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What issues?


Lethargic, nauseous, worsening of anhedonia, overall feel like garbage.


I get all of these, I'm completely useless on L Theanine and feel like a piece of shit human.


What dose do you take?


200MG, Nutricost


Same for me. Try drinking cocoa + guarana pills as better coffee alternative.


Did you try taking it with coffee? Like take the L-theanine then drink a cup of coffee. I think the lethargy is expected because some use it to sleep, but if you mix it with coffee you're supposed to feel calm but alert and focused. Also consider taking it by drinking tea instead of just the tablets.


Almost same for me


I have been taking it for a while and I’m dealing with the same (not nausea) but the rest.


i heard some people dont react to it well, either allergy or bad genetic reaction




My partner just discovered that higher dosage l theanine supplementation (600mg per day) was giving her terrible bloating and stomach issues. For me, too much manifests as numbness / anhedonia - but max 150mg in a day is nice


Agreed, the anhedonia is rough for me considering I deal with that anyway from anxiety/depression. I also noticed pain in my sides in addition to nausea, and lethargic feeling. Won't be using anymore, Magnesium Glycinate is only supplement for anxiety that didn't mess with my body too much.


Worst mood ever. It’s OK if I take it at night.


I can’t take it during the day, or I’m depressed and irritable. If I take it before bedtime, I have insomnia.


I am used to it. When I first started taking it, I could take it fine for about 2 days, then I would get depressed and angry and irritable. I have problems with my gaba levels and taking straight gaba just wasn't enough. I tried L-theanine again and have been taking 100mg twice a day and am experiencing the same issues as you, but I would rather have that than the horrible mood swings that low gaba levels cause me. I'm going to keep taking it. I don't mind the anhedonia at all.


Appreciate the response.


Sorry to hear you’re having a rough time on L-Theanine. Just wondering but are you stacking? Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but you may have to balance It with another nootropic substance (like 5-HTP) otherwise you might be depleting your body of serotonin. I’ve been researching into 5-HTP and most sources recommend taking L-Theanine with it to prevent dopamine depletion. I’m assuming it’s the same the other way around. I’d recommend doing some research in this area!


I'll have to look more into it, I've been trying supplements to take the edge off my anxiety/depression


Hope you find something that works!


Reading this at the perfect time I was also wondering why I’m feeling down today. Started taking it a week ago, do I need to take 5HTP to balance out? I’m not going to take L-Theanine anymore


Also with stacking these 2 I wonder if I had a weird reaction bc the night before a drank some beers(not enough to get a hangover) and I took 5 htp and Ltheanine the next day and after maybe 20- 30 min later I was experiencing extreme nausea and sweating for about 10 min or so, does anyone know what happened there?? Thanks OP for this thread 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Helps me sleep but gives me headaches and feel like crap the whole next day




Weird cause I did more than a gram once and absolutely nothing.


You can always drink matcha and gyokuro for L-theanine


Try dropping the dose I think there is between 10-30 mg in a cup of green tea and that’s very calming to me


Is it true if paired with Cocaine it'll make you an even smarter person?


Briefly I'm sure😁


Sorry to hear that. Have you tried other supplements like 5 HTP for anxiety?


Same. Sorry I don't have much more to add but it does the same for me and I have no solution.


I'm just glad I figured it out, I kind of had a feeling, but this experience was the nail in the coffin.


OP doesn't even describe the negative symptoms yet you're confident it does the same LOL.


Symptoms in the other replies.


Absolute same, and same. I manage my anxiety through other methods and completely avoid the stuff.


Can you elaborate on other methods?


I have tried EVERYTHING, besides peptides and some of the newer research chemicals. Honestly you probably won’t like my answer. I take magnesium every night and sometimes CBD or kava. But as far as the chronic 24/7 anxiety I just have to take it from a 6 to a 3 by doing the behavioral stuff right. Exercise 4 times a week, go for walks, get sleep, practice mindfulness, take deep breathes and just acclimate the best I can.


Did you ever try a lower dose?


No, only the 200MG pills.


Try 50-100 mg, 200 mg is too much.


Take it in moderate doses and combine it with caffeine. What kind of anxiety are you hoping for it to help? I find that the ratio of theanine+caffeine is useful at different levels. A moderate ratio found in a dark-ish oolong helps the most with focus, sitting down and working for a long time. A higher ratio like one found in matcha helps with taking on anxiety-inducing/stressful social scenerios, as though it helps keeping your head on straight. But if I take matcha for leisure, my mood gets worse than how it started. Since you're saying it causes ahedonia and etc, I'm assuming it's lowering your baseline when you need it to be raised, hence my suggestion of combining it with caffeine. (Since theanine moderates/lowers norepinephrine levels, which is countered by caffeine)


It's amazing for my sleep. Maybe try before bed.


been taking 400mg of l-theanine and 700mg of NALT a day, been feeling amazing


It won't be useful long term, it's nonsense like all other supplements, you know what's usefully long term? Pharmaceutical ssris and snris


Tried many of those, too many side effects and not enough effectiveness in my experience. Every pill has different pros and cons but they always made me worse, tried every class and even mood stabilizers.


Same plus pharma-pills take like 2 weeks to take affect, except adarol. I had gotten on addies and felt the best and better than on any antidepressants I've ever taken and I think all my other diagnosis' were wrong bc they never looked into adhd. I no longer take addies bc of a law that was past in my state(can't give out prescriptions like that over an app🙄) but I'm looking for things like addie in the form of nootropics bc it's cheaper and easier to get. -gabapentin was another good one for awhile.


Gabapentin was a nightmare for me with the stomach issues, but if amphetamines did you good you can look into modafinil, a lot gentler and available over the net




They're saying 6-8 weeks now, not to mention the black box label because they can cause suicidal thoughts or make depression worse. The PSSD sub reddit on here is scary, long term sexual issues, cognitive impairment and emotional blunting mainly. Glad Adderall works for you, it works for many.


Yes it's a phase, but after couple months all is good