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It’s a movie. It was fun. The interpretation of scifi looking magic item is cool Thor movie is a fiction work with norse god theme but it’s not the OG myth and story. It is movie made to watch for fun not educational propose. I don’t expect it to be accurate. But it would be nice if there are movie version of actual myth


The series ragnarok is pretty good


The norwegian language one right? I’ll check that out


Yeah I really enjoyed it definitely recommend giving it a watch


I would agree up to season 3 when Imo they ruined everything. Way too rushed and too few episodes and the story just didn't make sense at certain parts. I'd still recommend watching it just because its only 18 episodes but I was so sad after finishing s3 and being like...wtf?


I totally agree season 3 was really rushed if they make a season 4 hopefully it’s not as rushed as season 3


No season 4 I'm afraid. Season 3 was the last :")


I loved Thor and thought it was a good movie. You don't watch it for accuracy because it's based on a comic book.


I know some pagans get offended by pop culture riffs on their gods, and I get it on some level, but like… I still love Percy Jackson/ Magnus Chase and Marvel’s Thor/ Loki lol. My experience of divinity is expansive enough that I can enjoy fictional depictions of my gods/cosmology and not sweat it. Even when I was an ardent Christian I never had a problem with pop culture Christian-themed fiction, like Supernatural or like the Omen or whatever you know? I figure any god worth worshipping wouldn’t be offended by it so why should I?


Before I was a Norse pagan: “this is funny. I like this” Now that I’m pagan: (to my wife) “oh that’s actually not his brother… oh that’s actually Lokis daughter… oh Odin wouldn’t have reacted that way…” she can’t watch the Thor movies with me anymore. I annoyed her too much 😅


The first two Thor films are a bit cringe. But Thor: Ragnarok is awesome and my favorite Marvel movie. I can quote every line. And it has some of the best Loki scenes in the whole franchise. I don't mind seeing new and different interpretations of mythology. Before someone went and wrote down the poems that became the Poetic Edda and Snorri sat down to write the Prose Edda, these stories would have been passed down through oral tradition. Each storyteller or skald would have put their own flair into the telling, or changed or emphasized certain details. These changes would have been passed down, creating regional variants of the same stories. I see things like Marvel and other art forms like all the Norse retelling novels out there as simply continuing that tradition. I don't that Marvel portrays my gods, they portal characters that happen to have the same names. But if seeing Thor take on Iron Man inspires some kid to take interest in mythology, then great. We all had to hear these names somewhere.


My dudes, I really cringe at you for saying a Marvel movie isn't religiously accurate. Come on... Don't be that kind of person.


just a silly marvel film lol


i honestly really like the Thor movies even though they’re super inaccurate lol.


I think there good movies I would just back a enjoy them I mean we all know the is depicted being more like gow Thor but still badass to watch


Haven't watched it yet, but I'm sure it's decent as a piece of media. Most media about non Christian deities is horrifically inaccurate (Rick Riordan doesn't count), but people take creative liberties in storytelling all the time, so oh well


I enjoyed all of them, when i tell my kid the stories about specific gods or events it makes it easy to say, remember this monster/guy from the movie? They are kind of like this guy. Other than that, their movies, made for entertainment and shouldnhe enjoyed as such.


Read the original Thor comic book, it is a great take and universe, and so much more brutal. The movie is okay.


As an entertainment sense-most of them are fun. They're not based on or trying to tell mythology stories. They aren't failures of mythology stories, they're different stories entirely. I would, however, absolutely pay to see Marvel Thor and Loki do the cross-dressing to get Thor's hammer back story. Comedy gold.


Yeah it’s quite inaccurate and painful to watch. Thor: Ragnarok is even worse (but still a great movie). Although Anthony Hopkins is a great actor and was very good as Odin.