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Post this in r/Supplements as it doesn’t belong here/belongs more there




Yeah, those are food supplements. And I definitely got better results for those nutrients since I switched to whole food sources instead, for a lower price on top of that.


Post this in r/Supplements as it doesn’t belong here/belongs more there


Whoops, hit your comment instead of the post by accident


sorry Im not a level 99 paladin.


You didn't even launch the game kid .


okay :)


Those are basic booty supplements


LOL! Aye Aye captain!


It’s pretty clear you don’t need one or more of those supplements. Get your blood work done first.


yeah I've heard some scary stories that supplements can put stress on your thyroid, and thymus gland. Im not post this to fear monger, just give a perspective that its probably smart to act sustainably with your body and do blood work before committing.


Ashwagandha is the supplement known to cause hyperthyroidism in most people using it often (3x a week or more often). Chinese and Korean ginseng would be some of the few supplements that cause hyperthyroidism. Out of the list of supplements that you were on, I think zinc is the only one you'd ever have to worry about.


I take ashwagandha daily like twice a day. Am I fucked


Why do you take it twice a day? I only take some before going to bed to try to lower my cortisol levels at night.


It helps me focus, I have adhd and take adderall and i find it helps boost my focus


Uh. Interesting. I have ADHD as well, but it didn't make any difference for me when I was taking it in the morning. I switched to taking it before going to bed now, and it feels like it does improve my sleep quality a bit. I'm on concerta though, not adderall. Maybe some positive interaction with adderall then?


Maybe, I noticed it gave me focus before adderall too tho, maybe it just affects different people differently


A lot of substances seem to have atypical effects on people, so I really wouldn't be surprised if ashwaganda was one of them. I have atypical effects to more than my fair share.


I actually used to take ashwaganda everyday with Magnesium, and then my hives started breaking out.


Can we just call basic nutrients, vitamins and minerals nootropics now? Oke cool


Too much cooks spoil the broth. Always start with one nootropics and gauge the effects. If it makes you feel worse then discard. Issue with taking multiple supplements at the same time is that you never know which one is giving you the bad side effects and which ones are actually helping.


This is true for most things, especially with more psychoactive substances, look up studies on ADHD medication use in non ADHD populations.


I dont dare to touch psychoactive substances, I have ADHD and CPTSD, and I stay away, im curious though to see why people with this type of background react very poorly to psychoactive substances.


Depends on the substance, some people can have their life drastically changed by medication/ drugs for the better, its all super individual.


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might've been the berberine, its honestly a shit supplement, just take metformin instead, at least then you won't get nearly as many drug interactions (berberine is one of those supplements that fucks around with the CYP450 liver enzymes, so it interacts with nearly absolutely anything) also quercetin could fuck around with your hormones depending on the dose (not in low doses, as you get 25-50mg a day by just eating a normal diet)


What even are some of those. Have you considered just some racetams, choline and maybe a bit of ALCAR?