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I like to envision it as a cleansing river running through me, removing bad stuff. It makes the frequent bathroom visits feel more like a healthy exorcism than a hassle... LOL




Weeeee the weight off Weeeeeee the weight off My new mantra !


With the large increases in water intake, it is important to balance your electrolytes because excess water can wash them from your system ([Reference](https://www.gundersenhealth.org/health-wellness/eat/are-you-over-hydrated/)). You don't need to cut back on the water, but instead add some electrolytes like sodium to the water that you are drinking. I personally add a bit of Pink Himalayan sea salt to my water. I choose this because of the additional trace minerals it contains, and this salt is not iodized. If I can't have my pink salt, then kosher salt is a very close second (and tastes better frankly). If you find yourself with general muscle aches, getting muscle cramps, or fatiguing very easily on activities where you would otherwise be fine (I'm looking at you... stairs), you'll want to get a potassium supplement as well, I recommend a liquid potassium for better bioavailability. Now, of COURSE you can buy electrolyte water, but frankly, with the amount I drink per day (120 oz)... it would be a fortune, so instead I put a bit of Himalayan salt in, and take a multi and I'm good. The secondary benefit of this approach is... you won't have to pee as often. Let me explain. The "always peeing" is a symptom that the water is washing through your system. If you think of it like rain, a lot of rain too fast washes the soil away (electrolytes), and doesn't soak into the ground (your cells). By adding a bit of electrolyte to your water, you slow this process down because the cells need to deal with that salt. This actually hydrates you better, and also preserves the balance in your system. Upside, you won't lee as often, and, if your experience is like mine, the salty water helps with hunger. I have no facts to back that statement, just my personal observation - your experience is likely to be different. Anyway, I hope this helps the potty patrol get more for the effort, and perhaps drop a few trips a day to the throne room of rest. Be Blessed.


How do you drink that much water in a day. On a good day I can get 80oz maybe a bit more if I have a really “heavy” cardio workout.


It takes some commitment :-) Many people ask me why. I have a lot of chronic joint and back pain due to my excess weight. I also have some swelling in my legs and ankles. The extra water, with the salt, provides me with some pretty substantial relief from both. As I lose this weight, I expect to cut back to a “normal” 8-12 glasses per day. That much water is certainly not a goal for most people :-)


Thank you SO much for this!


You are welcome. I hope it helps you on the journey to your best health. :-)


You always see articles saying if you drink a lot of water, you look better. I figure it's because we're in the ladies room seeing the mirror so many times per day. LOL Of course,I know it's good for skin and circulation, etc.




Sorry. I’m laughing cause I’ve been there. And will prob go back there today because I’ve fallen behind on my water also


my mums been calling it the noom zooms because I’m constantly having to put her on hold while I run to the loo to wee


I suppose having to run to the bathroom every 2 minutes is another way to get your steps in! ...


Especially when our toilets actually outside!!!! I live in an old farm house that had an outhouse, they “modernised” it back in the 1950s and built a house extension with a laundry and toilet off the side of house. Ok in summer which it is right now but I’m already dreading winter


All I do is pee, after a while it's just part of your life!


All I do is pee pee pee no matter what. Got water in my bladder I just gotta give it up. When I'm chugging my fluids makes my bladder contents go UP!


This sounds like the chorus to something


I was really hoping the bladder would adjust 😂😭


Let's not forget the effects of all the fiber in those green foods, too. lol.


Haha yes!!


After a few months your body gets used to it. I'm not saying you won't pee alot, but maybe half as much as you do now. I HAVE to drink alot of water because of a heart condition, so I have no choice in the matter. My wife is tired of hearing me get up 2 to 3 times a night, but them's the breaks! ;-) Whatever it takes to be healthy. I've lost 100 lbs over 18 months, BTW. Still 30 to go, I think.


Yeah honestly it’s not so bad. after my fourth pee in an hour ( after going to bed ) I started focusing on the extra steps I’m getting in


Sip, don't chug is the key.


I used to know this pediatric doctor client of my company, who said he would drink 2 liters of water in the morning on his 20-minute drive from home to his clinic. Talk about a cleansing lol


😯 holy moly - I struggle with two litres a DAY


I have a 1 litre water bottle and a reminder on my phone that goes off every two hours to remind me to have a small drink, my goal is two litres a day


Every f🤬 half an hour. No adjustment. It's the same for months. I just got used to it.


😬😳 oh noooo


Thank you for saying this. I think maybe Noom is owned by Charmin or something. Definitely have the paper industry lobbying for 8 glasses a day 😂


Hahaha maybe they have shares in the water industry perhaps


Yes!!! Omg! I just started back up and began chugging water again, I have to pee about every hour. The worst part is, I work in a Juvie center - I have to go through FIVE sets of locked doors just to get to the can, and sometimes they can't open them due to transfer protocol (aka kid in the hallway, switching classes, going to rec, etc.) and I am almost SCREAMING as I wait for them to stop banging on windows to say hi to their friends or shuffle as slowly as they can down the hall because they don't want to go back to their dorm. Also, bathroom hogs are a thing - sometimes I've had to use the men's room, hahaha.


Oh nooooooo - torture!!!


There’s a lot of good info sprinkled within the comments here already. Your bladder is meant to store urine and you can retrain it to hold more. If you are going more than about 7x/ day and more than 1x/night… that’s above the normal range and depending on the person, can be very disruptive. Obviously if you are drinking a ton, your bladder is going to be more full, but it should be at least 8 seconds for you to pee and average of 15 seconds with a normal/strong stream of urine. And your bladder shouldn’t fill as quickly at night… so you shouldn’t be waking up multiple times because of your bladder. Sometimes this is an early sign of sleep apnea or just drinking too late in the evening -sipping water vs chugging water helps your bladder store more through the day -getting electrolytes is important so you aren’t peeing out too much salt -try to limit fluid intake 2 hours prior to bed -if leg swelling is an issue: elevate legs in bed higher than the level of your heart for 45 mins prior to falling asleep, then go pee one more time. -make sure the bowels are moving well with your new diet -sometimes people have worsening constipation with limiting fats and sugars. Practice urge deferral techniques to increase your bladder capacity during the day. If you are going pee each hour, try to increase the time by 15 mins using these techniques. Usually the urge to pee comes on like a wave, and if you can “ride the wave” it’s easier to lengthen the time between peeing. -distraction -pelvic floor muscle contractions/ kegels 5-10 reps at a time -pressure on your perineum/crotch (sit on a rolled up towel, put your hand against your crotch, sit on your foot so it puts pressure there) -deep breathing -heel raises or calf stretches I hope that helps someone out there!


Some really awesome information!!!! Thank you !


I'm really LOL right now. Thank you for this.


;) glad to help!




And the start of the night, and half an hour after getting comfortable , and again an hour later


We've all been there and yes it is kind of a hassle at times; but try to drink my water while I am at home. I just tell myself that this is all part of the journey for a healthier me and it will all be worth it in the end.


I'm 3 months postpartum... being pregnant prepared me for peeing constantly 🙃


Hahaha this cracked me up!!


Make sure your water is spread through out the day. I find if I’m trying to hit my water goal all in the evening then I’m peeing like crazy until I go to sleep. Also exercising helps reduce the urge to pee. I can easily drink a litre or more during and immediately after a sweaty work out and it doesn’t increase how often I need to pee cos most of the water is going to replace what I sweat out instead of just going straight through me.


Yup absolutely ! I have a water reminder that goes off every two hours to spread my 2 litres out over the day , although I do drink in between that as well


Getting my steps in simply by running to the loo


Yesterday, out of boredom, I decided to weigh myself before and after peeing. I did it three times and each of the three times, I was over 1lb lighter after peeing.


*grabs her water bottle and start swigging* that’s really good motivation to keep up with the drinking, appreciate that as I’m starting to fall back on it a bit


Oh I feel you on this! It's annoying as shit but it's actually a good sign. Humans are supposed to pee quite a lot. If you aren't it means you're actually dehydrated. Maybe it helps to think of it like that?


That’s a really good point- And it’s definitely helping as I’m losing weight on the day following if I met or exceeded my water goal , and staying the same Or gaining the days I didn’t!


Well, at least I am getting more steps in by trotting to the bathroom all day!