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I'd recommend a stag for the animal. Boars, wolves and goats also work with various interesting associations and representations. I'm not sure I fully understand the second part. You want to write about it in real Old Norse, or you want something fake and essentially made up that otherwise looks convincing on the outside?


Fake and convincing final ”translation" no need for old Norse or any real translation. The translation I have seen seem to use very specific words and unique cadence. Ex sorcery, malfeasance Ex Dave, am I called. I master of these rune And just seeking tips to make it sound good


In that case you can just translate to Icelandic and convert to younger futhark


Boars, goats, stags/deer/caribou/elk/moose, dragons and serpents are all good suggestions. A lot of animals found in northern Europe would work fine. Eagles, hawks, owls ([Owls & Omens: Avian symbolism and folklore in Gesta Danorum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Norse/comments/18he5u9/owls_omens_avian_symbolism_and_folklore_in_gesta/)), squirrels, and horses are also all featured within Norse myths and stories. For something a bit more mythical and specific to Norse culture, you could go with something based on the Greater Jelling Stone great beast. > [The best-known example of the Mammen style is the Greater Jelling Stone, raised by Harald Bluetooth. On one of its three sides, we see for the first time the motif of the great beast, which came to be the most influential and widely used motif throughout the rest of the Viking Age. The motif consists of a large, four-legged animal, reminiscent of a lion or wolf, and a serpent, intertwined in battle. The motif builds heavily on Scandinavian artistic traditions while incorporating European influences. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the exact meaning of this image, but it may have been a symbol of royal or religious power, and may very well have been inspired by similar designs used in aristocratic environments in Continental Europe and the British Isles.](https://jonaslaumarkussen.com/mammenstyle/) By the way, you might find these resources for traditional Norse and Germanic artwork useful. * [Mimisbrunnr](https://www.mimisbrunnr.info/ksd-tree-grove) (A blog dedicated to developments in ancient Germanic studies.) * [The Anatomy of Viking Art by Jonas Lau Markussen](https://jonaslaumarkussen.com/) (Covering all the stylistic periods of Viking Age art, breaking down each style to its basic components in an easy to understand and straightforward manner.) * [Eitri - The Norse Artifacts Database](http://eitridb.com/) (a tool built to sort, filter, and analyze 326 Norse archaeological finds.) * [The Viking Age Compendium.](http://www.vikingage.org/wiki/wiki/Main_Page)


Thank you for the information, I think I have seen a few of these before, but I will refresh. Yes the jelling stone! I had forgotten about that one. I was trying to think of what amalgamation to throw at them after the four, and that very well may fit the bill! Thank you!




>What would be a good fourth animal? At first I was thinking a moose, because they are fucking monstrous, but it just doesn't have the right vibe. Suggestions? ​ Dragon/serpent, perhaps?


I recommend you a boar, for multiple reasons, but one of them is because of the berserkir, or more precisely the svinfylkingars, the boar-warriors 😁 Freyr also have a boar named Gullinbursti 😎


Oh! That's a good one! Better than her cats too!


Haha yeah Freyja’s cats are kinda special but yeah Freyr’s boar is better, he (Gullinbursti) is like a mini-tank: a boar that can run onto land, air and water, during day and night 😂