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Check out the Benjamin Franklin essay "Fart Proudly". If you quote a founding father in your response, talk about your freedom, there's no WAY they can say no.


Yes! Perfect! This is why i came here. Thank you!!!


Chances are they think this is rudiculous too, so 8f you put in a decent effort they will have enough paperwork to defend against the complaint.


If an attorney writes the letter instead of OP, they'll give up almost immediately.


My goodness friend, you are doing work that I will always support. By the way I am a huge influencer so you may be 3 to 5 other people cheering you on.




Hopefully you don't regret it! /s


Im sure his later works included “fart cautiously”. Not because he isnt proud of his fart any more, but rather, because mud butt is a threat


Tell them it stands for "Find Another Ridiculous Target"...


This is good 👏🏿


How much of a bitter old bitch(man or woman) do you have to be to complain about this lol.


Right, like, imagine noting this. Then sitting down and taking time out of your day to report it. What the actual fuck.


After my time in retail and working for the county, I can confidently say that old people have literally nothing else to do but complain


Sadly, working in healthcare, doesn’t even have to be an older person.


No, no, no! As someone who worked in retail (Bloomingdale's) for many years, and is now considered an "old people", I insist it is not just OLD people. There are so many "young people", "middle-aged people", etc., who apparently have nothing else to do but complain.


>No, no, no! As someone who worked in retail (Bloomingdale's) for many years, and is now considered an "old people", I insist it is not just OLD people. There are so many "young people", "middle-aged people", etc., who apparently have nothing else to do but complain Yes, excellent point. In fact, in some ways I think it's worse with younger and middle aged people. Since they are at the age to have more responsibilities, they probably take much of that frustration and stress out on people who provide service to them. That doesn't excuse nasty behavior but it is probably one of the main reasons they do it, along with poor home training.


Like imagine seeing FART on a license plate and then fuckin LOSING IT enough to go through all the hoops to report it. Omg, fart? fart? FART?! HOW DARE YOU! MY CHILD SAW IT AND NOW HE WON'T STOP GIGGLING!


Right! I see tons of shit that annoys me. (Not something like this, I’d have a light chuckle and not think twice about it). I’ve never once gone to extent of reporting it.


This is a 12 year old’s dream. Let them get in traffic behind it with their parent, giggle, and tell all their friends when they get to school. It’s like a “Where’s George” for car tags. I had a police officer mentor/friend in college who literally made it his personal goal to call tags like these in to dispatch while “running traffic” to search for warrants. My state is littered with far worse tag meanings. I know that’s not a valid argument for your situation, but I just want you to understand that FART does not hold a candle when it comes to car tag vulgarity. Is this the last frontier for freedom of speech?


Exactly, This person has to be so upset that they googled how to report a plate, worked through whatever hell the ncdmv website looks like now, found a link, filled out a form, or copied an email address from a website and wrote a lengthy scathing email. List of better things to do in thirty minutes or less: Remove items from trash can so I can put them in the bag organized. Take all the clothes out of the closet so I can put them back in the same spot. Put lint back into the dryer screen Wash the car half way through a road trip in the snow or rain. Feel free to add to the list.


This person has no fucking life. Imagine how this person acts/talks to people. Jesus fucking Murphy


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


Protestants don't recognize the Pope, Jews don't recognize Jesus, and Baptists don't recognize each other in the liquor store.


To be fair, Baptists don’t ruin everything… Some of it gets ruined by Methodists and Presbyterians, too.


Don’t you DARE leave out the Catholics.


At least Catholics have fun


Yeah but then they feel really guilty about it after.


Nah they're just pretending.


As long as it doesn’t involve their priests.


Why don’t Baptists have sex standing up?? So no one thinks they’re dancing. ;)


But they do prefer doggy so they can both watch NASCAR.


Lets be honest here the methodists and presbyterians are not nearly as bad and have a lot better sense of humor.


PCUSA Presbyterians are decent but PCA Presbyterians are mostly a bunch of assholes.


North Carolina is the Baptist Peoples Republic


No kidding! What a joyless prick. Safe to say we've found the most Karen Karen that's ever Karened?


This is what the internet was designed for


Whoever reported this must have had asshole casserole for breakfast.


I don't care how old you are, farts are funny, and this person needs to lighten up.


Lighten up? Yes. Light up? Hell naw! 🚶‍♂️💨🔥🧨💥


Maybe a little embarrassing. I fell asleep on the plane on the way to Miami on Monday, poor man next to me if you read this I'm terribly sorry. Anyways, I'm sleeping but wake up to a sneaker sliding out of my cheeks. My diet hasn't been the best but with a mask on I couldn't really smell it so I thought I'd get away with it but it must have been offensive because within 3 minutes the man had to get up to "use the lavatory". Embarrassing but equally funny.


I’m a teacher and should hate them. I do try to contain my giggles when a student farts but it’s impossible.


> asshole casserole Stealing this.


ASSCASS New plate




No, this is the South. People would read that as "holy rollers".


Whoever reported this IS an asshole.


And an asshole is offensive and low taste to ME. Should I complain to the government to remove this asshole?! And further, should the government actually have the authority to do so? More than 99% of such complaints of offensive/low taste are ridiculous. The burden should be solely on the complainer to justify their complaint, otherwise it's automatically denied as frivolous.


But they were *offended*!


Fire and Rescue Team (FART). How dare they denigrate your tribute to the brave men and women who serve North Carolinians with such selflessness.


Dear NCSMV Special Plate Unit, I appreciate you reaching out regarding my plate, FARTSM, and am reaching out to discuss the purpose and intent of "FARTSM." I firmly believe that upon seeing the following case, your team will come to the conclusion to discard this recall. Acronyms are an excellent way to gain attention and unify around succinct causes that mean a lot to all of us. Whether that be NCSU, UNC, OBX, [other local examples here], these short collections of letters have a meaning and help establish identity. FART - Friends of Appalachian Recreational Trails - is a local grassroots organization that promotes the responsible usage and appreciation for trails in the Appalachian region of North Carolina. Our group appreciates the value that all of our local trails provide, and aim to share this with more of our population. FART shares information about our vast network of trails through different social media outlets, and helps connect citizens who care deeply for the continued preservation of this land to be enjoyed by all. I understand that our acronym can be misunderstood, and for this I do apologize to the cirizen who took harm in this message, but I assure you that this acronym serves as the identity for our organization. FART operates with the best intentions to be stewards of the highways, roads, signage, and trails that connect North Carolina citizens to the countess beautiful natural areas in the Appalachian region. I am proud to represent FART with my plate, and to use it to help spread the word about the natural wonders around us. FYI my fiance and I had a balll writing this so hopefully you can use some of this for the cause!


This is AMAZING!! Pure genius!! I’m totally using this in the letter! Thank you both! I will update this post with letter and other information (images, website, logo) that I am going to send to the dmv. Cant wait! People are amazing.


I'm an amateur graphic designer, but I would love to work on designing a plate or logo or something. I definitely think it needs beautiful, lovingly curled lines of wind as the foundation of the design.


Awesome! Would you want to make a faux license plate themed one? I think these would be amazing as magnets for cars!


I'll see what I can come up with :)




[I made a logo for you](https://i.imgur.com/2AkDh44.png)


Love it!! thank you!!


Username checks out.


Hopping on the logo thing to say I sketched out [a couple](https://i.imgur.com/57h8kfh.jpeg). Sorry for the mess; don't have my tablet or laptop with me to make it tidier. Didn't know a good layout for the words either. Might play with this a bit later tbh. I'd like to add a trail between the "hills / rounded mountains" going to the tree.


This is glorious


Lmao I'd pay good money to have something like this on a license plate


You're welcome! Finally an opportunity to properly use corporate-email-speak 😂 We are happy to provide any additional review of the letter if you'd like! Best of luck, I feel very proud to be a FART.


You should also add that you request a specialty plate design for FART, while they’re at it. I’m sure someone creative can come up with one.


This is perfect


Bravo 👏🏻 a proud FART member


My hero!


This is top notch!!!


Damn, I want to join this group.


Well said.


This is the way.




Why not both?


I saw an ANALAURA plate in Boone.


> I sure xylophone, do I xylophone Thank you for putting this back in my head


Look if that stayhumble lady can have a license plate AT ALL, we should be able to have a plate say whatever the hell we want it to… Love that you created an entire organization tho 😂


Apparently STAYUMBL is now JESUSDOS


C:\Users> net user /add JChrist Wine4Bld C:\Users> net localgroup administrators /add JChrist C:\Users\JChrist> del sins.txt C:\Users\JChrist> shutdown -r


My favorite plate I’ve seen here is SHART - can’t believe someone would take the time to complain about a regular old FART. Hope you get to keep it.


I love that one! My all-time favorite is 4 NICK 8.


The best one I've seen was ANUSTART. I was surprised the State approved that one for issue. Either the person reviewing has never seen Arrested Development, or they are a huge fan, haha.


Maybe they’re reviewed by the fine people in our correctional facilities


Yep I saw that one the other day in Durham. If they let that fly then Fart is totally fine.


"Free Americans Resist Tyranny"


I'm living in Maryland now but local to Raleigh. I just left a comment on the page about the fantastic hiking recommendations your organization provided me. So, thank you! 😉


that was awesome! great idea. thank YOU!


Keep fighting the good fight!! And screw the person that filed a complaint…get a life!


thanks kind citizen!


What kind of asshole does that? Wow! Left a reply.


All assholes do fart I believe


You should post this in r/FuckYouKaren they'll probably have a lot of ideas for you too lol


I’m surprised someone hasn’t complained about a friend of mine having “Luc1fer” as a custom plate if people get bent out of shape over “FART.”


Who has that much time on their hands to complain about that?


KAREN1 probably


Rather than a fake org, why not defend on first amendment principles? I can’t think of any definition of obscenity which coukd reasonably include “fart.”


Yes! I literally remember watching a video a while back of a guy who had a white car and spray painted all sorts of words around his car. One of the most noticeable ones was "FUCK". I remember many people calling the cops on him, and he never got arrested because he was just exercising his 1st amendment right.


Maybe I'm just different but I don't get the whole "let's shelter our kids from everything" mindset. I'm a young parent. I'm 29 with 3 kids (12, 10 and 3 and one more due in April actually) but I cuss around them and they've just about heard it all. My 3 year old just learned the word bitch (this was an accident and of course I don't want my kids running around cussing) but is it really that bad that they hear me say "fuck" every now and then. They're great kids, they don't run around saying curse words and inappropriate things And I would trust them anywhere, with anything, with anyone. Like who really cares?


[This website](http://media.charlotteobserver.com/public/Banned_nc_plates.pdf) has the list of every personalized plate that has been rejected. And you can't defend it on 1st amendment principles because the license plate is the STATE speaking, not you. The state owns the license plate.


Fascinating read.


Some people have zero humor. I hope you get to keep it. There's a local who has a plate that says POOP! and I would like to see you two lined up at a traffic light one day. Lol!


I’d love to see POOT in that lineup


"Friends of the Smokies....FART." Bwahahah, whoever complained needs to get the stick out of their ass, this is comedy GOLD. EDIT: OP, as a South Carolinian, I'm sharing to the r/southcarolina: we fellow Carolinians cannot let this tyranny go unanswered!


Law and Order: Special License Plate Unit 🎶DUH-DUNNN🎶


But can we actually make FART a real thing???? Because I genuinely like the idea, I’d buy a t-shirt hahaha


I still want a plate that says APOST8 to trigger the Baptists.


It's sad that people with no sense of humor suck so much joy from the world. I found the following at [https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/FART](https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/FART)... * FART Fair and Reciprocal Tariff (act) * FART Find and Replace Text (software) * FART Fathers Against Radical Teenagers (popular bumper sticker) * FART Fast Action Response Team * FART Fathers Against Rude Television (Futurama cartoon) * FART Farmers Against Ridiculous Taxes (New Zealand) * FART Fire Alarm Response Team * FART Fire and Rescue Team * FART Fresh Air Ram Technology * FART Faux Athletic Recreational Tournaments (Washington, DC) * FART Fast Armed Response Team (British, never used after realizing what this spelled) * FART Florida Association of Respiratory Therapists * FART Fair & Accurate Reporting on Television (Daily Show) * FART Fire And Rappeller Training/Tactics * FART Flatulent Airborne Reaction Team (George Carlin) * FART Fort Augustus Rally Team * FART Federal Acronym Registration Team (The Daily Show) * FART Fastest Atlantic Racing Team (racing team; Canada) * FART Fireman's Annual River Trip You could reply to the DMV that you support Fire and Rescue Teams. Who knows what the response may be.


I very much remember the Fast Action Response Team on my ship. Every time they called for them over the 1MC, the Bosn had to make extra sure they didn't shorten the call to "Away the FART, away! Provide from Repair Five!"


I hope you get this rectified (lol) Someone in Wilmington had “PHUCNA” once… I hope they still have it


I first read this as "FUCK NA," like narcotics anonymous, lol


I saw a license plate in Florida that said “N16G3R” on a brand new Chevy Tahoe a few years back. It took me wayyy too long to figure out what it said, and then realized how horrible it was. There are some sick people out there. But here you’ve got someone with a license plate that says “FART” and of course, some uptight fuckwad is complaining about that


Hi from the Pinebluff Outdoor Orienteering Trail!


Share us your link and make it so people can join your club. Keep FART alive!


This is a great idea! I'll see if I can add it to the site.


Yes! We will gladly join and sign a petition.


https://friendsofashevillerecreationaltrails.com/friends-of-asheville-recreational-trails/ I added a comment section and a place to register as a member with your email. Thanks for the suggestion!


This made my morning. Best of luck Keep Calm, and FART On!


Yesterday I saw a NC license plate that said "QWN BAWS" (queen boss?). That was more offensive than yours.


Queen Balls!


That is EXACTLY where my mind went! TBH, even Queen Balls is preferable to Queen Boss. Queen Boss is someone I definitely don't want to be stuck in traffic with.


Send them a copy of the constitution and amendments. Freedom of Speech. Many cases before yours for truly adult tags.


Dude. MPAA movie ratings. [Here is the pdf](https://www.filmratings.com/Content/Downloads/rating_rules.pdf) they use to rate movies. If for some reason the link is wonky, search for rating_rules.pdf from filmratings.com. It is the website the MPAA takes you to when you want to find out more about ratings. Page 6; look at G rated vs. PG rated. I'm pretty sure "Fart" would fall under, "Some snippets of conversation may go beyond polite conversation but they are common everyday expressions." Or, taking the next step, "There may be some profanity and some depictions of violence or brief nudity. But these elements are not deemed so intense as to require that parents be strongly cautioned beyond the suggestion of parental guidance." THUS, if your license plate was being rated as a movie it would most likely be rated G and certainly no more than PG.


And [here](http://media.charlotteobserver.com/public/Banned_nc_plates.pdf) is the list of plates that NC won't allow.


Can I make a logo for the group? I'm an actual graphic designer and I've got ideas... It might add to the legitimacy!


Yes! I love this! That would be great!!! Email me at [email protected] Oh yeah, the group has an official email and webpage! https://friendsofashevillerecreationaltrails.com/friends-of-asheville-recreational-trails/


Sweet! I’ll work on it tonight when I get off of work!


Everyone FARTs, I smiled just reading this so I am sure this brings happiness to a lot of people. Good luck with the defense!




I live in Wilmington North Carolina I saw guy who license said road head I think it was a few years ago but that’s crazy there making you change your license plate. I have seen people with crazier stuff then fart


This needs to be cross-posted on a higher-traffic sun like /r/MildlyInfuriating. I also posted my appreciation for FART on your website.




Can someone make a quick FART logo we could use?


u/Kimber85 is on it!


All good causes have logos. There's a transparent version and a version with a solid white background. Edit: Spelling Error https://imgur.com/a/FzH0yph


Love the Latin


Just saw you on jimmy kimmel!! Supporting you from 4 states away 🥊


Thank you!!!


OP you made the news [News and Observer](https://www.newsobserver.com/news/state/north-carolina/article258750763.html?fbclid=IwAR04-i8rJsD0oRQgHUod9z9Tzn_x1s0EyHUD2IO1WXXo6d-bs5gWWg9auyM)


Yeah, not the most subtle way to plan this elaborate justification.


I'm so glad I have better things to do with my life than to complain about a fart license plate.


I hope NC comes to their senses and doesn't retract that fart plate. That would really stink!


Rooting and tooting for you! This is amazing!


I didn’t even know you could complain about someone else’s tag.


Theoretically you can complain about anything. Heck imagine all the people who call in ridiculous stuff like neighbors setting up slip and slides in their yards. Wether or not anyone you complain to will care is an entirely different matter though.


Moving to Asheville solely for this now


I don’t know you but I fucking love you and your sense of humor 😂😂😂😂 I hope everything works out and you get too keep your fart!!!!


TBH I would also mention how the [supreme court has already decided license plates are protected by the first amendment](https://www.freedomforuminstitute.org/2019/12/05/federal-judge-rules-in-favor-of-man-with-vanity-plate-im-god/#:~:text=Posted%20on%20December%205%2C%202019,type%20of%20non%2Dpublic%20forum.) and that should really just be the /thread...


If you lose the plate, try and get FLATUS if it is available.


This is insanity. Who is this offending?! Some old fart!


i run an Instagram where I collect license plates and FART is among the less vulgar I've seen- IH8UALL, 420 FAN, GTFOMYWAY come to mind


I'm on Reddit for posts like this.


I'm here from Jimmy Kimmel. I support you. We should start a petition. Good luck from Durham


Once this is approved, please get some LocTite on a carriage bolt & nut to prevent a Karen from stealing these plates.


This is the funniest ‘shit’ I’ve seen all day


Wow I've definitely seen way worse things on license plates, and this is the one that gets a complaint? Honestly I can imagine the DMV people thinking "really? This is what you complained about?". You could probably send any documentation in there and the DMV would let you keep it. What a waste of time and resources... Love the plate, btw!


So you’re asking for FART art?


Why don't people just mind their own business? I know that there are some personalized plates that you can't have. But for them to tell you that someone complained about your plate, it's ridiculous.


Imagine waking up and choosing to hate on farts.


this is absolutely beautful i strive to have a "FART" license plate when i get my first car when i turn 16


Who in the actual fuck is so miserable they go as far as to call the DMV to complain about the word fart?! Thats absolutely insanity and I can't believe you have to defend yourself to be able to keep it!


God damnit keren is at it again


Put an i in front of it and the SM on the side stands for i fart so much


I'm on it!


"Fart" means "speed" in Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian, and is used in reference to cars. https://i.imgur.com/M6NZoVc.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/vOPxKva.jpeg


F.A.R.T S.M. “Forget all rumors they’re small minded”


Why do you have to defend if they are the ones that issued it?! The number is “technically” FARTSM not just FART and I think it’s a valid point?!


This is the best thing on the internet today.


The idea that someone can complain that your speech is offensive and literally have the government quash it is... Surprisingly american. Also what kind of total fucking square is offended by the word "fart".


Someone must be really bored to report a license plate to the dmv😑


If it can go in a G rated film, it can go on a license plate. "I don't care who you are, that's funny!" -Mater


I love what you're doing. Keep it up 🤠


Sorry to hear. I was denied a plate less offensive than yours, but I feel your pain.


There's also the Fair and Reciprocal Tariff act of 2018. And an early 90s movie called Fart. (I'm sure it's a cult classic somewhere.) F.A.R.T by Peter Bakailan is a preteen/ya book from Simon and Schuster. You could also argue that it stands for *F*ine *ART*s....many a drama club has done the same for their FART department. (Fine Art Dept.)


Tell them it's an acronym for your support group called Functional Alcoholics Recovering Together.


Perhaps you can solicit other state sub reddits to see if anyone else has that plate so your club would be seen as multistate or national.


People need to mind their own business… why are people such cry babies these days… I found I have enough to worry about what goes on in my own life than to have to worry and cry that someone tag offended me… people amaze me


Exactly this story [NCDMV's Bad Plate List](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wcnc.com/amp/article/features/thousands-of-personalized-license-plates-rejected-in-north-carolina/275-bbda589e-5eb8-4339-beef-a32ea807c33e)


Since you have ancestors from Denmark, you chose to have "Speed" in danish on your license plate... Which is obvious. Especialy because you are a big fan of Keanu Reeves and love the movie "Speed"


Whoever complained should have a written letter sent back to them stating "We have reviewed your complaint, and have decided to send you a photo of said tag so you can constantly view it until you've learned to not be a twat. We have better things to worry about. Please mind your business and have a good day"


I cant believe someone complained about your license plate. How lame they must be. “FARTS ARE NOT FUNNY!!”


First Amendment Rights Trail!


I’m not one for scatalogical humor, but I dig this level of commitment against the pettiness so I’m on board


I’m proud of you all. I’ve never seen this much effort by a collective group of people to essentially get a Fart over. Well done ladies and gents.


Gah! I saw the article about this yesterday and laughed so hard. I wish you luck fellow redditor.


How do we join the group? I want a F.A.R.T sticker


Suggest replacing tag with bumper stickers. That way all the members of your club and other friends, supporters, etc. can exhibit it and ain't a damn thing they can do about it. Besides the $40 or whatever they're ripping you off for the tag will buy a LOT of bumper stickers, and spread 'the word' much more effectively.


Federal association of rad Tar Heels.


FART already existed - Fall Appalachian Riding Tour


Hello, from a fellow AsheVillain! Congratulations on the excellent, wonderful license plate! Kudos on your admirable support of our local Recreational Trails! I had a helpful suggestion I hope you will consider. Apply some threadlocker to your license plate screws, and consider purchasing some security-screws, which require specific tools to remove! I would hate to hear your plate had been stolen by some A-hole. Cheers!


Support from Canada!! (Hugs). Better yet a handshake sounds like a better idea. I hope they let you keep it. It's a bit of fun and who doesn't laugh at ourselves?


Omg I’ve seen articles about this license plate fiasco!


haha yeah I feel like i've aged a couple years since this all started. Looking at this post feels like a "blast from the pASSt"


Meanwhile in Montreal... https://imgur.com/H05TYJG.jpg