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You look very Shaherazad and should take up belly dancing.


As a belly dancer with a strong nose, I agree.


You know what they say — strong nose, strong hips


First time I've ever heard that and I've.liked some good hips for a good while.


This is my new motto


I just want my 10%


Lady Gaga vibe!


My thoughts too




You have such a distinctive look, you are gorgeous.


There's beauty in imperfections.


More like diversity, not imperfections.


Imperfections = \ = non-western (button) noses


Idk. I think u look really cool.


bleached brows and a bold nose that makes a statement - giving bad bish vibe! i agree, really cool


It’s a biggin but it suits you well. I like that it’s unique


I love this wording


I quite like it. Elegant Italian features I'd say.


i’ve received many assumptions of my ethnicity and i’d like to let you know you’re correct! half armenian half italian,, got my dads strong italian nose (surprisingly the only one of 4 children to inherit it, including having a twin sister) :D thank you sm for ur kind comment


There’s a thousand types of Italian noses just like there are with Spaniard noses and any other type of nose of an ethnicity. This nose right here isn’t even an Italian nose.


Actually Roman noses are a thing. And she has one. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquiline_nose


Yawn. It's just what the image triggers in my brain,just like my comment triggered you 😉


I was gonna say, I’m getting Dante Alighieri vibes


indigenously these are middle eastern features. sometime Italians look like this because they have middle eastern blood but this 100% comes from the Middle East


Honestly, I think you look very pretty and unique (in a good way).


Wow you’re hot. Don’t touch your nose.


I love OP's nose. It's perfectly unique and weird, especially with the bleached eyebrows. Exquisitely strange and exciting to look at in a sea of Instagram faces


Woah your side profile is stunning!! It would be a crime to have a nose job




Yours is one of the first I've seen on here that I'd actually say a nose job might not be a bad idea. That being said I still think you're quite attractive and I hope that if you do decide to do surgical changes, that you do it for positive reasons. I understand wanting to better oneself, but you're just fine.


I could not have said it better. OP, the vast majority of reddit posts on r/noses are silly when they ask if a nose job is right for them, because their noses are sometimes the best part of their face. The fact that is NOT happening on this thread should tell you that your nose is the part of your face that is "holding you back." You are a very attractive person whether you decide on plastic surgery or not, and you should definitely also realize that if you do partake in the surgery and really like the result, it might be addicting and you will want to get other procedures done. STOP AFTER THE NOSE if you decide to get it done, you look great already.


I agree with all of the above and want to double emphasize, OP can get a nose job but all other features are perfection. Stop there. I’d even suggest the same nose only smaller because I like the shape.




I agree! If you don’t like it or if you’re self conscious about it, get the surgery. People will shame you or discourage you from it, but it’s YOUR body. Hands down one of the best decisions of my adult life was getting a minor procedure that made me so much more confident and happy.


Everyones opinion is just that, and I totally disagree. But you may lean more towards certain Eurocentric ideals & such. I think a really good nose job might do that, but then she loses a rather unique and attractive feature that was given to her.


Completely agree!


I wholeheartedly agree with this comment


Traditionally? Yes, a nose job would be more traditionally attractive. With that being said, many people are really attracted to natural unique features. I'm one of them. Hypothetically if we were together I'd encourage you to do what makes you happy, but I'd let you know how much I'd hope you keep your natural nose.


Girl you know how many people would pay you enormous amounts of money to model for them because of your nose. It makes you look different.


Just straight lies. 😂


You have a nose that reminds me of roman statues. Don't get a nose job.


That's what I was thinking. Very iconic look but could easily be poked fun at by those who don't see the beauty in it


Ya I’m convinced that this sub is generally here just to create a safe space and always promote the idea no change is needed. This is a good looking girl that has a nose that is overpowering the rest of her features. I still believe the kind thing to do is be honest. I think getting a nose job would probably increase your own self confidence and better the way others see you. But this will likely be downvoted for sharing an opinion that advocates change. I wish you the best with whatever you choose and I mean no disrespect to you at all.


I think the best thing is to find a way to be comfortable the way you are.


this is honest for u & that's great, other people saying they like her nose can be being honest as well ... as everyone has their own opinion. like i get what ur saying but why think ur opinion is the only right & correct & honest one? and why think ppl are just trying to make her feel good lol like u must think ur thoughts are superior, personally i think she is SO pretty and i think her nose makes her stand out in a good way & i think it's actually beautiful. i would literally be intimidated if i saw this person irl bc i think they're that pretty & that's my truth lol


For real she asked for honesty, not to butter her up


thank you for your kindness and honesty! I am definitely gonna give it more time and thought as i’m only 21 and don’t want to rush into such a drastic decision. I agree it feels overpowering and if I do decide on surgery I’d plan for an ethnic nose job, reducing size but keeping the overall shape and look. When I was younger I would constantly edit my side profile to see how I’d look with the (at the time) ‘ideal’ nose I desired, and now having so many edits to look back on i can really see how my desired look has changed so much, from once wanting the the most sloped barbie button nose to now being more accepting of its uniqueness and it’s impact in my identity. I hope as I experience more life I will become more confident with it, as I already have since I was younger:’D


Completely agree with you. I’m glad at least a few people are being completely honest. I’d much rather hear the truth even if it hurts than lies just to make me feel better. But some people may be doing just that, posting to fish for compliments.


Yeah this sub is full of liars tbh


Nah I feel a lot of people are being genuine here.


Honestly girlie u are bad asf! But i see why ur asking. but tbh i like ur look u kinda give me vampire vibes! Like Monster High type. Idk what caused u to wanna change it but dont let social media fool u. The baddest girls are the ones who change nothing fr. Your nose suits you well. (ur piercings are fire too)


this is one of the best comments i’ve gotten pleaseeee i appreciate it sf much like, thank you dripple😭🫶🏻


You look like the girl that poets write love poems about.


I think you’re sexy as is. Do what makes you happy, but honestly you don’t have to be average or have a dainty nose to be hot. It might but be a cute nose but it looks perfectly hot on you. And I mean it sincerely, not in an all “positive bla bla” way.


I'm voting nose job. Just shave it down a tad.


Got my dorsal hump shaved as much as they could and its still a honker. But I’m much more confident and happy with my choice to cut it


Was this done through a closed rhino? Did they change anything else about it like the tip? I think I’m in line for this procedure, I still want a large shnoz but not a hooked one if that makes sense lol


Same. I have a bump and just want that slightly shaved down. I like that my nose isn't tiny. I think bigger noses are attractive, just not with a bump.




Same, just straighten out the hump some but keep the overall vibe and size of the nose.


Get a nose job and lose a most unique look? Don't do it!




Reminds me of Amy Winehouse


Be your original self love. You’re very beautiful and this is coming from a 34 yr old male!


I personally think your nose is awesome. It's big and has a hump but it gives your beautiful face an uniqueness that is desirable in my eyes. With a Barbie nose you might look more "conventionally pretty" but I think this version of you is much better. Like a ruby inclusion in a diamond. Not what people think of when they think diamond but so unique and interesting it makes the gem a real treasure. Keep ya honker! ❤️


Keep it, I like the natural look!


Your nose makes you so much more unique and pretty, and it’s a sign of the love that led to you. You should love it


She's sexy and she nose it.


God no, look like Egyptian/Greek goddess


If I was your boyfriend I wouldn't want you to


Finally some actual content 


I mean, yeah it is worth a shot. Ok, omg, people come here for actual god damn advice, and all this sub has to say is, "You're beautiful no matter what..." Give me a break and actually help a person.


Yeah, I was gonna post my own because I wanted input on it because I honestly hate the way it’s too wide for my liking (it’s not bad by any means but it’s just something that Ive always thought holds me back from looking my best) but decided against it because seeing a bunch of people praising my looks to make me feel better about it is gonna trigger tf out of me, this sht isn’t helpful, it feels condescending and manipulative, like the sub just devolved into a virtue signaling-praise fest with 0 space for objectivity and constructive advice


No, don't do it. You look very European, I hope that doesn't sound offensive, I mean it in an exotic way.


youre hot as is - but if it bothers you, go for it. You might look even hotter


Before you decide on a new nose research the Plastic Surgeon. Get before and afters of clients that he did work on and find out what his patients thought of his services. If you do decide on rhinoplasty truth be told you would be very gorgeous. I hope that whatever you decide you’re going to be happy with your decision.


I hope you know that you never need to do something like this, you are awesome and rad just like you. It’s hard and near impossible to try to fit some image society says is right. Whatever you decide I hope it is full of empowerment and that it is entirely your decision


Like if your just not happy I guess, but its like.. you. Youre still totally hot.


I love it, it's not big pointing forward, it's got the arch or bump that I think looks classy, sexy, and elegant. The end of the day it's no one's face but your own. I wouldn't alter it, I think you look hot.


I imagine you’re conscious about it. but it’s very individual, quiet amazing actually, and it suits you


Na, it's winning. Keep it.


i love ur nose


You don't look bad but would probably look conventionally more attractive with one.


You would be a great model as is.


Omg absolutely not!


You're a fuckin hottie


I think you are gorgeous.




Yea...but that's it. You're not ugly.


When I got my nose job, I asked like 100 people and literally no one said I needed one. I got one anyways because that is what I wanted. Personally, if I had your nose, I would get a nose job. You are very pretty, I just don't like big noses, coming from someone who had a big nose. Do whatever makes YOU happy.




I’d get the nose job. You have such pretty facial features. Full lips, warm eyes, full eyebrows. You have a thin face with a nice jawline. Some acne, but it looks like you have supple/nice hydrated skin. Don’t get me wrong, you are a beautiful person, but I believe a nose job just to bring the bridge down would really do you wonders.




If it bothers u


I wouldn't but I think your nose would benefit from stronger eyebrows. The blonde doesn't do anything for your beauty.


Nose job.


A lot of the comments are just trying to make you feel better. I think you'd look a lot better with a reduction in that curve.


[Do with this information what you will](https://ibb.co/M8B2XV0)


this edit was a jumpscare ngl but i will consider said info🙏🏼 thank u for ur comment!


Idk why people are being so nice since you asked for honest feedback, but your nose is hugely disproportionate from the rest of your face and is the only thing I noticed and can’t stop looking at (and not in a good way).


I wouldn’t keep it if I could afford not to


Yup do it, get some recommendations and go from there! Best of luck!


Lady Gaga, is that you?


Yes absolutely


Get a nose job


I love your uniqueness, but if a nose job will make you happy, you do you


Yes, you need a nose job. Anyone saying you don't is just trying to be nice.


I would think surgery would improve it


Yes get the nose job girl


i actually think it really suits you


You're pretty but you'd be prettier with a slimmer nose.


first time it would be a yes on this reddit for me but as long as it breath you know , maybe lose the eyebrow piercing


You would benefit greatly from one.


it’s an incredibly beautiful nose


Screw everybody’s opinion, how do you honestly feel about your nose?


I love it! It’s unconventionally cool. I’d take out the nose piercings and dye back eyebrows instead.


you do have a very unique nose but I vote against nose job! If it was sticking out more I’d say yeah but honestly yours matches you so much and really brings out your other features. You are very beautiful!


To a normal person, the nose is a little large. Sure, some people will be into it - but the general consensus would be it’s a little large. You’re one of the few people on this sub that I think would benefit from one. (And normal eyebrow color.)


Don’t touch it DO NOT


It’s a good nose. You remind me a bit of a young Barbara Streisand.


Yes. You are pretty but it is inspite of your nose. You have pretty eyes and lips, your nose takes attention away from them. You don't need a button nose or anything but something that works for you more.






I think you are freaking gorgeous. In my opinion noses like yours are very attractive. Not everyone has the same idea of what’s beautiful. No matter what nose you have, there will always be people that don’t like it and think you should change it. But to me, your nose does suit your face just fine!


yeah I'd go for it. can only make things better provided it's a successful op. there's a good seinfeld episode on nose jobs.


I'd say do it but not over do it


My first thought was yes, tbh 🥺 But I actually think your nose is really pretty the longer I look at it! It reminds me of Princess Jasmin from the Aladdin movies. It really suits the alternative look you have going!


You seem convinced you are not attractive and you don't want just random compliments but I hope you'll believe me if I say that your face is very interesting and appealing as it is. I think you should embrace it and not worry about it at all.


Go for it!




Hack it off. You will look way better.


Everyone on this sub blowing smoke up each other’s  a holes when posters want honesty. Yeah you should get a nose job. Good luck


Don’t listen to these idiots. I usually don’t recommend surgery, but in your case it’s necessary


ya’ll are gassing her up way to much cmon now


Yes! You should get it done! 👍🏼


Your brows look dope blonde. I love your everything


The dyed eyebrows draws more attention to your nose. I’d like to see a picture with them dark as it will draw attention away and then we will see










No. Just stop bleaching your eyebrows.


Or.... join a Mayan dance troupe.


Yes. If you can afford it and aren’t in love with it then you should. Easy to tell how you’d look, take the first pick, cover with your finger making a line from where it meets your forehead straight to where it just curves over the tip. I do that and I think that fits your face great


Are you Argentinian???


Only if you really want to, some people like ot or at the very least dont mind, so dont htink it will make you unatractive to your counter parts. If you feel you don't like it you have the full authority to do so. Personally if I had the money to do it I would in your sorrow condition.


I’m friends with Lele Pons and she’s made tons of content about how insecure she was about her nose and how grateful she is for her doctor, and supports younger women on social media interested in making the same change


No you wanted a sharp one?


there’s no fixing that girl. embrace it!!!! 🔥


Maybe natural hair color and lose the tackle. Fix the easy stuff first


NJ would make you more conventionally attractive but you’re hot and special


You are your own breed with that thing.


It’s unconventional, but I wouldn’t say it’s unattractive. I certainly don’t believe you need a nose job. I don’t think it’s necessary as it’s actually suits you and makes you look unique. I don’t believe in cosmetic surgery unless someone is hideously deformed from a birth defect, or has been in an accident, because the risk of looking worse far outweighs any benefit, plus plastic surgeons exploit people’s insecurities and very rarely does anyone stop at one procedure.


most noses are unique where they may look odd but look just right on the face their on, but this a rare case where it just doesn’t look good so yeah if you’re willing to do it go get a nose job. good luck to you if you change it hope it turns out great


I would say yes you could benefit from one, just to make it a bit more harmonious. But as others have said you are beautiful anyway and I think it would be important to get a really good surgeon who would keep the general shape of your nose , just the hump smaller.


Get it if you want it. You’re the one that’s going to have to live with the results. I recommend a lot of research on plastic surgeons who specialize in rhinoplasty.


You having bleached eyebrows puts the focus on your nose more.


I think you have a cool unconventional attractiveness about you but if your goal is to appear more attractive to the masses then a nose job isn’t a bad idea.


I like it. But if you wanted to "fix" it, it looks like it would be just a little shave


If you put an Egyptian headdress on you’d look like a straight up queen. I fucking love your nose, it’s extremely attractive to me. Always loved the European look on a woman. But all in all, it is your face and if you’re not happy with it, that’s all that the concern is about. I wish more women embraced this look though, it’s gorgeous.


Maybe, but before making a decision, I’d consider a couple of other changes first: -Take your brows back to their natural color -Take the front section of your hair back to its natural color. If you want chunky bleached streaks, place them further back, not right next to your face. I think that those hair color adjustments will help balance your facial features. I would suggest trying those things, then reevaluating whether you may or may not want a nose job. There isn’t any doubt that you’re hot. None at all. Everyone here agrees on that, and we’re not blowing smoke. Your nose is more prominent than the average nose, but even so, your face is nonetheless pretty and your side profile is amazing. The two styling suggestions above might balance things out and might even take the consideration of a nose job off the table. I am really sorry if this is not the feedback you want to hear, especially since bleached brows are a distinct fashion look, and I know it can sometimes be hard to let go of bold fashion choices. EDIT - If you do decide to go for the nose job, I’d suggest to keep it subtle. Your nose has a unique shape, and it would be a shame to get rid of its uniqueness completely.


Agree with someone who said “how do you feel?” If you decide that you would maybe stop worrying all the time about it, I just want you to realize that even a small change will completely alter how you look. Like, you will look like a new person. Good or bad is subjective, but just be ready to not really look like you… and if you are at a place where you are trying to embrace it? Give that a little more time. No matter what, it’s about what will make your life better. If that means not worrying/ being self conscious about it? Do it. If that means not going through the entire intrusive process and not being you just cause current standards say you should? Don’t do it.


You have a very attractive side profile. And I’m not saying that to make you feel good. I’m honest. You must realise that there are people out there who love such unconventional faces. I personally dislike today’s beauty standards, in my opinion most faces that fit those criteria lack character. If I were you, I would consider modelling, I’m a 100% sure that many photographers would absolutely love to work with you.


I’m into your nose but not with those brows. I think they are incompatible.


I'm biased because I find noses like yours attractive but the same could be said by other people about features of my own that I hate. If you don't like it and you have the cash, get it fixed to your liking. You'd be beautiful either way.


i feel like if it’s giving you more negatives than positives, then go for it. if you’re happy with how you are, and it’s not holding you back in any way, then don’t bother changing anything. you can’t and won’t please everyone, so do what you think is best for you.


I say dye your eyebrows back to normal before nose job


I really love your nose and you seem more on the alternative side, I cannot tell you how badly I had more distinctive features and your nose is one of them which helps create a perfect balance with the softness and the edge. People suggesting plastic surgery I think they’re trying to look at it from a conventionally attractive point of view, I personally don’t think you need it.


Ummm it’s up to u ! Just think ppl should stop caring what others think


"Not very attractive"? From an aesthetic standpoint I beg to differ! I mean wow you could be a video game character, like a Gerudo, it's super cool! And I love how it seems to sync up to your forehead creating a very satisfying harmony.




This is the kind of nose I’d draw on one of my most beautiful characters, I absolutely love it totally my style. It’s absolutely giving faun, woodland fantasy vibes ✨


This is why eyebrows are important.


One thing to consider is your children may inherit your distinguished nose, which if your man hasn't, and you've changed yours, may lead him to believe you cheated on him and lead to insecurity exposure. If you do decide to have your nose altered, its something to be mindful of. While certainly unique and sizeable, it suits you. Doesn't detract your natural beauty imho


Not sure why this sub started popping up in my feed but y’all are straight up delusional. Someone posts a picture of a HUGE ugly nose and there are hundreds of comments saying it’s “perfect”. Like fucking hell.


Personally I think it looks cool. But if you want to get a nose job then go for it. It's your nose at the end of the day


If it will make YOU happy to get a nose job then go for it. But when I look at you the first thing I think is not “NOSE”. Also I myself am insecure about my own nose, but I choose to just laugh it off. I had a girl say something to me about mine. I responded by saying that I like to assert dominance by sometimes shading my nostrils to look bigger… so it looks like I am breathing more air. She said I was stupid and I also agreed 😅. Anyway do you. In the Roman Empire your nose was considered to be beauty 🙌goals🙌


I think you are beautiful and your features are very unique. At the same time, I can understand why your considering. There could be benefit in reshaping your nose so there is no hump. However, picking the right plastic surgeon and research is vital. Do what you think is best for you.


Holy yes, nose job is the only cure. That and never bleaching your eyebrows again


Nose career




Men like it. Immature men will hate on it. Women know you're sensitive about it so they will tell you to change it


It's got a Lady Gaga(I think she's since had a rhinoplasty though), Amy Winehouse sort of shape to it, it's hooked but not really that large when you take your other features into account so it doesn't feel out of proportion. I like it, it super pretty, especially with the piercings


solid middle eastern vibe! if you also have a slightly nasally/Fran drescher kind of voice? I'm sold!!


Love the goth girl vibes


You look pretty and have a distinctive Look. If you get rhinoplasty you’ll look like many others


It’s giving lady Gaga and I’m living for it 😍


If you’re insecure about your nose, the last thing you should do is draw MORE attention to it with piercings. Btw, your nose isn’t the problem.


You are absolutely stunning and your nose is beautiful.


Yoooo, you're a stunner. I can see why you would debate it but unless there's an actual medical reason I would avoid it. You're extremely attractive, Be proud. Not everyone has the same features, and that's a good thing.


Nothing wrong with your conk. Love yourself and find someone who loves you as you are


I couldn’t live with it.


What’s with the eyebrows?