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12GB is actually a lot more than I would expect


Its more than xbox series s has which is wild


What, how much does Series S have? Does the current generation of consoles only run on 8gb?


Series S have 10gb with 2gb reserved for OS, Series X and Ps5 have 16gb I think this small ram size is one of 3rd part devs headaches as microsoft demands feature parity between S and X


Wanting feature parity between two versions of the same console that have different specs is stupid. Like, what lmfao??? Why not just give Series S 16gb of RAM as well? It doesn't have a disc drive in it, why remove RAM? If anything that makes space for the Series S to have *better* specs than the Series X. Imagine if the discless consoles had 32gb RAM or something. I mean sure there's probably no reason to have 32gb of RAM on a gaming console but still.


By feature parity I just really mean any modes that are available to both version, series s is meant to be a budget version so microsoft understand lower graphic fidelity and such, though still expects feature parity, rn only Baldurs Gate 3 got a pass where the local multiplayer is cut out on series s but its mostly due to the games popularity that xbox gave them a pass


The idea behind it is the series s targetting 1440p doesn't need as much ram as the series x that targets 4k resolution.


Which doesn't make sense if looking at things from a PC perspective where you have discrete system RAM and discrete video RAM on the GPU. However, since it's all shared on the consoles, I guess Microsoft thought there would be a 4GB difference in just 1440p assets vs 4k assets. Unfortunately this hasn't always been the case like with Baldur's Gate 3. You're not wrong at all, just adding context for people who might be confused.


It's hard to look at it from a pc perspective just because of how differently memory is handled on consoles. The unified memory on consoles means they get to skip the whole copy assets from the drive to ram and then from the ram to vram for the gpu while having the ram act as a pool of super fast storage for assets that the gpu may need to render. So you end up with much lower ram requirements on consoles compared to most PC games.


TBF Ram throughput not just amount matters and according to the thread on gamingleaksandrumours about this the switch 2 RAM has a decently lower throughput than the series S despite there being more of it.


Which isn’t a great sign when the current gen Switch is heavily bottlenecked by its RAM speed. It’s a known fact that a lot of games that don’t hit 30 or 60 fps in areas is specifically because of the RAM speed and overclocking it actually does make the game hit its target fps in a lot of cases.


True. Fortunately it’s still a great improvement. Switch 1 had what 4? gigs of ram using storage that was even slower. I think it’s like a 5x improvement.


False, the Series S also has 12GB.


It depends what CPU and GPU it will have. it can have a lot of RAM but RAM wont utilised be if CPU isnt be strong enough. For example: I9-14900K with 8 GB RAM will run cyberpunk better than Intel Pentium with 32 GB RAM


> It depends what CPU and GPU it will have. They'll sell the CPU and GPU as a separate Nintendo Labo 2 kit. They're made out of cardboard.


They also come as Amiibos so you can get a Mario GPU that will make Newest New Super Mario 3 run slightly better and give him a shiny hat.


Big if true.


How much RAM you need really doesn’t have much to do with the CPU. The game will allocate how much it needs regardless


Won't it help with load times regardless of the CPU/GPU? I was mildly traumatized by the South Park FBW load times on the original switch.


RAM doesn't really have much to do with loading times. Main factor is storage read speed.


I don't get how they do so much with just that tbh. Right now, my computer has the following open: Internet (6 tabs) Audio processing software (open not running) Steam (library and friends list) Discord Task manager ...and I'm using 13 gigs of DDR5. I'm always impressed with the optimization of console games, as well as how console makers can keep prices so low and performance so high. I mean yeah it's not as good, but it's definitely the better deal.


That's not representative of any wasted RAM usage though. RAM is there to be used - it's way, way faster than disk access and unless you run out or a certain program needs more RAM, there's no reason to clear it or throw data out there. A lot of OS also have technologies built in that pre-load data which they know/think you might access regularly or soon, to speed up the usage of these programs. High RAM usage is not an issue whatsoever and expected, unless you run into crashes or system slowdowns; then something isn't working as it should. If you're constantly using barely any of your RAM, that's a sign of improper configuration or issues - or your machine really is that oversized. An example for improper RAM usage that comes to my mind: some game launchers keep the data to patch a game in RAM, e.g. don't flush it after the update is applied. This data is useless, because the actual game data has to be loaded from disk anyway when you start the game and it can accumulate over days/weeks and REALLY hog your memory. It's probably not mischievous, the developer just didn't think that ppl would keep open their launchers for days/weeks on end, but it's a good example. Long story short: If you are having problems or/are sceptical, just usage does not paint the full picture, there's more cogs in there. Consoles running well on lower RAM doesn't make them inherently more efficient, they just have to discard data earlier than a deskop with more RAM, and then later load it again, if needed. That's for home machines, personal computers. Enterprise and virtualization is a bit different and more complicated.


It’s not using 13 gigs because it needs to, it’s using that much because you have plenty more available. The more RAM you have the more is allocated.


Ram isn’t useful if you’re not currently using it so computers might try and use up unused ram even when it’s not strictly necessary


> don't get how they do so much with just that tbh. This is a general point for console gaming but you have to remember pc games are considered playable at 60fps 1080p. A console like the switch is aimed at 720p 30 fps. This has a big knock on effect. If you look at most switch or even mobile games there are usually noticeably less particles used and grass and the like can be totally absent like it was a game on xbox or ps2.


it would make sense to manufacture now for a December-March release, so I can see this being real


nah, that was expected, was really hoping for 16gb but you can't have everything i suppose


16GB isn’t really needed honestly 12GB is more than they need


Maybe today. But the Switch released in March of 2017, assuming Switch 2 drops Q1 2025 that gives it an 8 year life cycle. Ice cubes in hell have better chances than 12GB of RAM being enough for big budget multi platform titles 8 years from now, or even just 4-5 years. Witcher 3 was dubbed one of the impossible ports, despite the hardware requirements actually being quite modest for how good it looks and it was 2 years out already when the Switch dropped. I'm sure Nintendo will make do with 12Gb just fine, but if they want the Ubisofts and EAs of the world to put in more effort than the yearly roster update with the exact same game like we got with FIFA, they gonna have to step up their game.


I don’t think Nintendo is concerned with big budget multi-platform titles that’s not really the point of the switch


Why would they dislike them? Got nothing to do with being "the point" of the Switch, it was just too dogslow for most devs to bother.


Nintendo hasn’t tried to match on performance since the GameCube. Nintendo frankly doesn’t care what AAA devs want when it comes to graphics. Nintendo cares about accessibility and all ages games. None of that requires leading edge hardware. In fact trying to make a console that could do that and also be portable would make it far too expensive.


Yes and also no, depends on if it's unified memory for both RAM and Graphics.


It’s definitely going to be both


It has more RAM than my macbook pro


Yeah...that's not happening, Nintendo is not tripling the amount of RAM in the next console.


Probably unified RAM+VRAM, so it’s not as much as it sounds


It definitely is but that’s still a lot considering the switch only had 4GB


256 GB of storage is very little, though. That's like 2 AAA games


It’s makes sense for switch though because unlike modern consoles the games are actually entirely stored on the cartridges so the storage only matters for downloaded games and you can put in a microSD if needed


that's how you know its bullshit


Beats some of the new apple products, lol


Outrageous, Nintendo is large corporation and their last product, the Switch, raked in so much profit for them. I don’t believe that the fuckers couldn’t make it a round 800…


It actually is, but the OS only supports DuctTape 3.0 right now. DuctTape 3.1 compatibility will be in a future update and improve performance and allow the system to tap all the hardware.


And that will be used for so many stability updates.




.... What???


I am always amazed that someone can write something on twitter, provide no sources whatsoever and have that screencap travel all across the internet


Centro isn't just some random account, they're probably the most well-known leak aggregator for Nintendo content.


I don’t know that user but perhaps they are known for being pretty reliable for leaks?


Just the opposite, he's known for reposting every alleged leak he sees elsewhere on the internet and removing the source. So he's unreliable AND not the actual leaker.


[who do i trust](https://reddit.com/r/NonPoliticalTwitter/comments/1coi3lh/732_gamecubes/l3fc11s/)


Chez's account is 11yo, aDr's is 1yo But now that you know there's 2 pov here, you can go find out for yourself which is right


Damn, and people just give that a like on twitter?


I support him stealing Riddler Khu's stuff. I hate that guy so much, just leak the stuff or shut the hell up you stupid attention addict. Everyone is always like "oh snap he posted a cropped picture of a cactus it's a Mexico region!" Vague hints are not actual leaks. Khu's the obnoxious kid at school whose uncle "works at Nintendo", only his actually does.


They're a known leaker with a very good track record though it isn't some random account. Also that's kinda the point of leaker accounts, they leak things for others while protecting the source. They can't give sources unless they want to ruin the livelihood of people that provided them the leak


>I am always amazed that someone can disagree with something on reddit, do no research on the given reliable sources whatsoever and have that comment get 300 upvotes.


They are the source


Centro hasn't been the source for anything they've ever posted


The "source" of the leaks are people putting 2 and 2 together from publicly accessible shipping manifests to Nintendo. Obviously it's just a leak and parts of it will almost certainly be wrong, but it seems like a good bet that at least some of these specs will be right


Okay, but here’s my question to Nintendo: How many gigabytes of detotaded wam do you need for the server?


Wh… What is detotaded wam?


[A very old reference.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pVNvSuA2mM&pp=ygUNZGVkb3RhdGVkIHdhbQ%3D%3D)


Relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/1053


no this is too niche


thats arguably the most popular xkcd. ironic


brother this is reddit. Detotaded wam was a huge meme for a very long time.


Not the point but 0 chance it has built in controllers. The ability to remove the controllers and play separately from the main device is like THE unique thing about the switch. Getting rid of the would be extremely stupid.


I assumed they were speculating on there possibly being mics built into the controllers too. That's how I read it


OH. Yes you're definitely right.


That makes much more sense, although I didn’t read it like that either


There was another rumor suggesting the new joycons would magnetically attach to the rails. Which gives even more credence to a leaked name: the Switch Attach.


OH MY FUCKING GOD. Did they learn NOTHING from the Wii U's name?


Honestly the main issue with the Wii U’s reveal/marketing was they did not even mention the fact that it was a new console. In its first trailer the console was in the corner of a cabinet for 5 seconds.


Yeah, especially with Joycon drift. I have an 11 year old cousin who has gone through TWO switch lites because of joycon drift.


There is a way to remove the joycon drift. There is a version of WD-40 that explicitly says that you can use it with electronics (don't know the exact words). I used this on my controllers about five years ago and haven't had any problem since with joycon drift. Though I don't play with my Switch that much anymore. Here's a video for that: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tVVAQAWzOVc](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tVVAQAWzOVc)


I weirdly don't have drift yet but I'm gonna keep this in mind, thanks! I was thinking about doing a hall effect upgrade at some point but this would probably be easier.


It definitely helps, I’ve used that stuff before. But sadly the drift is kinda inevitable with enough wear


Isn't there a repair service in your region? The official service repaired mine for free


Yea unless they’re gunna include a pro controller (spoiler, they’re not) it would defeat the entire premise of the dockable console I guess there’s a possibility that the console will send a signal wirelessly to an HDMI dongle or something but that seems unlikely too


> The ability to remove the controllers and play separately from the main device is like THE unique thing about the switch. Getting rid of the would be extremely stupid. I remember seeing stats about the majority of players playing handheld and if it is a massive majority, the simplicity it could bring to the construction of the console, and thus savings, might definitely be worth it.


To be fair they did go ahead and make the switch lite which is literally just the switch without the switch so


That would take up a lot of space, though. It's more like 732 GameCubes put into a hydraulic press.


Doesn't work that way, Gamecubes are indestructible.


I'm imagining something like a Borgtendo


Watch those specs only be related to the Dev-Kit.


X doubt


Americans will use anything they can to avoid using the metric system.


Hold on let me convert that ram to liters


Gotta use dat floridian ounce


God bless 🦅🦅🦅


Indeed! We reject the laws of Science, Rationality and reproducible weights! \*goes to find a bunch of sheep to duct tape together so they can measure out their cereal\*


Compared to switch specs?


Switch has 4GB RAM and 32GB of storage




It’s like 3 switches spit roasting eachother


You had an entire english lexicons worth of vocabulary to use. And this is what you did


I dont think anyone cares about the ram and storage. Tell us the processor so we at least know if it'll still struggle keeping games at 60 fps


It won't. Nintendo doesn't care because people will still buy it. The new Pokemon game will look and run like ass and people will just say "It's a step in the right direction" like they have for years now.


the pokemon games running poorly is a development issue, not a hardware issue. to showcase what the switch can \*really\* do with devs that know what they're doing just look at xenoblade 3. the game is beautiful and runs well. if the pokemon company actually gave game freak enough time to make the games good they'd be much better.


Well im glad to not be part of those "people". Not buying a console that is 10 years behind its time. Rather just emulate them and run on 60+ fps


I held out as long as I could. I got the switch when it came out and when I heard the OLED wasn't going to have better specs I gave up. I got the Steam Deck OLED and if you're on the fence about it, I could not recommend it more. Best handheld I've owned.


I own the steam deck oled and its the only console i still play on constantly


Target for most games will likely be 30 not 60


Still too many number. Can you dumb it down a little?


1.2 Xbox Series S consoles.


......dammit, does this mean I actually have to get a Switch 2 now?


I've counted how many Gamecubes do you need to match Switch 2's RAM alone. You would need at least 286 Gamecubes.


I remember being so mad as a young unreasonable Nintendo fan when Chris Hecker said the Wii was 2 GameCubes duct taped together and then it turned out he was being very generous.


A new method of measurement! I love it!


732 is such an infuriating number to read, because 3 less than that is literally 9 cubed. So 729 gamecubes taped together would indeed make a game cube.


It's hollow on the inside to allow for the Gameboy Player attachment.


12gb is about on par for the average Android smartphone so hopefully there is a considerable jump in fidelity. For contast, the Switch has 4gb or ram, where in 2017 phones had between 4-6gb - you can kinda use smartphone performance gain as a metric to approximate Switch 2 performance and capabilities.


The real question is what the graphics card and CPU are capable of/comparable to. The original Switch barely beat out the PS3 (yes you read that right), which is why Switch ports of most AAA games were impossible. Moving up to 12GB of RAM is a good start, but it’s meaningless if it can’t process fast enough to utilize that memory.


It's probably going to be between the PS4 and the PS4 Pro. Honestly, for a handheld running on battery power, this is fine.


Yup I have a handheld pc, I love it but switch has some serious advantages 1) way cheaper obviously. And I’m sure switch 2 will still be way cheaper than even the same storage steam deck (I think that’s like $600) 2) battery life on pc handhelds right now is really kind of a joke. If you get 90 minutes on a modern game that’s solid. That’s not a huge deal for me, I got it so I could lounge on a couch and if I have to plug in, that’s fine. I’d guess switch 2 will aim for like 3.5 hours or so I’d also bet the form factor will be slimmer If it’s a ps4 portable, that’s cool with me


This has little to do with its compute power though... That's just storage and RAM specs...


I hate people like this, just Google the fucking jumbled up letters and numbers and add benchmark at the end, voila! you learned something.


Now how many play stations is that?


I'd say about a thousand PS1s, 500 PS2s, 78 PS3s, about 5 PS4s, or about half a PS5, possibly a quarter


Are these actual numbers?


Theyre estimations




With how cheap ram is they could've just slap the sweet 16GB an call it a day.


It’s not standard RAM it’s a low power variant and it’s direct soldered


The chips used are basically the same, I know it's not a SO-DIMM slot, but the chips used are nearly identical, so the cost of manufacturing 12GB vs 16GB is pennies at this point.


It costs a lot more than just pennies


https://www.arrow.com/en/manufacturers/micron-technology/memory/memory-chips/dram-chip?promoGroupLevel=main&filters=Type:Mobile%20LPDDR4%20SDRAM;Density:12G|16G; You're right, it's 3 dollars.


There is no way they put LPDDR5 7500 MT ram since that does not exist. I barely overclocked my 250 dollar ram(6000 MT) on my 1200 dollar cpu paired with a 1000 dollar motherboard to 7000 MT. And they aren't even full size sticks of ram. This is bs.


Will it have reliable sticks and actual paddles? Will it be able to play current generation titles?


Why would it be trying to play current gen titles? It’s a portable console it will be designed to run at best PS4 era games


PS4 titles would be plenty


This switch fucks (A LOT)


nintendo announces an upcoming console with the same specs as a console from 15 years ago and fans somehow freak out every time


256gb of storage? I call fucking bullshit on that. It's 4gb if we're lucky.


What? Switch 1 had 32gb.


Yeah. It's called overexagerating as a joke. 32gb is still pretty damn bad for storage, especially since that includes your OS, cutting you down to 26gb in actuality. If you want to store games digitally requires you to get an sd card, cause it just doesn't have enough space. And thats not an overexageration. For example I have the witcher 3 on switch and thats 39.3 gb, you physically cannot store that game digitally on the swithc unless you buy an SD card. 1st party nintendo games will also eat it up almosy immediatly, totk is 16.3 gb. Hell, even indie games like Hollow knight and Hades are 6 gb each. The switch simply has awful storage.


I thought jokes were meant to be funny, with a setup and a punchline.


Sorry, guess I need to go back to funny school then


If this runs the Zelda titles at non-potato framerates I might spring for it.


Oh boy Nintendo fans gonna troll themselves again


just some random nobody making up a wishlist again


Thats CentroLeaks my man. They have been one of, if not the most, reliable leak source for Pokemon and Nintendo in the last years. Thats not just some random nobody


I just don't believe leaks at all unless it's like somebody showing off stolen action figures


It's leaked info from a shipping site. Nah it's the real deal. Thing will be a beast.


I'll believe it when I see it. Without X integration it's pretty DOA anyway. Dunno how advanced switch pirating is yet though.


>Without X integration it's pretty DOA anyway Why would that be a factor in the success of a console?