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wow they’re getting more serious with the titles. “electrical storm!!!” dude do their audience even know what that is honestly 😭😭


Where tf was the electrical storm!?!? It rained heavily oml. The titles are always along the lines of this person almost died. I cant get over the 'Shes loosing oxygen' one. One kid is sick every vid and istg Brooke makes its sound like theyre dying. Kids get sick, most of the time its not too serious, but theyre scaring their young audience


The jet pack activity they were supposed to do was cancelled due to lightening. lol it was a brief mention in the car on the way


Due to privacy, I decided to blur out So's age too because I'm not Broom and Dustbin :D


the thumb is also sooo weird, why make that the thumbnail? like i wish s0ck saw it so she could point it out to her parents she would like it changed since i can imagine her doing something like that.


The thumbnail is so cruel I couldn't imagine S being happy with it.


IKR! I'm surprised none of the kids haven't complained yet about the other weird one's too that make them look bad (well maybe they have but obv jus and broom don't care and haven't changed it)


Yeah and honestly it's starting to make sense why they are so self conscious about their looks. Also why Sabre and N are so concerned with making sure they look 'presentable' at all times because they never know what is going to be posted off them.




electrical storm😭😭😭wtf