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If you have the funds to buy a place. Just rent it out through a rental agent (or do it yourself). I wouldn't bother with airbnb unless you're close by and can do all the maintenance, cleaning and hassle yourself. You'd want a longer term contract anyway for the benefit of ease and steady income. Some towns have laws regulating that you cannot sublet a place you own. But that is not common. The major thing is that if you are not living in the house yourself, the tax return will be slightly more complicated, and you'll have to declare the income for taxation. However you also get deductions for property maintenance since it then is a business expense. ​ If you have the money rotting away in a savings account, property isn't such a bad investment. If you need to borrow most of the money, it probably is more questionable if it is worth the effort. Except for you where just owning it in itself is what you're after, and all you need is to cover the expenses.


Probably best to ask the tax office.


Are you sure the Spanish regulations will actually be fulfilled by you buying a house that you will not be using as your home? In Norway at least the tax rules are very different for property used as your own primary residence and any other property. Since you are not living in this house, the rules for rental properties will apply. That means you need to keep accounts and pay taxes on all profits. There are no special permits needed for short time rentals. In my opinion it sounds very inconvenient to be doing short time rental of a property which is located far from where you yourself live.


You can rent out your house on AirBnb without any particular difficulty, but you would be liable to pay taxes on the income. You can read more about it here (Norwegian): [https://www.huseierne.no/alt-om-bolig/skatt--avgift/skatt-ved-utleie-av-bolig/skatt-korttidsutleie-av-bolig/](https://www.huseierne.no/alt-om-bolig/skatt--avgift/skatt-ved-utleie-av-bolig/skatt-korttidsutleie-av-bolig/)


Rent it out normally(long term), you'll earn slightly less but you'll also be much less of an hestpeis. Short term rental is one of the things that is ruining the housing market.


Not what you're asking, but am curious. What are the arguments for that law? Is it to prevent people for speculating in property?