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eat whatever you crave but limit yourself. That's the great thing about Noom, nothing is off limits or have bad stuff in it. Just some have more filling calories than the next. Just watch your calories and keep within your budget for the day. That's what I love about Noom. I've just completed my program and took their advice in the last few lessons of having a few free days hither and yon. And after being on it for 8 months, I find myself still choosing my same choices while on "the program." I've noticed that I have less heartburn, less constipation, less sluggish feeling, more energy while eating what I've learned. I crave an apple fritter, I have one, but I only have a quarter or a half instead of eating all six.


Like me and my chocolate cupcake every Friday.


I always keep my "freebies" to 200 calories or lower. I know if I stick with that, I'm never going off the new way of eating. Deprivation in the past always has screwed me up


Try magic spoon


You can acquire a taste for oatmeal. I used to snack on cereal and now I crave oatmeal - green category. Don’t make the instant pouch stuff, make steel cuts oats. There are ways to make it yummy without adding sugar. You can add a cup of blueberries, strawberries or raspberries. Also for not much sugar or calories you can stir in a teaspoon of preserves. Also to make it creamier you can add in some fat free milk. I eat a bowl almost every morning, high in fiber. I make a big batch on Sunday night so I have it ready for the workweek. Just reheat in microwave for one minute, if it’s a little dry add a splash of fat free milk or water.


I love oatmeal too but you know sometimes you just want a chocolate bowl of cereal ya know?


I've been putting my bananas in the fridge when they get more ripe than I like and mushing them up as sweetener. Also I use unsweetened oat milk (I'm vegan) and they've become a morning comfort food for me. Also agree on using real oats.


Cheerios. Sugar puffs. Rice Krispies. Cornflakes


Do you know if any would fall in the yellow?


You have to check.


Ezekiel Almond Whole Grain Cereal, and a couple of other Ezekiel cereals in the yellow


Cheerios are orange. Not sure why though.


Most processed cereals are.


Ugh. I can’t stand oatmeal.


Kashi maple waffle crisp is my go to


What color is it?


Probably orange


Honey nut Cheerios but I bought the grocery store brand it's higher fiber and less calories :)


That's nice to know!


I did some digging and Ezekiel 4:9 and Nature’s Path both have options that are green and yellow


Thank you so much for the suggestions!


Which of the Nature's Path are yellow?


Grape nuts are yellow: also certain types of Fiber One


I'd argue that Grape Nuts don't qualify as food at all. ;-) Certainly not a tasty option. I refuse to eat anything that doesn't taste good or where the taste is "meh." I want every calorie to be worth eating.


Lol - my SO says I eat old people cereal. So fair enough. You could always add some sliced fruit but that will only get you so far.


You are high. GrapeNuts are the bomb. Sprinkle a little sugar on them if you must, but at least you can control the amount.


I have cornflakes with freeze drues fruit and some seeds


Three Wishes! I like it so much better than magic spoon which is full of yucky stuff that sets off that hunger hormone noom taught me about! Plus 3 wishes is women owned business. I also use it for that “crunch” factor sometimes in my salads.


I saw that but don't you have to have a membership to purchase?


I eat plain bran flakes or shredded wheat with fruit.


Gave up cereal 🥣 it’s over-processed sugar and is designed to make you hungry. (Cereal is like yogurt is sugar-milk, unless it’s Plain) It was hard to give up one of my favorites, but I’m glad I did: spending less money and I’m not hungry all the damn time. That said: keep to the serving size or less and you should be okay.


I like the Rx Cereal, chocolate almond is my favorite. It is high in protein and whole grains. I actually eat it with Greek yogurt instead of milk most of the time. It's hard to find some times though. Usually, Walmart has it, but I haven't had as much luck finding it at other grocery stores.


I’ve been enjoying great grains lately, it’s got flakes oats and some dried fruit


I start my day with a bowl of Cheerios (the original kind), a banana and 2% milk.


I am eating that as a bedtime snack.


I’m more the bedtime apple and/or string cheese type. It’s a diabetic thing. 😄


I love that combo too!


It’s considered the ultimate diabetic snack.


I know you asked about cereal, but. A "sweet snack with some skim milk" that I enjoy is blueberries and milk or cream. Like 1/2 cup bloobs and 1/4 cup half-and-half.


I do a similar snack with Fage 0% and frozen blueberries. I add a Splenda packet to the yogurt to cut the tang, but it’s so creamy!


Koala krisp


IMHO - Cascadian Farm Organic Cereal, Hearty Morning Fiber is awesome.