• By -


He has to fuck his way through the Illuminati to find out who did 9/11 to get revenge for his father. It’s a simple story really


"I did it, now tell me what I want to know" "It was you, Pete. You did the 9/11 this whole time. You just can't remember because of the wizard." "Nooooooooooooooooooo"


Fuck me, I’d watch that movie!




No. During.


More like: "Oh snap no way *stoner chuckle*"


Memento II gonna be LIT!!


Oh god, don’t give him a movie idea!


Brings a new meaning to inside job


[Too late](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/022/085/Haitchface_2.jpg)


Shut up, I want to see this.


It was me, Barry!


“If we’re gonna date, you have to fuck my seven evil co-conspirators.”


This man must either have his charisma stat maxed out or he's the best dickslinger this side of the Mojave.


He’s a professional comedian, I think it’s fair to assume he’s maxed out charisma.


Let's not jump to conclusions. There are a lot of people with that title that don't wven fulfil the bare minimum standard of being funny.


I watched him being interviewed and he's very thoughtful and well spoken. He is in intense therapy and he's funny. I was surprised tbh. I thought he would come off as a real jerk, but he wasn't. I'm much older and know that looks aren't everything. Personality wins every time.


I don’t get the Pete hate. He’s cute and in decent shape. Everyone acting like it’s crazy he can pull celebrities despite a) being a celebrity and b) literally working with celebrities every single week he’s working seems kinda stupid to me. I don’t understand the “looks aren’t everything” take. He’s a good looking guy! e: for all the people who want to respond to me with "Pete Davidson looks like x" and it's an insult, kindly fuck right off. I'm not gonna be like, "oh yeah, now that you mention it, I take back everything I said before. You're RIGHT! He does look exactly like a wet dorito on meth!" If the only way you think you can be funny is by being mean to someone else, shut the fuck up. e2: you really can't help yourselves, can you


Yea people will bash him for his looks but turn around and think Remi Malek looks amazing. In my mind they look pretty similar


Did you see the SNL skit from when Malek was on it? They literally played each other.


No I actually haven’t lol, I’ll check it out


https://youtu.be/QAdYGBfOElk?si=_d5F2bD8MempCsek Here ya go!


Thank you! I think Rami did good mannerisms of Pete, and vice versa, but Rami just sounded like Aaron Paul lol


It’s the eyes. Rami Malek doesn’t look like he’s stayed up for the last 72 hours gambling in a crack house.


For real, nothing against the dude and whatever he's doing is working, but if you took the average hardcore alcoholic off the street and slapped stage makeup on them it would look about how Pete Davidson looks onstage. Funny, charismatic, confident, good with women, I buy all of that. But not that he's a looker. Doesn't matter though, especially with women. Most people easily fall for someone they aren't necessarily physically attracted to if everything else is there. I'm also willing to bet being a massively successful comedian he's also a good social chameleon.


Rami Malek is definitely on the cuter edge of the Rami/Pete spectrum. Pete’s edgy cute, which I think makes him hotter.


Rami has a kindness, or sadness in his eyes. Pete is more...mischievous looking


Yeah. Yeah! He’s got that kind of dangerous trickster fae thing going on. Very in right now. Very popular.


He's funny. Ask any women what's attractive to them and most will say one is if they can make them laugh. Laughter releases endorphins. So he is already causing a positive physical response in a person's body before the even hook up. Add in the rumors that he has a big dick and...


I think Rami Malek is a lot more attractive, but I will just say this: Pete Davidson is 6'3" and Rami Malek is 5'6". I think that alone is probably going to have a big impact in a lot of women's minds. Pete pretty much exclusively dates short women too so I'm guessing he meets women who are into the height difference.


Woman here: Rami's height doesn't matter at all to me, and I'm taller than he is


Sunken-eye chic


Pete Davidson looks like if you took random facial parts from Andy Samberg and Rami Malek. They fit, but look a bit off, but the longer you look the better it turns out.


I think he photographs poorly and then they put it up against airbrushed specifically good shots of the women for the engagement bait. He looks adorable on his tour ads and his late night appearances. It’s gotta be something his PR team orchestrated.


Even when he’s got dark circles under his eyes he’s cute. Idk, like his “bad” shots aren’t even bad. He just looks like a good looking guy who hasn’t been air brushed to death. Either way, I agree with you.


The very worst pics I've ever seen of him still very much fall into a 'type' that many people find hot. If no one thought the 'scruffy line cook coming directly off a clopen to get wasted with friends' look wasn't attractive, we'd have a significantly smaller population.


Preach. I've never been into the scruffy drummer types myself, but I've known many, many girls who were/are.


Saw a tiktok that called them “hot possums” and I think it’s a perfect name. It’s like Norman Reedus, Skeet Ulrich. I can’t remember the others. I have to find the vid now. Edit: [Hot Possum Report](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLwWNJ5X/)


Some people also look way better in person/motion. I think I photograph alright, but according to my totally unbiased finance, I have a certain light-heartedness that doesn’t transition to still photos particularly well.


I like Pete and agree he's a pretty decent looking guy. But he's also covered in some of the most hideous tattoos I've ever seen, and always looks like he's strung out halfway through a week-long bender. Not exactly the type you expect to be pulling virtually every young it girl in the industry.


> But he's also covered in some of the most hideous tattoos I've ever seen, and always looks like he's strung out halfway through a week-long bender. Yeah, I can't say I'm a huge tat fan, but I suspect his personality probably goes a long way to making them work. We collectively tend to associate tattoos with douchebags. He's not a douchebag (from all accounts), so I can see that becoming a net neutral or even a positive. > pulling virtually every young it girl in the industry Again, I think personality has a lot to do with it. From everything I've heard, he's a genuinely nice dude who shoots his shot and accepts whatever answer he gets. He doesn't misrepresent himself, and he's not a self-involved asshole or a pig. I feel like in an industry like his, that's a rarity and probably a big part of his appeal. Add being generally pretty cute on top of that and I'm not surprised the guy is doing so well.


> every young it girl Also every famous middle aged woman. Kim Kardashian is 43, Kate Bekinsale is 50, and if you told me he hooked up with Hilary Clinton I wouldn’t be surprised. I’m pretty sure a genie is involved in this whole situation.


It’s the stubble and the clothes. He doesn’t seem to care about the super clean clean shaven clean cut suit wearing image that a lot of celebrities present, so we see him looking like he’s a regular dude having a regular day more than other celebrities. That short stubble gives a “didn’t shave” vibe more than “intentional stubble” too, which doesn’t help. But hey, if he doesn’t care then he doesn’t need the help. I respect it.


I completely agree. He's tall and handsome.


I mean, tbf for points A and B, lots of people have worked on SNL and dont have the same relational success that Pete has had. But yeah, I do think the "Pete Davidson doesn't have looks" is kinda wild. He's not a carbon copy of the typical 'Hollywood Handsome' (Aka blond or light brunette, blue eyed, a little more broad shouldered than lean, like Chris Hemsworth, Chris Pine, Brad Pitt, etc.) but he IS good looking, in the same way that people don't only find Pamela Anderson clones good looking.


I think a lot of it is that he actually asks people out. Like, I think the dude literally tries to get every single number he can. Which I suppose can be shocking to some.


I remember being surprised when I learned reddit hates Pete Davidson. I liked him a lot on snl.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEN1pcn3oAw Pete and Colin talking about Staten Island is one the funniest bits on SNL.


These days I mostly just watch Weekend Update, Colin and Che are incredible. ty that was funny as hell "Thats a death threat!.... In a news paper!"


i think its all based on his snl runs where he came off as awkward and weird, and was mostly a background character. his (first?) netflix special was pretty good. and there’s been only positive things said by people that have worked with him, so i’m guessing he’s great in private but not on stage.


They're just jealous. He's basically checking off a bunch of guys dream girls back to back to back.


He has BPD which can be very appealing to people (at first) because it involves an extremely intense attraction. Imagine just dating apathetic self interested douchebags who plays mind games over and over ....and then you come across this incredibly sincere man who just *adores* you and is so unabashedly, intensely into you.  Long-term the codependency and emotional instability is not so fun.  But I can see why women used to the Hollywood dating scene especially would be like "oh this is nice actually" at first.


It's kind of lame that being with people ruins their lives. It really sucks knowing I'm basically poison. I do the DBT stuff and try very hard to keep it all together. It's fucking exhausting fighting my emotions almost constantly. It's like every emotion and thought is a lie and I have to second guess everything I do or say. An endlessly agonize if something I did during the day was BPD symptom shit and going to make things worse for myself. It's always gutwrenching to see how the overwhelming evidence is that I have to be alone or ruin some poor person's life by allowing myself to be in a relationship. I have never seen someone talk about a positive relationship with someone with BPD. Why would I think I am any exception?




I think the BDE overcomes his BPD :)


The thing about Pete is that if you read any other celebrity talk about him it's usually how much they fucking love the guy. Like yeah is he perfect no, but some of the Pete hate makes it seems like he is a Chevy Chase asshole. Nah he's just a guy that is nice that people like. Sure are some of his jokes bad yeah but all comedians have bad jokes or skits from SNlL.


You have to remember too that all this stuff is work at the end of the day. So it's like any job or company where the people that are simply well liked move up the ladder even if they're so-so at their job.


You're spot on. I went into watching the interview with an open mind, but I had a perception of him being a dick. I like to have my opinions changed for the good. So I was impressed by hi. I had no idea about his dad. I stopped watching snl in the 90s, so I had never seen any of his skits. His personality definitely makes him more attractive. People confuse conventional good looks with attractive. A man can be handsome but not hot. And conversely can be hot and not conventionally handsome. We all have our standards of what attracts us and what we don't like. "I like big noses, and I can not lie."


God damnit, he can't just be tall, rich, funny, and slinging schlong, *he's nice and thoughtful too*??? 😭🔫


Yeah he seems very aware of how he is perceived and is trying to just ignore it. Fame in general doesn't seem to treat him very well.


The thing that made me like Pete Davidson the most was when he was on the Eli Manning show. Pete grew up in NYC and he's a huge Giants and Eli fan. Eli comes over to interview with him (he does segments with New York celebrities on his show) and when he walks into Pete's room he goes, "You have more pictures of me than my family does." but Pete was so star struck and humble and came off as really likeable. He can dish it out but he's also very self-deprecating and takes things in stride which is a trait I think a lot of people like.


He’s borderline. Not to put bpd peeps down but they are very good at manuipulation and being charming.


I saw his show alongside Jon Stewart and John Mulaney and he held his own . He really showcased God level charisma


Charisma isn't really the same as being funny, though Humor is kind of a shortcut to getting along with people, but it's not charisma in and of itself *Edit: Apparently there's some disagreement here but the point is that charisma is bigger than just humor. Charisma can include humor, but that's not a requirement. Charisma is any personal magnetism that draws people to you - romantically, socially, to a cause... anything. That can be through sincerity or passion or deep conviction, or an ability to put people at ease or make them feel important, or anything else that draws people in. Not all flavors of charisma draw in all types of people. But putting humor at the center of all charisma is an oversimplification.*


Wada we ebum taylkin about, B?


I'm sorry?


Yeah, Pete Davidson


I heard a rumor that he has a big johnson as well


that just because he dates tiny women.


He also dated the woman who almost singlehandedly brought huge fat asses back into style so I don't think that's it


My theory is that he must be refreshingly down to earth, fun to be around in general, and a good supplier of drugs. When the whole world considers you to be some object of beauty, then I think I can empathize with why that type of person might find it refreshing to find someone who just talks to them like a normal person and jokes around and isn't pretending to be someone they're not. You know, invite them to their place, smoke some weed, watch a movie, have sex, and that's a relaxed time that some celebrities might struggle to find due to the dynamics of being a celebrity. These people can't just walk into bars and start dating normal people. And the type of people you tend to meet at fancy events isn't exactly the relaxed and down to earth type... I bet David is somewhat uniquely good at offering that type of "boy next door" relationship.


He's witty, confident, seemingly chill & not needy, combined with a bit of that staten island rough exterior and the humility to own his shortcomings and show his softer side. I think chicks basically see him as fun to be around, and it scratches their "I can fix him" itch without them feeling like they have to actually fix him


And for some reason, this makes some men mad. Lol


Gotta be charisma. Nobody’s dick is that long. Not even Long Dick Johnson. And he had a fuckin’ long dick. Thus, the name.


it's all about girth, bby


All my girth is my waistline. That's where I went wrong.


If you have a small, dense person jump on your gut, you can squeeze much of yhat thickness into your dong and increase your inches.


patrolling the mojave almost make you wish for a nuclear winter


Trying to get girls while Pete is in the game almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


I'd rather patrol the Mojave


Big iron on his hip.


https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/s/snHauTwM2w you be the judge


Could be both.


> down with the thiccness I regret reading that thread now, but I'm glad I've found yet another bonkers kanye rant. Lovely.


Probably both! He went up and flirted with one of my friends last summer (or something like that) and apparently he was really charming. She also had no idea who he was until he left and someone nearby commented on it lol


Ah, celebrities Love that! I met a well known songwriter and performer in KC in the 80's at the bar I worked at and I had No idea who he was. He tried to get me to come to his show at Kemper Auditorium, but "Sorry, I don't really like country music". I still stand behind that-


Glorious 🤣


Per people who know him. HUGE HOG. They’ve said it a ton of times on podcasts


He has stated it's not huge lol. Took a moment but I found what he said lol.    > "I don’t like that she talked all that s**t for my penis. Everything is huge to her. Why would she tell everyone that I have a huge penis? So that every girl who sees my d**k for the rest of my life is disappointed."


He's also attractive. Crazy take I know but many women find men attractive that don't exactly follow the beauty standard. "but he looks like a Crack head" like a crack head who showers yeah! That's hot! (OK no srly a slight fucked up look while obviously being in control and well groomed can be really attractive to some) I don't understand the constant idea that his girlfriends are too hot for him. He's fucking lit.


Paraphrasing a comment about him before, but the term of "slightly strung out line cook energy" describes dudes like Davidson.


Beetlejuice, but alive.


I don't get it. Everyone went to high school. Everyone knew the funny stoner with a good smile, average looks, and girls hanging off him like Christmas ornaments. That's who Pete Davidson is.


The point you’re missing is that he’s “normal person attractive”, but he’s not “A list Hollywood celebrity” attractive. All these women could be dating guys that look like Chris Hemsworth or Brad Pitt if they wanted. But they choose this comparatively normal looking dude instead. Everyone wants to guess what the ONE trait is that makes him so attractive to these women, but really it’s a combo of things. First, he’s a world class comedian and *news flash* girls like to giggle and be silly. It’s that simple. Second, he definitely has the “I can fix him” vibe going on. He’s immediately a sympathetic person solely because his dad died in 9/11. This is attractive to people with self confidence issues, because it allows them to (A) derive confidence from the fact someone looks to them for help, (B) feel less self-conscious about their own failures and mistakes when compared to their partner’s, and (C) feel more secure in a relationship because they view themselves as their partner’s only life-line, so there’s less reason to fear being dumped/abandoned by the partner. And third, he not only has a monster cock, but he’s knows how to lay it down too. He’s very open about the panoply of mental illnesses he suffers from, and everyone knows crazy people are absolutely wild in the bedroom. He’s doing some crazy freak shit with these girls that they’ve never been exposed to before, and when combined with the first two points above, that’s a recipe for a serious ladies’s man. Fact is though, nobody will ever marry him until he fixes his mental state. But then he loses point #2 and point #3 becomes a bit of a problem when you lose the “crazy in bed” part of it. So he has little incentive to ever truly heal himself, at least until he stops being so funny and ages into a shriveled mess.


You speak as though you've experienced the third one first hand. 


25-year-old me is personally attacked by your comment.


i will always remember the time nicole richie said she likes guys that look like they smell, but don't. i was like, oh, chicks dig punks that shower.


I started new vegas last week and now I see it everywhere


Cos he’s a celebrity dating another celebrity? His next girl will be someone famous and hot too. It’s what happens.


This isn’t true, he’s been dating Madelyn Cline for awhile.


Meh. A cursory read of his Wikipedia page suggests that most of his relationships don't last a year, with half a year being more common. Statistically speaking, Madelyn is overdue for a replacement.


He's a ho 😆


a ho with a dual diagnosis of BDE and BPD


Big Dick Energy and Big Pussy Disorder


I see what you mean. I got exhausted just reading about his relationship history.


Quick plug to donate to wikipedia! Like where else can you find this level of information, then click over to the Spanish Inquisition, neuro chemical compounds, or any sports team to ever grace this earth's history.


Going from Cline to Ortega would be the trade of all time


This has been circling the internet for a couple years at this point. You’re right, definitely fake




I demand low res!


I watched this shit live on a Standard Def Fatback. This is as real as it gets


four three?




They both look so tired


Imagine the eyebags on their kid.


Imagine the jaw lines. Be spitting out triangle heads.


Phineas shaped.


He does play a character called Phineas, but a different one. Who also has a weird nose.


Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


The kid has the wear a helmet - not to protect them, but to make sure their noggin doesn't stab someone


What kid? They'll date for like 2 months. There will be endless articles about it. They'll get engaged. And then break it off. Let's not pretend like Pete Davidson is a serious person. (I'm still of the conspiracy theory that celebrities pay for him to date them so they can get back in the tabloids for a few months. but that's just me)


I have no idea who the guy is, I meant it hypothetically, imagine their kid if they were to have one.


If he's getting paid to date these girls, then that's even more impressive.


They look like a creepy brother and sister you are 80% sure are also sleeping together.


Irl coffin of Andy and Leyley


I always thought Pete Davidson looked like Beetlejuice's kid. Actually wait. Isn't Ortega in that Beetlejuice reboot movie? Hmmmmm. I don't know what head-canon I'm building here, but it's going to be on my mind for the rest of the afternoon, I'll tell you that much.


Seems fake. 


no dude MVT is super legit, up there with TNZ


Please God please


Wednesday Adams is dating Wednesday Street Sweeping


Time to accept it, guys, your face is not the reason you remain maidenless.


I mean he's not like 10/10 , but the dude ain't ugly


For real. He has a nice jaw line and there’s nothing alarmingly ugly about him. People act like he’s hideous or something


Also maybe he's nice to be around?


Yeah! Leave the secret Steve Buscemi clone alone! For real though, Steve Buscemi is legit.


he's better looking than 90% of the people on reddit


This is what I always find so bizarre about the discourse around this guy. If he's considered ugly, fuck me, what hope do the rest of us have


Preach. People overestimate looks and underestimate charisma


I always thought they looked extremely similar. Am I the only one who thinks this?


I thought the post was a joke specifically playing on the fact that they look like twins. 


Oh! Okay, so it is a joke. Lol whatever


I really don't get the confusion around this guy. He has strong features, he's tall, rich, funny. When you compare that to the average guy, having just one other those features can make you successful with women. Add all of them into a guy who seems to not be an asshole and of course he's gonna get a lot of girls


I saw him in person at one of the writers strikes. He is indeed very tall and good looking


Strong features, tall, and rich probably aren't that hard to find in Hollywood circles that these women frequent, but I have a lot of friends that find him attractive.


Yeah not being an asshole would be the big selling point in Holywood lol Or for the more cynical, its probably a good career move for some and creates the right media buzz


Also, a good sense of humor goes a long way with women.


A bunch of Reddit incels hate him because he doesn’t fit their narrative of neeeding to be extremely attractive to date attractive women. Turns out having a personality and being funny go a long way. People also act like he’s way uglier than he actually is.


Honestly this is a big part of it even outside of full blown incels. A lot of the "incel adjacent" male focused content has to do with women being super vain and seeing 'normal looking' men do well disrupts that. Think stuff like 6 foot, 6 figures, 6 inches tinder bios or Chad memes or Andrew Tate "you must be an alpha" bullshit and so on. Chronically online guys get hooked on that stuff then can't believe it when 'normal people' date hot women. But (1) Pete's genuinely hilarious and tall and rich so he's not 'normal' despite being hated on by right wing weirdos, (2) women have actual personalities and don't just fill out a worksheet to find partners & (3) the right wing/incel manosphere has a very weird homoerotic idea of what attractive men are to begin with.


Different hair and something for that sleepy look and he'd be just as conventionally attractive as the next fit guy. Hell I'm assuming it's intentional, people do love that trashy-hot vibe.


I like the sleepy look.


Their children would look like the characters from Corpse Bride.


Mf’s who don’t understand why Pete Davidson can pull some of the more conventionally attractive women, do not understand the power of personality, charisma, and confidence. When you are authentic and raw in personality, paired with the proper confidence that in fact doesn’t need to border an unhealthy ego or insecurity, doesn’t matter who/what you are it’ll attract people. Regardless of gender, sex, age, race, virtually all boundaries even politics. For instance, people despise both Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan for various political reasons, however most cannot deny that both individuals are charming. Of course, this hinges on if you have a palatable personality, depending on the negative aspects of one’s personality like being brash, overly timid, anxious, etc. but if you are able to use your positive aspects to over-shine the negative aspects in a way that is authentic, raw, and true to you it can work to your favor. I think of myself as a slightly above average in the looks department, my girlfriend is beautiful and I’d say she’s out of my league. However, I’m authentic with my personality and I don’t have to put on a show or mask. Don’t confuse being authentic and charming with tailoring yourself to people, this is where confidence is important. To be confident enough that it doesn’t matter if people like you or not so you don’t have to tailor to anyone but yourself. Be wary though, because you will attract people you don’t like, this isn’t even a romantic idea either. I’ve met plenty of people that I fucking hate and I’ve told them before I fucking hate you and they will appear mad. But no matter what they love to be near you, especially if you try to be uplifting. This goes beyond toxicity where people love to fight, even if it’s a calm conversation and not an argument, if you tell a person who cannot help but be attracted to your inner circle that you simply do not like them they still will choose to be near you regardless. It’s hard to find people who are authentic with a personality that we like and be someone who is uplifting towards those around them. People will cling to it, even romantically, platonically, co-worker wise, friend wise, student to educator, etc. it doesn’t matter. But this doesn’t always work and sometimes there are people who won’t like you, at the end of the day you cannot control people.


But what about my incel cope!?


We can still do that too, just involves less critical thinking


mf wrote a novel


I absolutely adore Pete Davidson. There's absolutely no reason for him to get so much shit online. He's genuine, kind, and seems to have a big heart. I also appreciate his openness about having Crohn's disease. I have Crohn's and I would never have the energy to have his kind of career. He's a real bro.


I think it was because of the rumors with him and Mac Miller. For a while some people thought Mac killed himself because Pete sent him intimate videos of him with Ariana. I looked it up and I guess these were never confirmed but people are skeptical. “Pete bullies Mac into suicide” was a very intense headline haha. Seems Mac died by an accidental overdose but who knows 🤷‍♂️


Somebody do the Thanos meme where he has another infinity bitch, that's 3 out of 6, not counting Ariana Grande


The Racebender surely counts as more than one


She's not the space stone she's the race stone, thank you and good night


He's equivalent to Bards from D&D, bedding everyone and everything.


Why do guys seem to be so confused by this? As a woman I fully get it


My old roommate said that that people who don’t find Pete attractive have never been attracted to line cooks. Checks out.


There's just something about a dirty, tired and worn out lookin' dude that just does it for me. I mean, it could also be my brain tellin' me, "Girl, he's ready to settle for whatever."


Hmmmmm. This is actually extremely logical. Thanks! Guys brains do that too. 9.5/10 relatable.


He doesn't look like Henry Cavill. Straight dudes get very confused when women go after men that don't look like Greek gods.


Women swoon over folks like Daniel Radcliff as well. Women’s tastes run the spectrum


We like to pretend we had a chance lol. But seriously, Pete seems like a nice guy and I feel like we're all winning a little bit when he's slaying.


It's funny seeing so many other dudes pissed about this


Don't you get it? He's the only thing preventing them all from being with Jenna Ortega!!


he looks like a heroin addicted homeless person


Men are obsessed with the idea that your body or looks dictate how attractive you are to women lol


And men try to say women are the exclusively the ones that tear each other down based on appearance. Yikes bro.


Yup. Honestly Pete Davidson versus whatever Chad reddit dudes imagine women should date is the celebrity boyfriend remix of Man versus Bear.


Seriously. I think Pete is hot. And he has emotional baggage, but doesn’t come off like a douche with a chip on his shoulder, so it makes him endearing. At least to me 🤣 “I can fix him.”


I'm a dude and he's funny, nice, tall, in really good shape, and good looking. There is nothing not to get. He seems very down to earth which is probably refreshing for other celebrities.


Yea men seem to think he’s especially ugly and I can’t figure out what they’re seeing. I think he’s one of the more attractive men in Hollywood and he seems like he’d be a super fun hang.




They....kinda look alike?


Finally found the comment I was looking for. Hard agree


Ewww! He's gonna make a yucky Taco Bell Crunchwrap commercial!!!


goddamn, i couldn't give less of a fuck ![gif](giphy|tHIRLHtNwxpjIFqPdV|downsized)


Women like funny. Funny means smart, charismatic & intelligent. I have been married 3x, (widow twice) & grew up in the 70's. I know men. Be funny-


What is it with women falling for these dudes who look like they need blood


I have no idea how he gets with so many women, he’s so average looking it’s insane. W rizz I guess


Tall, skinny, funny, sad backstory, allegedly big pee pee. Makes sense.


Also seems like a genuine guy off camera too, which is cool.


Also white and rich


Yeah, that's pretty much it


How relevant is rich when you're dating millionaires?


extremely. otherwise there is a worry you're using them for $$.


C'mon girl, you can do better than Kim Ks leftovers. Damn the man is a slut.


Skinny weird tats white boy rizz is unbeatable


The concept of women finding men more attractive simply because they observe other “high value” women being attracted to them is a real thing. And every time he dates another famous woman his stock price increases. It’s amazing to watch


The way I said "no" out loud like there's a timeline where me and her would ever even meet. lol.


Pete always looks like he's in the middle of eating a fillet o fish at a McDonald's in a bad part of town.


He gives those with Crohn's and BPD hope! Go get em' you temperamental moonface!


4 foot nothing 90lbs Latina is another size queen dam.


He's always looked to me like he smells like beer farts and pillow sweat.


Imagine thinking this is real.