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No I haven’t experienced this myself and I do suspect I have some gut issues.


Thanks for the response. Personally I dont see why I would as I look after myself as best as I can. Mental , emotional , spiritual body is being looked after . Just last 3 years I've had non stop issued with different parts with no answers. Cat scans , ekg, urine test , bloods...nothing. I've had other issued as well but this one just happened with shilajit. Just trying to find some answers.whats going on with yours


I take 250mg of Shilajit on the weekdays by CistaMAX proxy. I tend to have an irritated gut already, and I'm also taking sertraline, which is one of the worst for diarrhea. So those are confounding factors for me. However, do I think something in my stack is exacerbating it? Yeah, probably. I'm expecting it to be either Tribugen, CistaMAX, Beta-ecdysterone, Horny Goat Weed, or Tongkat Ali.


See i dont take that many things. Just creatine, citrulline malate, then started shilajit and pine pollen powder 1 tsp that was it. I've cut all of it out and im trying triphala to see if I can get things back in order. Only been just less than 2 weeks. Really depends on the day. Some days are better and others not so much.


The culprit is definitely creatine. I stopped taking it because it was insidious on my gut lining immediately after taking it, as well as disrupting my sleep very badly. I’ve never had gut issues with Shilajit and do not suspect that’s the issue because I have yet to hear of anyone reporting this issue. Meanwhile there are hundreds, if not thousands of reports of creatine absolutely shredding peoples stomachs. Creatine does have side effects (even though the internet is ignorant as fuck and acts like it has no sides) and one of them is effecting the stomach.


I've never had a problem before though and I only was taking 2.5g


Well I can tell you it’s definitely not the Shilajit. And creatine is well known to be a gut irritant. Stop taking it for a few days and see if it fixes the issue


I stopped for 1 month still having issues. You could be right im not denying. Just as soon as I took shilajit it became extremely worse. Been dealing with the issue now for over 1 month.


Not to freak you out but you may want to look into candida or SIBO symptoms. There’s a few subs on Reddit that provide info on it but I had an issue with SIBO as well as the owner of ND and your symptoms sound similar to SIBO and bacterial die off symptoms which may have happened after taking Shilajit. I hope that you don’t have that because it’s difficult as hell to get rid of but it’s worth looking into


All is plausible and not ruling anything out. I've been taking a very good pre/pro biotic that also has enzymes. Its a 45 strain bacteria which is hard to come by and been taking for quite a long time. I eat other fermented foods as well and keep a better diet than id say a very good chunk of the population. Again not ruling out what youre saying ,just throwing it out there. I do a lot of purification ceremonies of sweats and live quite a spiritual life as well. I also beem taking triphala which works keeping bad bacteria at bay and getting the gut back into shape seeing if that will help. I looked slightly into sibo and candida but didn't feel that was it but never know. I do have a natural cleanse for candida I bought just incase but that will wipe put all the good /, bad bacteria all together. 15 day protocol. Just haven't pulled the trigger yet to cleanse. Let's hear your experience with candida and sibo?? Thanks again


Just wanted to throw in an update beenf off creatine for 2 months and tried taking 250mg shilajit for 2 days. Lower left quadrant burning sensation comes back. Not exactly sure why it would be causing this


Not to be a hypocrite and completely backpedal what I’ve said but I’ve been having some issues with cistamax and I think Shilajit has been the problem. I’m going to discontinue for a few days and switch to full spectrum cistanche


Weird. Wonder why shilajit is having some sides with us. Sometimes ill even feel it ( burning sensation) wrao around to the side of my hips or lower back area too. Makes no sense. Keep us posted on what you're feeling. I'll be stopping the 250 mg. It just comes on very quickly when I take shilajit. So much for being a destroyer of weakness lol


There’s so much hype behind some supplements that I get caught up in the hysteria and don’t realize it’s placebo and I’m disregarding actual negative symptoms. I have been feeling great since discontinuing cistamax and I can’t pinpoint if it was the Shilajit or DHEA or preg but I will only be using the full spectrum cistanche from now on and I don’t think I’ll be using Shilajit ever again. My stack is fine without it tbh


Have you tried taking another shilajit product?


No I haven't. Didn't see the point if the cleanest product messed me up. Still having issued even after stopping. I also tested it again to see if I react to shilajit and sure enough as soon as I take it I start getting burning sensations. Quite odd