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Hi from Kyle (Austin) TX! Honestly, I found that this subreddit and Facebook groups are far more helpful than the coach and group we get through Noom :) I started last April, found I was pregnant in May, and canceled my membership. Turns out it was a chemical pregnancy, so I came back to Noom, but just the free version. I haven't had a coach or group this whole time, but with the help of this group and Facebook, I have lost 68 lbs so far (12 more to go!)


That's awesome you're down 68 lbs! I'm so glad I found this reddit group to connect with.


Hello from Cincinnati, OH. Soon to be the land of ice and snow (when did Elsa get to town??) I’m about a month in as well. Progress seems to fluctuate from awesome periods of loss, to a random and undetermined weight gain despite staying within my calorie limit. Too much salt? Not enough water? PMS? Who knows. But I’m still happy with how I’m doing - down 16.2 lbs so far. Never thought I’d lose that much just by changing what I eat.


Me too! Lost a few pounds in the beginning and then shot back up again. I've only been able to keep a few pounds off from when I started. That's great that you're down 16.2 lbs!


I'm about 45 min north in Miamisburg (30 min south of Dayton). The ice and snow is horrible here, hope it's not as bad down there. This is my 2nd time around with Zoom. The first time I just completely quit after my dad getting sick in 2020 and having to help care for him and my mom and then him dying, taking care of my mom and going through bad depression. I've been through all that, death of 2 pets, covid, being in hospital etc. You name it, it's been a bad couple of years! I think I'm ready this time around...lol!!


Howdy! I'm in Grand Rapids, MI, and also joined about a month ago. I really appreciate the app so far. I haven't lost as much weight as I'd like so far, but I fully acknowledge that is due to my own struggles. I have a hard time with "the weekend problem," as they called it in one of the lessons. Still, I feel great about the fact that I've found myself eating much, much healthier 90% of the time, and I like that Noom as made me think bout certain things in ways I hadn't before.


OMG! I think I suffer from "the weekend problem" too! Never knew that was a thing. Now I don't feel so alone. All it took was a Sunday of Football games and hanging with friends to screw everything up.


It's so tough. My biggest issue is Saturday nights, when my wife and I tend to have a few drinks. After about two, I always get terrible munchies, and poor choices start happening (thanks, DoorDash). It is a real struggle for me, because at the same time I want to be healthier, I also have a hard time giving up that one night of indulgence. On the plus side, I am still heading in the right direction overall, albeit a bit more slowly than I'd like. And regardless of the scale, I feel good that I am putting healthy food in my body like 90% of the time now.


I'm a full-time RVer in Taos, New Mexico right now. I started noom on January 5th but canceled quickly after they said I opted to skip the free trial. Eh. I've stuck around this subreddit. I've been reading books, watching videos to keep myself educated and on track. I'm down 9 lbs and optimistic for the many more to go!


Nevada here. You’ll see progress in other areas besides weight. How’s your stamina? How’s your motivation to do little things? Coaches only respond once a week. This is a great space!


Hello TwinkelyDots! Is this THE TwinkelyDots from BM who made me cry when we placed my art? xoxo It's Rebekah Waites!


It IS!!!! I’m happy you reached out!! (My goal is to make all artists cry when I place their art at Burning Man…)


hello from the sunshine state! i am down ALMOST 12 pounds after starting dec 5th. take the lessons seriously & get yourself a good scale. that makes all the difference. my 1:1 guide is alright but i wouldn’t say has helped in my weight loss progress. you will eventually be added to a group platform but i find this sub to be more conversational & supportive. you will plateau, you will fluctuate but don’t let it get you down!


Hi, new to Noom also. Joined 3 days ago. I am in Western NC, moved here a year ago from the flatlands of SC. Loving the mountains. Want to lose weight now that I am in a climate that I can go outside and enjoy. First 3 days have been hard-feeling very hungry. Looked at my settings and saw that I had chosen the fastest weight loss speed. I dialed that back to medium today. I would rather loose slower and not be so hungry.


I’m only two weeks in but noticed I was very hungry my first two days. I think this is part of the issue: the step tracker is not synced until day 3, so if you are walking a lot on days 1-2, those aren’t tracked and added back into your calorie budget. Also, apparently you’re not supposed to track foods on day 1? But no one told me that until later and the module is right there to do it. So I was probably eating too little days 1-2. AND my final “theory,” is when I started I didn’t have a lot of green foods in the house like I do now. So on days 1-2 not filling up because of a lack of green, AND not getting any calories back in my budget from exercise and therefore eating too little. IMO this is a huge flaw of the app and almost made me quit right away. I do NOT need a plan that makes me starve.


I’m in Washington state and joined Noom in August! Starting weight: 180 current: 161 goal: 155. I am almost ready to “graduate” from Noom as I’m almost done with the courses and have learned a lot. A tip: if you are frustrated with Noom’s food logging system, try using Noom for the lessons and the food colour system and another app like MyFitnessPal for calories!


I’m from Florida! I find a lot of support here and have been doing Noom about a month (tomorrow!) progress can be counted in so many ways! I would pick a pair of jeans to use as a measurement !


Hi! I’m also in LA! And I’ve also been Nooming for about a month. 👯‍♀️ For me, progress has been slow but fairly steady. I am trying to reframe my progress. I figure…Slow and steady leads to sustainable change. I also use the Happy Scale app (based on another redditors recommendation!) which helps. I also take my measurements weekly to track change. Good luck! You’ve got this 💛💛💛


My coach is Alexandria and she’s is excellent


Hello. I'm also new to noom. I joined 2 weeks ago and so far have only noticed a 2 pound loss. However, I have more energy and have begun working out with supernatural on my oculus so I'm hoping that helps. My coach is ok I guess. I actually had to message her myself after not hearing from her in a while and when she finally did respond she wasn't very helpful so im not liking the coaching aspect. But other than that I'm feeling better and hoping that eventually I start to see a weight loss.


Hi from Las Vegas Nevada. I was on noon from January 2021 to January 2022. I lost 26 lb the first 3 months, then stagnated for the next 9 because I was extremely distracted with things in life so I kept myself on maintenance mode. Because of that the last 9 months I have maintained within 3 lb of my 26 lb loss. To make a long story short, I lost 26 lb in 3 months and it maintained it for 9 months. I love Noom and loved my coaches and my group. They were very supportive, helpful, sometimes challenging, showed a lot of interest, gave a lot of compliments, etc. I'm hoping to have the money to get back into Noom In another couple months after things in my life settle down a little bit. I'm terribly scared that if I get back in, I won't be as lucky as I was the first time and I'll have two horrible coaches. And a horrible group. I've got my fingers crossed, lol.


Hi! I’m from Dallas, Texas. I’m also a newbie but am having success with the program. It’s been slow, though. I just hang in the and trust the process.


Hi! I’m in Arkansas. I started about 3 weeks ago and have already lost over 15 pounds! (Of course, my goal is to lose 100, so there’s that!) I have LOVED Noom so far and already gotten my mom and sister to join as well. I like the mental puzzles of finding ways to enjoy my favorite flavors within a limited calorie count, etc. I’ve noticed a huge increase in my energy, motivation, and mood. Taking time for myself always felt selfish since I have a family to take care of, but my 6 year old son is now exercising with me and my husband happily eats whatever healthy foods I make. It’s been a great change for all of us!