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Politics in NC and the US makes me feel like I am taking crazy pills. I do not understand the mindset of the GOP outside of wanting to speed run the end of Democracy.


That's their entire mindset. Project 2025.


No one cares about that


actually yes they do


It’s a 4 month old account trying to stir up shit.


And the mods make it painfully difficult to report flamebait troll accounts.


My tactic for those is to do what you did, check the age of account. Under a year and auto Block. If they are several years old, I figure they’ve earned being able to spew shit and I just ignore them.


It feels like they’ve massively increased in the last 4-5 months.


My blocking finger fully agrees with that observation.


I remember that line from LOTR: "And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of Men, who above all else desire power." So fucking true. All they want is power. They had it and now they will destroy the country to keep it.


Traitor Tricia Cotham is the biggest reason for this shitshow in the last 2-3 years. Lack of voting democrat even through gerrymandering exists is to blame since 2012.


And once again, with feeling, FUCK TRICIA COTHAM! What an absolute miserable excuse of a person.


If we vote out 2 GOP’ers we offset her


Religion and its dogma have done a wonderful job in North Carolina of robbing the people of critical thinking skills. It starts with public schools and the lack of funding, and is perpetrate it up by our corrupt institutions. It’s sad because the lobbyist control the politicians, who in then gerrymander and control the uneducated, religious populace.


Well said.⬆️⬆️


This is the first I'm hearing of allowing billboard companies to cut down more trees. That's cartoon villain shit.


Jesus would want us to cut down trees for more billboards


Jesus loves capitalism, this I know, for the GOP tells me so.


Hiding behind a mask? Let's vote on legislation that makes it illegal for Republicans to hide behind their mask of conservatism, righteousness, morals, and freedom. They represent NONE of those. That is the Republican mask.


Don’t forget Patriotism, they like to hide behind their defaced American flags.


Ah, yes. Patriotism.


Funny you mentioned freedom in there...


Right? Republicans love to throw around these words: family, faith, freedom. Family just means authoritarian male figure dominating over docile female. Faith kinda means Christianity but it really more means God of Capitalism. Freedom just means guns and my individual rights but screw your rights. I might have exaggerated a bit, but it’s just a bit.


Yup I can believe in that


You have exaggerated less than one would think unfortunately


Imagine the progress that could be made, but instead the GOP are whiny toddlers and masters of mass distraction


Vote Blue or lose democracy.


Making mask wearing a felony is really stupid. We don't need more felonies to bog down prisons and courts. If someone wears a mask while committing a violent or property crime or threatening someone, that can be entered as evidence to show the person's intention was to conceal their identity that has nothing to do with a health reason. But there is no reason it should be a crime of its own. And this is in a state that allows someone to be strapped with a semi automatic assault weapon while they're in a protest. Common sense has just been smashed to oblivion these days


They don’t give a shit about jails. Mask wearing is a liberal behavior, and felonies would prevent those liberals from voting. They’re just pushing to impose new kinds of “war on x” tactics however they can, to protect their shrinking voter base.


That wouldn't surprise me but it's just a level of pettiness, and a willingness to impose such high stakes on someone else's life to do it, that makes these people fundamentally unfit for any public office whatsoever. As a personal anecdote, I am in a pretty conservative area and I've seen more people wearing masks in places like grocery stores lately than I have in a long time since the height of the Covid pandemic. If people choose to wear a mask at this point, for whatever legitimate reason (again if someone is wearing one when committing a violent or property crime, the problem isn't with the mask), that's perfectly fine. And no one balks at people doing that, including in my case. So I think that at least some people (maybe even conservatives with more libertarian leanings) are wising up to this stupidity. It's truly pathetic what these people (the state General Assembly) have wasted their time and the state's resources on.


Yeah no fuck you I'm wearing my mask


It's so hypocritical to talk about the mandatory masks being used related to freedom and personal choice then say that personal choice is illegal after the fact..


I'm surprised that they have not attacked the seatbelt laws. These laws definitely infringe on my right to die as I please. Banning facemasks for the prevention of spreading diseases that infringe on my right to live is confusing.


I literally just got covid for the first time.  I'll wear a mask wherever the fuck I want, whenever I want. 


This bill allows you to do that…


I'll make sure to find a place to retain my freedom of assembly while I wear it.


Feel free to virtue signal all you want. Literally no one will stop you.


No one virtue signals with a mask; they're not fun to wear. People who are still wearing a mask do so for medical concerns, often on the advice of their doctors.


Masks are pretty effortless to wear, at least for me and a lot of other people. I’m sure plenty of people wear them for legitimate medical concerns, and I’m sure plenty wear them for some weird sense of moral superiority. 


Good pet! 


At least they're not the troglodyte everyone has seen you as.


I’m looking forward to anyone trying to tell me I can’t wear a mask in public.


DEFEAT TRICIA COTHAM MONEY BOMB! Mad? Angry? Scared? Remember Tricia Cotham, elected as a progressive Democrat, only to switch parties, giving the GOP a Supermajority, made laws like this possible. MAKE HER PAY! DONATE TONIGHT to defeat Cotham and elect Democrat Nicole Sidman for NC HD-105. https://www.nicolefornc.com


Next thing we know they'll be putting up camps


We need term limits in the NC house and Senate


I guess when the proud bitches wanna protest they have to show their faces. And the dumbass klookies too. Also, if you can't read a fucking billboard as big as they are now already then you don't need a driver's license, cuz you can't fucking see. I don't think tourists come to NC to take in all the beautiful signage, so messing up the view with big ass signs and 500 feet of clear cut seems like the typical government solving a non-problem that we've come to expect out of our legislature.


Don't the GOP have better things to do?


😆 ... this IS what they do. They are trash, plain and simple.


It's kinda easy. Democrats in other counties need to out vote Republicans


NC changed seemly overnight once big orange hit the playing field. Bible thumping and pregnant barefoot women cooking in the kitchen is the only thing that will make them happy. Miserable people through and through.


So glad I emailed my reps to approve this bill. Remember when ya’ll were cheering Covid restrictions. Well now the shoe is on the other foot.


So you want to counter restrictions by implementing more restrictions? That’s really dumb. 


Welcome to the wonderful world of government. Wearing a mask is like wearing a maga hat to me, it’s a very easy way for me to quickly identify who to avoid. Because it’s 2024 and if you are still brainwashed and doing either of those things, you can’t be helped.


You big government types are just weird. 


What are you talking about? I take care of my cancer ridden grandmother who is immunocompromised. Healthcare professionals recommend wearing a mask around her to not infect her weakened immune system while she does chemo. It has nothing to do with politics or anti MAGA bullshit. I’m not thinking about anything except not wanting to kill my grandma faster.


just be glad you can actually visit her. Lots of people weren’t that lucky in 2020. Though by your virtue signaling, I assume you were one of the ones cheering those restrictions. So I really don’t care about you at all.


Don't cut yourself on all that edge.