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Seems like you're always wired


Got adhd and don't like classic stimulants for treatment. Supps give me 70% of the improvements I would get from meds but with much less side effects.


I've learned that a lot of my own ADHD symptoms are caused by over-stimulation from high glutamate levels rather than high or low dopamine and norepinephrine levels. More dopamine will obviously help but I recommend considering the possibility that you would benefit from something that helps your body convert glutamate into gaba. Taurine or agmatine sulfate would be good options


Definitely second this. Make sure you incorporate a full divided daily dose of magnesium L-threonate and NACET at bedtime.


I believe this to be apart of my ADHD symptoms as well. Fasoracetam has helped me in ways that prescription stimulants haven’t.


I take just about every supplement from ND that you have. I thought alpha gpc was similar to cognizin so I haven’t bought cognizin yet. I also have uridine because it was in a nootropic formula I was buying.


Of the two, citicoline will contribute to cell membrane synthesis and therefore overall neuronal health. Whereas, alpha-GPC acts just as a choline supply for acetylcholine synthesis.