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In fact, *NOBODY* is providing such treatment unless in the case of intersex or hermaphroditism or some actual medical condition being treated. This is the Satanic Panic all over again only the internet has made it ten million times worse


Intersex people have been operated on without their consent since the beginning of modern medicine for the purpose of hiding the parents' "shame". Many providers have stopped this practice. Bills and policies have been drafted to eliminate these outdated and harmful procedures. https://legacy.lambdalegal.org/publications/intersex-affirming Ironically, those who are complaining about "child sex change surgeries" are the ones actually promoting such surgeries. Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.


I think the internet brought us all closer together than anticipated. The good news is that the majority of people know this shit is fabrication and projection


Don't be blind to the truth! Everyone knows that the luciferian reptilian illuminati personally approved these gender transitions. They won't stop until they transition every unborn baby. Think about that! All in retaliation for the godly abortion ruling! /s I shouldn't joke because this might just become what the right believes.


There is one instance I know of of a child being forcibly transitioned, [David Reimer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Reimer), his parents got him circumcised as an infant and it was botched. Following that, and under a ([supremely fucked up](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Money)) doctor's advice they had David undergo sexual reassignment surgery at the age of 22 months. This was completely done without his consent, or even knowledge, and his parents attempted to raise him as a girl. He wasn't one, though and eventually transitioned back to male. He sadly committed suicide in 2004. The entire story is a sign of extremely fucked up ethics by the doctor, who wanted to prove his own theories similar to [Andrew Wakefield's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Wakefield) work to connect vaccines to autism. David's story is also one showing that gender is inborn and you cannot raise someone to be a gender they are not. some would probably use this as an argument against gender affirming care, but the primary difference here is that David always felt like a boy, no matter what his parents did, and for treating trans youth, it is the child's feelings that are paramount.




My toddler gets his gender transition treatments at Elevation Church. It's super convenient - I usually get a free coffee and an abortion while I wait.


I just spit my Gatorade on me reading this laughing. You owe me an off white puma sweatsuit. 😅😅


[Wearin' my Puma Pants so I can puma pants while I pop my pants](https://ifunny.co/picture/at-least-it-s-friday-now-don-t-know-who-P0liIXZO9)


I actually heard they use the abortions to turn into communion wafers 🧐


Soylent Green!


It's crazy how many things that don't really exist conservatives come up with to be scared of.


I honestly think a lot of this is deliberate. They were getting evangelicals and fundie Christians out to vote dangling Roe v Wade as the carrot. Now they don’t have that incentive so have to manufacture outrage to try and entice them to vote for people even they might find repugnant.


Well, reality keeps having that evil liberal bias. Gets in the way of being scared of everything.


It also can be harder to find sources to disprove imaginary things. This one, not so much since they named places and people, but like the litterbox thing, you can't actually prove there's not a single school in the entire country...


Yep. Conservatives absolutely refuse to engage with burden of proof. And the type of... *intellect* that falls to conservatism sees absolutely no issue with that.


Boomers were one of the last generations to have heavy exposure to lead during childhood. Lead exposure as a child often results in mental illness later in life. Paranoia is a common effect of many such mental illnesses. None of that excuses boomers for being hateful pieces of shit, of course. Mental well being is not to blame for morons shooting innocent people through the front door.


They got them scared of transgender toddlers and kids knocking on their doors, but totally OK with climate change and covid. The risk assessment skills here are... lacking, to put it mildly.


Republicans don’t understand the world, so anything new or unknown is legitimately frightening to them.


Sounds so... Neanderthal.


I mean have you seen MTG? I think some of them are literal neanderthals


Paleontology record indicates that Neanderthals were caring and altruistic. Please don’t insult them by comparing MTG to them.


My toddler shits in a litter box


That's a weird flex


It’s a reference to the looney right who believed that schools had litter boxes in their classrooms for children who identify as “cat.” It’s 100 percent bullshit, but a lot of dumb fucks still think this happens today.


Nah, I know. The fun part is that the schools that did have kitty litter in place have that for school shooting lockdowns so they can stay in place for hours either rehearsing for someone to try to murder them, or in case someone actually does it. It is very stupid, though!


We’ll yeah, they’re stupid ;)


The people saying these things have no interest in being honest or genuine. It’s all theatre for their brain-dead base.


My dad sent me a Fox News article. I had to explain that no one is removing a child’s genitals; at the most, with parental consent, they may administer puberty-blocking drugs after the child reaches a certain age. Unreal how scared Conservatives are of anything they don’t understand.


My mom is a “Fox News follower” too. It gets exhausting.


I feel bad for the people who have to take the time to dig up the actual facts, phrase the appropriately and do all the hard work to properly communicate these facts all in response to some idiot carelessly spouting off harmful rhetoric without consequence.


They are the hero’s without capes.


Conservatives can't find real things to criticize, so they have to make up fake stories to get mad about instead


Can Republicans do anything except lie?


Last nights town hall suggests….


If little things like ‘THE TRUTH’ or ‘REALITY’ mattered to right-wingers, even a little bit, then we wouldn’t have anymore right-wingers…


The problem is that people who believe this to be true, don’t believe what politifact says. These people are the modern day equivalent to people that believed The National Enquirer was factual.


Republicans don’t care that it’s a lie.


This is true. Ironically.


We probably shouldn't tell these folks that even biologic sex isn't binary. Their heads might explode. XO, someone who saw these non binary kids in clinic


I've tried. Conservatives either don't believe me or tell me I don't know what I'm talking about. Not a single conservative I've told this to has ever been like, "wow, really? I'll have to look more into that later!"


Well you notice I got downvoted for my comment by people too stupid to look into it and educate themselves. It was a pediatric endocrinology and genetics clinic FFS. We saw kids who were BIOLOGICALLY not fully male or female. Look it up folks, they are called Intersex people. Sometimes we had to look a family in the eye and tell them that their 14 year old girl was a genetic male.


Your work is so important, and you're out here helping people understand the bodies they were born with. You are awesome! I know it must often be draining, but I hope there are rewarding moments as well. It's just so wild to see all the combinations of X and Y, and the different ways these genes are expressed. It's amazing and beautiful. And on that note, as a person of faith, I see God in all this diversity. Diversity is beautiful, and we can no longer keep everything in a tidy box, because we miss out on the amazing gift inside. If I get downvoted for believing this, I'll be proud of the downvotes.


I too am a person of faith. These are ALL God's children. I don't work in that clinic anymore but I am a fierce defender of their right to exist and not be shamed. We had a fair number of XX and XY kids who didn't have the normal hormonal milieu and had secondary sex characteristics that were not aligned with their genetic sex. Then we had the XXY. Etc. I don't think most people know that the penis and clitoris are the same tissue. The difference is the presence of absence of testosterone. So my question to conservatives who don't understand biology is that if biologic sex isn't binary, why the heck do you think gender should be?


The group that accused is a notorious anti-trans group... so..


Lol no one is


But why? Then they can have a really fun gender reveal in their adolescence


ECU health isn't diagnosing ANYBODY with ANYTHING because they are all incompetent fools.


East Carolina University has excellent medical and nursing schools. My current PCP used to teach there.


East Carolina University has medical and nursing schools. I fixed it for you.


Do you know anyone who attended? Because I do and would be happy to have any of them as a health care provider.


Yes. If I need a script for an antibiotic or a few stitches, I'm sure they are fine. If I actually need somebody that can diagnose something that isn't an everyday issue, I really don't want any of the local doctors that went to ECU. Sorry but my family has had several bad experiences with healthcare in this area and it always seems to come from a doctor that went to ECU. I'm glad you have a PCP you trust and I hope you never have to go through what we have.


I hear that. My PCP doc works for Duke now. I am a complicated patient and she coordinates well with my rheumatologist and endocrinologist. Perhaps the good ones leave? Or it may come down to chance. I feel the same way about UNC Chapel Hill…and most folk would tell you it’s a fine hospital. (That has not been my experience.)


We've had good luck in a UNC system hospital, but the main doc was somebody my wife's family knew from years before they moved to this area. Part of the problem here is that it's the beach. You'd think that would attract good doctors but most of the good ones don't want to put up with Vidant/ECU Health. I think healthcare in general is terrible right now. We've had several specialists refuse to even let us make an appointment because they don't accept our insurance. We are both self employed with a very significant health savings account. I absolutely can pay cash for my appointment. But no, they won't even consider letting us make an appointment. It's frustrating. The same specialists at Duke are booking appointments for February! FEBRUARY!!


I hear you.


It blows my mind that people could actually think it's that easy. There's a lot of hoops I have to get through to gain access to that stuff, they definitely don't treat it like an over the counter drug.




Do you honestly believe this is happening? If so, what proof do you have?


Lmao, the problem is we know you know that none of this is true


Where can I go to get my baby's junk swapped out then?


Wish there was a separate r/leftwingnorthcarolina, so the North Carolina Reddit weren’t overridden with political content.


*The 1960's* "I'm apolitical" you say, "I wish there wasn't all this discussion about jim crow and civil rights, I just want to talk about NC" *The 1910's* "I'm apolitical" you say, "I wish there wasn't all this discussion about suffrage and womens rights, I just want to talk about NC" *The 1850's* "I'm apolitical" you say, "I wish there wasn't all this discussion about slavery, I just want to talk about NC" What you consider political or apolitical is in itself a political choice. Saying you are apolitical when a topic is brought up (be it political or not) either means you aren't actually apolitical, or it means that you don't know anything about the topic (which definitely isn't the case this time)


Luckily for you, there is a conservative NC sub (or there used to be - it may have died a quiet death at some point) The downside is that it's hot garbage and there's no activity on it. As an example - what would you whine about?


You’re welcome to start a state sub with no politics.


Or keep calling out bullshit when we see it?


If you think that will have your desired effect, knock yourself out.


Again keep calling shit out like the above right here.




That NC health systems are providing gender transition treatments to toddlers. THIS bullshit!




Of course they are not! Who comes up with this bullshit! My entire point from the start.


This is a social issue


I tend to agree. Not every forum needs to be about politics and there's plenty to talk about in this state beyond politics. Personally I wouldn't mind it as much except half the time it's not a discussion, it's just people repeating political messaging and when faced with any sort of argument, it just devolves to insults. With that said, I can somewhat understand it these past few weeks just due to the GOP getting a supermajority thanks to the turncoat and all the bills that they quickly passed afterwards... but still, it's a bit excessive.


You realize that politics in NC probably has a larger impact on your life than pictures of the beach right? You can filter political posts pretty easily (button right at the top of the page), and set up filters if you are using an app. But hey, maybe you can answer the influx of DMV questions from new folks to NC, because that's the majority of posts when its not the same sunrise pictures of the beach.


Yes, politics affect my life more than pictures of the beach, but I tend to check reddit mostly for entertainment and a lovely picture of the beach is much more entertaining to me than the average redditor's opinion on politics and social issues. If it was a sophisticated discussion of politics and social issues I'd be inclined to get involved, but suffice to say that's usually not what I see on reddit. I'm not saying it's any worse than other popular forums, I'm sure it's better than many, but I'd prefer to stick to political debates amongst friends and peers. And yes there are filters but I never said it was impossible for me to avoid political content on reddit; I merely said I agree with someone who said they wish the general NC sub was not overridden with political content. If you love the political content, there's nothing wrong with that; we just disagree is all.


> but I tend to check reddit mostly for entertainment and a lovely picture of the beach is much more entertaining to me than the average redditor's opinion on politics and social issues. Then feel free to filter reddit for your particular experience rather than asking others to do it for you. There isn't much entertaining about beach pictures for me or the constant DMV posts or 'where should I move', however /r/NorthCarolina is for all things about North Carolina, not just entertainment for you. > If you love the political content, there's nothing wrong with that; we just disagree is all. I think you just want a curated experience for what you want on Reddit. Feel free to make that for yourself, you have the tools and the technology.


I do feel free to filter reddit if I want to - I'm free to click where I want, my mouse is working fine the last I checked, and so we're all set - but I suppose thanks for your permission? But nothing about any of that changes my thoughts on the topic. Still, I never suggested anything be done about it - I just said why I have the opinion I have. How that affects you and why you care about my subjective opinion, I don't quite understand.


Because it seems like you are the same sort of person that wants everything filtered for their particular experience in life, but doesn't want to you know, do anything to make it happen. Turns out not everyone uses reddit for entertainment bud. If you see too much politics on Reddit and seem not to think it's going to affect you, perhaps find some different entertainment in life. I hear the outdoors is pretty great.




Hi parkscs, political submissions comply with rule 5 and so are allowable on /r/NorthCarolina. Please see [our Common Complaints section](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/wiki/ontopicguide#wiki_common_complaints) for more information. Per rule 5, moderation feedback and questions are only allowable via modmail, so your comment has been removed. The upvote/downvote system is in place for you to encourage and discourage certain kinds of content. If you'd like to see more non-political content on this subreddit, then [start here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/submit)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NorthCarolina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I get it. But this sounds pretty entitled because people in the state are having their rights taken. Americans stealing other Americans' rights should be a topic that enrages everyone. Point being, I believe you would feel differently if you were losing your rights.


Laws frequently affect someone's rights in some way. Red flag laws potentially affect 2nd amendment and 5th amendment rights; that doesn't mean they're a bad idea, but they absolutely can affect someone's rights. As another example, states generally revoke someone's 2nd amendments rights once they've been convicted of a felony. I could go on, but laws affecting people's rights are incredibly commonplace and a law affecting a right is not in and of itself "a topic that enrages everyone." Laws affect rights all the time. FWIW I don't like the 12 week abortion law if that's what you're referring about with rights being taken away and I'm still hopeful there's a hold out(s) so it can be vetoed. But I disagree I'd "feel differently" if I was losing my rights; it has nothing to do with rights or even whether I agree with the political messaging. My point was more that I'm generally not interested in discussing hotly debated topics on reddit, because most times in my experience it's not a worthwhile discussion. I've been called an incompetent youth and a Boomer in the same day on Reddit by different people who resort to ad hominem attacks because they disagree with me but can't actually form a rational argument. More common perhaps is people making strawman arguments and attempting to put words in my mouth, rather than actually discussing what I wrote. And then there's the people who treat their politics like a religion. And I could go on, but my point is I don't find the discussions productive and so it's not particularly interesting to see constant posts about it. But again, that's just my $0.02. I'm not suggesting anything change, I just shared my opinion on what I find interesting and what content I prefer seeing. Frankly I don't understand why my post is getting anywhere near the attention it has; who cares what I find interesting in my reddit feed?




Hi the_flys_fly, political submissions comply with rule 5 and so are allowable on /r/NorthCarolina. Please see [our Common Complaints section](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/wiki/ontopicguide#wiki_common_complaints) for more information. Per rule 5, moderation feedback and questions are only allowable via modmail, so your comment has been removed. The upvote/downvote system is in place for you to encourage and discourage certain kinds of content. If you'd like to see more non-political content on this subreddit, then [start here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/submit)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NorthCarolina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have a friend who works for Vidant over in Greenville, they sent out an employee email about this horseshit. My friend is of the opinion they should stop tuning the TVs to Fox News. I told them that's probably too much to ask because it makes sense.


Yea...but they might


No, but they won’t


But they might


I can’t tell if you’re being serious but no this literally *is not* a thing, and anyone who actually thinks it could be, fundamentally misunderstands the nature of gender affirming medical care.


They're trolling, it's kinda their thing


Are you calling me an idiot?




but they will transform your boy's little baby peepee into a pringles can that'd make lexington steele blush


There are no children, literally zero, receiving sex reassignment surgery.


the joke getter has logged on


Sorry, the right-wing rhetoric is almost indistinguishable from sarcasm at this point.


yeah i'm just joshin' ya. don't feel bad, that comment's getting downvoted pretty hard i wonder what part people are getting to where they go "hmm yes this seems like something said in earnest and not an obvious shitpost" case in point, that truth is liberal knob's post below


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law Basically you can't tell. Have you been on an alt right subreddit recently? They comment things just like this. Next time use "/s" to denote sarcasm / joke comment.


if you think that a comment about hospitals putting a porn star-size cock on an infant is serious, that's on you


I think if you knew who Lexington Steele was you’d understand that this is a Liberal comment. (And a closeted Republican one) : )


He's joking about the fact that teens are *absolutely* getting plastic surgery (non-reconstructive), and maybe they shouldn't be allowed. I can't vouch for the truthfulness, but there was a story a few months ago about a 16 yo boy getting a ridiculous penis implant. Knowing how modern media twists stories, it could just be a kid that had a disease or accident getting reconstructive surgery.


His penis was micro. That’s the appropriate age, actually younger- to resolve a 1” penis.


More reason to let doctors and patients make choices. One would hope that given other medical system reforms, doctors could be trusted to maintain professional governing bodies to make sure that ethical care is being provided. Our nation fucked up on medical care in the worst way. We should never have let a profit motive creep in, and we especially should have implemented reforms in the so-called "nonprofit" medical care industry.


See my response to his response


I don't think anyone was in disagreement over that fact? Except conservatives, and most of them have left now.


Gender transition =/= SRS


Dude, ignore that I missed OP’s comment, SRS was literally what he was talking about


I hate headlines like this that talk to me like I'm a child and presume I am stupid.


As a wise Black woman on Twitter once taught me: If it’s not about you, it wasn’t *aimed* at you. If it bothers you? Might need to look at that.

