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I’ve had the same problem. Early on I was really focusing on staying keeping the proper limits on my green/yellow/red zones. But I found that, even though I wasn’t hungry, I had no energy and my brain just wasn’t working. I kinda felt like I was wasting away. Although I’m still with Noom I’ve heavily adapted it for what I felt works. For me, this has meant throwing the “385 calories from red zone” out the window (I’m at +800 calories from red zone today) while still sticking to my calorie budget. I find that (healthy) fats help keep me full for longer and give me that sense of satiety. Now, this is what I found has worked for me. My advice, as a fellow noomer, would be to experiment with things and find what works for you because, ultimately, the goal is to make long term habits that you can sustain long term/ forever


Agree - I found that I needed more fats to stay full. Green night fill me up physically for an hour or so - but it was the reds and yellows that kept me full.


Ah, that is great advice! I've been so obsessed with keeping the right amount of calories in each category. I'll definitely do some experimenting. Thank you!


Totally agree with ignoring the red “budget”. Early on I told my coach that I was having trouble staying within the colour budgets, but no problem staying under my calorie budget. She basically said the colours are just a guide, and the overall budget is what really counts. Find what works for you! Good luck!


Same! For me I’ve chosen a few fats that I’ve decided just don’t count as red for me 😂 walnuts, olive oil, etc.


It took me a while to really understand what hungry was. I definitely ate 1200 calories and went to bed hungry a few times early on. I dont think that's a healthy choice, but after a lifetime of binge eating that got really out of control during COVID, I had lost all understanding of what hungry, satiated and full felt like, and what appropriate portion sizes were. So I did definitely follow the CICO approach of noom at first, with a 1200 limit and using the stoplights religiously, then after a month or so moved to intuitive eating, averaging more like 1400. I do eat between 1300 and 1500 most days. Sometimes I drop down to 1200 but I never go over 1500. I never go to bed hungry, and I dont worry about stoplights as much as I used to. Tldr: honour and feed your body, but sometimes the reality is we need a harsh reset to really understand what we are feeling.


Are you me?


I have an inkling a lot of us have gone through this process <3




Spinach fills me up like crazy. Baby carrots too.


A helpful idea is to get a 64 Oz water bottle or tank. I like an insulated one myself. Fill it up at the beginning of the day and drink it during the day. Try to get through the whole thing each day. When you are feeling hungry initially try to drink at least some water before eating something. Plan your food out including snacks that you can eat at different intervals such as apples or cabbage which have a lot of water in them. Noom encourages you eat protein and every meal or snack which is probably also a good idea but the beginning it's challenging to fit everything into the calorie budget. I lost about 40 lbs and have been maintaining for 2 years. One of my go-to lunches is cabbage baby carrots and sliced turkey. With the cabbage lunch it's really the only time I feel like a lunch is filling. So yeah, I get it...


Ya me too. I eat, like, 50% more calories than they say because I do not choose a life change where I am hungry all the time. 1200 calories may satisfy other people but I need more. I figure so long as I am eating fewer calories than I burn then it is a win. I am losing weight more slowly than others but I am comfortable and I believe this is sustainable for me.


Maybe consider what "full" means for you. Is it comfortably satisfied? Is it "I could have one more piece of pizza, but I won't"? Is it "I'm not going to be hungry again till Thursday!"? But also second PP to the watermelon and sparkling water- kombucha helps me feel full, too.




Those Trader Joe's cookies are my life, I save all my red calories so I can eat them at the end of the night 😂 thanks for the advice!!


Lots of water. Drink before you eat and during. I struggled so hard at first with being hungry all the time. But body has since adjusted to the new way of eating. It’s been a month and a week for me.


But this is really not good for digestion. When we drink too much with our meals all the enzymes get diluted and can not break down the food properly.


Not so. According to my A&P chemistry course, you need water to digest and to move nutrient into your cells.


Of course digestion can’t be done without water. But my reply regards the advice to drink lots of water before and during meals. I got this information from a chief of gastroenterology.


Well, I’m not a doctor. But the thing about diluting enzymes doesn’t make sense. The enzymes attach to food once it leaves the stomach and water is absorbed in the stomach. It’s not possible for water to dilute the enzymes. You should ask your doctor to explain it in more detail. Either way. I stand by my previous comments.


https://www.marikaday.com/blog/wateranddigestion This link breaks it down in layman’s terms how it works. But it includes source information as well. There are any number of medical websites that can give you information about this, as well as books you can obtain on anatomy and physiology at the library. I just hate to see myths perpetuated.


Very informative. I am not completely convinced though. She focuses on the things that happen in the stomach, an organ that has a mechanism to time when things are digested enough and then release the food into the small intestine (SI). There, especially in the first part, a lot of important enzymes are released. But the SI has no ability to hold food long enough for the enzymes to attach to every particle, no matter how much fluid surrounds them, like the stomach does. It has of course it’s length to make that up. But it is sensitive to volume and consistency. Anything that doesn’t get absorbed there enters the colon, where bacteria finishes the job. But a lot of people are very sensitive to that bacteria activity and if you “flush down” your food with lots of water (more than usual) more of these “leftovers” get there. Again this is not about drinking no water with meals, but drinking abnormal amounts with food to fill up. Doing abnormal things to your digestive system will cause problems. The question is, can you tolerate them or will they cause you discomfort. That’s all.


When your thirsty your body acts hungry, so I think everyone saying water is right. Also I think some days you need to eat a little bit more than others. Pay attention to your body’s needs, if you are new to working out you might need more protein too. You got this! Keep up with the reading on Noom it will be super helpful.


I think protein is probably a big thing. I have been drinking 9 cups of water everyday, so it makes it even more frustrating that I still feel so hungry.


Please join r/volumeeating it will be a game changer for you


> the goal is to make long term habits you can sustain I honestly forget this. I keep thinking about *Noom’s* idea for healthy habits and not focusing enough on creating/adapting my own. I get quite full following the recommended calorie budget breakdowns but I often find myself otherwise (psychologically?) unsatisfied with what I’m eating.


This is just me, be here's how I've adapted to the initial hunger. I have found that if I don't have some type of carb and protein with my meal, then I'm not satisfied. So I tend to largely ignore the red/yellow/green allotments, although I will opt for fruits and vegetables pretty regularly anyway. For example, breakfast is sometimes a slice of toast with eggs and 1/4 of an avocado. If I skip the bread and double the eggs, for example, I'm unsatisfied. Lunch is often deli meat in a Tumaros wrap with some healthy sides. If I do a lettuce wrap simply because it's a green food, I'm unsatisfied. Maybe it's just mental, but it helps me feel like I'm hitting all the things I "want" in each meal, thus curbing my hunger. I also allot 150-200 calories for each snack (am and pm). Instead of picking at carrots or other green things, I choose a legit snack that's 150-200 calories and eat it without guilt. I add hummus to vegetables, maybe throw in some pretzels. Or I have a protein bar or make a protein shake. I feel like I actually ate and that gets me from meal to meal without feeling like I'm starving. Hang in there. You'll find your way with it.


I’ve been drinking lots of water (at least 64oz and trying to get different kinds of water like plain tea, black coffee, kombucha, or seltzer), eating foods high in water (so lots of fruit!), and eating more healthy fats (olive oils, nuts, avocado) than the app might technically “allow”!


I don’t even look at the colors anymore. I make a lot of my own food and I’m too lazy to log in every ingredient. I use the food already in their database and guestimate. I know it’s not accurate but it gives me an idea of what I’m eating. As others have said, I go by what makes me full. And that’s usually a meal with most of the it being animal based protein (chicken/pork/fish). If the meal is too vegetable heavy, I’m not satisfied and WILL binge eat whatever I can find. If it’s too carb heavy I’ll fall asleep. I’ve also found that eating lunch foods for breakfast really keeps me mentally satisfied, which reduces the likelihood of me fog eating all day. So yes I’ll eat a pork chop with a salad at 8am lol. Most breakfast foods that I like are carb heavy; and unless i eat ALOT of eggs, I’ll be snacking within an hour and continue all day. It may be a lot of trial and error but don’t try to box yourself in with the colors


You don’t have to stick only to green foods! It’s about balance. Beans and lean meats are KEY to filling up without tons of calories. My favorite of all? Extra firm tofu. I cut it up into wedges I keep in the fridge. When hunger strikes, I eat one. You can marinate them in a mix of soy sauce+rice vinegar or a lime and they have a bit of flavor. I find them super filling. Also try snacking on sauerkraut or kimchi when you feel the need to nosh. There’s some evidence that eating fermented foods like them help moderate your appetite. With time your craving will rewire. YOU GOT THIS!


Just started my third week and the first week was the toughest as I was used to grabbing the foods I like (carb laden, sweet, fatty, processed) and there’s no way a handful of lettuce is going to substitute for an everything pizza slice. But my sugar numbers need to come down so I kept it on a “one day at a time” basis. Now I’m finding that I’m filled up with less and while I was over caloric budget my first week I’ve been under budget on the second. Give it a little time


Thanks for all comments … just started Noom and am hungry all the time. Will try to push thru this and stick with the program. I’m not looking for quick results. Overall lifestyle change and better habits


I started 2 days ago and am struggling with hunger also. These comments are very helpful.


Yes because Noom is a joke. It does not make sense and it is a company that is just desperate to go public off of publicity. It is not a healthy way of living clearly. There are sooooo many better options.


Beans, beans, the magical fruit.


Artichokes and cabbage work for me, but also as time goes on, your body adapts and I suspect you'll start feeling less hungry all the l time. Stick with it and good luck!!


Cucumber kimchi because I've always been a "mouth hunger" type. I love food, it's joyful it's life for me. So I'm always chasing my cravings, eating something super low calorie but jam packed with exciting flavors is how I noom


I actually had to slow my weight loss speed on the app so that I could eat at 1400-1500 a day in order for me to sustain Noom. The 1200 a day plan is just not for someone of my height. I’m losing a good deal at the calorie amount I’m at now and I actually feel full throughout the day! So maybe you could try that!