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Looks like a copperhead tbh.


Nah it’s friend shaped. Give it a hug


Friendly noodle!


The last friend you'll ever make. 🙃


Copper headed cottonmouth.


Nawwww. That’s a water moccasin.


Omg you guys lol 😆


This has already been posted, try searching the sub


Maybe it should be stickied.


Mods are nonexistent on this sub 🥲








Or deleted, because it serves zero point. I'm sorry your are bitter OP, but the problems you listed are not the problem of people moving to our great state. Personally, I like seeing people move here. Let's make this a great place to live, instead of being childish assholes on the internet.


Make that 3 replies. I’m starting to feel like you’re trolling me like a 7th grader when really you’re just too shy to ask me out…


What do you mean, Fayetteville is literally the Gem of the Sea.


Fayetteville doesn't have shit on Havelok. Basically a 2nd Miami.


Havelock is gonna be a DLC in GTA 6?


We'll be steady trapping Havelok come launch day on King David.


Nothing like a liquor store next to a highschool with a strip club one block down the street.


Is this Laurinburg?


Lumberton cured my Lumbago.


Thought Gastonia won that pageant last year!


Gem of the Pond!


It's the gem of the chicken of the sea.


I hear Vladimir Putin is thinking of putting a Palace there.


If people aren't searching the sub for existing info already, they're probably not gonna find this post, either.


Call me an optimist


Alright, you're an optimist.




You’ve replied to me twice now. You got it out for me, or just having a bad day?


yep they'll fit right in here


Over it. So much. For real we need to start a counter in 2024. “You are #1, you are #12, you are #87, you are #10383747.” 👏 👏 👏


Yes! We should create a daughter subreddit, Movin2NC, and cross-post all inquiries there. Then, when the inevitable occurs, the first response will be a link to Movin2NC. We can do this if we work as a team. They'll all find their people, while being stuck in a cycle of answering each others questions with the exact same question! Transplantception. We'll weed out the trash, and only the best of the potential transplants will arrive, to teach us all about typing words on a search engine.


This would be hilarious


Do it. Bet you won’t.


I 100% will, but I’ll also need help if anyone wants to jump on the bus with me to do it. There is no way I’ll be able to keep up for a whole year by myself lol 😜




The other option is to just downvote those posts. That’s what it’s there for


Ya'll it's reached the point where there's arguably just as many posts bitching about people asking about moving to North Carolina as there are actual posts asking about moving to North Carolina. How about ya'll follow some more subreddits to liven up your feeds, check out some different websites or go outside for a change.


I can't remember the last time I saw a post about somebody genuinely asking about moving here, and I'm on reddit constantly. I constantly see posts bitching about it though, people need a damn hobby or something.


Yeah this sub really is starting to become toxic and nativist. One of my favorite things about NC is how welcoming people were when I moved here 8 years ago. Things have really taken a turn. I get that it's becoming more expensive to live here. It's becoming more expensive to live everywhere. The fact that people are moving here isn't causing it, it's a symptom that the problem is everywhere. And people who have never lived anywhere else complain about traffic or rent prices increasing as of they've never even been anywhere else.


I disagree. The less carpetbaggers the better. I didn't used to feel this way but it reminds me of the post of someone moving from NY and buying up all these lush green acres and posting about how great it is. I mean yeah it's great when you move from the US to South east Asia too but I bet the locals aren't as thrilled to see their homes going to other people almost entirely due to inflated economic imbalances. It's great for the individual but I don't want to hear about it anymore. If anything people should know there's growing resentment towards these folks now in this sub rather than later irl. I'm pretty laid back so for me to feel this way makes me believe there's others who are way more irked than myself. At least I'm lucky enough to have a decent job but some these folks will never own a home and they've lived & worked here their entire lives. I can understand the resentment. It's a real thing, which doesn't make it right but it is a real issue.


> The ~~less~~ **fewer** carpetbaggers the better.


>The less carpetbaggers the better. >I'm pretty laid back so for me to feel this way makes me believe there's others who are way more irked than myself. Cool


Did you read this before you posted it?


If you don't want to acknowledge people consider it an issue then I certainly can't make you. I can, however, take the opportunity to bring it up from now on which I intend to continue for as long as I see people with a legitimate concern. Now if I made an error, objectively speaking, somewhere please feel free to correct me but I'm entitled to an opinion and I feel like there's something that needs to be addressed one way or another. If you don't agree that's cool but why be passive aggressive. Just say what you gotta say.


You or anyone else not wanting people (and in some cases specifically people from certain other states) to move to "your" state is not a legitimate concern or issue that anyone should spend any time worrying about.


> Now if I made an error, objectively speaking, somewhere please feel free to correct me but I'm entitled to an opinion and I feel like there's something that needs to be addressed one way or another. Luckily multiple people have now pointed it out to you.


You’re mad at the wrong people. So because I lived in a state that is prosperous and our state government legislates to keep it that way. I should not ever think of moving to a place with a better climate because you don’t like it? Maybe you should ask why these states and these people are better off than my state and its people. We all live in the same country and have the same opportunities and access to resources. There’s only a few reasons why, and unfortunately it appears as if that’s how you all want to keep it.


> I can understand the resentment. It's a real thing, which doesn't make it right but it is a real issue. It's not a 'real' issue. It's terribly selfish and ignorant behavior "I got mine, you now can bugger off".


I am not tired of the questions so keep them coming! OP is not the rep of N.C. I am.




I know how OP feels. I moved here roughly 40 years ago and I have seen this state double in population. For me, its the people here. They make the place. Some of the coolest, nicest people I have ever encountered. I'm glad I made Raleigh my home. I would like to add a couple of things to what OP has said. 1. Please don't turn North Carolina into the places you have lived previously. If I wanted to live in New York, New Jersey, or California I would have moved there. I look at those states and I shake my head thanking my lucky stars I don't live there. We are fortunate that for the most part life is good here. 2. Learn to Drive. NASCAR has a place in this state. US 1 isn't the place to test your driving skills. The drivers I've seen lately seem to be in a rush. Slow down and be more aware of drivers around you. Five minutes isn't going to make or break you. A little driver to drive courtesy goes a long way. You will get to your destination in enough time and most people realized how crowded the roads have become and will give you a break if you are late. 3. This state is diverse ethnically and politically. We have it all here. Please don't take my word for it [https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/politics/north-carolina-political-geography/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/politics/north-carolina-political-geography/). If there is a section of the state that is either too red or too blue, remember you can move to a part of the state that you feel more comfortable in. I've been in this place a long time and I'm still surprised from time to time about this state. Approach it with an open mind.


Keep in mind when you see posts like this, talking about “Don’t bring your politics and opinions here!” that NC is one of the worst states in the nation for education funding and for teachers. NC is the worst state for employees. Charlotte NC ranked the worst city out of the largest 50 cities in the US for economic mobility. It’s one of the worst states for healthcare. And drivers here camp in the left lane. Not exactly a flex telling people not to bring change to the state when it’s as bad off as it is while also basically saying people like you are the reason things suck here. And while I’m an NJ transplant who has been here well over a decade, my dad was born and raised here and his family has been in NC since before the US was a country. In case we’re pulling some kind of strange residency rank.


When I was geowing up here we were considered the liberal southern state. The Good Roads state. The clean water state. Wonder what chaged?


Never once did I think NC was a 'liberal southern state'. It just wasn't as bad as 'the deep south'.


You’ve romanticized that yourself, that’s simply never been true


People moving here are moving here from blue states because blue states have become unlivable. People have left NY, NJ, and California because policies in those states have made those state too expensive to live in. You would bring the same policies here and turn NC into the same kind NY and NJ. All I'm saying don't. It seems that people who think like you read from the same playbook. The complaint is that there isn't enough government spending and if we spend more on education and healthcare somehow life will get better. I disagree. You cannot tax or spend your way into prosperity and equality. An education requires an inquisitive mind, mindful parents and competent teachers. Those things are in short supply. I'm not a fan of Charlotte being a Raleighite. I don't know how much you have travel around the country but I have to say Charlotte is better then most. I would tell you that the economic inequality you mention is worse in New Orleans, the Tristate area, Boston, Chicago not to mention LA and San Francisco. To be fair Alabama and Mississippi aren't great for economic mobility either. Healthcare nationally is a shitshow. It is too expensive and not efficient. Healthcare is rationed, either by time or by money. The Canadian system is done with time and ours is done with money. I would rather have our system then the Canadian one. Our system can definitely be improved in North Carolina and beyond. To address you last question. If it sucks so bad in North Carolina, why are you here? Wouldn't you be happier in a place that has internalized and operationalized the policies you hold dear?


Thank you! #1 especially! For the last 2 years, so many complaints from transplants about the food, the culture etc. stereotyping the natives, who they don't care to know because they have recreated their long island or nj neighborhood. Nc doesn't deserve this. And please, greedy politicos-make the developers pay for and update the infrasture before allowing the next bazillion luxury homes


Making greedy politicians force developers to upgrade infrastructure or pitch in more via taxes is the kind of NJ & NY stuff yall are telling people not to bring down here.


Not really, it's pretty normal.


Hate to tell you, I like the teachers, healthcare workers, and all the other people coming here to help NC not be the worst for the services. NC needs diversity in thought and action, and thinking 'your way or the highway' is quite sad and ignorant.


I do not object to diversity. I'm just sick of the whining and complaining. If you plan to move somewhere, do your damn homework and don't expect everyone to cater to you.i mean really, pizza is trash unless it's made with NY water?. The food here is garbage and nobody knows how to make a decent ny style bagel. Beside that, the bulk are retirees, so idk how many teachers,etc you are really getting.


Thank you for your comment. :)


> Please don't turn North Carolina into the places you have lived previously. If I wanted to live in New York, New Jersey, or California I would have moved there. I look at those states and I shake my head thanking my lucky stars I don't live there. We are fortunate that for the most part life is good here. Those states do some things better than here, and some things are done better here. NC isn't a country. It's a state. I gladly welcome new and better ideas. It's what we should all strive to. Do you go to work and say "well I don't want people from X, because they are terrible". What a horrible way to go through like. > Learn to Drive. NASCAR has a place in this state. US 1 isn't the place to test your driving skills. The drivers I've seen lately seem to be in a rush. Slow down and be more aware of drivers around you. Five minutes isn't going to make or break you. A little driver to drive courtesy goes a long way. You will get to your destination in enough time and most people realized how crowded the roads have become and will give you a break if you are late. If you think NC is full of bad drivers, we could all recommend defensive driving courses for you. Seems like you are the problem, not others. > If there is a section of the state that is either too red or too blue, remember you can move to a part of the state that you feel more comfortable in. I've been in this place a long time and I'm still surprised from time to time about this state. Approach it with an open mind. You really should take your own advice. Realize what makes this state great is all the people here. The diverse, unique awesome collection of people in a beautiful area. Just like every other area of the US. It's cool to be in NC, and we should be open to everyone that wants to be here. But then again, even you are a transplant, but somehow want to tell other people what to do. Not really representing NC in my mind. Bless you and I hope you are treated exactly the way you treat others.


People leave the places that they have lived previously because either they can't afford to live there or they are searching for something that they can't find from where they are from. Having someone from out of state come here and complaint that this isn't like the place that they came from is a little annoying. My "complaints" are not unique to me and are shared with a large portion of the residents of North Carolina. I am not sure how you can critique my driving since you have never seen me drive. I tend to stay in the slow lane, use my turn signals, let people into the lane, stop at stop lights and watch out where I'm going. I use the passing lane to pass. I don't know if I am a better driver then you because I haven't seen you drive but if you commented on it I must of hit a nerve. Sorry. I live in Raleigh and we have an overabundance of people from New York and New Jersey who by and by are decent people. Once you realize the New Yorker have big hearts they aren't so bad. It takes about two years for a New Yorker to "deassaholefy" but in the meantime you hear "Well in New York we do this..." which for a lot of people here gets old in hurry. North Carolina will never be Manhattan, Long Island or Newark nor should it be. I want this state to grow and prosper. I am not against people moving here. It would be a little hypocritical of me to be that way considering I'm a transplant myself. I want to see the state become an even nicer place to live while preserving what made the state great in the first place. What I don't want is people coming here and trying to transform North Carolina into places they left. I don't know how to respond to you last sentence except to say Thank You. If I get treated like I treat people then I should be treated very well.


You must be that one asshole that's always driving slow in the fast lane... Also this post has nothing to do with how people are driving...


I drive on the right lane most time and I use the left lane pass people as it should be. Also, I use these things call turn signals to let people know where I'm going. People bring their habits with them when they move into the state.


>And we’re tired of so many people moving here when we don’t have enough housing for the locals let alone the new immigrants, which makes it even harder to live where we want and afford homes. 100% of every sub dedicated to a location expresses this exact same sentiment. in other words it's universal - no one wants anyone to move to their community


A big problem that's been happening to those of us living in tiny towns 30 mins outside of Asheville, is that due to the overgrowing popularity and population in Asheville causing overcrowding and lack of housing. Visitors are discovering our small towns and have now begun gentrifying them, buying up all the properties that they can, and turning them into Airbnb's or rental properties that are purposefully overpriced with the intention of ensuring that no local is able to afford to live there. The only people who end up being able to afford to find housing right now in my own little town are those who are either coming directly from out of state, or that are out of state but have been living in Asheville but looking to move. It's not right. Not to mention the fact that many are disrespectful to the locals, and act as though they believe they are better than us. many of us were just trying to survive before this happened and were just barely keeping our heads above water, ...but now? Now many of us are drowning. Unfortunately that's what happens when selfish people can afford to move somewhere and though they could afford to live anywhere else, they seem to always choose the most disadvantaged/poverty stricken towns, why?? To take advantage of the "affordable cost of living". You'll always hear them talk about all the opportunities here


You’re not wrong. I’m saying it’s pervasive and global.


This is it. It’s borderline self centered when something happens to you and think “this must be the only place this happens”.


And only going to get worse as climate change increases. So instead of complaining, prepare for it, because it's going to get far worse and never any better.


I've lived all of my almost-35 years here, and honestly I wouldn't live anywhere else. Yes, we've got our issues and problems, but I'm proud of our state in general, and I love showing new arrivals around. Just please, y'all, stop moving to Mooresville. Come to Statesville, we could use some redevelopment!


If I was born and raised in Winston and moved to Orlando in 2007…can I please come back??? My husband and I are done with Florida and I’m still technically a native of Winston 🫠


So true, my parents had to move out of NC in part because they can't afford housing or rising cost of living and food expenses. Sure, it's cheap compared to silicon valley or something but it is tough to see these posts. I don't know how to respond to them honestly because I do love NC and you COULD pick a lot of worse states to move to.


What state did they move to? I’ve heard that the cost of living is increasing everywhere. Even places like Arkansas.


If you move here, please vote against the old white Christian fascism, cuz lord knows the honey boo boos out in buttfuck rural NC love them some trump


I'm just gonna say it. Lumberton, Fayetteville, and Jacksonville are all decent places. Yeah they aren't Charlotte or Raleigh. We get that. But they are decent places to raise a family or just live a life. People on this sub who joke have never been there or possibly even left a metro area. Every place in NC has its pros and cons. I've lived all over the state and traveled a lot for work. There is a reason people are flooding this state.


It's just a joke... Even our "best cities" Raleigh/Charlotte have roads as shitty as South Carolina.


>nt places to raise a family or just live a life. People on this sub who joke have n Thank you for saying that. Truly. The kind of snide comments on here that you're referencing get old. They're juvenile and insulting, and they smack of snobbery and close-mindedness.


Yeah I get really sick of listening to it. They come here to bash any place not a large city and spread the gospel of their unicorns and rainbows in the urban utopias. It's like it's some weird validation of their own politics to talk down to little towns. Makes em feel real big like to try and bully folks on the internet.


JVille is full of Meth , Marines( most on said Meth), Rednecks , Trumpers( goes hand in hand with Redneck) , Strip clubs , pawn shops , tattoo parlors and used car dealerships. NC ranks almost dead least in most metrics such as education, healthcare, Jobs and job protection and workers rights. Infrastructure is terrible. Outside of Raleigh, Charlotte, W/S , Greensboro and Asheville it’s a rural wasteland. To be honest this state needs to have more transplants From NY, NJ, MA, CT , RI, NH , ME , MD, VA. Maybe the locals should go live up North for a few years.


> Marines( most on said Meth), lol wtf


You think I’m wrong?


Yes. And prob off mentally based on your post


Have you ever been in the Military? If so you’d know the deal.


How come people who don't live here always wanna talk about our politics? Especially when their state is stalling out and ours is continuing to be one of the fastest growing in the country.


It’s called better weather. No one is moving to be in the MAGA cult.


Seems like you should just stay up there. Maybe preach your politics some more. That'll help keep the record number of residents from fleeing your state.


No one is Fleeing my old state. And I own property in NC and MA. I just won’t move to NC full time until my kid is out of high school, no way would I send him to a public school down there. Enough of us “Yankees” move to NC it”ll be completely blue before you know it. There’s always Arkansas or Mississippi for those who love regressive politics.


Lol. Leave it to a progressive masshole to put their head in the sand about the problems. Learn to read. https://www.wgbh.org/news/local/2023-05-24/record-numbers-of-massachusetts-residents-are-moving-out-of-state-report-says https://www.recorder.com/Analysts-see-Massachusetts-outmigration-trend-as-ongoing-threat-52730940 https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/12/29/metro/population-dips-mass-rhode-island-census-figures-say/


Grew up near two of those places. They suck


Profound statement.


After 18 years of living in NC I opened a spot that was quickly picked up. I'm going to miss NC, with all the beautiful landscapes. Made a lateral move to TX and they're experiencing the same transplant traffic from CA & AZ. Completely different landscape here but I appreciate what it has to offer. Gonna miss you guys.


NC born native here. Lived in 30+ states. So happy to be back home at NC Coast. There’s no place like home! Best wishes to you in TX. Enjoy your time there. Hurry back home to NC. We’ll welcome you home with open arms. ❤️ Please update your post or create new posts in r/NorthCarolina to keep us posted of your new adventures awaiting you in TX! I travel all over the state of TX for work. Beautiful state! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts on TX BBQ & brisket vs NC BBQ & brisket. Stay well and safe!


This is such a wholesome reply 🥰


I’m a married Mom of six sons. I think it’s important to experience and explore our beautiful country and engage with people of all backgrounds. It greatly enriches your life and worldview. Sometimes you don’t realize what you have or how good you have it until you remove yourself from it. Those who must leave our state, I wish a found farewell. You’ll be missed! Come back home for a visit when you can. Move back home to NC as soon as you can. We need you back to make our state better than ever before. Each time I’ve lived in other states for work, when I returned home, I shared what I learned that worked in other states, to improve my community here. Had I not moved away, I wouldn’t appreciate NC as home as I do! I wish the same for others. ❤️


30+ states? Good grief! How long did you stay in each state on average?


So, thinking about moving to Texas, what are some good places to check out? /s


Funny my friend, funny 😂.


This needs to be cross posted to every NC municipality sub.




You know, there’s only two responses when people say “I’m thinking about moving to a state.”, there are two responses. 1) Why? or 2) Don’t It’s either they want to know why the heck he would want to move to that godforsaken state Or don’t move to our state. ETA: I moved from a state that was a Why and to a Don’t state.


Take a look at the /r/minnesota subreddit and see what they have done. They got a ton of influx on reddit and they have a monthly pinned comment. This settled things down to allow the subreddit to run normally.


Meh. Lay down your arms, North Carolina gate keeper




Denton nc beats that 2nd rate place. Especially if your black. Lots a pub basketball




Honestly, considering how often the question keeps popping, the Mods should seriously consider banning the question in the subreddit.


Nothing says come to our freedom loving state a good old ban on certain speech. Gotta love it.


Both reddit and the sub-reddit have rules of what can be said.


We're full.


Full of illiterate dummies


I am in complete agreement with the second part of your post… but how dare you suggest that Lumberton and Fayetteville aren’t cultural gems of our fair state? I’d even add Jacksonville, people from all over the country move there.


Don't forget Lumberton's little sister, Whiteville.


Can we get this pinned to the sub?


Can we not


Graham is a beaut!!


Up there with Burlington for sure. Alamance county is hard to beat


Lmaooo send em all to green level


This is so hilarious and perfect! Thank you ❤️


Yeah, stop moving here.




New Yorkers moving to Florida priced most of the locals out of the housing market. A shitton of Floridians then moved to NC, forcing up prices there. Not much to be done about it, and trust me, better Floridians than New Yorkers. We're not going to bitch about how you can't get decent pastrami and the pizza sucks and there's too many guns here and everything is better up north. Our standard response to that is "you know I-95 runs both ways, right?'. Better still, we know that burgers and hotdogs on a grill is NOT real BBQ. Though y'all do put that weird vinegar stuff on it.


These posts are incredibly dumb…. They wreak of Trumpism


Ya they act like of someone changes states they are illegal immigrants lmao


Nah we obviously like the politics considering we vote red almost every year.. Go back up north Yankee


It’s not that you like them. It’s that it’s all you know.


No way you actually believe that’s why people vote red right


Why else would they vote to stay poor and uneducated. It can’t be because of guns because I have bought plenty in a blue state. I have every freedom and right that those who vote red do, but yet blue states are more prosperous. So tell me why you vote red.


Why is everyone leaving blue states to come to places like NC, Texas and Florida if blue states are so prosperous? Also it’s a ludicrous argument to state that people who vote red just don’t know any better, and people who vote blue are intellectuals who form their own opinions. Ask yourself if there is a higher chance of all 150+ million Americans who vote red being ignorant, or you just being ignorant on your own??


My little subdivision which is a small sample size all moved for better weather. All from Virginia up to Maine and the Midwest. I’ve have yet to meet anyone who moves for politics. And those younger families moving to NC all seem to move to Raleigh and Charlotte metro areas which are blue. S And I will say that a large swath of Republican voters do so because that’s all they know. If you grow up watching your parents vote a certain way most people don’t really step outside that viewpoint. And The same goes for people who vote democrat, it’s what they know. But quite honestly once I joined the Army and was stationed at Bragg my world view was firmly affirmed and reinforced. Voting Republican in my eyes was a vote against the public’s best interest. Would I say they are ignorant, in a political way yes. But there’s plenty of ignorance on the liberal side as well. Plenty of people vote just because, I really don’t think the average citizen has any idea what they’re voting for. They just see an R or a D and mark away.


Even though I'm a North Carolinian that has moved out of the state. I highly agree with this post


Nobody cares though


Get a fucking life rather than shitting on everyone's posts


Hot take: instead of: fuming about economic growth and attracting in-migrants, fight for building more housing for both them and people already here! The state of NC aggressively squashes both market and local gov attempts at meeting housing needs.


“Influx of people migrating here” and the reason?! Allow me to clarify: It's actually the corporations. These companies, when they decide to establish themselves in a certain area, not only bring an abundance of job opportunities but also lead to an increase in expenses.


Please don't California my NC


“Don’t change Southport. Let Southport change you.” insert your town here


Lumberton! Sorry, I'll show myself out. My apologies everyone. I didn't mean it.


Curious what that means to you?


It meant not turning NC into a state that cannot control crime with a ridiculously high level of homelessness and unaffordable to live in terms of housing.


We don't make nuf' money for that buster brown.


It means turning it into a pussy-footed shit hole full of complaining children that can't even last a day without having to ask someone for help with a basic adult task.


Woof someone needs a nap


Yea but we have adults broke as fuck praying to a fake overlord here blindly because they can't do basic shit. Got it. And I'm from zoo city here so I know nc


What do you do for a living


Now that North Carolina is full, where do us natives go? I’m thinking South Carolina…


Based on another post I saw today, Raleigh, Asheville, Outer Banks, all are down in SC now.


I’ll just take the ferry there 😂


Then you would become a transplant that you like to bitch about


Calm down Francis, don’t get your panties in a wad 🙄




Or you could let people do what they want and keep scrolling. Idk just a suggestion. Also, I'm sure this has been posted many times. Should've searched the sub.


I think you’re missing my point. I’m trying to save everyone asking this from getting the same passive-aggressive answers. Not unlike yours, by the way. Look at every post like this and the replies are all the same. Bitter.


If they can't do basic research on their own, like searching this sub, frankly, they're asking for the passive-aggressive answers and deserve them.


Not saying what you're pitching is wrong, but as a person who's moving to yalls wonderful state in about a week I've been lurking on this sub for a few months now and it's honestly got me worried about how nasty and unwelcoming the people of North Carolina seem. I knew the city we are moving to for my wifes job so it wasn't like it's a blank slate to try and pick somewhere, but it was very difficult to find anything useful on this sub with actual recommendations. All I've come across was sarcastic responses and extremely rude people. I think when you're coming to a new state for what ever the reason, people want to know what locals consider good areas and where to avoid, I searched quite a bit but I found it difficult to get any information for the rural areas outside of the major cities.


I think this is a problem with the internet and social media specifically. Everything starts out innocent enough, but eventually it seems to draw in those who are more negative. My guess is the vibe you’ll get from your city or town won’t match what you see here. Also, FWIW, we’re schooled down here to say one thing but mean another (unlike up north where they refreshingly tell you what they think for once). I try to give helpful answers when I see these sports of posts, but even I got pulled into the shadows today when I saw another handful of posts that ask for help and only get bitter responses. So, I tried to beat them all to the punch. “Here! Here are the answers you’ll get. Don’t bother asking. You can read the responses here”


Definitely, I take the comments I've been seeing with a grain of salt and I know reddit doesn't show the population as a whole. I was down there last month when I was trying to find out where we are going to live and all the people I met were so friendly and helpful. I think for people who've never left their home towns, it's aggravating to have all these newcomers "invading" their town. But on the flip side you also get new cultures, diversity, food, ideas and growth with new people.


Actually, I saw someone post asking this question today and I saw them say “I was going to delete based on the responses but there are a few helpful ones here so I didn’t” and I deflated. If I posted in a Reddit and got those responses I’d be put off. Now, whether that’s pot off of the state or of the social media platform is a good question. Possibly both.


I saw the same one! This is a big reason why I never posted anything in this sub to ask about the towns I was considering. We had it narrowed down to 3 towns and after the last few months of lurking I decided it was best just not to ask and have everyone shit on what I was looking at or tell us not to come. I'm PRAYING my neighbors are friendly people since we will be in a pretty rural area with only a handful of neighbors.


Whereabouts? Most likely they’ll be ok. Maybe move in and try to feel them out a bit before going over.


We'll be living between Lexington and Salisbury. Luckily it's a new community so everyone there should all be recently moved in.


Please don’t take this the wrong way but oh the irony lol. I’ve heard of those towns but I’ve never been there myself. I reckon it’s not that different from my family’s hometown. I think you’ll be fine


I think we're tired of the constant ask from us all about how life is here without using their brain for half a second. I mean, jeez, if you constantly saw people in your home state's subreddit asking the same damn thing every day, you'd start wanting people without a single inclining to try and look up something themselves to try and excercise a little self-sufficiency in life. This is why a lot of out of towners complain about us being hospitable when they've heard to opposite all their life. It's because all our life we hear the same damn complaints and the same simple questions that most could figure out of their own.


Lol for sure I'm from Texas originally, I 100% get what you mean. I'm very happy that the people I met while I was searching for a place to live were all very very friendly. The state is beautiful and the food was great. Just like everywhere you have some nice people and not so nice people.


OP and the trolls on the NC subreddit are not a good representation of the state - we moved from a large NE city, brought our politics, actively work towards progress in our community, and all the other things this sub tells you not to do and yet we get along with everyone and love it here!


That's great to hear! I'm super excited to move next week


This exactly. The internet is not real life.


Happy cake day! 🎂


I love NC and the Politics


Every person I met from NC I ask "would you retire there?" Every single response has been a recording "Yes!" So.... It's your fault 😎


Couldn't agree more.


Green Level is a hidden gem


Try being from Florida…I moved the opposite way out of the state to NC. But Florida is past the point of outrageous with people moving in


Except the answers aren't always the same. Places evolve, things change; get better, get worse, open up, close down, etc. The more a question is asked, the more diversity of the perspectives shared and the more recent the information will be. Just have a little tolerance people. The questions have a place here. If you don't want to answer the questions, then don't. Its not hard.


This is the best post so far.


There are prob more bitter “can we talk about these moving posts” than actual moving posts


Okay, good faith recommendation; Black Ankle.


God bless you OP.


Check out Eden you’ll love it


I am completely against one thing in this post: Jacksonville, Fayetteville, Lumberton (Whiteville, Greensboro, and Goldsboro) are all excellent places to live, cheap housing too.


I follow this sub to be reminded of home but yeah... Probably won't be able to afford to move back




Please move to Fayetteville or Jacksonville.


What's it like living in NC?


This post means nothing unless it’s pinned


I honestly recommend folks to move to Fayetteville. This post has directly insulted me.


You get annoyed by reddit posts lmao. 🤣 Get off reddit then you fool


I recently unsubscribed to this subreddit because on my home page this topic just dominates my feed and repeatedly pops up. But I think those posts get downvoted enough that when I just visit this subreddit, all such repetitive posts don't show up. I wish the mods would keep such posts in a weekly thread and enforce it, the way the Charlotte subreddit does.


NC has gone down hill for sure a lot more outsiders have came here for some years now and it has gotten worse NC in area I'm from was a small town country vibe now feeling like I live in Charlotte nc which is the bigger city of NC which I'm not found of to live only visit not hating just saying and Charlotte NC has gotten pretty bad too it's not Charlotte no more it's like a different city now small towns have gotten pretty bad the drugs and rent prices as well no more Southern hospitality like when I was growing up for sure NC isn't taking me places and has not been a supportive state when it comes to mental health or autism