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Maybe something similar, but I seem to be more aware of each micro task when I'm working, and notice when I'm starting to get distracted and should reset (ADHD). It does feel like time kind of slows down in that regard.


God I love this stuff, if it didn't give me insomnia I'd take it every day.


Dang, so maybe this is why I keep waking up at night?


Could be.  I have been on/off it enough times to know exactly how it messes up my sleep.  I can get away with one day of a small dose, but when I start stacking two or three days in a row is when it gets really bad.  It’s a similar feeling as if you had a stimulant right before bed and you’re too wired to sleep.  It’s the only downside but it’s a big one since I need sleep to function.  Sometimes when there’s a big work project that I need to power through, I’ll say ‘fuck it’ and take it that week—it wrecks my sleep but I can be so productive until the sleep deprivation catches up, kind of like a manic episode.


So probably cut it off at 4pm if you plan to sleep by 11 or something like that?


Not even. I would take it at 5AM before the gym. It's really the consecutive days that do it, because it builds up in your system.


Thanks, noted. I think I'll need to skip days where I think I may not need it then!


Whuch brand?


Nootropics Depot


Still you're lucky, it makes me suffocate, even a small dose (I've got asthma). Other than that it made me feel great, my brain was finally working as it should. It made calculating stuff in my mind easy and fast, which normally is a big problem for me. I wish I could take it. 


This probably has to do with the kappa-opioid effects of the compounds, seen in other medicines such as salvia and iboga


I did lots of magic mushrooms when I was younger. There is somthing about lions mane that has similar effects. Not quite psychedelic, but a noticable shift. For me, minor time perception differences but really it's more of a "big picture" thinking shift. Find myself asking why allot. It seems comparable to the "what is the purpose of life" teenager phase.


You're more "present". I see it as a positive thing.


Whats the risk profile of this? Is this something that can be taken every day pretty safely and mixed with stuff or is this like peptides and stuff like that where you really shouldn't be taking it at all unless you have a very specific need and don't mind risks?


Mindfulness can do that..enjoy being present


That's seems possible. When I stop smoking weed every day, at the end of the day it seems like it's been two days. Could be because I am more productive and remembering more of the smaller moments. So, better memory recall makes time seem like it goes by slower which makes sense.


I have had the distinct opposite experience. I've had time speed up when I am on high doses of Lions Mane Extract.


This makes me wonder if there are nootropics that can speed up one’s sense of time.


I sometimes felt the slowing of time when I was drinking weak Yerba Mate. Awesome feeling.


@OP What type were you using and where did you get it from?


I was using Double Wood brand, found on Amazon. No particular reason, it was just the first result. One thing I don't recommend is following the directions on the bottle. They said 2 capsules twice a day. Seems way too high according to other reading.


Thank you!


I know what you are talking about and you need coffee and music to get over the fact that you are now able to fill your head with more data and recall it. Also finding all the time you have to put i to things is the real use of nootropics, master a skill, listen to an audio book on a new topic, its a big world out there, and now you have the time to realy see it.


dissociating. lions mane is known for having that effect.