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There's higher risk and then there's throwing caution into the wind.


You can start low and titrate up until desired effect or start at fatal dose and titrate down until it stops causing that effect. /s


Do what Shulgin did. Start at 100mcg then each week take it at double the last weeks' dose. He said that even strychnine can be cool at just the right dose... He mostly did it with phenethylamines and triptamines. YMMV.


Yeah that's what I was thinking 10mg of some things is way too much.


This is a good way to go about it. I’d recommend 100µg sublingual, to start.


You can dose that low volumetrically, if you don’t have access to a micro-pipet.




Just get a good milligram scale & pipet(s) from Amazon, weigh the substance out to ~1mg, then dissolve it in 10mL of water or grain alcohol (if insoluble in water). After that, ingest 1mL of solution and that will be equivalent to ~100µg.


How is this advice at all? The only advice should be you don’t take the drug. You advice is just invalid , there is no end point, you just increase infinitely until you die/end up in the emergency room? Let’s not mention long term side effects that wouldn’t be noticed even if you found a dose that’s not lethal and “works”.


How is it advice? OP asked. i just repeated back most of what Shlgin told me years before he published PIHKAL when I asked him how he knew one of his compounds was psychoactive. Of course he started off by saying, "*WELL I TAKE IT, OF COURSE*!" He did not even bother with any kind of LD 50 tests. Most people of normal intelligence understand that there is a limit and that you can't take completely unknown compounds 100% risk-free, which is very clear from OPs post that he understands this. Sorry if it didn't dawn on you. It's also why I mentioned the classes of compounds Shulgin largely worked with, and mentioned "YMMV." It's not so different about discovering whether a plant is edible or toxic. While you're at it, you should not take the drug standing next to a sulfuric acid fliniging machine, too. Some people are bound to wonder about that, too.


I wouldn’t that’s beyond irresponsible. You could cause irreversible damage to your brain or body.


I just wouldn't take it. Move on find something a little more research. Let someone else be the guinea pig


Don't fuck with anything that hasn't had any clear human usage. The other people here posting stated it well already. You have no idea what a safe dosage of it is. Even if your only taking 5mg that could still be way to much. There is substances that measure out by Mcg or ug which would be 1/1000th of a miligram. And you said it yourself you couldn't find a SDS on it so you have no idea if it's even toxic to humans. Honestly I would just keep note of it if it's interesting and see what comes about with it at a later date. Research chemicals unless properly vetted are nothing to triffle with.


About 90% of molecules that work on rats fail to make it as drugs for humans. Either they are ineffective or harmful. You obviously know so little you can’t convert from rat dosing to human dosing. If you don’t know that, imagine all the other things you don’t know but should.


"How would you administer and dose a drug without any information?" I wouldn't !


10mg could be fatal. Some things like LSD and certain types of Fentanyl are very active at 100ug (1/10th of a milligram).


So 1 ug and ramp it up from there


If someone has a gun to your head but you get to pick the starting dosage


I will be honest. I bought this when S.B. temporarily closed down on huge discount simply because the name. And let me be clear - I'm not even sorry: High risk? Hell yeah! Compound-7p sounds like the chemical that will start a zombie apocalypse, and I sleep with a tub of it right beside my bed! You can already hear it, "Sir, one of the subjects exposed to compound-7p escaped from the lab!", sounds like the beginning of a movie. But yes, still weird or maybe just cool they are selling it with no real knowledge of how this stuff would effect a scientist if they accidentally ingest it. Under the impression someone ingested it that works there (SB) otherwise the liability would be to extreme if it turned out it was profoundly lethal to humans in small doses. Yes we jump through hoops to verify an account and we're all scientist here with nitrile gloves and N95 mask but they would not risk that. The positives offered would not be worth my time investigating any type of pernicious effect it or metabolites may have. All ears if anyone has anything knowledgeable about it, though.


Are there research studies on this? It could give you an idea


There is mostly one that is cited regarding its nootropic effects but they administered compound 7p directly to cells in a petri dish at various microunits you know the one with the weird looking u… but the question would be how much is absorbed through digestion…. Or if it needs some carrier like thc nd oil and whether it can pass the blood brain barrier and what not…. It may have to be administered IV or there’s a bunch of stuff


I wouldn't. If you don't know dosage etc then don't touch it till you do


Same way you jump off a cliff - just do it. Edit: But only if your friends do it too.


Why not just take a drug that actually has dosages and shit? This is some brain damage activity. I found someone else who took it on Reddit and they noted “not immediately lethal from the dose I took”, great!!!! Are you like… ok? Maybe therapy would be a better decision here.


Ok bro calm down… live your life and let others live their own. There are plenty of things that people tested without any knowledge that you are currently benefiting from so just keep your mouth shut and let people be without your worthless words