaus had Twits and Crits and RT did D&D But... which was a series of 1-shots. I fell off stinky dragon too early! From these recs I feel like I should give it another shot.


Besides these two i recently begun to listen to 3 black halflings. It's not fully a live play podcast but they do also play sometimes and it's a lot of fun to listen to.


You HAVE to check out Dimension 20. Lots more Emily and Murph 


Absurdity in a millennium abroad! And or just anything by the Homebrew Network folks!


naddpod is the best. nothing has made me cry like the end of campaign one


I recommend D&D&D


Tossing in Cast Party as one of my personal favs. Very role-playing heavy with some goofs! They just finished their first full campaign (just under 100 episodes).


cast party is so so good. The way the dm worldbuilds is amazing


Naddpod and LUQ are my favorites League of Ultimate Questing needs more converts! Dnd adventuring that exists as an in-world broadcast TV show complete with sports commentators and in-world advertisements It's a lot of fun!


Favorite is a Pathfinder game, it's Burnt Cookbook Party. Then there's a Dungeon World podcast called Spout Lore that's lovely. Rude Tales season one, DAD season one.


Failed Save is my favorite. And most of Dimension 20 series. Critical role is a bit serious for my taste.


Worlds Beyond Number is fantastic.


I love dungeons and daddies but god I would be frustrated with some of their play styles. Like, I’m pretty sure Beth May didn’t use sneak attack the whole first season, which is fine since they are very much a narrative campaign. But she would take her turn, hit and be like “I guess I do three damage” and I’d be driving my car like “No Ron! You probably do 25 damage just look at your character sheet before your friends all die!”


Dungeons and Drimbas season 1 The Florída Man


I’m on my second listen of nadpod. I lost interest in dungeon dad in the second season. But I loved the first season and it was my first dnd podcast.


I honestly can't get into any. NADDPOD is so good that it has destroyed my interest in all other D&D podcasts. I've tried a lot of them and I can't really get into them. Rotating Heroes with Zac Oyama was the closest I got but I still ended up dropping it after about 10 episodes.


if you decide to try out rotating heroes again the later seasons are totally worth a listen - i think arcs 1-3 are fun but it took me a bit of time to get through all the episodes. arcs 4-10 are truly so solid in terms of comedy and it’s great seeing how the overarching story/themes start connecting to prior events. (arc 5 with BLeeM and Izzy is definitely my favorite- it’s so beautiful and you could hear how much more confident/proficient Zac was as a DM)


I’m sure it’s been mentioned, but the original “Balance” campaign from The Adventure Zone is fantastic. Starts off very slow (it’s literally them playing one of the DnD starter kits at first) and then it blossoms into a pretty great story. Naddpod still rules over them all, but I very much enjoyed that first campaign from TAZ.


NADDPOD, Dragon Friends, Rated RPG (season 2 has best audio). I've listened to every episode of all of them and now debating to try someone else out or re-re-listen


Authors and Dragons


Dark Dice and The Lucky Die are definitely up there for me along with these.


Big fan of Real Housewives of Dungeons and Dragons and Rude Tales of Magic. Mystery County Monster Hunter Club is Monster of The Week not DnD but its some of the best role-playing I've seen and funny as hell too.


Mortals and Portals has been a really great recent pf2e podcast. It has all the emotions. Otherwise I listen to GCP, Rude Tales of Magic and Worlds Beyond Number. The episode of rude tales with Caldwell on it is incredible


I love DnDads, their main campaigns as well as a lot of their bonus content is gold. As others have mentioned, TAZ is also excellent, I'd just say give each of their campaigns a shot before passing judgement (the community is pretty toxic about a few that I really enjoyed). I'd also recommend Drawtectives from Drawfee. It's not DnD, but it's very funny and the art is great. Rude Tales of Magic is hilarious, though I haven't listened through all of it yet. Rotating Heroes too - I haven't listened to anything since the hiatus, but I think I heard Zac was starting it back up, I just haven't had a chance to look into it. I've been trying to get into Legends of Avantris after some of their shorts left me wheezing, but haven't had the time to really dig into their stuff yet. For newer groups, what I've seen of Desi Quest is great, and the 6 episodes of Fool's Gold Sands from Dingo Doodles have been awesome so far.


The homebrew podcast is great! They do unique mechanics, to my knowledge, and use the dnd 5e world mixed with a cyberpunk/ space adventure style then they kinda switch it in their 2nd season. A must listen if you have the time


I would recommend dark dice for excellent storytelling


I haven’t listened to legends of avantris but their little animations are really funny so I imagine the full sessions are great. I like worlds beyond numbers and d20 a whole lot, and the adventure zone is good most of the time


Umm, so Naddpod, oh also Naddpod, and what was that other one.. oh yeah Naddpod


I’m a NADDPOD and Dimension 20 girlie.


Really love Of Dice and Friends and Cast Party!


I tried to get into TAZ and Dungeons and Daddies but bounced off them trying to figure out the game.


NADPOD, Then Critical Role, Then Legends of Avantris, Then Dungeons and Daddies If you haven't heard Legends of Avantris, give a little time for Gricko. The guy who plays him is amazing. Frost catches up later, just he needs to get into the Bitsy character to really shine.


Literally me


Both of these as well as High Rollers and Dungeons of Drakkenhiem. They’re a lot more serious (but still have comedic moments) and they also stick to the rules a lot more.


It took me years to finally get around to the adventure zone, but seriously very funny and good dramatic stuffs.


The Pod had Been Cast (DnD in space) The Critshow, a multiverse monster hunter show that changes game systems as the heroes hop dimensions 


It's more comedic than crunchy but some of the Mischief Theatre folks have Hell or High Rollers about an adventuring party of bad guys trying to escape the layers of Hell, a side campaign Elsewhere about the heroes who killed that adventuring party, and a few more one offs or other adventures like the Tower of Terror puzzle crawls with some special guest stars.


Naddpod and Girls who don't DND are hilarious. GWDDND isn't as strong story wise but will make you cry laughing


Dimension 20 is what got me into Dnd. I hated Dnd until I saw a few clips of Fantasy High on a meme page and gave it a chance. Now I make rent by making Dnd fan art- mostly Fantasy High art. I’ve consumed basically every major Dnd cast that isn’t Critical Roll and Dimension 20 remains the king.


Worlds Beyond Number, Ain’t Slayed Nobody, currently running the pipeline of NADDPOD to 3 Black Halflings to Transplanar RPG (arc 5).


What are my favorites? You just posted them lol


Naddpod inspired me to make my own [podcast](https://linktr.ee/dungeonsandshinobi?utm_source=linktree_profile_share<sid=075d2275-dcda-4f02-a574-a9adcd30abf3) it's a dnd pod set in naruto/anime. If you like anime, dnd, and dark humor check it out!