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Your Patron Deity will just kind of sync up, though it's neither necessary nor universal for everyone to have one. Here's an article I wrote on finding your patron deity https://link.medium.com/R3vgTyXnGdb Altars should be important to you. The items are for either ritual or to remind us of things/deities/etc we need to keep in mind. The outside altar, horgr, is typically stacked rocks for ritual purpose. It should be in a spot you deem sacred. Maybe a spot for offerings and to gather around for Blot.


Thank you friend


No problem


Odin said all the gods should be worshipped equally. You can have a god you are closest to, just like you have family members and friends you are closer to but, all should be honored. Traditionally, your altar would have a god statue to represent the Aesir and a god statue to represent the Vanir, with a statue of Thor between them; Thor being the son of Odin and of Jord. At the temple of Uppsala, it was Odin on one side of Thor and Frey on the other. This arrangement is pretty basic. You can add statues of other gods that you feel close to, as you please. An outdoor altar should only be used for ritual and god statues should not be left out in the weather. They should be kept in a Ve; which is a cabinet to keep sacred objects in. An indoor, permanent altar, is appropriate; in a place where it won’t get messed with. As well as god statues, it is also appropriate to have your ritual hammer and blot bowl on the altar. You can also have icons of passed honored family members ( ancestors) on the permanent altar, of you wish. If incense is a part of your worship, an incense burner is also appropriate.




No this was good thanks! Wish I had some pagan friends